
"I'm sorry." Baekhyun said, panting before he collapsed beside me.

"What for, Baek?"

"I came inside you."

I rolled my eyes at him before snuggling closer. "What about that?"

"I might get you pregnant."

"But you'll marry me, right?"

Baekhyun tightened his arms on my waist and pulled me closer as he gave my forehead a kiss. "Of course."

"I love you so, so much." I whispered and kissed his chest before closing my eyes almost falling asleep instantly when I did so.

"I love you too, the most."

When I woke up next morning, Baekhyun wasn't beside me anymore. I reckon he already left for work and I should too. I greeted him a good morning through text before I went to get ready for today's work.


3 days had passed, and I never saw Baekhyun since the last time we made love. I have been texting him but he wouldn't reply. I didn't have the chance to ask the boys personally since work suddenly become so hectic. I even had to go outside the country for two days.

When I got back home after a tiring work, I plopped myself down on the couch with my eyes closed. Before I could even drift off to sleep, I heard my phone rang. Assuming it was Baekhyun, I quickly answered it without giving a damn to the caller's ID.


"You didn't read the caller's ID, didn't you?"

I pouted when I heard Chanyeol's voice. Not that I don't want to talk to him. I was just disappointed that it's not Baekhyun.

"I'm sorry, Yeol. Why did you called by the way?"

I heard shuffling and whispering sounds before I heard Chanyeol groaned. "Oh sorry, I should be panicking." he calmly said before he screamed that I got to hold my phone away from my ear.

"Baekhyun! He's in danger! Come to our house! Right now!"

I almost dropped the phone as I grabbed my keys and dashed out of my apartment. I drove so fast that it feels like I rode my car only to see my neighbor next door.

Still panicking, I got out of the car and hurriedly ran inside EXO's house. When I got inside, it was dark and quiet.

"Baek! Guys! Where are you?" I called out as I started walking further.

No one answered so I decided to check all of their rooms. I started at Baekhyun and Chanyeol's. The moment I opened the door of the room, I was surprised to see that there are candles shaped like a heart and a man was standing in the middle. I felt my knees melted when I realized that the man was Baekhyun, and he's wearing a suit. One of my favorite looks of him. I thought he's in danger! I started sobbing and covered my mouth to stop them. I really thought he disappeared and was killed. It was a bad bait to lure me in. Really.

"Oh, w-why are you crying?" Baekhyun asked, panicking as he hesitates to step out of the heart.

"Chanyeol said you're in danger!"

"Stupid Chanyeol. I told him to lure you without scaring you too much." he whispered and then offered me his hand.

I wiped my tears away before I took Baekhyun's hand. He smiled at me before he let me walk with him until we're both inside the heart-shaped candles. There are also rose petals scattering on the floor that I failed to notice at first because of how I scared I was, thinking that Baekhyun really is in danger.

I looked around the room when I suddenly heard our theme song being played.

"Oh my gosh I don't know how to do this." Baekhyun knelt down on one knee and he snaked his hand on the back of his pants and took a box out. I just stared at him with adoration and admired him for his effort.

"I'm sorry if this is so lame. But I just want you to know that I love you so much. You gave light in my dark life three years ago and that light never fade, not even flickering." Baekhyun breathed out a good amount of air before continuing. "Will you spend the rest of your life with me?"

I let my tears roll out from my eyes as I nodded and said. "Yes, I'd love to Baekhyun."

"Oh my gosh! Yes!" he screamed excitedly, standing up and then he jumped up and down before he calmed and took the ring out of the box to put it on my finger. He then kissed the back of my hand and smiled down at me. I love this puppy so much I'm glad he's safe and will spend the rest of his life with me.

All of the members, including my family and Baekhyun's came crowding the doorway of his and Chanyeol's room. They clapped and cheered for us when Baekhyun and I shared our first ever kiss as engaged couple.

I had a workshop outside the country for a week. And I will not be able to see Baekhyun until then. I pouted when we got out of the car. Baekhyun took my luggage out from the backseat and held my hand as we walked inside the airport. How I hate being far from him because he can't cuddle and kiss me.

"Cheer up, babe." Baekhyun said as he squeezed my hand lightly. "When you get back, we'll cuddle all day!"

My flight got called so I started tearing up. I really hate the idea of being far from Baekhyun.

"Stop crying, baby." Baekhyun wiped my tears using his thumb.

"I'm going to miss you so much." I told him ang hugged him really tight.

"Me too, it's just for a week."

He leaned down and kissed me on my lips. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Somewhere between the last day of our workshop, I suddenly felt really dizzy. I thought it was because I skipped my breakfast earlier. I couldn't eat what was served for us because it smell so gross! I even threw up a lot of times that I had to go in and out of the conference room. I think I distracted the others so they sent me out.

"Are you sure you're fine?" Wendy asked me worriedly as she rubbed her hand on my back. I'm throwing up again.

"Ugh! I haven't eaten anything but I keep throwing up. I might throw my intestine up later." I groaned before letting out something from my stomach again. Wendy looked like she wanted to laugh at my remark but knowing my situation, she couldn't.

After washing my face, I suddenly felt really dizzy and my headache worsened until I can't take it anymore. I fell on the floor and the last thing I heard is Wendy screaming for help.

I was sent back home after being admitted for a short time in the hospital. I excitedly pull the car over in front of my apartment and ran all the way inside my home.


I paused when I saw nobody was home. Why am I so stupid? Why would he stay here when he's alone, of course he would stay at their home.

I came at EXO's home like a flash of light. I pressed the doorbell and prepped myself to be greeted by my cuddly boyfriend. Instead, Sehun showed up with a weird expression. It's like asking me why do I look so excited.

"Is my Baekhyun there?" I cheerfully asked Sehun. He didn't answer though. He just moved away so I could enter. So I did.

"Baekhyunee!" I called out happily when I have arrived at the living room. I must've disturbed the others as they all went out of their perspective rooms at the same time.

"Y/n, why are you calling Baekhyun? And why do you look so happy?" Lay asked sleepily.

"Why? And where's Baekhyun? Did something happened to him while I was gone?"

"He didn't tell you? I thought he told you." Chen butted in.

"Tell me what?"

Sehun walked up to me and showed me his phone screen. I felt my heart dropped after seeing the photo Sehun wanted to show me.

"He entered the military to start serving, three days ago." Chanyeol explained. I felt my knees weakening after hearing what Chanyeol said. I couldn't take my eyes off the photo, he's being surrounded by the boys and he's bald.

"Why now?" I started sobbing. Kyungsoo hurriedly walked up to me and hugged me really tight as a form comfort and for me not to fall on the floor.

"He didn't want to tell you that he's enlisting because he doesn't want you to be sad when he left. He wants to finish the mandatory service before marrying you." Sehun said as he joined on hugging me. The rest of the boys looked at him as if he said something wrong. "Baekhyun hyung didn't want to tell you guys that Y/n doesn't know he's enlisting because you all are not trustworthy."

"Says the man who revealed their relationship when he asked for it to be hidden." Chen rolled his eyes at Sehun and he just stick his tongue out to Chen before tightening his hug to me.

"What I'm going to do?"

"We'll be taking care of you while he's gone." Chanyeol smiled at me. "Of course I will take care of you until my turn to enlist."

"Me too!" Chen raises a hand with a happy smile on his face.

"We'll be taking care with you, don't worry." Lay stroked my hair gently that made me smile.

"And our baby?"

They all went silent for a while, looking like they paused on their places, sinking in what I have said. Sehun pushed himself away from me with a questioning look.

"What baby?" Lay asked.

"That jerk!" Kyungsoo suddenly yelled, startling everyone. "He did that knowing that he's leaving soon... I'm gonna skin him alive."

"Calm down, hyung. He's not going away forever. Just for eighteen months." Kai placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry. We'll be taking care of you and that little Baekhyun there."

I relaxed in Chanyeol's arms when he hugged me. And then the rest joined in, making sure they don't squish my tummy. These boys, no wonder why I love them so much.

Baekhyun, what am I going to do? You have left when I need you.
