Love comes and goes

My name is Yabu Kota and I work at the local super market, trying to get enough money to pay for university. This morning was quite something. I fall out of my bed when I woke up. My older siblings are in town and they knew I would roll out of bed, so I fell into a bucket of ice water. Then when I tried to take a shower I forgot that they would turn the water off at 7 am, so of course right when the water is scheduled to shut off I had shampoo in my hair. So then, I had to grab the cold water from my fridge and then bathe in it. Honestly, I'm surprised I don't have a cold right now. That wasn't the end of my terrible morning though. When I tried to get into my car, it didn't start, and while I was trying to get it to work a car splashed water on me, muddy water. So much for the bath this morning. Only, my morning wasn't all too bad. I saw the one that I loved in high school come in through the door earlier, only she was with someone else, and as I examined her hand when she put it up on the counter, there was a ring. My heart sunk and I began to regret what I said to her on the day of our graduation...

"Hoi! Yabu-San!" I heard from behind me.

"Hai?" I answered and almost fell due to the giant hug I was given.

"We're graduating in a few minutes. You need to hurry and come to the auditorium." She said grabbing my arm.

"I heard a rumor..."

"What rumor?"

"A rumor that states that you like me. Is it true?"

"Y-yes...Is that going to ruin our friendship?" She asked out of curiosity/

"It might. I don't like you in that way."

"Why not?!"

"I just don't. I guess it's because I'm not good enough for you and you're too good for me."

"Cut the crap and tell me the truth!" She shouted and slapped me.

"It is the truth. I'm not lying..."

"Yabu Kota, as of May 16, 2016. I despise you as a human being." She said and walked away.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered under my breath.

I really do love's just that earlier this week I was diagnosed with heart failure. They said that I only had a few months to live. I thought that I'd rather her find someone else and get over me than have her heart broken and live alone for the rest of her life.

If that's what I thought then, then why so I feel like I'm being stabbed. I don't know what happened or why I'm so lucky, but I got a heart and was able to live a full life...only, a life without her is torture. I don't want to do this.

As I said that I walked outside, and stood out in the road. I waited for a truck to hit me but...

"Hoi! You could have been killed!" A girl that was on top of me shouted.

"What if I wanted to be killed..." I said.

"Hoi Baka! You know that there are people in this world that don't get a chance to live. So how about you cut the crap about wanting to die and go live."

"I wish I could."

"Well you can and that needs to start with medical attention. It would be a waste of money to pay a doctor so come to my house and I'll treat you. I am a doctor after all."

"Are you sure?"

"Yep. Come on."

Her house was very small and cozy. It was also very clean. She looked as if she was never able to be home.

"Are you never home or something?" I asked.

"Well I'm on lunch break and on that time I bumped into you." She replied.

"I'm sorry."

"It's alright. I mean what kind of person would I be if I didn't sacrifice a meal for someone else's life."

"I'm practically skipping work right now."

"That's okay. You got hurt so I took care of you. We can explain to your boss when we get back there. So why were you standing in the road like that?" She asked.

"Well the person that I was in love with in high school is with someone else. When she confessed to me I lied and said I didn't feel the same but I did. I lied because I was sick at the time and was going to die but now that I'm better, seeing her with someone else stabbed me in the heart." I said beginning to cry.

"I've been there before." She said as she was hugging me.

"How'd you get through it?"

"I didn't. I'm still in love with him."

"Have you seen him since?"

"Yea...he's right here."

"Huh...?" I asked confused.

"But you don't care do you?"

"What do you mean? I just met you."

"You mean you don't...oh yea of course you don't. I mean it was just a bump in the hallway."

"I'm sorry but I can't love someone I don't know."

"That's fine. I mean I don't blame you." She said and began to cry.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"It's Ichinose Hina." She answered.

"Wait I do remember you!!"


"Yes...and I was in love with you. The thing was I gave up on them and tried to force myself into thinking that it wasn't you and that it was someone else."

"Are you telling me the truth?"

"Yea I am. Ichinose Hina, I l-"

"Yabu?! Yabu?!" I heard as I lost consciousness.

When I woke up, it was about 4 hours later. She was beside me and a doctor was prepared to talk to me when I woke up.

"Yabu-san. You have cancer but this time it's in your brain." The doctor said to me.

"How much time do I have left?" I asked.

"2 months tops." The doctor said.

"I'm not leaving you Yabu. I'm not going to. I'm going to stay right here. I will hug you in your death bed okay. I'm not leaving." She said crying.

"I don't want you to get I want you to be happy at the same time."

"I'll be happy next you. I'll never forget you."

"Promise me that you'll move on. I don't want someone as beautiful as you to live a life of loneliness and sorrow."

"Okay I will but first can you kiss me?"


Hina's POV
Well those two months have passed and he's still here. His cancer is gone and we are going to get married. Oh and that chick he saw at the cash register turned out to be a heartless jerk that he thought he loved in high school. What can I say love comes and goes. She lied to him and he didn't take it too well. I didn't either. I practically ripped that girl's scalp off. Oh well I'm happy to be with the one I love now. For forever.

A/N: Heyyyy!!! I wrote this in the middle of Spanish class 😂😂😂 I literally had no idea what I was writing about. I hoped it turned out okay. Anyway thanks for reading and please feel free to comment and follow bye bye~~
