
My name is Tachibana Yuki and I am in an insane asylum. I'm not crazy, it's just my parents thought I was a nuisance and wanted to get rid of me. I mean when I got here it felt like I was going crazy but I am medically sane. The doctors just won't release me because my parent are very powerful when it comes to things like this. I'm sometimes used to help other patients with their insanity. I talk to them and befriend them then before I know it they're released while I'm stuck here.

"Tachibana-san! We have another patient for you." The doctors said opening my cell and letting in a guy covered in blood. "His name is Yamada Ryosuke."

"You're so lazy you couldn't even clean him up?" I said.

"He won't let us clean the blood off." They answered. "He said that he wanted to talk to someone like you."

"Zaiten da na! (What a shame!)" He said and let off a crazy laugh like that of an insane person.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked as the door to my cell closed.

"You're not insane are you?" He asked.

"No. My parents wanted to get rid of me so they threw me in here and won't let me leave." I answered.

"This guy killed my friend and I went off the rails so they threw me in here."

"Who's blood is that?"

"Mine." He answered. "They think it's someone else's so they threw me in here."

"How'd you get that much blood on you?"

"Someone stabbed me." He said and showed me a hole in his shirt.

"You need to get that treated."

"If I'm treated they'll let me go. This is the only safe place left for me now."

"If you talk to me and let your guard down they'll release you." I explained. "They use me as a person to befriend insane people so they can become sane but after every patient it feels as if I loose my sanity little by little."

"Hope that goes well for ya."

"Time's up!" The doctors said and opened the door.

"Maji de? Jyaa ne." He said throwing his insane character back on.

Who does that guy think he is? He can leave if he wanted to but instead he just stays here. I won't help him never.

When I woke up the next morning, I saw my mother in my cell. That's when I knew my sanity was slipping.

"No! No! Go away! I don't take orders from you anymore!" I shouted and laid on the floor.

"Tachibana what's the matter." A doctor asked.

"With every patient you bring me I loose my sanity. I guess I've finally fallen off the rails. This is your fault!" I shouted.

"Bring that guy back in here!" He shouted.

"To hell with him! He's not even insane just let him go already! It's not like I'll ever be able to leave!" I shouted.

"What's wrong?" I heard him say calmly as the door was slammed.

"I'm losing it. I'm going off the deep end." I explained and hugged my knees to my chest.

"How do you think people go insane?" He asked.

"A traumatic experience replayed in your head over and over again to the point that it becomes as if you relive it everyday." I said.

"What happened to you?" He asked.

"I'm not an only child you see. I have 4 older sisters. I was born prematurely which caused my mom's life to be put in danger. My dad would blame me for it. He would take me to the back room and beat me with a belt. The whole time he would say 'Why couldn't you have been born on time?!' Then I ended up in here as if I never existed." I explained.

"So why are you just now going insane?"

"It seems as if when you tell someone your traumatic experience you give them some of your insanity. So, I guess that because I've seen so many patients it's buried all up and all of sudden I exploded."

"I see. You know there is a way you can make a person sane?"

"How's that?" I asked.

"Love." He said and then laughed.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that with love comes happiness and the source of insanity is sadness. So if you become happy I guess you could become sane." He explained.

"No one would fall in love with me. Not here and I'll never leave."

"Time's up!" The doctor shouted and the cell opened again with the next patient for me to see.

I saw him everyday at the same time. He always had the same look on his face and the same attitude. He never smiled and only laughed the way an insane person would. He annoyed me and reminded me of so many things.

"Hey remember when I told you what could make people sane?" He asked.

"Yea what about it?" I asked.

"I found someone who could make you sane."

"And who would that b-" I was cut off by a kiss from him.

"Me." He said this time with a sincere happy laugh.

I was stunned. I'd been locked in the asylum for my entire life and not once had I been kissed or had someone fall in love with me. It was an experience unheard of for someone like me.

"Time's up!" The doctor said and for the last time opened the cell door. "Your discharge papers are here you two." The doctor explained. You're both being freed. Go to the front and just leave."

"I can leave..?" I asked myself and before I knew it he grabbed my hand and walked me outside. "The only outside I've ever been was the tiny park in the back."

"Let's go. Where do you want to live?" He asked.

"I've always wanted to go to Osaka." I answered.

"Osaka it is then." He said and pulled me into a car.

And just like that he made me Sane.

A/N: Did you guys like it. This is going to come back to bite me when school starts again. My sleeping schedule is so messed up. I've been going to bed at 2 am and waking up at 10am when usually I go to bed at 11:00 pm and wake up at 8am. Geez what am I doing with my life it's almost 2am right now. Anyway thanks for reading! Bye bye~~
