Behind a computer screen

My name is Nakajima Yuto, and I haven't been doing very well recently. I've been going trough a difficult time and I don't want to talk about it with my friends because I feel that I'm already enough of a burden to them. I have decided to make a social media account, secretly and come up with an alias so know one will know it's me. I also hope not to be treated like a famous person and be treated normally. Oh I got a message.

Haru: Watashi wa Akashi Haruna desu. Hajimemashite yutti.

I was shocked that someone actually messaged me. I felt very good and excited that I could talk with someone freely.

Me: Can I talk to you?
Haru: Hai, doshitan desuka?
Me: I'm going through a difficult time and I have no one to talk to
Haru: I'm all ears
Me: Well, it seems that I've gotten myself into a lot of trouble. My father recently committed suicide and all I have left is my little brother who won't talk to me because of the choices I've made.
Haru: What have you done? If you don't mind me asking.
Me: I'd rather not talk about it
Haru: That's fine I think that you should first start talking to your brother. How much younger is he than you?
Me: 5 years younger than me. He's about to finish school
Haru: Well I think that one day you should go pick him up with school and take him out for dinner or something. You should also apologize for you choices. Even if you don't think you did anything wrong.
Me: alright. I'll do that. Thank you for talking to me.
Haru: No problem I'm glad I could help and I also think that you should be honest with your friends too about this.
Me: Will do.
Haru: Alright well bye.
Me: Bye

I never knew that someone could treat me like a normal person. It feels great. I almost feel like crying. I owe this person a lot.

The next day, I did as she said and it worked. I was honest with my brother and so was he. I felt so horrible for leaving my brother in the dust like I did. I just went off and didn't think anyone could understand but I forgot that my own brother was going through the same thing I was.

"I'm sorry raiya." I said.

"Me too nii-chan." He said crying despite the fact that he's 17.

"Are you okay now?" I asked.

"It'll take a while but I'll be able to get through it. Jyaa I have school tomorrow." He said and walked out.

I fell like a huge amount of guilt has been lifted off my shoulders. I need to tell Haru.

Me: It worked!
Haru: Really?! That's wonderful?!
Me: I couldn't have done it without you
Haru: You're welcome anytime
Me: What should I do about my friends
Haru: Just be honest. Talk about what you're going through because I'm sure that your friends are like brothers and sisters to you. Just imagine you're talking to your brother
Me: Alright
Haru: Good luck. I need to go to bed now
Me: But it's noon
Haru: No it's not its 2 am
Me: You must be in another time zone. I'm in Japan
Haru: Really?! I'm in America that's why well bye bye
Me: bye

Even someone from America?! Why didn't I think of this sooner. Well I'm going to go do what she said.

After I talked to them, they understood and forgave me. They also suffered from my selfish actions but they forgave me. I felt terrible about what I had done and wanted to take it back, but I knew I couldn't. All I could was accept and learn which is what I did.

Me: It worked
Haru: Wonderful! I have a question
Me: What is it?
Haru: If you don't need my help anymore, does this mean we'll stop talking?
Me: No, I'll tell you what. Meet me at the café by Johnny's entertainment in Tokyo. Can you do that?
Haru: Yea. Right now is fine if it is with you
Me: That's good
Haru: Alright I'll be there in a few minutes
Me: Okay

As soon as I saw that I rushed to the cafe to wait for her. As soon as I saw her, I knew that she was the one I was talking to.

"Hey Akashi?" I said.

"How do you know my name? Wait are you yutti?" She asked.


"It's so nice to finally meet you?!" She shouted and ran to me.

"You mean you don't know who I am to society?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm a celebrity."

"That doesn't matter to me. To me you are yutti." She said and went back to hugging me.

"Finally someone who isn't famous can be my friend, and treat me normally." I said sobbing.

"Hey there's no need to cry." She said.

"Thank you." I said still crying.

"...that'll stop you from crying." She said as after she kissed me.

"Huh...?" I said surprised.

"I know I don't even know you but I couldn't think of any other w-" I cut her off with a kiss.

"I know I love you, despite the fact we haven't know each other long. I look forward to dating you and falling in love with you even more."

"Me too. Y-yutti?!" Was the last I heard before I passed out.

Akashi Haruna's POV
It turned out that he passed out because of stress. He was under a lot of stressed and hadn't slept in a very long time. It turned out that he had to come home with me since all of his friend went out of the country and weren't here. I wasn't complaining, I was just worried that he'd take it the wrong way.

"Haru?" He said waking up.

"Are you okay?! Are you hurting anywhere?!" I shouted.

"I'm fine. Where will I be staying? All of the boys are gone by now."

"You'll stay with me. Forever and ever. How's that sound?"

"Like a dream come true."

All it took was a computer screen to change my life.

A/N: I wish this is how it went in real life. Who's with me? Anyway thanks for reading and please feel free to comment and follow bye bye~~
