
My heart started beating really fast today. I can't keep my feet still as well as my hands, fidgeting on the huge camera I was holding. Today's the day that I have been waiting for.

I have been fangirling over iKON for a month from now. And today, my bias Junhoe had a solo fansign event. I luckily got a spot for buying iKON's album. And for this special day, I decided to be a fansite master for Junhoe that's why I brought a huge camera with me. I will surely have tons of Junhoe's photos taken by myself.

Everyone screamed when the MC for today's event excitedly ran up the stage. She grabbed the microphone and greeted us cheerfully. "Hello! You're all waiting for too long, aren't you?"

"YES!" we all answered in unison that made the MC giggled.

"Well then, let me introduce to you, Junhoe of iKON!"

The screaming of the fans intensified the moment Junhoe went up the stage. I can't breathe! He's so gorgeous. He waved at us and smiled when he reached his seat.

"Hello! I'm Junhoe of iKON! It's so nice to see you all so close to me."

I wanted to scream but I can't and I shouldn't. So instead, I jumped up and down before I started taking pictures of Junhoe every second.

"So, before we start the signing of your album. Junhoe will have to draw three numbers. The chosen will win prizes. Please see your seat number to know if you're chosen."

I quickly looked at my seat number which is 24. I hope I get to win at least the first prize.

Junhoe picked a paper from the glass box and opened it. He told the MC the number he got. "Thirty!"

"Ah! I'm here!" the girl seated at number 30 raised her hand and screamed excitedly.

She ran towards the stage to claim the prize she won, personally handed by Junhoe to her. It was a pillow with his photo from their latest album with Junhoe's sign of it. So lucky. I'm jealous.

"The next winner will be given a photocard. With Junhoe's hand-written letter!" the crowd went loud as Junhoe sat on his seat to write something on the said photocard.

"Next!" Junhoe dipped his hand on the box and drew another paper. "Five!"

"Oh my gosh!" the girl in front fanned herself using her hand as she went up to claim her prize. She even had the chance to hug Junhoe because her prize is kinda small compared to the first and Junhoe felt bad about it.

"The last winner will win a chance to have a selca with Junhoe!" the screams intensified and I broke into cold sweats. What? It's okay if I can't win this, why am I suddenly sweating and my heart started beating so fast?

I missed the moment Junhoe drew a number because I spaced out a bit. I just heard him screamed what was written on the paper.


Oh sht!

I stood up with shaking hands and put my camera down my chair as I ran towards the stage excitedly with my phone. My heart was beating so fast, it was almost painful and I started to feel a little dizzy. I shyly walked up to Junhoe and turned my phone on and pressed the camera app.

"Uhm, can you please remove your mask?" the MC asked and everyone agreed.

My eyes widened when realization hit me. I forgot I wore mask today so that no one could recognize me. Me being iKON and Junhoe's fan should be kept as a secret because everyone around me will misunderstood. I touched my mask and raised it a little.

"Please?" Junhoe pleaded. I shook my head aggressively and crossed my arms to make a big x mark. Some fans on the venue whined at me. No! You all don't know why I'm doing this!

"C-can we just take the photo with my mask on?" I whispered to Junhoe. I was starting to shake in fear. What if they'll recognize me?

"Why?" he worriedly asked when he noticed that I'm shaking a bit. He stared at me directly at my eyes. Then it seems like he recognized me when his eyes widened.

"Y-you are..."

"Shhh!" I clasped my hands together and pleaded for him to not speak of what he had in his mind.

"Okay! We'll just take the photo the way she wanted." Junhoe told everyone. I smiled shyly inside my mask as he took my phone and placed an arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him.

He pressed the capture button a lot of times, even when I was looking at him and not on the camera or another way around. I think he also captured that moment when we looked into each other's eyes. Oh my gosh! I have greatly sinned today.

"Thank you for coming." Junhoe said as he handed me back my phone and hugged me. My inner self wanted to scream and jump but I can't let Junhoe see how I fangirl over him.

He asked the MC to give what he was pointing so the MC handed it to him. He then gave it to me. It was a cute welsh corgi plushie. "It's for you. Thank you for coming once again."

"T-thank you so much." I shyly whispered before running back to my seat.

I took a lot of pictures of Junhoe while I was waiting in the line. I only stopped when I'm two persons away from him. When it was my turn to have my album signed, he giggled at me when he looked up to see my face.

"Send my regards to him. Tell him I mean no harm." Junhoe told me while he was signing my album. I laughed at his statement before quietly nodding.

"Thanks for coming once again, Y/n."

I blushed when my name rolled out of his tongue. This is the best fansign ever!

When the event ended. I happily skipped my way out of the venue, holding my signed album up to my face. Admiring how beautiful it looked with my bias' sign on it.

I really didn't mind who's coming on my way until I bumped into someone who's standing right in the middle of the way. Who the hell would do that and why can't he just stand aside when he's not going to walk anyway?

"Having fun cheating, aren't you?"

My eyes widened for the nth time today after recognizing the voice of the person I bumped into. I slowly looked up, only to see my boyfriend seriously looking down at me.

"B-Baek!" I awkwardly laughed and hid the album behind me.

"Let's go home." Baekhyun seriously said as he walked away first. I am dead.

I followed him quietly until we reached the parking lot, specifically to his car. He stopped on his tracks and turned to look at me. His expression tells that he is upset.

"So that was the work you mean you are doing?"

I bit my lips as I looked down on the floor. I'm caught. I told Baekhyun that I can't go out on our date today because of work. But the truth is that I ditched him for Junhoe.

I have been fangirling for Junhoe of iKON for like a month from now. And ever since, Baekhyun of EXO, my boyfriend, never knew about it. That is why I shouldn't be recognized at the fansign earlier. Because EXO-Ls might misunderstood that I'm cheating on Baekhyun with an iKON member as an anti-fan spread those kind of rumors about me a year ago. It was one of the reason why I discovered iKON.

"I'm so sorry, baby. I just can't stop fangirling over Junhoe and his group. They are so amazing next to EXO." I sadly explained and showed Baekhyun my signed album, handing it to him almost without hesitation. Then I wiped the tears that escaped from my eyes. I don't know what he's going to do with my album but I just don't want him to get mad at me so I surrendered.

"It's okay, my baby." Baekhyun lowered my hand and didn't snatch the album from me. I looked at him with tears streaming down my face. Baekhyun giggled sweetly before placing a quick kiss on my lips. He isn't mad?

"I was going to ask you that why didn't you told me that you're an iKONIC. I could've just arranged a private meet and greet for you. With all of their members."

My sad expression immediately changed into a surprised one.


Baekhyun nodded. "I am close to Junhoe so why not?"

Omg! My bias and my boyfriend are friends! I am the most satisfied fangirl forever!

"Awww. Baek I love you so much!" I pounced at Baekhyun, placed my arms around his neck and hugged him really, really tight. How to unlove this puppy? He's so supportive at everything I do, as long as I'm happy with it. I'm never letting him go and from now on I will always choose him over whatever that makes me happy aside from him. Because he himself is my happiness.

"Anything for my baby's happiness." I parted from the hug and cupped his cheeks. "I love you too, the most." Baekhyun leaned in until our lips met. Smiled into the kiss and deepening it by tip-toeing to reach him more and tilting my head to the other side. I felt his tongue brushing along my bottom lip, I instantly gladly welcomed him.

It was getting hot and messy until we heard a whistle.

"Having fun?"

We turned around and saw Junhoe smirking at us. I pushed myself away from Baekhyun as I felt my face getting hot.

"By the way, we're all free this Friday. You might want that private meet and greet to happen that day."

"Oh sure, arrange that for me. I still have an unfinished business." Baekhyun jerked a thumb at me, pertaining that I am his unfinished finish. I elbowed him because of his remark.

"Please not in your car... Again."

Junhoe smiled at me before he left.

"Oh my gosh! You told him that we're doing it in your car?!"

"Just to let him know that this fangirl of him," he softly pressed my nose like a button. "Is my girlfriend."

"You're unbelievable."

"Unbelievably handsome, I know."
