
If there is one thing that describes me and Baekhyun, that is being pervert.

It is said that soulmates are being similar. I thought that was rubbish until I dated Baekhyun. We have so much in common, from our small habits down to the same holes that appears on our faces when we press our lips for a thin smile.

The same characteristic we have that outstand all the similarities we have is being pervert. At least, we're being pervert only to each other and it's not a problem since we're a couple.

I woke up to his arms wrapped around my body, and to his hands on my chest. I chuckled before I removed his hands and turned my body around so I could face him.

"Good morning, baby." I greeted him after seeing that he's already awake.

He pressed a kiss on my lips. "Good morning too. Do you want to go somewhere else today?"

"Uh... No."

Baekhyun and I are both homebodies, one of the characteristics we share.

"Good, I wasn't planning to take you out today anyway."

I squinted my eyes on him.

"Of course I'm just kidding. I always have plans incase you want to go out."

I smiled up to him before pecking his lips and left the bed. Baekhyun held his arms out so I pulled him up until he's sitting on the bed. "I'm making breakfast, what would you like to eat?"

Baekhyun puts a finger on his chin and posed like he's thinking seriously.

"How about I eat you instead?" he smirked at me that made me blush. But I shouldn't be carried away so I glared at him.

"I'm serious, Baek."

"So do I." he grabbed me by the hand and shoved me back on the bed and before I could even react he was already hovering above me. "I love you so much." then he leaned in and kissed me directly on my lips.

My hands slowly went up to thread themselves on his hair as I responded to his kisses. I felt Baekhyun smiled between our kiss before his lips went down on my jawline, allowing me to breath. A soft whimper came out from my lips.

"Baek." I heaved out a sigh when he reached my neck. "I'm going to make breakfast. Get off." my hands went down on his chest and pushed him off me gently.

"Aww." Baekhyun whined and even pouted. "You are my breakfast."

"You're going to need real food." I told him and pecked his nose before walking out of our room.

While I was cooking, a pair of arms suddenly wrapped themselves around my waist and soft kiss landed on my shoulder. Just in time, the food was ready so I turned the heat off before facing Baekhyun, only to see him shirtless.

"I told you to wear your shirt before going downstairs."

"It's hot."

I giggled a bit before giving him a quick kiss on his cheek. He smiled in satisfaction and got off me. Baekhyun then proceeded to the table and waited for me to serve the food.

"Wear your shirt, Baek."

"No. I want you to see how sexy I eat without a shirt."

I didn't place his food down. He look so sexy even with clothes on and even without one. I think he's the sexiest man alive, well at least for me. And of course Baekhyun doesn't need to know my sexy thoughts about him or he'll tease me until I would do something about it.

"Okay, fine." he stomped out of the kitchen.

When he was back, he's finally wearing a shirt so I served him his food and ate happily while talking about random stuffs and then being so romantic and cheesy randomly, complementing each other of how beautiful our relationship is. I love being like this with Baekhyun forever.

As always, I do the dishes while Baekhyun is out there doing something. He told me he's playing so he set his PC up. But I don't want him to play for today since today's the only day he's going to have a day off. He's debuting as a solo singer, meaning he's going to be really busy for the next day and the rest.

He looked so serious while playing.


Baekhyun hummed as an answer, still not removing his eyes on the screen with his fingers skillfully moving against the keyboard and mouse.

"I need love!"

"I love you, baby. You have all my love."

"But I need your love and attention." I stomped my way towards him, but he didn't even batted an eye to me.

I squinted my eyes at him, trying my best not to move on my spot in hopes to get his attention because of my sudden quiet behaviour.

But minutes have passed, he's still immersed in the game. Screaming if his character is close to dying or making his own sound effects to match the game. I don't forbid Baekhyun to play games because it would be too selfish for me to do so, it's his favorite thing to do, but sometimes it's getting out of hand. I don't have his attention anymore.

I roamed my eyes around his figure until it landed on his thighs. A smirk crept on my lips before I kneeled down and crawled my way under the table until I came to face his legs.

"Baek, I need love." I said as I crawled closer towards him and peeked my head from under the table.

Baekhyun looked down at me a bit before returning his gaze on the monitor, giggling adorably. "Baby, what are you doing down there?"

"Big Baek isn't giving me the attention I wanted." I whined, going back down just sitting on the floor with Baekhyun's lower body as my sight. I know I looked or sounded like a pervert right now but I wanted to touch Baekhyun. "So I wanted to ask if I have little Baek's attention."

I pinched the end of his shorts and raised it until I got to have a glimpse of his underwear. I can't help but laugh because I can imagine what I looked like right now.

"Hey little Baek!" I snaked my other hand under his shorts, going further towards his underwear. I swear I heard Baekhyun sighed heavily and then followed by a gulp. But even before I could touch the fabric covering his little Baek, Baekhyun screamed and because of shock, I withdrew my hands from him and jumped in surprise, bumping my head on the wooden material above me.

"What the hell?" I asked, crawling my way out of the table. I stood up, only to see the screen saying that Baekhyun had died in the game. Oh, I must have distracted him.

Baekhyun glared at me and I just giggled at him innocently. "Did I distracted you babe?"

"You need love right?"

I grinned at him cockily before nodding. Baekhyun didn't said anything, he went up to me and caught my face between his hands and kissing me roughly. I whimpered and let my arms tangle on his neck as his hands went down on my butt, squeezing them as what he always like.

I screamed and then followed by laughter when Baekhyun carried me on his shoulder, slapping my arse before walking towards our bedroom.

He threw me on the bed, quickly removing his shirt and made his way above me. "You know I hate it when you tease me while I'm playing."

"I just wanted to ask little Baek if I have his attention." I said, slowly trailing my hands on bare chest.

Baekhyun got rid of my clothes before he proceeded. Starting with marking me all over my skin.

Baekhyun was still panting when I rolled away from him to reach his shirt on the floor. I sat up and wore his shirt before stumbling on my way out of our bed.

"Where are you going?" he asked, walking towards the closet to get some clothes for himself.

"I heard something from downstairs. I wanted to check." I replied and went out of the room.

When I reached the stairs that leads me to the living room, I stopped when I saw the cause of those mysterious murmuring sounds earlier while I'm screaming Baekhyun's name.

"So what are the-" when Baekhyun saw where I'm staring at, he paused behind me.

"Next time, when you two make love, make sure you consider the people surrounding you." Suho rolled his eyes at the sight of us.

"We could hear you both like it's happening right in front of us." Xiumin commented and some of the boys agreed while some of them faked a disgusted expression.

"As far as I could remember, before we made love there are no idiots loitering around. You all decided to arrive while we're on the middle of it." Baekhyun made his way down and I followed shortly after putting some underwear because I was only wear Baekhyun's shirt.

I sat down on the couch between Chanyeol and Kai. They immediately scooted away from me that made me smirk since they are squishing me but now they aren't.

"Ew, you smelled like Baekhyun's... Ew." Chanyeol complained and pinched his nose to prevent himself from smelling me. What? Baekhyun smells nice.

"Did I just had a skin contact with you?!" Kai yelled as if having a skin contact with me is the most disgusting thing ever.

"Ew!!" both of them jumped out of the couch, giving me all the space of it.

"What's wrong with you two?" Baekhyun asked at Chanyeol and Kai who's wiggling on the floor before he sat beside me.

"Do you both think of taking shower first?"

"Uhm, no, we might consider the third round so it's a waste of water if we shower now and shower again after it." I giggled at Baekhyun's statement before straddling on his lap and gave him a kiss.

A hand went between our faces to stop us from kissing so we looked up and saw that it was Lay. "Gross." he said.

Baekhyun stuck his tongue out to Lay and continued kissing me.

"Ugh! I'm leaving. I thought we'll be having a movie marathon!" Chen whined and ChanKai beside him agreed.

"We didn't have an agreement that it will happen right here in our house!" I yelled at them.

"We wanted for it to be a surprise!" Sehun yelled back.

"You don't yell to my baby!" Baekhyun grabbed the remote beside him and threw it towards Sehun. Which hit him on the stomach, earning a growl from the maknae. "You all watch a movie. I'm taking this upstairs." he made sure my legs are wrapped around his waist and so does my arms to his neck securely before standing up and walking towards the stairs that leads to our bedroom on the second floor.

"Perverts!" all of the boys screamed even before Baekhyun could step a foot on the stairs.

"We know!" we screamed back, laughing at each other before attaching our lips together.
