
This is the second part of "Who Will?" in heybaekhyunshiii's request and idea. Hope you like it and I met your expectations for this >< 🍓

This is so long! ><


Lmao. Do you guys remember when Y/n said a week ago on Star Show 360 that she doesn't have plans on dating until their group turns 7 years old? She really said that while dating Baekhyun for almost a year now? Meaning she has been dating while her group's just a year old. What a shame.

Stop using Baekhyun for media plays!

Y/n's group is SM's biggest failure. Now SM is using Baekhyun (who's group is once considered as SM's failure) to hype ya girl's group. We get it, SM. You want more money.

"Baby, let's go to sleep."

I quickly hid my phone under the pillow when I heard Baekhyun's voice. I tilted my head to smile at him and spread my arms, welcoming him for a hug in which he immediately obliged. He wrapped his arms around my waist, nestled his face on the crook of my neck as he pushed our bodies to lay down on the bed.

"What were you doing?" Baekhyun purred while brushing the tip of his nose on my skin. I wanted to giggle, I wanted to lean on his touch but I couldn't.

"I was... My group's discussing about our upcoming concert next week. You know we're starting our world tour, right?" I lied. I was actually reading some posts about us because I wanted to know what are the fans' opinion regarding our relationship.

It wasn't what I expected it to be.

"Oh, we're going to have a really busy schedule then. I'm going to Japan for CBX tour. I thought of inviting you but you're busy too." he pouted and suddenly the feeling of my heavy heart vanished into thin air. I'm so lucky that it only takes Baekhyun to make me feel better.

"Don't worry. We still could see each other no matter how busy we get. It's not hard for us to meet now that we live together."

"Right. I love you." he kissed me on my lips.

"I love you too, good night Baekhyunie."

I can't calm while the make up artist did her job. Today is our concert in KSPO dome, it's the first day of our three-day concert and I don't know if I could make it until the last day.

Because I received a death threat.

I have been receiving them since Baekhyun announced our relationship but what I received just awhile ago made me feel nervous. I never told anyone about it, not even my group's manager or some of my members. Maybe it's just a threat. No one can enter the dome with something that may harm someone inside their bags, right?

I was being cautious the whole time and luckily there were no signs of harm for me. When I had my solo stage, the fans chanted my name and then Baekhyun's and then our combined name together, changing the original fanchant released by SM for that song, it made me shy while I tried to be serious for my first solo performance.

There are fans that accepted our relationship, I think there are more of them compared to those who wasted their time hating on us and thinking that our relationship is just a media play. A lot of our fans actually have started shipping me and Baekhyun back when we're still not dating because of the way he would stare at me and how I would smile when I caught him staring. I'm still surprised at the amount of support we're getting.

The concert went on until the end. We were having our ending ment before saying goodbye to the fans.

"I am really, really thankful to see you today! Let's all be this happy for the upcoming days! Thank you for coming! I love you!" I blew a kiss at them and some acted like they're trying to catch it while some pushed my kiss away and would say that it's only for Baekhyun. I couldn't help but giggle at their different reactions.

Our leader was having her ment and me being the group's hyper puppy (as what fans call me), I started random dancing when a thing flew pass beside my face.

"Oh my God!" my members suddenly surrounded me, making sure to hide every inch of my body using their own as the body guards went up to get the thing that was intentionally thrown at me.

"Everyone! Get back!" the guard told us and we all screamed in horror and so does the fans. The stage where we are standing went down that leads to our dressing rooms.

"What was that?!" a staff asked the guard who had the thing that almost hit me.

He showed it to us and we all gasped.

A syringe.

I was sent back home after the incident. They had the syringe checked to know what is the fluid that contains it. I felt my blood leaving my body when I got to know what kind of fluid that I was about to intake, only if I stood still on my spot earlier.

"What the fuck? You're not going out of the house, not until I get back home. Understand?!"


"Y/n, it's a fucking poison! It could kill you for a second! I can't lose you, okay!"

I didn't say anything and just started sobbing. Ever since we started dating, Baekhyun never raised his voice to me even when we're fighting.

"Baby, I'm sorry for yelling at you. I'm just scared. I love you so much and I can't take the idea of losing you. I'm really sorry."

"I love you too, Baekhyun. Please get back here as soon as you can."

"I will."


Our three day concert continued with the help of tightening the security. It was successful and I wasn't threatened again.

Now that our concert is done, our group has a week of free time before we'll fly to different countries for the tour. I decided to give Baekhyun a surprise visit.

Today's the last day of their three-day encore concert for CBX Magical Circus at Japan. I took the earliest flight and luckily no one saw me as it was a private schedule, no managers with me, no potential activity to do there, giving no reasons for schedule accounts to give an update about where i'm heading.

The staffs recognized me as Baekhyun's girlfriend so they let me in and I seated somewhere far from fans' reach but could see the boys clearly (like where Chanyeol and Sehun were seated when they watched CBX's concert.) I went straight to my seat and didn't went to where the boys are being styled.

While waiting for the concert to start, I checked my twitter and searched for my name to get updates.

Omggg! Y/n was spotted today at CBX's concert! Right after her group's concert yesterday, really? I live for supportive girlfriend!

Aaah! No one caught Y/n sneaking to Japan to watch her boyfriend's concert! I want a supportive girlfriend like her huhu.

Wait... So Y/n is in Japan today to watch Baekhyun. Let me... Get some eggs. I ain't called an eggso-l for no reason.

Nooo! Delete every tweet regarding Y/n being in Japan! It'll spoil her surprise for Baekhyun!

I noticed that some fans staring up at me from the lower seats to make sure they are seeing the right person.

The lights inside the venue dimmed, signalling that the concert is going to start. My heart started beating so fast inside my chest when CBX finally appeared.

The concert went on and I couldn't stop cheering for my Baekhyun, and of course I also cheered for Xiumin and Chen. All throughout the concert, Baekhyun never saw me, he's too immersed at performing and that's one of the things I like about him. Chen and Xiumin saw me but I just gestured for them not to tell Baekhyun that I'm watching them.

Ending ment, Chen and Xiumin finally told Baekhyun that I'm watching as they pointed a finger towards me. The moment Baekhyun's eyes found me, he fell on the floor on his knees and laughed so hard while trying to hide his blushing face using his hands, he must be so surprised to see me because we haven't seen each other for so many days. EXO-L started to scream at his cute reaction and then they all went "aww" when they saw Baekhyun wiping a tear that spilled from his right eye.

"Ah, so my girlfriend is here. I didn't know she has been watching." Baekhyun said when he recovered from the shock after seeing me. The fans started to scream again. "Please do love her like how you guys love me. Don't hurt my baby girl. I heard about the incident that happened on the first day of their concert. Please don't do something that may harm the cause of my happiness."

I felt tears threatening to fall from my eyes when EXO-Ls made their promise that they will never hurt me.

I was on my way to their dressing room but I feel the need to use the bathroom so I went there first. I asked for directions to the bathroom and the staff happily assisted me on the way there.

There wasn't any person inside so I made my way towards a cubicle while humming to one of CBX's song that was stuck into my head. While inside the cubicle, I heard a click of the door as if someone just locked it. Maybe someone from another cubicle.

I got out after doing my business and washed my hands on the sink. I looked in the mirror and gasped in surprise after seeing someone behind me, glaring at me. There wasn't only one person but there are four of them.

I turned around at face them. "Uh... Are you going to use the sink? I'm do-"

"You," my eyes widened when one of them pointed her lightstick at me. "Stop using Baekhyun oppa to make yourself famous!"

"I am not using him for fame! I love him!" I ran into the main door of the comfort room and it was locked! I drummed my fist on the door while I screamed for help until I felt something hard thrown at me, next thing I knew I was covered with white sticky liquid and a yolk.

"Stop this!" I begged while they continued throwing eggs at me.

The eggs made my hair sticky, covering my eyes. I really can't see what they did for me to end up on the floor, immediately losing my consciousness after the strong impact.


I woke up to Baekhyun's sobs. When he saw me opening my eyes he immediately hugged me and showered my face with small kisses while silently muttering some thank you's to God above.

"I told you not to go out of the house until I'm back." he managed to say between his sobs.

"I wanted to surprise you." I tried to smile at him.

"This isn't the surprise I want to see. I almost lost you."

I cupped his cheeks and wiped his tears away. "Baek, I'm still here. I will always be."

"You were hurt because of me."

"No, no it's not true." I pulled him for a hug. "It was never your fault."

We got out of the hospital without getting caught by fans. When we're back at Korea, I was told to rest and SM announced that I'm not participating to our concert in Philippines, our first stop for our tour. We chose keep what really happened in Japan from the public and stated that I injured myself while practicing.

I was all alone in our house and Baekhyun hasn't been around because of his schedules.

The members went back to Korea after their concert in the Philippines, since I'm alone and Baekhyun isn't coming home until next week, I decided to go back to our dorm for a while.

I miss Baekhyun. Our last cuddle was when I still needed to be taken care because of my injury. The moment the bandage on my head was removed, he was back on being a busy idol.

Sometimes I would call him but he wouldn't answer. I leave him messages but he'll left me on read. I understand that he's busy but he isn't like this? Back then, he would respond to my messages no matter how busy he is.

I've rested enough. I'm now capable to go with my members on an awarding show happening days from now.

The day before the show. I was dancing alone in my room while I get ready for today's rehearsals when I heard my phone beeped. I quickly took my phone from the bed and my heart jumped happily seeing that Baekhyun is the one who sent me a message.

My Baekyoong:
Y/n. I'm sorry. But let's break up.

My Baekyoong:
I feel like everything's not working. I'm sorry.

My Baekyoong:
I heard you're not home. Then I'll just have your things delivered at your dorm by Chanyeol.

My whole body froze upon reading his messages. I tried to call him but he wouldn't answer, I sent him tons of messages asking why would he think it's not working when we're completely fine just days ago and he's only leaving them on read. I started crying while still trying to call Baekhyun, my heart breaks at every phone call denied and every letters of my messages left on read.

I wasn't able to come to the practice and cried the whole say. The members wanted to comfort me but I told them I wanted some time alone and they respected it.

The next morning, I watched how the numbers of likes and retweets increased on some twitter posts revealing that Baekhyun and I broke up and SM confirmed.

SM confirms that Y/n and Baekhyun broke up due to busy schedules.

After a year of dating, Baekhyun and Y/n ends their relationship due to busy schedules.

[Breaking!] EXO's Baekhyun and Y/n breaks up + SM confirms.

It pains me every time I see his name. But it pains me even more when I close my eyes because I could picture him out, smiling at me, holding me, kissing me and doing everything with me.

Fans started spamming my instagram, after they noticed that Baekhyun deleted all of our pictures he posted there, even that one post where he revealed we're dating. I couldn't stop tearing up remembering how we choose who's going to do it, and in one just blink all of those memories went down the drain.

Y/n-ah! Please get back with Baekhyun!

No! This shouldn't be happening! Don't break up with Baekhyun please!

My ship! Nooo! Don't do this!

Don't break up with Baekhyun, Y/n! Please! You are his happiness.

I'm not going to believe this!! Seriously? Just because of busy schedules? I thought you're stronger than that!

The day of the awarding show, I needed long time to get my face dolled up until the visible circles under my eyes disappear and everything that could tell I cried all day and night and didn't have enough sleep will not be obvious to the public.

I was considered as the hyper puppy of our group but I couldn't even move a muscle to smile since the day Baekhyun broke up with me.

Red carpet has always been a thing every award show. I must look like I'm fine. As we walked, I tried my very best to smile but it looks more forced than a genuine one. I know it will be a hot topic around the world, as always. Ever since Baekhyun and I broke up, people connects everything I do to him as if I'm cryptically telling them I'm still with Baekhyun.

Right after we entered the venue, I heard EXO came as fans started to scream. The big screen inside the venue is showing the red carpet and there they are, walking on the red carpet like princes. They showed every member walking until Baekhyun. I immediately looked away from the big screen and pretended to talk to the idol seated behind me.

"I know it's so rude to talk about this. But you and Baekhyun are so cute together." Yuqi from (G)I-dle said. "I had you guys as my lockscreen. It's just so cute."

"Thank you." I smiled at her and felt myself blush.

"Are you fine now?"

"I don't know."

Suddenly Yuqi froze while her eyes are staring at a certain direction and it seems like she's following it, I looked around and saw that she's staring at EXO as they made their way towards their seat which was right beside my group's!

We had a long couch as a seat. Every group has. And since my group consists of 12 members, we had two long separated couches. I was seated on the end of the first couch, meaning the next couch to my right is EXO's!

I tried to act really cool as the EXO members went to their seats. I could feel my heart beating rapidly while I keep my eyes in front of me, avoiding to see the member who decided to sit beside me.

Yuqi's and the fans' squeal gave it away.

As we wait for the other groups before the show starts, every group that walks pass us and seeing that Baekhyun and I sat beside each other. They would either cover their mouths to muffle their squeals or look at us sadly or teasingly.

I wanted to talk to him like we usually do when we attend award shows to keep ourselves entertained but I remembered that we have broken up and I don't know why. I won't believe at what Baekhyun said, that it wasn't working. I know that he has something deeper that's why he did so.

The show started and we just watch the other groups perform. EXO is always the last one to perform to prevent fans from leaving early because most of them are EXO-Ls.

It's our time to perform. When Baekhyun and I were still dating secretly, every time I perform on stage I'd give my best and maintain an eye contact with him, sometimes I'd smirk that he finds so sexy and my body rolls included in the choreography teasing that we'll end staying up only to make love the whole night.

I couldn't help buy grit my teeth when I remembered we're performing our latest song with a message from a broken girl to her lover who left without actually telling why. Great, now fans has something to say again. I don't want a fuss so I had my eyes on the fans as we performed.

When it was EXO's performance, Baekhyun's eyes didn't met mine, not even a second. That was the first time I felt rage inside my heart since we broke up. How could he look so fine as if he never loved me? I never paid attention to him either and talked with my groupmates to avoid gossips and fancams of my reaction to his performance.

My group won an award! So we all went up to the stage while the fans are screaming. The trophy was handed to me so I'm automatically the one to give the speech. I was pushed towards the microphone stand by my members. I held the microphone and before I could even speak, the fans chanted a name.

It wasn't mine.

"Byun Baekhyun!"

"Byun Baekhyun!"

"Byun Baekhyun!"

"Uhm..." I forgot the words I had in my mind.

It was followed by our shipname that even those fans from another group started chanting with EXO-Ls and our fans. I only wanted to deliver my speech but they are acting up. I felt tears forming in my eyes and the next I knew I was standing behind my members and the leader did the speech for me.

EXO also won an award and I know it was intentional when the MC gave their trophy to him so he could do the speech. The moment his hands touched the microphone EXO-Ls started to chant my name and Baekhyun tried his very best not to stutter.

"So... Uhm, yeah. Wow! T-this is so surprising? I've seen EXO-L's hardwork so we could, uhm... Have this award. Thank you!" he yelled the last two words and raised the trophy up in the air, causing for the fans' screams to intensified. "Our Eris are always-" Baekhyun choked on his sob and that's when I turned to look at him, he was crying. Chanyeol quickly pulled him on the very back so the members could cover him and Kai did the speech.

Before ending the show, all of the idols must be on stage to have fun together. Unfortunately, my group stood next to EXO and I was pushed to stand next to Baekhyun.

Everyone was dancing happily to a song but I couldn't dance, I wanted to but I can't. I stared at my members while they dance happily and one of them asked me to join them so I agreed. I did that to get away from Baekhyun's side.

Time to leave, since I have my car with me I let the members leave through the van and will just follow shortly after. While I made my way towards my car, I could feel a presence of someone following me. Not again, don't tell me it's another group of sasaengs to beat me only to tell me to get back with Baekhyun after telling me I'm using him for fame?

I quickly strode towards my car so I would be safe, but even before I could open the door someone held my wrist so I turned around, only to see that it was Baekhyun.

"Y/n, can we talk?"

I harshly pulled my hand away from his grip. "After breaking up with me without actually explaining why, you'd ask me to talk like nothing happened?! Like you never broke my heart?"

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry? You're sorry? Do you think that'll fix everything?!" my hands folded into a fist, hitting his chest causing for him to step back with his head hung low. "What's there that wasn't working, Baekhyun?"

"Nothing. Everything is fine between us." he lifted his head so his tear-filled eyea could meet mine. "But I was scared. Scared that it will continue. You were hurt because of me, no matter how much you tried to convince me it wasn't my fault, it is, they are my fans. They did that to you because of me. Do you think I don't know you're reading hate comments about us? Do you think I don't know you're receiving death threats? All of those things happen to you because of me. I couldn't protect you that's why I have no choice but to end things between us."

"I thought you're stronger than those."

"I thought so, but now I am, I know it. I... I will promise to protect you, Y/n. Give me another chance. I promise I will never do this again. It's so hard that we have to avoid each other."

With the rage still burning my heart, I wasn't thinking straight. "Let me... Think about it." I turned my back at him.

I heard a thud on the ground so I turned around and saw Baekhyun kneeling down. My eyes bulged when he grabbed both of my hands and kissed them. "Please, please Y/n."

"Baekhyun! Stop this!"

"No!" he shook his head and squeezed his eyes shut, letting his tears flow. "I can't take this, it breaks my heart not feeling you around. I can't go on without you. Please." His grip on my hands tightened. It hurts me seeing him cry and begging like this.

"Baekhyun, stand up!" I tried to pull him up since he's holding my hand, but he kept his knees on the ground. "Stand up so I could kiss you."

He looked up to me, surprised for a second before he bursted out sobbing again. I pulled him up and he obliged while wiping his own tears using the sleeve of his coat like a little kid. I giggled at him before grabbing both of his cheeks and pulled him closer for a kiss.

"I'm sorry if I have to be so dumb to think about breaking up with you instead of doing my very best to protect you. But now, I promise I will protect you at all cost."

He embraced me, resting his head on the top of my head and swayed our bodies slightly.

We stayed like that for a couple of moments.

"There are someone watching us though." Baekhyun said, breaking the silence as he pushed himself softly away from me so he could have a stare on my face.

"I know." I puckered my lips and he happily pressed a kiss there.


Lmaooo! Today at SMTOWN concert, Baekhyun's UN Village will have a remix and collab stage! Guess who he's collaborating with?

Baekhyun be doing the rolling rolling hills with his ex, Y/n. Oof.

Baekhyun and Y/n collab stage for SMTOWN concert? Imagine how awkward they are while practicing.

I pressed my lips to surpass any giggle that may escape as I continued scrolling through my phone.

"It must be fun seeing their reactions like that?" the make-up artist who's doing my make-up asking. "It's nice seeing you smile. The last time I did your make-up, you look so miserable."

"I wonder what will be their reaction if they will know that Baekhyun and I have gotten back together."

A knock on the door prevented the make-up artist to speak. It opened by itself and Baekhyun's head popped out. "Hey, love. Ready to rolling rolling hills with me?" he smirked before completely stepping inside the dressing room. The make-up artist had left without a word.

"More than ready." I stood up from the stool and went to hug him. "I'm so glad we don't have to avoid each other now."

"We still have to avoid each other though, just for few hours and then we tell them."

The concert started and everyone from SM Entertainment had the chance to perform. When Baekhyun and I had our collaboration stage, we kept teasing the fans with our daring dance moves as if we were never affected with our break up, assuming that we're really over. They couldn't stop screaming our shipname and some of them teared up.

While singing the last song sung by some of SM artists, Baekhyun went to me and held my hand as he sang his part and then I sang mine. I couldn't help but smile as I feel his hand tightening around mine and the fans seems to understand what was happening.

Ending ment, Baekhyun still had my hand in his while the others talk. I felt nervous as if it's the first time we're revealing our relationship. Revealing it through his instagram is way too different than revealing it on the spot with thousands of fans watching.

"Oh, so before we bid our farewell, our Baekhyunie and Y/n has something to say, even though it's obvious what is it all about but let's hear it from them."

We took few steps forward, hand-in-hand with a smile on our faces.

"Well, it seems obvious already." Baekhyun initiated, glancing at me for a second before continuing. "But yes, Y/n and I are dating again. I realized that I really couldn't live without her presence around me and I was so dumb to think of letting her go for the sake of her safety. I promise I will do everything to protect her and will never let her go."

I wanted to speak but I couldn't. My heart was beating painfully and my face felt so hot as I stared up to Baekhyun, admiring the way he look at the fans' happy reaction.




The fans started to chant and we gawked at them. The artists behind us started to chant along with the fans and we laughed at them before Baekhyun pulled me closer and kiss me right on my lips. The whole place was filled with screams that I thought my ears bled due to how loud it is.

Then Baekhyun pulled away with a grin and I giggled at him before I leaned my head on his shoulder as we watched the fans yell our names happily.


13 days after reaching 1k reads. This book gained another thousand of reads!

This is so record-breaking for me hahaha 😂

Since it reached 2k may I present the 2nd part of "Who Will?"

This is the longest imagine, beating Separating's 3.1k words with its 4.8k words.

Now that this book has 2.5k reads, we're closer to 3k!

Guess what imagine has the possibility of having 3rd part? 🤭 It's for when this book gain another thousand.

Stay tuned!?

Love ya'll! 💖


