Knights in armour

My name is Akashi Haruna and I'm 22 years old. I work as a knight for this floating city of skyloft. As far as I know, we are all that's left of the human civilization. About a thousand years or so ago there was a great battle on the surface. It was fought between the forces of good and evil. Since, we were of no help the remainder of the human race was sent up to the sky. Anyway, I am a protector of this town of about 50. I work night shifts and patrol the grounds for monsters that may harm people.

Recently, they had a test of who would be this year's knight. I heard that his name was Arioka Daiki. I also heard that I would be stuck baby-sitting him during the night shift. Anyway, I'm meeting him now.

"You're late!" I said as he was walking towards me.

"Well sorry." He said.

"It's okay. Come this way. Our patrol starts in the cave under the waterfall." I said.

"Yes ma'am." He said following me.

"Watch out for bats, they can get pretty aggressive at this time of night." I said.

"Aye aye sir!" He said making fun of me.

"Stop making fun of me."

"Awwww look it's a little cat." He said.

"No don't touch them they get angry when you wake them."

"But he's so cu- OWWWW!!!" He shouted.

"I told you."

"Whatever. Hey look behind you."

"Haha very funny." I said disbelieving him.

"No really!"

"Fine...AHHH!!" I shouted as I was thrown off the edge.

"IM COMING!!" He shouted as he called his bird.

That's the last thing I heard before I passed out. I woke up on the supposedly "barren" surface. I was scared and alone, or so I thought.

"You're awake." Arioka said coming towards me.

"Yes I am. How'd we get down here?" I asked.

"We fell and out birds don't come down this far. So, we are stuck down here."

"Why'd I have to be stuck with you. Why couldn't it have been Yamada!" I said pouting.

"You like Yamada better than me?" He asked giving me a jealous and hurt look.

"I was just kidding. I didn't mean any harm by it."

"O-okay." He said trying to hide his embarrassment.

"Well according to the old texts there should be some beings of some sort down here we could talk to." I said walking around.

"Kweeeep!" I heard something in a bush shout...but it wasn't a bush it was the being.

"Eh? Are you okay little one?" I asked.

"Kweeeep!!! They come in green and blue too?!" It shouted looking at our colored uniforms.

"Calm down we aren't here to eat you." I said calming it down.

"Kyu kyu." He said calming down.

"What's your name little one?" I asked.

"My name is Milo. I am a Kikiwi." He answered.

"What are Kikiwis and are there any humans here?" I asked.

"Kikiwis are this forest's natural species. We use the bush in our backs to blend in and also there is a couple of humans living over by the temple. I'm sure you can ask them about where to go." He said leading us to the temple.

The temple he lead us to looked like the one in the books I read as a kid. It looked very old and when we walked inside we saw a knight and a woman.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Yes child?" The woman asked.

"We happen to be stuck down here. What do we do?" We asked.

"Well not too far from here is another temple that has a portal at the end of it, but it requires a sacrifice and what that sacrifice is depends on the person." She said giving us a map.

It took us about a day but we made it to the "Skyview temple" as it was called. When we got to the end we had to give something up.

"I wonder what it is we need to give up." I said.

"Only one person can go at a time." Arioka said.

"How do you know that?"

"It says it right here." He said pointing to the door.


"You go before me." He said grabbing my hands.

"No!" I shouted.

"Why not? I thought you'd love to get me out of your hair."

"Because....because....I can't live without you." I said.


"I'm sorry." I said as I began to cry.

"Don't cry!" He shouted and then hugged me.

"I'm not leaving you. I'm staying right here with you." I said sobbing.

"Okay. I guess we can patrol on the surface too huh?" He said.

"Yea." I said.

"I love you." He said hugging me tighter.

"I love you t- what's happening?" I asked looking at myself as I was dissolving into thin air.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"What...what?! NOOO!!" I shouted trying to grab onto him.

"I'm s- what's happening to me?" He asked as he was dissolving too.

"You can come too!" I shouted hugging him tighter than ever.

"I guess I can!" He shouted hugging me back.

When we woke up we were back on skyloft, together again. I was so happy I kissed him. He kissed me back which surprised me a little.

It turned out that we had to take a few new classes. So, we were back in school again, and with school comes drama. Which happened.

"What's this?" I asked pulling a letter or if my book.

Dear Haruna,

Meet me after school on the roof. I have something to ask you.

Yamada Ryosuke

"Eh?! Maybe it's about the homework since he gets bad grades, or he needs help getting watered...since he's a tree." I said laughing at my joke.

A/N: I'm sorry Yamada. I just can't get enough of this joke. ILY though.

"What's wrong?" I asked Yamada.

"I'm sick." He said.

"What?! What's wrong with you?!" I asked worried.

"I'm love sick. For you." He said.

"Eh?! Haha very funny!" I said.

"I'm not kidding." He said with a serious face.

"Yamada you of all people know that I love Arioka."

"I know but I had to tell you."

"I'm sorry Yamada, I r-" I was cut off by a kiss.

"Get away!!" I hard someone shout.

"Arioka?!" I shouted surprised.

"You get your hands off her!" He shouted.

"Oh wow lover boy actually cares." Yamada said getting up.

"Yamada what do you mean by that? Of course he cares." I asked.

"Haruna this wasn't real. I don't really love you. This was all a test to see if he would actually care." Yamada said.

"Really...?" I said starting to cry.

"Dangit Yamada (LaurelAnn26) you made her cry! I'll never forgive you!" He said punching him in the face as hard as he could.

"Okay okay. I think I've learned my lesson." Yamada said holding his nose since it was broken.

"You better have. Don't you ever go near her again!" Arioka said.

"Fine geez." Yamada said and walked off.

"Are you okay?" Arioka asked me.

"I'm fine." I said and hugged him.

"I'm sorry that happened to you. I should've protected you." He said.

"It's okay."

"From now on I'm always going to be by your side. For forever."

"Wait...are you...?"

"Yes. Akashi Haruna will you be my wife?"

"Yes!" I shouted and hugged him tighter than I ever have.

"Thank you!" He shouted and then kissed me

"I'm so happy!" I shouted.

----5 years later----

"Haruhi!!" I shouted for my daughter.

"Yes mommy?" She came running.

"Your daddy is almost here. Do you want to go outside and wait for him?" I asked.

"Yes mommy." She said and ran out.

"Daddy's home!" She shouted.

"Daddy's home!" I heard another familiar voice say.

"She missed you." I said greeting my husband with a kiss.

"Daddy can I be a knight when I grow up?" My daughter asked with wonder in her eyes.

"Sure if that's what you want." He answered.

"Wasn't mommy and daddy Knights?" She asked.

"Yes we were. Would you like to here a story?" I asked her.

"Yea!" She shouted.

"Well let's go in the living room and listen to mommy's story!" My husband said picking her up and taking her to the couch.

"Well it all started when me and daddy were patrol partners...." I said beginning the story.

A/N: Okay well I was able to finish studying yay...haha not. Anyway thanks for reading and please feel free to leave a comment or follow bye bye~~
