House of Cards

My name is Chinen yuri and I don't have a very steady job. My girlfriend Yoshino aki just broke up with me because I lost my job and couldn't support her.


"Yuri! How could you let yourself get fired again?!" She shouted.

"I'm sorry but please just one m-" I was cut off.

"I've given you plenty of chances. I'm sorry but I can't stay in your house of cards anymore."


"Your life is like a house of cards. It is unstable and can collapse at any moment. I will not be inside when that happens. Goodbye yuri." She said and walked out. 

That was about a month ago. My life hasn't gotten any better. I'm still jobless and starving. 

"Ano semi masen?" This guy walked up to me and asked.

"Hai?" I answered.

"Are you interested in becoming a singer?" He asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm forming a band and I've seen you after work. I want you in this band." He said as 8 other people emerged behind him.

"I guess I can give it a try." I said. 

----1 year later----
My life is no longer a house of cards anymore. The band is now the most popular in Japan. I'm sure that Yoshino has found someone else by now. I guess I'll stop hoping that she'd come back.

*knock* *knock*

"Hai!" I said walking to the door. "Yoshino?!"

"Hello yuri. I heard that you're doing well." She said.

"Yes. You?" I asked.

"I can't move on without you. I'm still in love with you after breaking it off with you a year ago." She said beginning to cry.

*ring* *ring*

"Hai moshi moshi." I answered my phone. "Uso!! Uso darou!!" I shouted.

"Doushita?" She asked.

"It seems like the house of cards just fell." I replied.

"It's okay you know."


"I'm going to stay with you even with the uncertainty of not eating."

"Maji desuka?"

"Hai. Dai suki dayo." She said and kissed me.

"Demo. I don't have a job anymore."

"It's okay. I think I'll be the one to work and you stay home and clean the house." She said jokingly.

"Iiya da. I'll find a job and support you." I said and hugged her. "Yakusoku ne."

"Hai. Yakusoku."

"Dai suki aki-chan." I whispered.

"Un watashi mou."

The House of Cards will always fall but it takes patience and perseverance to build it back up again.

A/N: Hello everyone. I've always wanted to do a short story with this song by BTS. They do so many good songs. Be expecting a lot more BTS songs with these stories. Thanks for reading bye bye~~
