The intern

My name is Akashi Haruna. I am 22 and looking for a job since I just got out of college. I decided I wanted to work in entertainment more specifically a record company. I didn't want to be an entertainer or anything but I wanted to be like a manager or something. A few days ago my friend told me about this company called Johnny's that is very popular and for me to go check it out. So today I'm going to go and see if they have a job open.

"Excuse me do you have a job application on you?" I asked the busy secretary.

"Umm just a second." She said and then started to play on her phone.

"Excuse me." I said again.

"I said just a second!" She began to raise her voice at me.

"Umm may I please-" she cut me off.

"That's it security?" She shouted.

"W-what?" I began.

"Hey Aiko-san can you stop being so strict?" A guy said walking towards me.

"She was asking for a job application and wouldn't stop bothering me." The secretary said.

"I apologize but you were playing on your phone." I said.

"You need a job?" He asked me.

"Yes. I would like one." I answered.

"Okay I'm Yabu Kota you can be my intern or in other words errand boy." He said.

"B-but I'm a girl." I began.

"Do you want the job or not?" He asked.

"I'll take it if that's the only job that's here." I said hesitantly.

"Okay you've got the job some with me I need tea. So make me some tea." He said.

This whole time I was thinking in my head how he was very persistent and annoying but then I thought it was just because he was in a hurry and had things to do.

"Hey intern!" He shouted.

"I have a name you know." I said.

"And what would that be?" He asked.

"Akashi Haruna." I answered.

"Okay Haru-chan."

"First name?" I said under my breath.

"You can call me kou." He said.

"Umm okay. What do you need?" He asked me.

"Well they need a good looking model and the one they had didn't show up so I thought that you could do it. I'll pay over time." He said.

"You think I'm good looking?" I said under my breath.

"Well yea now that I'm here you are actually." He said an inch from my face.

"Okay I guess I could what would I be doing?"
I asked.

"Taking pictures with me acting like my girlfriend." He said.

"What?!" I shouted.

"Is that a problem?" He asked in my face again.


"Okay then. Now go back there and get dressed." He said.

"Okay." I said back.

I went to the dressing room and put on the little frilly dress that I didn't like too much. I don't really like flashy clothes. When I went to take pictures with Yabu or Kou he was holding me very close. Like he wasn't acting. I didn't hate it or anything but it was just a little weird.

After we finished taking pictures with the first outfit and I had to go change I decided to ask who was the previous model. The photographer said that there was none and that it was a last minute choice and Kou chose me. It surprised me and then when I went to change and he was in my dressing room.

"Why are in here?" I asked.

"Well I need to tell you something." He began.

"Does it have anything to do for how you weren't acting in the photo shoot and how you chose me to be the model?" I asked.

"Well kind of." He said.

"Okay then what is it?" I asked.

"Well...I wanted to tell you that I think I have fallen for you." He said.

"But we just met today." I said.

"I know but I believe in love at first sight." He said.

"I do too and I think I have fallen for you." I said.

"So you return my feelings?" He asked.

"Yes." I answered.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"Y-" I was cut off by a kiss.

Afterwards I wasn't his errand boy but his manager. In other words I was with him 24/7. I guess being the intern isn't as bad as I thought.

A/N: Yabu was requested by joyceh154 thank you for requesting. I hope you liked it. Anyway thanks for reading everyone. Bye bye~~
