Bullying can be good?

My name is Akashi Haruna, and I get bullied a lot. Ever since I was little, I've always been called names, I never had any friends. It's still true, I don't get bullied as often, or as severely, but it still happens.

"You know bullying can be a good thing."

Those words were on an endless replay in my head. When I was getting bullied, I heard someone say that. I don't know who he was, or why he did it. All I know is that, he knew my pain. I could tell it in his voice.

While those words were in repeat in my head, I noticed that there can always be a good side and a bad side to things. I guess it could be like when you take cold medicine, it can make you feel better, but if you take too much, it'll hurt you. I know that's a bad illustration but that's the best I can come up with.

"I need to go to the bathroom, but I don't want to get water dumped on me again. Oh well I need to go." I said to myself. "Sensei!" I asked the teacher.

"Yes Akashi-san?" She answered.

"May I go to the bathroom please." I asked.

"Make it quick." She said and dismissed me.

When I walked into the bathroom, there was a group of girls in there, but I tried to pay no attention to them.

"Did you hear about that first year girl?" One asked another.

"Oh yea Akashi Haruna. Isn't she supposed to be super emo and annoying?" One asked.

"Yea, and she just walked in here." The 'leader' said.

"Hey you!" She shouted and dumped a bucket of water over the stall and ran.

"Not again." I said about to cry. "Good thing I brought a spare uniform."

I went to the roof to change since no one was up there and it seemed like the only safe place.

"Umm excuse me?" I asked the boy on the roof.

"Yes?" He answered.

"I need to change here so do you mind turning around?" I asked.

"Oh yes of course." He said.

"Thank you."

"You know bullying can be a good thing."

"What did you just say?"

"I'm the one that talked to you earlier today, and you haven't said anything. So, I decided to say it again. Oh and I'm Takaki yuya by the way. " I couldn't help but fall deep into his eyes. He seemed very familiar to me. He looked a lot like the person I liked in elementary school, but I dismissed the thought because he left in my second year of middle school without a word. In other words, he broke my heart.

"Oh, well I kind of understand your point."

"Yep, because if You hadn't been bullied, we wouldn't have become friends."

"Friends?" I asked confused but excited.

"Yea, aren't we friends."

"You want to be friends with me?" I asked.

"Yea, why wouldn't I?"

"Well, I mean it's not like I'm the most popular person here."

"You are to me." He said as he walked closer. (I'm done dressing by this point.)

"Huh?" Before I could get any other words out I felt lips against mine.

"I've loved you forever and I couldn't stand to see you cry anymore. So, I figured that this was the only way to stop your tears."

"Oh..." I said still stunned.

"Oh well would you look at that. She actually just kissed someone. I bet you she's blackmailed him into doing it." A girl said.

"Or they made a 'deal' for him to kiss her." Another said.

"Shut up! There is no deal! I genuinely love her!" He shouted at them.

"Sure.." They said.

"Hey just go ahead and jump off a bridge!" Another said.

"I'm not going to honey!" I said finally growing a backbone.

"Wow she actually talked." They said.

"Oh so you're surprised when someone besides you talks because last time I checked your mouths couldn't stay shut for more than 3 seconds." I said.

"Oh really then." They said.

"Yep. You're so unsatisfied with your lives that you have to continuously talk about other's lives. Most likely because yours are only about other people." I said.

"Shut up! C'mon we're leaving." Another shouted.

"Finally." I said with a sigh of relief.

"You want to know how I met you?" He asked me.

"Sure." I answered.

"It was in 5th grade, we were in the same class. You were getting bullied, and I tried to defend you, but I think I made it worse." He said.

"Nope you didn't. I was just embarrassed because I liked you then." I said.

"You did?" 

"Yea, I even kind of recognize you, but I dismissed the fact that you could be him because you moved away and broke my heart."

"I'm sorry. My parents divorced and that's why I had no choice but to leave but now since I'm old enough to live by myself they let me come back here." He said.

"Well I'm glad you did."

"You know bullying can be a good thing?"

"Bullying can be a good thing?"

"Yep, it is how we were reunited."

"I guess so."

A/N: Dear all bullying victims,
I was bullied my entire life. I only had one friend my entire elementary school life. I was called fat, ugly, no one wanted to play with me because they thought that I would "pee on them". I told my mom all of these things, and she said to take it all with a strong, kind heart. That advice got me through life. Now I have more friends than I can ask for, and everyone likes me, well with an exception of a few jerks. Anyway I just wanted to tell all of those that I can relate to on this subject to not be mean back. Be kind and it'll get you through it and if you need someone to talk to, I'm a good listener. Anyway thanks for reading and please feel free to comment and follow bye bye~~
