Horikoshi Gakuen

My name is Ichinose Hina. I go to the elite school Horikoshi Gakuen which is a school for smart, rich, or famous people. It quite expensive if you don't have a scholarship. I'm here because I'm smart, also because my dad runs a big company here so we moved on business.

"Ichinose-san?" Someone behind me said.

"Ahh...hai (yes)?" I answered.

"Well since your dad is very wealthy you are going to be in the TRAIT class with the Japanese idols." The principal said.

"But I'm not like them so why am I going there?" I asked.

"Well you practically are actually. Your dad wants you in the class because it's safer and more secure." The principal replied.

"Ugghh I don't want to be in that class though." I said.

"You have to. It's your father's orders."

"Whatever. Just tell me where to go and I'll go." I said.

"This way please."

It turned out that I was in the building far away from the main one. There was a ton of security and security guards.

"Students please welcome your new classmate Ichinose Hina." The teacher said signaling me to come in.

"Ichinose Hina desu yoroshiku (a greeting to people you have never met before)." I said and then bowed.

I began to hear the guys whispering and saying how I was cute and then the girls saying that I looked like a little *blank*. "Great. I've been in here for 3 minutes and already half the class hates me." I whispered to myself. I know there are rules about bullying but that doesn't mean it won't happen so I'm not going to have a fun time here.

"Chinen Yuri desu and this is Nakajima Yuto." Someone about my age said.

"Oh Ichinose Hina desu. Yoroshiku." I replied.

"And this is Yamada Ryosuke, Okamoto Keito, and Nakayama Fuma." He said pointing to a few other boys surrounding me.

"Oh hello." I said nervously.

"Why are you so nervous?" Yamada asked me.

"Well I've never been in the same room as famous people." I replied.

"But aren't you famous?" They asked.

"Sort of. My dad is just a very powerful person and requested for me to be protected so I was placed in this classroom." I replied.

"Oh okay." They all said.

"How old are all of you?" I asked.

"Well we are 17" They said.

"Aren't you guys the members of that new band Hey! Say! JUMP?" I asked.

"Yes."  Yamada replied.

"Oh okay and if I may ask who are those girls over there?" I asked.

"Don't worry about them they are harmless. Although you may want to steer clear of them. Just hang with us. We will be you friends is that okay?" Chinen asked.

"Oh yes that's fine." I replied.

I was a very good student but the rules were very strict in fact I pretty much hated them. They were also ineffective for the girls who hated me. It didn't matter if I told they would just get away with it because of their powerful families. They would throw my textbooks in the trash and cover them in strawberry milk.

"What happened Ichinose-chan?" Chinen asked me.

"N-nothing." I said grabbing my books out of the trash.

"It doesn't look like that." He said.

"They won't leave me alone." I said starting to cry.

"I know." He said.

"I just want to leave." I said.

"No please don't leave." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because...because...I think I'm in love with you." He said.

"But you know we can't date right?" I said.

"That doesn't matter to me. What matters is that you are laughing by my side. So will you?"

"Yea." I said hugging him and crying at the same time. He may have been short but I was shorter so it didn't matter.

After that we skipped class and I went home because well I did feel emotionally sick. Chinen came with me because I needed emotional support.

"Do you feel better?" He asked me as I woke up from a nap.

"Yes a little." I replied.

"I cleaned your books." He said.


"Hey I'll protect you from those girls so don't worry about them." He said and then kissed me.

"Thank you." I said and then hugged him.

The bullying "mysteriously" stopped after that and got away with skipping school and kissing.

Once we graduated we became official and started to date. Of course that didn't last long. 5 months after graduation. Chinen proposed. I accepted of course and married him. Now we have 3 year-old twins that we love to death.

A/N: That's the Chinen X OC fanfic. I hoped you liked it. Thanks for reading bye bye~~
