The One I Saved

My name is Ayase Nanami and I am walking home from my work at the book store. It is around 10:00 pm and I'm very tired. My house is just across this bridge and I'm ready to go home but...

"Wait don't do it!" I shouted as I saw someone standing on the railing of the bridge.

"Why? No one cares." He said.

"I do! Come down!" I shouted.

"You don't even know me."

"Well I won't be able to know if you jump. So get down from there so that I can become friends with you."

"Fine..." He said and got down from the railing.

"Do you live anywhere?" I asked him while wrapping my jacket around him since it was very cold.

" family kicked me out."

"Well then come home with me. Are you hungry at all?"

"Yes a little bit."

"What do you feel like having?" I asked.

"I guess some soup would be good." He replied.

"Alright then. I'll make some udon when we get home." I said as I grabbed his hand and walked him to my house.

As soon as I got home, I began to cook. Since he seemed pretty tired I told him to sleep until it was ready.

"The food is ready." I whispered while running his forehead.

"You're so kind..." He whispered.

"Anything I can do to save someone's life." I said feeding him. "How long has it been since you last ate or slept?"

"A few days." He answered.

"You're sick. You have a very high fever and your face is red. Let me go get some medicine from the kitchen."

"Arigatou..." He weakly spoke.

I brought him the medicine and he took it. He looked very weak and depressed. It broke my heart that this man felt he had no way out.

"What your name?" He mumbled.

"Ayase Nanami." I answered. "What's yours?"

"Inoo kei..." He said weakly.

"Well then inoo-chan it's late and you should sleep." I said as I pulled the blanket over him.

"Thank you..." He said and drifted to sleep.

"I'm going to sleep right next to you so if you need anything just ask." I said as I got into the futon next to his.

"Hai...Arigatou..." He said and fell back asleep.

When I woke up the next morning he was still asleep. He looked much better and his fever had gone away. I decided to get up and make some breakfast so that he could eat when he got up. I didn't know if he would be able to eat solid foods, so I just gave him the left over soup.

"Ohayou gozaimasu..." I said rubbing his forehead to wake him up.

"Ohayou..." He smiled.

"I have some more soup for you. Do you think you could eat it?" I asked.

"Yes. Thank you for doing this. You are by far the kindest person I've ever met in my entire life."

"May I ask why you were about to jump?"

"Well my parents kicked me out of the house since I wanted to be a singer. All they wanted me to be was a doctor and then they kicked me out. That same day I had an audition. They rejected me and since I didn't have anything left I wanted to jump. Thankfully, you saved me." He said.

"Well I'm glad I did."

"You will probable kick me out soon huh."

"No, you stay here as long as you want. If you want to, you can come work at my book store. I would want you being home alone all of the time." I said as he sat up.

"Okay. When do you work?" He asked.

"Well, I'm about to leave fore today but I can open a little later if you want to come. How about you wash up." I said.

"Okay." He said.

"When you're done undressing, hand me your clothes and I'll wash them for you." I said.


It didn't take long for us to leave the house and get the book store. All of my workers were astonished at how I brought in a new worker. They had judgement in their eyes because of how he looked. I could tell that inoo did feel a little bit hurt at it but I reassured him and told him to work beside me.

Throughout the day, we had a lot of customers, but this one person always comes and requests for me to help them. I always wondered why but...

"Go out with me Ayase-san." He said.

"Who's this na-chan?" Inoo came up behind me and asked.

"Some creep." I answered. "Sorry but I already have a boyfriend. He's right here." I said as I pulled Inoo closer. I could tell that his face was turning red.

"Whatever!" The man shouted and left.

"Phew.." I said.

"I'm your boyfriend?" Inoo whispered to himself.

"Well we're closing now! Help me close up Inoo." I said.

"Oh okay."

After we closed up, we were on out way home. This became a daily routine for 3 months. He eventually became my best worker. I was so proud of him. I decided to promote him to assistant manager.

"Thank you." He said.

"You're welcome." I said.

"I have a question." He began.

"What is it?"

"Remember my first day here when you said I was your boyfriend? Can I be?" He asked.

"I wouldn't have it any other way. To be honest, I have liked you for a while now. You're so kind and sweet." I answered.

"I love you na-chan." He said pulling me into a hug.

"I love you kei..." I said.

While I was cooking that night, we heard a knock on the door. It was his parents, they had a whip and were threatening to hurt us.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I'm here to recover my son and punish him for leaving." His father answered.

"He is 25 year old. I think he's a little too old to be punished and you picked him out!" I shouted at them.

"Get out of the way!" The father shouted and slapped me.

"Na-chan!" Inoo shouted running to me. "Itai!" He shouted as his parent began beating him.

"Get up let me fight!" I shouted to him.

"No let me save you this time." He said as he was protecting me.

"What's all of this commotion!" The police shouted barging in.

"They are beating us!" I shouted.

After they left with the parents and they interviewed us, I went back inside and out Inoo into a bath to nurse his wounds.

"You didn't have to do that you know." I said.

"Yes I did. I'm you're boyfriend right?" He asked. "What's wrong?!"

"This is all my fault. If I hadn't locked the do-" He cut me off with a kiss and a hug.

"This isn't your fault so don't cry and don't blame yourself. My job is to protect you."

"Never leave me." I said.

"Same goes for you." He said.

"I'll never dream of it."

A/N: I want to thank all of the people reading these stories, commenting on them and voting for them. It really means a lot to me that people actually appreciate what I write. What's your favorite chapter? Mine is probably "you're my no. 1" or "Nisekoi". Anyway thanks for reading and please feel free to comment and follow bye bye~~
