My Stepbrother

My name is Akashi Haruna and my mom recently got married to a wealthy man. He has a son so I now have a stepbrother. He's a real jerk to me so I don't talk to him despite the fact that he sits right next to me in class and I share a bunk bed with him. The house we live in does have many bed rooms so I sleep in a bunk bed with him.

Unfortunately, he is very popular with the girls at my school so I get bullied a lot. I don't really care much though. I mean my studies are more important.

"Hey Daiki have you seen my notebook?" I asked him as we walked home.

"You mean the pink one?" He asked.


"I saw some girls with it a few minutes ago. I didn't tell you because I thought you'd lent it to them."

"Baka!" I shouted and ran off to find my notebook.

I went to an ally and I saw them with my notebook. They were holding it over a fire threatening to throw it in unless I stopped talking to Daiki which was impossible.

"He's my brother. Why are you jealous?" I asked.

"He's your step brother so legally you're our rival." They said.

"I live with him so how can I not talk to him?"

"That's your problem." They said and threw my book in the fire.

"What's going on?" I heard a familiar voice ask while the girls took off.

"Daiki..." I said as tears formed in my eyes.

"What happened?"

"They threw my book into the fire and said that I had to stay away from you but there's nothing I can do about that." I answered.

"Your book is fine." He said pulling out the real book from his bag. "I was going to pull a prank on you so I replaced this book with a fake. The real one is right here."

"Thank you so much!" I shouted and hugged him.

"I'm sorry this happened because of me."

"It's okay. You know you aren't as big of a jerk as I thought you were."

"Huh what was that? Was that a compliment?" He said. "I didn't here it please say again."

"In your dreams." I said.

"But you aren't in my dreams. You're too boring." He said jokingly.

"Imma punch you." I said.

"Fine I'm sorry I'm sorry geez." He said.

We laughed the entire way home, me and my stepbrother.

A/N: This was an "eh" kind of story and I'm sorry. I just had this idea and it didn't quite come out right without being awkward. Oh well thanks for reading. Bye bye~~
