Secret agent

My name is Arioka Daiki and I'm a special agent. My job is pretty much to stop wars. If there's a war about to break out, they call me and I stop it without them knowing my identity. It can get pretty brutal especially if I get caught. That's only happened once though. It was when I had to stop a war between North and South Korea.


My mission is to stop these North Koreans from shooting any of the South Korean soldiers. As of right now, they have 2 hostages. The South Korean army is not here because it's my job to take care of it.

"What's the location?" A North Korean asked the South Korean soldier and punched him repeatedly.

"I am commander Kim Ki bum. Leader of blue squad." He kept saying over and over again. I also understand Korean because one of my friends taught it to me before I had this job.

"Put your hands up!" I said holding up a gun.

I thought that there were only two North Koreans but there was a third who came up behind me and grabbed me. He knocked me out and when I woke up, I was tied upside down over a sink. The faucet was running and getting closer and closer to my nose and mouth.

"What's your name and why are you here?" One asked.

"..." I was told not to answer any of their questions.

"We don't have much time left. Oh my it's already up to your eyebrows."

"..." I wasn't worried because I said that if I didn't radio every 10 minutes then the South Koreans would come get me. I'm Japanese so hurting me wouldn't cause a war, especially if they don't know my identity.

"This is the South Korean army, step aside and leave the border." One of the soldiers said.

"Commander!" Another said and got Kim Ki Bum down.

"Help me..." I said in a muffled voice as the water rose to my nose.

They got me down and I had water up my nose. They asked if I said anything and I said that I didn't and I made sure that they didn't know who I was.

When we boarded the plane Kim Ki Bum was in pretty bad shape and looked nearly dead. Thankfully he survived. I only had minor bruises and cuts.

That was my first experience of torture in real life. It was scary and I didn't like it too much.

"Special Agent Arioka please report to the general's office." The intercom said.

I hope I didn't do anything wrong. As far as I know, I haven't.

"Special Agent Arioka Daiki sir." I said saluting my superior.

"At ease. I have an assignment for you." The general began.

"Yes sir?" I asked.

"My daughter is a bit of a handful and right now she wants to move out but she can't find a place. I asked her if it was okay if I put her in the house of the person I trust the most. She answered yes and so she'll be stating with you. Haru-chan?" He asked as this beautiful girl around my age walked out of a corner.

"Akashi Haruna desu. Yoroshiku onagaishimasu." She said bowing and then ran over to me.

"Yes sir. Come lets go." I said grabbing her arm and led her outside.

"You didn't introduce yourself." She said.

"Oh Arioka Daiki desu. Yoroshiku onagaishimasu." I said bowing to her.

"You don't have to be formal to me you know. I don't mind if you even call me Haru. I mean we are going to be living together." She said.

"Alright well let's go."


When I walked into my house, something felt off and I was right. When I opened the door, an explosion went off so I had to go through the window. I told Haruna to stay in the car in case they were after her. I was right. When I walked back to the car, she wasn't there and then I saw a van drive away. I ran as fast as I could but wouldn't catch up. The driver of the ban threw out a phone and then called it.

"Hello Daiki. How have you been these days?" A familiar voice asked.

"Yamada. I should've known that it was you who'd do this. What do you want?" I asked.

"I want you to come to this empty wear house. We'll talk there." He said and then hung up.

"Damn. When he gets someone or something it's hard to take it away from him."

Yamada used to be my partner but he quit and I guess now he's a kidnapper or something worse. I think what caused him to crack was the death of his girlfriend and his entire family. He had no one left, so he just went crazy and did whatever he wanted and now he's a criminal.

"Hoi, Yamada! Doko desuka?!" I shouted.

"Kochi desu." He said and got my attention.

"Haruna daijobu desuka?" I asked.

"She can't talk. Anyway let's get down to business. The deal is the location of HQ. I really would like to pay a visit to them and then maybe walk out with a boom. What do you think?"

"*in Korean* prepare to shoot the target." I had a team of Korean secret agents like me on sight. They said that they were after this guy as well and that they would help me.

"Yes sir." They replied. "Taking aim."

"Wait!" I shouted. "He has a bomb on her and a manual detonator. It seems that if he lets go of the button it detonates." I explained.

"There should be a wireless transmitter. If you shoot that I can shoot the target and the button won't work. There on her shoulder." The soldier said.

"Don't move." I told her.

"I got it." He said and shot the target and she was safe.

"You saved me." She said as I took off the duct tape on her mouth.

"Of course I did. What kind of protector would I be if I didn't." I said. "I also may not be able to live without you."

"I wouldn't be able to live without you either." She said and kissed me. "Suki desu."

"Ore mou."

A/N: Another dai-chan fan fic because I love him. Anyway thanks for reading and please feel free to comment and follow bye bye~~
