
"For last time, I swear, if you'll set me up for a blind date once again without informing me. I'll skin you alive!" I exclaimed while fixing myself in front of the dresser. "I'm only going to this one because I don't want the man's time to be wasted."

"But he's hot as fuck, Y/n-ah." says Trishia from behind me, sitting on my bed. Eyeing her through her reflection on the mirror and then glare, she gulps before chukling nervously. "You're going to instantly agree getting laid once you see how handsome he is."

"I don't easily give in to a simply good-looking guy. Attitude matters too!" I rolled my eyes annoyingly. Once I'm sure there's nothing wrong with how I look, I stood up and grabbed my coat to leave.

"Y/n-ah!" Trishia runs after me and holds my hand to stop me. I turned to face her and immediately softened at her apologetic expression. "I'm sorry. I'm just worried for you after telling me that you're really serious about staying single for the rest of your life and not even thinking of dating at least once. You can't just grow old without experiencing what it's like to date and what a relationship has to offer."

A sigh escapes my lips. "Fine. If this guy passes my standards, I'm dating him."

Trishia's eyes sparkled with excitement as she tangled an arm around mine and pulls me to the front door of my apartment. "I really had a hard time finding such perfect guy for you. I'm sure he'll immediately pass your standard."

"Whatever. I'm gonna go."

I only had to walk my way to the cafe where I'm going to meet my blind date. While stepping closer to my destination, I couldn't help but think that maybe Trishia's right. Before growing old alone, I should experience dating first. It wouldn't hurt if I let myself enjoy being in someone's arms, kissed and cuddled for a short time right?

Now I'm sure to continue checking out this guy Trishia got me. Only for one thing! If he won't pass my standards, I'll never let Trishia set me up on another blind date again and if she'd insist, I won't meet the guy like what I'm going to do today.

The moment I reached the cafe, my eyes wandered around trying to find a guy wearning a black slacks, white shirt and a black coat over it. A semi-formal attire huh? The thought of what my date is wearing already made my heart flutter. I'm quite sure this guy is handsome. Trishia isn't the kind of friend who'll just hook me up with someone random, especially when its visual didn't pass her sight standards. I trusted her with what her own ideal type is to find me a perfect guy.

"Hi." a sudden tap on my shoulder caused for me to gasp silently and turn on my heel, eyes immediately greeted by a gorgeous man grinning.

Black coat and slacks, check! White shirt, check! He's the one! I couldn't help my lips to part as my eyes roam around his face. He is indeed handsome!

The guy grabs my hand and pulls me out of the cafe. I couldn't react as I'm still stunned at how handsome he is. That's when I realized we're heading toward a dark parking lot and to a car that I guess was his.

"W-wait! Where are we going?" I stuttered and tried to pull my hand away from his grip but he only tightened his pretty fingers around my wrist. He never gave any answer until we reached the car, that's when he lets go of my hand.

I only stared at him, not knowing how to react with his sudden change. Back in the cafe, the first time I laid my eyes on him, he looked so innocent and soft while smiling. But what happened? His eyes are now dark and he looks serious. He pushes me to his car, my back slamming against the door a little harshly that I moaned at the pain caused by the impact.

"Look, honey. I don't have much time so let's get over with this as soon as possible, shall we?"

I didn't know what he meant by that but even before I could ask him, he had slammed his mouth on mine for a kiss. My eyes doubled their sizes and my whole body froze. Soon after, I felt my knees weakening and my hands sought for support to keep my figure standing by trying to grab whatever they could reach but they only slipped away from the car's sleek material.

The guy sensed the conflict so his hands immediately slumped down on the both sides of my waist and held on it tight as his lips continued moving against mine skillfully.

"Oh..." I managed to breathe out when he parted for a second before he captures my lips once again, now for a more needy kiss. "S..."

He pulls away and stares at me with a dirty smirk etched on his face. I noticed how my lipstick scattered around his lips and that made my blood rushing up to my face.

He wipes the smudged lipstick all over his lips using the back of his hand. "Let's get to the fun part of the night." he grabs my hand and pulled me away from his car so he could open the door and push me inside the backseat.

"W-what fun part?!" I started to panic when he joins me in the backseat and closes the door behind him. I scooted away from him until my back met the other door of the car.

The guy lets out a breathy laugh. "Don't act like it was not your idea, baby." he sat on the seat and pulled me towards him until I'm straddling his lap. "You know this will never happen again so take your time." I didn't know how his hands find their way to my waist until he pulls my hips closer and then pushing me away repeatedly. I took a sharp breath when I felt how my clothed sex grazed over the tent in between his legs.

Ah, I guessed Trishia told this guy I wanted to get laid that's why he mentioned something about this thing being my idea. Well, I didn't know why I never felt any anger at how my friend lied to him just so I could have sex right after meeting my date but this is awesome! He's indeed handsome that when Trishia told me once I'm going to see him, I'd instantly agree to get laid, she wasn't lying because heck! I want him inside me like right now.


We were both panting when he stopped moving, stilling inside me. He was staring down on me, smirk still visible on his face. As soon as our breathings were somehow back to normal, he pulled me up and sat on the seat, letting me straddle his hips.

"So? How was my performance, miss Eri?" he asked, tucking some hair strands behind my ear.

My brows knitted at his question. "I am not Eri. My name is Y/n."

The confidence and smug expression he had altered into confusion as his eyes blinked rapidly. "What do you mean? Didn't we had a deal that I should get you pregnant?"

"What?!" I stared down on and squealed before jumping back. I fell from his lap and reached for my clothes scattered on the car floor. Seeing his clothes made me remember my date. "Aren't you Oh Sehun?!"

"I'm not Oh Sehun, I'm Byun Baekhyun!"

My mouth fell agape. "Oh my God! You came inside me!" I quickly wore my clothes and so did Baekhyun. "Why didn't you used some protection?!"

"Because I'm supposed to make the one I'm meeting pregnant!"

That made me pause from putting on the last peice of clothing I have. "Are you a baby maker or what?"

Baekhyun roams his eyes around, as if something in his car could help him find the answer to my question. "Y-you can put it that way." then he continued wearing his pants. "But just this once! I mean, only this time!"

"Disgusting!" I growled and tugged on the handle of the door to open it. Then I stumbled my way out the car and he followed after me while groaning and muttering something about him not being disgusting as what I just called him.

I smoothed my palms on the dress and lifted my gaze up to the road I'm taking to leave but what I saw ahead froze me on my spot.

There stood a man, he was wearing the same clothes as what Trishia described to me so I could recognize my date—similar to Baekhyun's. He must've noticed how I stared at him so he glances at me with his head cocked to the side confusedly. He was much taller than Baekhyun and more handsome.

"Look miss, I didn't mean to come inside you-" Baekhyun cuts himself off when he saw me staring straight ahead, his eyes followed to where I'm looking at. "Is he your boyfriend?" he whispered but I gave no respond and started walking up to the guy.

"Uhm... Are you Oh Sehun?" I asked.

"I am." he answered and went to look at the screen of his phone. "Are you Y/n Y/l/n?"


Sehun scratches his nape shyly, a tint of pink spreading across his cheek. "I kinda saw- I mean had a hint about what you two did in that car so I think I should go, bye!" before I could even say anything he scurried his way out of the place.

I watched Sehun running away with my eyes teary and lips trembling. Trishia was right! He's hot as fuck. I think would even like it if I had sex with him in a car but instead... I ended up doing it with a wrong guy.

That Baekhyun guy pursed his lips to stop himself from laughing not until he sensed that I'm glaring at him. "What?"

"What?!" I mimicked in disbelief and removed the sling bag around my body. "You have the nerve to ask 'what'?! You fucking pervert!" I started hitting him using the bag. He tried to avoid my attack by folding his arms in front of his face while screaming.

"You pervert! You should've introduced yourself and ask if I was the one you're meeting! Your dumbass being proceeded to drag and kiss me! Pervert!" with every words I scream, I'd hit him.

Baekhyun managed to grad ahold of my wrist to stop me. "Yo, miss. You could've stopped me if you know something's off. And besides..." he pulls one corner of hid lips up for a smirk. "To the way you told me to go faster, deeper, and harder, I could tell you liked it."

I was caught offguard that I could only blink my eyes in response. Then I pulled my hand away from his grip harshly and walk away, not wanting to see that face ever again.

"You might want to get my number! In case I'll really get you pregnant." he yells from the distance.

I huffed and faced Baekhyun for the last time, seeing him wave at me as if he did nothing wrong. He looks like a child excitedly waving his hand that I couldn't believe he's same man I had a hot sex inside his car. I shook my thoughts away and picked up a pebble I saw on the ground and proceeded to throw it towards his direction, making him scream and run.

Trishia was waiting in the living room when I entered my apartment. The moment she saw me, she skips her way to greet me but squealed as soon as she saw my face.

"What happened to you? And why is your lipstick all over your face?!"

"Never set me up on the blind date ever again!" I stomped towards the couch and plopped myself on it, all while obviously looking angry.

My bestfriend sat beside me and runs a palm on my back up and down. "What happened? Did you got laid?" I shot her a glare and she quickly tensed on her seat. "Judging from your look compared to when you left, and you're kinda limping."

I heaved out. "I did got laid. But..."

She lifts a brow. "But?"

"But with the wrong guy!" I cried and hid my face using my palms. "H-he..." I wasn't able to continue when I felt like I didn't want her to know that we didn't use protection and I had sex with a baby maker or what.

"He what?"

"H-he was uhm," I sniffed while trying to think of words. "Not really handsome."

"How did you ended up having sex with the wrong guy?"

"That dumbass didn't introduce himself and just dragged me to his car! He was wearing the same outfit as what you described for my blind date to wear!"

Trishia looks at me with bored eyes. "I know he's handsome."

I let out a short airy laugh. "How can you say that?"

"Because you let him do that to you. I told you that your blind date could make you instantly agree on getting you laid and you did agreed to let him pull you inside his car." she bobbed her shoulders. I can't believe after all the words I've said, that's the thing she ever noticed?

"Whatever. I just wanted to forget this happened and never try to go on a blind date again."


I couldn't be... Hehe. Just because he did it inside me, doesn't mean I could be pregnant with that. That was my first time! And I think there are low chances, somehow, to get pregnant when you had sex for the first time.

Yes, that Baekhyun whatever had my first. Stupid dumbass! If only he introduced himself, I wouldn't be having a problem right now. Also, I could've been dating a fine guy that goes by the name Oh Sehun!

I have been so moody lately and I'm craving lots and lots of foods that I didn't know I could eat. Those signs alone, made me think that... No. Please no.

"You are not pregnant, okay?" I told myself in front of the mirror and tapped my own head. "Maybe that guy is infertile or what. Well, I hope so."

After weeks of hiding in my apartment, I finally had the urge to drag myself out to buy the foods I've been wanting to eat. These days, I'm ignoring the fact that I'm on diet and just eat as if it's my last day on earth.

I went to the nearest supermarket around the neighborhood and grabbed every food my eyes could see. Of course I shouldn't forget the real reason why I went to this store: strawberries.

Just when I was about to grab the last bag I saw, a hand held the other side of the bag. I snapped my head towards the person and gasped a little. He also looked a little surprised after seeing my face.

But I grinned at him and said, "Hi there, Mr. Baby Maker." my voice sounded as if I never resented him for what he did to me a month ago.

"Y-yah! I'm not a-" Baekhyun grits his teeth in annoyance. "Give me this!" he pulls the bag of strawberries from me and hugs it, making sure that I won't be able to steal it.

"That's mine! I had it first!" I tried to find a part of the bag that's sticking out so I could pull it away from him but he only turned to his back to leave. "Baby maker!"

"For the last time, I am not a baby maker!"

His annoyed voice and stomping of his feet only made me smirk. "Then give me the strawberries. I'll stop calling you baby maker as what your work is."

"That is not my work! I already told you that was just for once!" Baekhyun quickly runs away from me and towards the counter.

But even before he could reach the counter to pay for the thing we're figthing for, I dropped myself on the floor and made a loud crying sound. He looks back at me and his eyes widening.

"I've been craving strawberries!" I wailed. I didn't expected that my fake cry turned real when I felt tears running down my cheeks, so I wiped it away using the back of my hand. "Do you know how hard is it for someone pregnant not to eat what they're craving?!"

"Y-you're what?" Baekhyun stuttered as he slowly to approach my seated figure, his embrace around the bag of fruit tightening.

That's when I realized what I've said. I blinked my eyes rapidly before I looked away from Baekhyun while mentally scolding myself. Why the hell did I said that? I'm not pregnant, okay?!

We were both silent, not knowing what to say. That was until a staff approached us and said, "We still have lots of stocks for the bag of strawberries. Would you like me to get you one, sir and ma'am?"

"No, thanks." Baekhyun and I replied and unison, making us look at each other's eyes finally.

I thought I never wanted to see him again but I just found myself sitting across him, stirring the glass of strawberry milkshake he had ordered for me. I wanted iced americano but he didn't want me to drink coffee for an unknown reason.

None of us had shared a word since we left the supermarket and went into the same cafe where we first met a month ago. But the feeling of breaking the silence is taking a toll on me so I didn't stop myself and asked the question I've been dying to ask Baekhyun.

"Are you really a baby maker?"

He lifts his gaze from his iced americano up to my face. "No."

"Then why did you told me I could put it that way when I asked you." I took a sip on my drink. "And what do you mean by that was just for once?"

"Enough about that. Are you pregnant?"

I choked on my drink and cough. It was fake though, I just don't know how to answer his question. My act lasted longer than I expected that it became obviously fake. Baekhyun only stares at me with his eyes slightly squinted.

Awkwardly ending my fake coughing, I cleared my throat and answred, "No."

He lifts one brow up. "Are you sure?"

"I was scared to get the test, okay!" I slammed both of my palms on the table and stood up, catching the attention of the other customers around the cafe. "I didn't want to see two red lines! I was fine living the single life and the next thing I know is that I'm pregnant with a stranger's baby?" I started sobbing while Baekhyun tried pulling my hand so I could sit back down.

"Okay, you can calm dow-"


He must've noticed how the others murmured while staring at us. Realizing it only intensified my cries. "It's just the hormones." Baekhyun whispered and quickly shuffles to my side and took his coat off him to drape it over my shoulders. He then encircles an arm around me and pulled me with him towards the cafe's exit.

We sat silently inside his car—the same damn car where everything started. I had my eyes closed as I could still vividly remember every second of that night and I didn't want it to haunt my mint at a serious moment like this.

Baekhyun started off with a loud sigh. "Live with me."

I tilted my head to look at his direction without opening my eyes. "Huh?"

"You're pregnant with my baby. Let's live together." I felt his hands on my face and his fingers tried to pry open my eyes. "And open your eyes! Don't act like you're still forbidden to watch kissing scenes when we literally just made a baby in this-"

"Shut up you moron!"

He acted hurt by that, pressing a palm on his chest. "How dare you call me that? In front of our daughter!"

"Daughter? How dare you raise your voice at me in front of our son!"

"Ha!" he points a finger at me, a triumphant look taking over his face. "You claimed it as ours! It's settled now. You're living with me!"

If we were to live together, it will surely be full of petty fights and chaotic.


I sat on the countertop, happily watching Baekhyun stirring the bowl filled with coffee. He's been stirring for 20 minutes now because he wanted to try making the dalgona coffee.

"So, there's this question that has been stuck in my mind for since I startes living with you for two weeks now." I paused to spray some whipped cream in my mouth. "Are you a baby maker?"

Baekhyun intentionally drops the bowl and mixer and glances at me with his eyes narrowing.

"I was just curious. You've never given me the answer so I will ask that all over again."

"And you're not getting any answer no matter how much you'll ask." and he goes back at stirring his so-called dalgona coffee which look like it'll just fall on the bottom of his glass of milk.

So you've chosen... Death. He's really going to summon my very effective acting skills huh? I'm desperate to know if he's a baby maker so I'm really gonna do this. I wouldn't like it if my baby daddy's way of living is making babies with someone else.

"Argh!" I groaned and contorted my face into a convincing painful look. One hand went down to clutch on the shirt I'm wearing, just below the stomach level. Baekhyun instantly panics and rushes to my front, hands hovering over my sides as if he's too scared too touch me.

"W-what's happening?" I wanted to laugh at how genuinely worried he looks but I must not.

"Someone must've wanted some answers." I bit my lips, a part of my act to make it more convincing that I'm in pain. "Didn't you want to know what daddy does for a living, little one?" I placed a palm on my still-flat stomach while staring down on it.

"Fine." Baekhyun sighs, running his tongue across his lips. I lifted my eyes up to excitedly stare at him so he continued. "But it's not what I do for a living. It was deal that'll happen for once."

I cocked my head to the side. "Deal?"

"I came from a rich family. My brother handled a company while I freely live using the money coming from it." I couldn't understand his expression but he looked embarrassed. "He had enough of that and thought that I could help him manage the company but I knew nothing about it and messed up so he took my card and kicked me out of the house. Good thing I have friends with me who helped me so I'm currently not living in the sreet."

"Where's the deal-" he shot me a glare to cut me off. "Okie. Sorry. Please continue."

"My friend Chanyeol who's a crackhead thought that I should find a way to earn money. But I didn't know how to work." he bobbed his shoulders and continues stirring the bowl of coffee. "He found someone who wanted to be a parent but is not married nor dating so he suggested me to help her and she promised to pay a very promising amount."

"The Eri you thought I was?"

"Yup." with squinted eyes, he then cringes when I guess he was reminded of something. "Chanyeol told her I'm handsome and could give her a gorgeous baby so she increases the amount she'll pay and I was in need so I could move out from Chanyeol's. I didn't have to be a burden to him and to my other friends."

"Kicking you out of your home must've turned you matured."

He jutted his bottom lip for a small pout. "I guess so. I actually never think of things this way before not until this happened." he looks at me with a small smile etched on his lips. "It took days for me to process everything but when I found out I'm going to be a father, I thought I should start thinking maturely and how to be a good partner to you."

What is this? Why is that statement making my heart flutter?

"Although everything was purely a mistake and that we obviously don't feel anything for each other, I still wanted to give our baby a perfect life and I want to make it up to you for ruining yours because of my stupidity." he casted his eyes back to the bowl.

"That sounds so manly and mature." I agreed, nodding my head. "And you look handsome."

"Y-yah." he stared back at me in disbelief, slowly backing away from me. "That's so weird coming from you who insults me first thing in the morning."

"I was trying to make you feel better! You were dramatic!"

"I wasn't asking for your comfort! Gosh! I kinda regretted telling you my thoughts about how to be a perfect partner for you. I shouldn't have said that."

My lips parted to respond but no words came out. I didn't know what to answer to that. I was kinda hurt because of his words so I kept my mouth shut with my head hanging low. This is the first time I felt something uncomfortable inside my chest after arguing with him for two weeks now.

My relationship with Baekhyun is chaotic. We aren't dating, friends, or such; we didn't have any label for the kind of relationship we're in. He just live with me because I'm pregnant with his baby (I have an apartment and he's got nowhere to go so he lives with me) and we fight each other every single day as if it is what keeps us alive.

I think of this as his way not rushing things just because we're having a baby. I wanted to give our blessing a perfect family so I'm trying to work things out with Baekhyun as much as I can and I'm doing it secretly.

But he's a piece of- nevermind, I didn't want to curse at him through my mind, our baby could still hear it.

No, seriously. To give our baby the perfect life as what he had mentioned, that means we should grow to love each other. I wouldn't mind trying my best to feel something for him and make him feel something for me. I wanted to show our little one that he/she is growing in an ideal family even when all of these started because of a mistake.

Actually, I think I'm just fighting Baekhyun because I still blame him for the situation we're in. After telling me the truth about why he tried to do that kind of deal, I felt sorry for him. He's just an innocent man trying to make a living and had no other choice but to do something like that so he wouldn't be a burden to his friends.

Somehow... I'm glad I stepped in the way and stopped him from such risk just to earn money.

"There!" he exclaims and the sound of spoon grazing against the bowl was heard. I still didn't move a muscle to at least see what he's currently doing. Instead, I jumped off the countertop and walked out of the kitchen. "Y/n-ah! Aren't you going to drink this? You requested for this remember?"

No answer, I continued on my way to the bedroom and didn't bother to close the door once inside. I just laid down on the bed and pulled the covers up and then closed my eyes to look like I'm sleeping.

Are we really going to live this way? Insulting each other? At first, I find it entertaining amd fun to argue with Baekhyun every damn time but as time passes by—just like how he seemingly matured upon realizing that we're going to be parents, my perception of how we live right now suddenly changed.

I mean, even when our baby hasn't been born yet we should start building an ideal family image. I'm just too desperate to give him/her a perfect life and family. I must admit, while I was achieving to live alone for the rest of my life, I sometimes dream of having a perfect family. I love my husband, he loves me, we have gorgeous kids that we love the most and loves us too.

This is a mistake, yes. But that doesn't mean I don't deserve to achieve that dream I had set aside because I was too sure I'd be growing old alone.

"Hey." I heard how he carefully stepped inside the room and soon after his presence could be felt from behind me. "Did I hurt your feelings?" the side of the bed where my back is facing, sunk, he sat on it.

I laid still, eyes not even twitching which I hope would convince him that I'm really asleep.

"I'm sorry for being insensitive." I flinched when his hand found my back. "I was embarrassed of my situation and I didn't want anyone to pity me so I had to put up a tough facade to show that what happened to me looked like it didn't matter." and he started running his palm on my back, up and then down, gently.

"I badly wanted to look fine and ended up hurting you." he sighs audibly. "I'm sorry, hm? Come out and drink the dalgona coffee I made for you." Baekhyun gently tugs on my arm and I let him pull me up to sit, still refusing to meet his gaze.

"You know," he paused, thumb drawing circles on my wrist which was still in his hand. "I've been really thinking about us. I mentioned about wanting to give our baby a perfect life yet I'm fighting with you."

"Maybe we should work things out between us. What do you think?"

I slowly rotated my head to look at him. "I mean it." then I shyly muttered.

"The what?"

"You look handsome." that made him chuckle while slight shaking his head. "And your situation isn't something to be embarrassed about. You were trying your best and that's enough to make someone proud." I added.

He rises a brow confusedly. "Who's proud with what I did?"

"Us." my teeth dug themselves on my bottom lip, I could  literally feel my blood rushing to my cheeks so I stared down to at least hide it from him. "This isn't the outcome you were expecting but I'll be working hard to make things better than what you expected if you really had completed the deal."

Baekhyun says nothing. The next thing he did happened so suddenly, I wasn't expecting it. He places a hand on my jawline, the rest of his fingers except for the thumb rested right below my ear while the latter gently caressed my cheek. And he closes the distance in between our faces and captured my lips for a short but breathtaking kiss.

He parted from the kiss and was about to distance himself from me to see how I reacted to that but I didn't want him to know how that little gesture turned me red so I quickly but shyly fisted on his shirt and pulled him back without a second thought and greeted his lips with mine.

This, all of these, and everything started by mistake but I want this to be perfect and it being with Baekhyun, I think it will be worth a shot.


Wieeeeee! Happy 6th birthday to us, EXO-Ls!! ❤️

We've come a long way with the boys! But that doesn't mean we should stop! Let's be with EXO together and forever!! ☺️❤️

(I didn't have any wholesome meme of Suho lol 😂)

So yeaaaaaah!! Happy birthday to us once again!

This one-shot... I don't know if it will have a second part 🙄


