
Something very weird happened to me today. I was walking passed some kind of fresh fruit shop and I saw this person about my age in an ichigo (strawberry) costume. It was a very unusual thing to do to promote your shop. I don't know but afterwards he tapped me on my shoulder an he asked if I could help him.

"Hey can you help me, please?" He asked me.

"Sure, what do you need help with?" I asked him.

"You probably think it's weird but I am using this as a disguise because a mob is chasing me!" He said.

"Really?! What kind of mob?!" I asked.

"A mob of crazy fangirls!"

"Oh really...who are you that makes them want to chase you?"

"I'm Yamada Ryosuke." He said.

"Nope, never heard of him." I said despite the fact that I was seriously dying inside.

"How? Oh wait, you're a foreigner aren't you?" He asked.

"Yep. I'm from America and I'm here visiting some family." I said.

"Oh, well can you just help me get away?"

"How it seems like you can do it pretty well on your own."

"No, I need help getting out of this and then getting away. I just need to make it to my house with someone one that doesn't gather attention." He said.

"WHAT?! I don't gather attention?! Say that again I dare you!" I said grabbing his costume.

"I didn't mean that."

"Whatever the sooner I do this the sooner I don't have to see your face!" I said pretending I didn't was to be there even though I was 3 inches away from my ichiban's face.

"Fine, just help me."

"Okay. Wait are you wearing anything underneath this?!"

"Uh...does underwear count?"


"Do you have a jacket or something?"

"How about you just leave this on and I'll take it off when you get home." I said.

"I guess that's okay and it'll be harder to see who I am."

"There now let's go!"

----On the train----

"Geez it's so crowded!" I said.

"Yep...woa sorry." He said after he almost kissed me.

"U-uh...I'm going to go over here..." I said moving away.

"No wait it's crowded and I don't want you to get lost." He said grabbing my arm.

"Okay. Just don't pop my bubble!"


----At his house----

When I walked in I was shocked at how big it was and his pretty it was. I thought how it must be nice to be one of Japan's top idols.

"Wow...it's so big!" I said.

"Yea, now my room is over here so can you help me get this off?" He asked.

"Okay, now this is Velcro so it should be easy to get off. I'm going to close my eyes when it come off and you need to slam a door or give a signal to say when I can open them again." I said.


"1,2,3...GO!" I said closing my eyes.

"Okay you're good!" He said with some pants on but no shirt.

"I said when you are completely dressed!"

"Well my shirts are where you are." He said walking towards me and then reached over me to grab a shirt. He was so close I could feel his warm breath.

"You are popping my bubble!" I shouted.

"Whoops sorry." He said.

"It's okay, just d-" k got cut off by a kiss.

"What was that for?" I said covering my mouth.

"I just thought that maybe I'd pop your bubble one more time before I never got to see you again." He said with a frown.

"It's okay." I said giving him a kiss back.

"I love you." He whispered in my ear while hugging me.

"W-wait you still aren't wearing a shirt!" I shouted.

"To bad because I'm never going to let you go." He said.

"I won't either." I said back.

"I have loved you since the first time I saw you when you were walking in front of me."

"Did you really need help getting that costume off?" I asked.

"Well I did but if I spent more time I could've gotten it off myself." He said.

"Well then."

"I still love you Yuki-chan."

"Wait you know my name?"

"Yea I heard someone say it. Your name is Tachibana Yuki LaurelAnn26 " he said.

"Okay well. I love you to ryo-chan."

A/N: Well that was a little fanfic I thought of a few days ago. I had been thinking of a time when I could write it so I just decided to put it in this book. I also would like some ideas because I only have like 2 more. Anyway bye bye~~
