Forbidden Love

My name is Ichinose Hina and my village is in the middle of a disagreement with another village. Let's just say it was a family feud that has lasted for ages. Our villages are not related by blood there is just a feud between the two leading families. Anyway the other day I went to the mountain top the separates the two villages. I thought that there I could finally get some peace and quiet.

"You need some peace and quiet too?" Someone from the other village asked.

"Yes. Everyone is always so mad and yelling at each other." I said lowering my head.

"I'm from the other village and the same happens. Oh and I'm Yaotome Hikaru by the way." He said.

"I'm Ichinose Hina and is that why you came here too?

"Yes it is. Will you still talk with me even if I'm from your enemy village?" He asked.

"Of course. I mean our villages are enemies not us." I replied.

"So will you come here everyday so we can talk?" He asked.

"Sure. It's not like I have anything else to do." I replied.

"Okay well I'll see you tomorrow." He said and walked down the opposite side of the mountain.

"Goodbye." I said waving and then went down my side of the hill.

The next day I got the news that I was to marry the prince. I was the most beautiful in my village and so it was only a matter of time before I was engaged. The next day I went to the mountaintop and to my surprise he was already there.

"Something terrible just happened." I began.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I'm about to be married to the prince of my village and I don't want to be." I replied.

"I can marry you."

"That would only cause m-" I was cut off by a kiss.

"We can run away. I mean I'm sure that's what we both have always wanted. Here it is too chaotic."

"Okay." I said and kissed him.

"Hey you there!" The prince shouted as he caught us kissing.

"Don't hurt him!" I shouted as he lifted up a stick.

"Why not? You are my fiancé are you not?" He said.

"I am going to marry him and not you!" I shouted at him. "Goodbye!" I said and grabbed Hikaru's hand as I ran away.

"Let me go!" I heard Hikaru shout as a bunch of soldiers grabbed him.

"Let him go please!" I shouted as they took him away.

"He will be put to death." The prince said.

"Why?" I asked crying.

"Because I said so." He said.

Thankfully he wasn't king yet and my dad was best friends with the king. If I could persuade the king that he was innocent Hikaru would be spared. We could also explain that if we married, we could stop the feud.

"What is the meaning of this?" The king said as the prince barged into the palace with Hikaru.

"This man was kissing Hina." The prince said.

"It want against my will. I love him." I said pleading the king to let him go. "If you let us marry then our two villages will be united and this feud will stop."

"That is a very good reason but this man will be beaten for his crimes of crossing the border. Then afterwards you may marry and be banished." The king said.

"Why banished?" I asked.

"Because you have committed treason. You are lucky I'm not putting you both to death." The king said.

"Wait right there! Don't you think you should have my consent to kill my son, the prince of our village." The king of the other village said barging into the palace as well.

"Prince?" I asked confused.

"Now that changes things. King do you think that you can accept this woman into your village as one of your own because if not she will be killed for treason against her village." The king said.

"I will accept her. She is kind and fearless." The King said lifting me off my knees.

"Very well then. Let them both go. I hereby banish Ichinose Hina from this village to go to the village of my enemy." The king of my village said.

"Come my children let us make a king and queen from you." Hikaru's father said.

"I'm so happy Hikaru." I said as I hugged him.

"Thank you for saving me." He said.

"You're welcome."

After I was properly trained in being a proper queen we married. I became the queen and my roots were not known to the people. The only people who knew I was from the other village were Hikaru's father and Hikaru.

After about a year of marriage I gave birth to our son Shu. Shu was our pride and joy. Hikaru was always there for the both of us. More so than his kingdom which caused a lot of commotion. Fortunately, we were able to settle all of the chaos.

We were living a happy life due to our Forbidden Love.

A/N: So how was it? Did you like it? I hope you did. Anyway thanks for reading and please feel free to comment and follow bye bye~~
