
This is second part of "Corgi"


Leaving Kyoong to Baekhyun's family took longer than I expected. After our tour, we had individual activities. I am to debut with a new sub-unit of three so a lot of preparation is a must. Practice here, photoshoots there and everywhere. Now I missed my baby even more.

I mean, Kyoong. Not my other baby, Baekhyun.

Baekhyun and I started dating the next day after confessing our feelings to each other. Everyone in the company knew about it but we were asked to be cautious and hide our relationship for the mean time since I am debuting in a sub-unit with my two other members. It's the best way or I'll look like using Baekhyun for our sub-unit to become popular.

"Finally!" I plopped my whole body down on the couch as soon as we have arrived at our dorm. We finally have time to rest for a week after all the preparations.

"Rest time!" the two other members ran towards their room. The rest of the members isn't here. Just the three of us, maybe they are in their own individual schedules.

I remember Kyoong getting rid of my tiredness every time I come home, but she isn't here. So I thought maybe today's the time I will have her back here.

I fished my phone out of my pocket and immediately dialed Baekhyun's number. It took few rings before he answered. "Hello, baby."

"I miss my baby."

"Aw, I miss you too."

"No, not you. My baby Kyoong."

"I am Kyoong!"

I giggled at his childish voice. "Okay fine, Baekyoong, I miss you but I really miss Kyoong right now. Can I come to your house and get her? It's fine if you won't come with me I know the way."

"No, I'm not doing anything anyways. I'll pick you up about an hour?"

"Okay, thank you Baek! I love you."

"I love you too, now get some rest. You had a rough day."

I hung up and laid back down on the couch and closed my eyes.

I woke up, feeling something soft on my cheeks. When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw is my boyfriend, smiling down at me before bending over to press another soft kiss on my face. "Wakey wakey. We're going to get Kyoong."

I held my arms up and Baekhyun grabbed both of my hands and pulled me up to sit. Baekhyun sat beside me and brushed his fingers on my face, sweeping the strands of hair covering it.

"Get dressed, baby. My brother's wife decided to have a double date tonight."

"That's lovely." I told him before straddling on his lap and leaned my head against his chest. I miss cuddling with Baekhyun like this but my schedule isn't helping. "Are we going to see Kyoong and Mongryong before the date or?"

"We're heading straight to the restaurant and we'll see them after.

A pout instantly appeared on my lips. "But I really miss Kyoong already."

"You do. But did you even miss our dates?" and then it's Baekhyun's turn to pout.

"Of course I do. And I missed you the most." I caught his face between my hands and pressed my lips against his. Baekhyun sighed as his hand went on my back, caressing up and then down as our lips moved against each other.

"Can you two stop being so disgusting?!" I turned around and saw a member just got out from her room.

I mimicked the way she whined and stick my tongue out to tease her. "Go get yourself a boyfriend!"

"No thanks. But please not on our couch. You have a room, Y/n." she rolled her eyes at me jokingly and went back inside her room.

"I'll be right back." I pecked Baekhyun and climbed down his lap and went inside my room to change.

As soon as I'm done dressing up, we left the dorm.

After hours of travel, we arrived at the restaurant where Baekhyun's brother decided for the double date to take place. Baek went out of the car first and turned to open the door for me, he even offered his hand so I took it and he gently assisted me out of his car. I love it when he does that he's so manly.

We entered the restaurant, as usual, it's luxurious and quiet. Baekhyun asked for our reservation and followed the waitress all the way to our table. There, we saw Baekbeom and his wife waiting.

"We're here."

Baekhyun and his brother greeted each other with a high-five. When Baekbeom's wife saw me, she tensed or so I thought. The moment I sat beside her, she would look at me nervously and then to Baekhyun and then to her husband and then back at me. Is there something wrong?

"We already ordered, also for the both of you." Baekbeom said, flickering a finger between me and Baekhyun, indicating that he had ordered for the both of us. I nodded at him and then he talked with Baekhyun.

"You seemed tensed, eonnie. Is there something wrong?" I decided to speak with her since we're being left out by the siblings.

"N-nothing. Maybe I'm just a little bit enchanted by the fact that who I'm seeing on our TV screen is dating my husband's brother."

I laughed at bit at her statement. "We can both be seen on the TV though."

She seemed to relax as our conversation went on. "I'm used to see Baekhyun, but you, you are just so impressive on stage that I can't believe you're here."

We talked until our foods came. At the first minute we were still talking and then we all went quiet as we ate. That went on for a while until Baekbeom's wife spoke.

"I have to tell you both something." she said, putting her untesils down as she looked at me and then to Baekhyun. "It's about Kyoong and Mongryong." she glanced at Baekbeom for awhile and he nodded at her.

"Why? Did something happened to them while we are not around?" Baekhyun asked.

"Well, I guess?" Baekbeom replied.

"What is it?"

"Kyoong is having puppies."

I froze at her statement, my hands stopping in the air and my eyes stared straight towards nowhere. My baby... Isn't a baby anymore? I felt Baekhyun's hand grabbing mine, pulling me out from my trance.

"I took them both at the vet last week and the vet found out that Kyoong is pregnant."

"And my Mongryong... Is the father?"

Baekbeom hit Baekhyun's head. "Of course, they are literally inseparable since Kyoong was brought there."

After the date, we all went back home. The moment I entered the house, Kyoong came running towards me, barking happily. I could see her growing tummy and I can't help but tear up.

"Aw, baby." I sat down on the floor and went to caress Kyoong's head. "You're not a baby anymore." I didn't know I started crying.

Mongryong is just watching me caressing Kyoong. So I held my other hand out to him and he placed his paw on it even though I said nothing. He's so obidient when it comes to me but is not when it's Baekhyun. I giggled and ruffled Mongryong's head. "You just put some puppies inside my Kyoong."

The corgis played with each other while I'm staring at them. I can't believe they are going to be a family soon.

"Are you okay, baby?"

I turned around and saw Baekhyun, walking towards me. I nodded at him quietly before returning my gaze at our dogs.

Baekhyun sat beside me on the floor and guided my head to lean against his shoulder as we watched our dogs having fun.

"I can't believe I am a grandmother already." I told Baekhyun, making him laugh. "Why are you laughing? Kyoong is my daughter!"

"I know." he placed a soft kiss on my lips before staring back at our pets. "We are going to be grandparents."

I can't hold my tears and sobs anymore.

"Baby, is that a problem?" Baekhyun asked worriedly as he wiped my tears away.

"No, of course. I just can't believe. Kyoong basically became my daughter after taking her in. I feel like I just heard that my real daughter is having her own family."

"I am also surprised that my Mongryong could be that naughty." we both laughed at his remark. "But hey, you know that we're alike right?"

"So what?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Meaning, I could also be naughty."

I yelped when Baekhyun carried me and walked towards his room, with our lips attached to each other.

Our sub-unit's debut was a success, bringing wins home on its three week promotion. We recieved so much love and support from our fans, breaking our own group's record.

After our debut, schedule started to flow. I barely managed to go out on a date with Baekhyun, but it's fine since we have decided to live together. So no matter how busy we get, we still come home to each other and cuddle all night.

My sub-unit's on a recording for an OST of a drama. Before going in, we were asked to review the song one last time.

"I have to take this." I told my members, they nodded and continued reviewing the song as I got out to take the phone call.

"Hello, baby. We're in the midst of recording."

"Baekbeom hyung wants you to know that Kyoong gave birth!" I heard cheering on the background, and I don't need to guess from who are those. "He wants us to give the names. You think for the other one, and I think for the other one."

"There are only two?"

"Yes. They are both boys."

"I'm a grandmother already."

I heard Baekhyun giggled from the other line. "Yes you are. If you have free time, let's go see the puppies."

"I'm cancelling whatever schedule I will have tomorrow, do you have any?"

"None, I'm unemployed."

A staff asked me to go back inside. So I told her I'll be there in a minute. "We're starting. See you later, baby. I love you."

"I love you too."

Once the recording finished, we were asked to take some rest so I hurriedly went home and saw Baekhyun playing with his PC again, as always. When he saw me, he stopped whatever he's doing and greeted me with a kiss.

"Did Baekbeom sent you some pictures?" I asked as we sat down on the couch and started cuddling.

"Yeah, they are so cute." Baekhyun showed me the picture of our corgis' perfect family. I almost teared up seeing them with their babies. "We're grandparents."

"We're grandparents." I whispered what Baekhyun said and looked up to meet his gaze. He smiled down at me and pecked me.

I luckily didn't have any schedule the next morning so we decided to go and see the puppies.

I couldn't hold my tears when I saw them. Mongryong and Kyoong barking happily at us while their puppies tried to walk towards me. They are so cute just like their parents. I bet they also looked this cute when they were young.

"You're really good at parenting aren't you?" Baekhyun told Mongryong and caressed his body. "Take care of your wife okay?" Mongryong barked twice as if he just responded a happy 'yes'.

"They are a happy family." I murmured, staring down at my Kyoong's perfect family while having my arms wrapping around Baekhyun's waist.

"They sure are. And I'm sure Mongryong will take good care of his girl and his puppies." I felt his lips on the crown of my head.

"I can't wait to have puppies with you too though." I stared up at Baekhyun and wiggled my eyebrows at him.

"Naughty Y/n." he chuckled before giving my lips another sweet kiss.


You name the puppies 😂


