
"I told you, Baekhyun, that is not what you think it is!"

"That's final, Y/n. You're not going to see Taeyong, again. It's not because I'm jealous, I just wanted you safe."

"Argh! Why do you have to be this asshole?!" I gripped on my own hair and pulled it out of frustration. "How could you told me to stop meeting my friend for a project when I didn't do something at all! It's all in your head, Baekhyun!"

"I told you, it's not because I'm jealous over Taeyong. You nearly died, Y/n!" Baekhyun raised his voice at me, which is what I hated the most! He realized what he had done and he breathed out a heavy sigh and was about to open his mouth but I spoke first.

"Don't talk to me." I glared at him for the last time before walking pass him to go inside my room.

I plopped myself on the bed, hid my face on the pillow to let out the scream I have been holding back.

Baekhyun was jealous of my friend Taeyong because we were working on a project for our work. We have been spending time to finish the task as soon as possible. But someone who's so bitter from the fact that I'm dating Baekhyun had told my boyfriend that the project is just an excuse so I could spend more time with Taeyong, the one who I'm cheating with Baekhyun. That is according to one of those girls who were bitter that Baekhyun didn't fell in love with them and chose me instead.

Last week, while furnishing the remaining flaw of our project, I got hurt that I it almost killed me and Taeyong didn't know what to do and had called Baekhyun to come and save me. Ever since that day, Baekhyun never let me go on meetings with Taeyong again and I was fine with it since the project is already done and we're only waiting for the day of its submission. But Taeyong called earlier that something went wrong and he can't do it alone so I told Baekhyun that I'm going to meet him again. My boyfriend obviously didn't wanted me to go since all he think is that I might be cheating, or I get hurt again, or most probably because he is jealous over Taeyong's existence.

Jealousy has been the reason of our fights, may it be a small or big fight that we ended up not talking for days. Baekhyun gets jealous so easily for nothing and that made me think that he doesn't trust me at all. If he trusted me, why would he get jealous over small nothings and believe on those who told him I'm cheating? I love Baekhyun and I will only love him. But sometimes I feel like he's imprisoning me with his jealousy instead.

Noticing that he's starting to get into my nerves and his presence right here inside our apartment isn't helping, I got up and grabbed my coat before hurriedly walked out of the room. Baekhyun was seated on the couch, when he noticed that I got out, his head turned to me and his eyes followed my steps until I reached the door. I held on the door knob and even before I could twist it, Baekhyun spoke.

"Y/n, I love you."

Even when he can't see my face because I had my back facing him, I still rolled my eyes. "Whatever, Baekhyun." then I opened the door and stepped out of my apartment, not even feeling guilty as made my way outside the building.

I decided to walk my way towards my favorite cafe, to at least calm myself a bit. It was kinda effective since I'm starting to feel less angry.

I reached the cafe and the first thing I noticed is a young girl, around 9 or something else. She's crying outside and seems hesitant to enter the shop. She would pace towards the door and then turn her back against it only walk away for few meters and then walk towards it again. She was also sobbing really hard so I decided to approach the poor girl.

"Hey there, is there a problem?" I asked as soon as I approached her. The girl stopped pacing and looked up to meet my eyes, her eyes are starting to get puffy.

"Do you want to have a drink?" she only blinked her eyes at me. "Don't worry, it's my treat. Come on." I held out my hand to her and she hesitated to take it and I know why.

I kneeled in front of her and her eyes never left mine. "I'm Y/n. And I really like children, but I don't like seeing them cry. So I'm treating you to make you feel better. How's that sound?"

She sniffed before nodding slightly. I offered her my hand once again and she finally took it. I smiled at her before standing up and walking inside the cafe, with the little girl holding onto my hand as if her life depended on it.

I made her choose what drink she wanted and told her to wait in a table so I could buy our drinks. Soon after getting our orders, I went to the table where she was waiting. She's still crying but her sobs had softened but tears still continued streaming down her face.

"So what is your name, little one?" I asked as I placed her drink in front of her.

She sniffed twice before answering me with shaky voice. "I-I'm Cheonsa."

"Wow, what a nice name. It means 'angel'" I smiled at her and reached for her hair to stroke it. She seemed to like what I did as her soft sobs had stopped but there still are tears coming out from her eyes, seemingly unstoppable. "But why are you crying, Cheonsa?"

She wiped her tears using the sleeve of the coat she was wearing before sipping into the drink I had ordered for her. Then she spoke. "T-today, my daddy and I got into a fight. Daddy never got mad to me like that and I was surprised that made me angry at him. Before leaving for school he told me "I love you, Cheonsa." And I yelled back a loud "I hate you!" At him and slammed the door closed."

Seems like the scenes had flashed back her mind when she started crying again. "The last words he told me is that he loves me, and the last words I told him is that I hate him. My daddy got into an accident earlier this morning shortly after I left and he immediately passed away after a drugged driver hit him with his car." Cheonsa sobbed even harder that the other customers inside the shop started to look at us. "At first I didn't understand why he was angry at me, I just realized that he scolded me because he only wanted me to be safe. But I didn't want him to stop me from doing what I wanted and got angry at him instead."

Then it suddenly felt like someone knocked me on the head. Baekhyun only wanted me to be safe and I misunderstood him by thinking that he is just jealous of Taeyong.

Cheonsa placed her hand on mine and she looked at me with pleading eyes. "When you have a fight with the one you love, may it be your father or boyfriend, please don't end the day with hate and anger. Don't end a conversation with 'I hate you' and fix the problem before the day ends. Because we don't know when is the last time we spend time with the one who's special to us."

I was about to open my mouth to speak when someone suddenly approached our table and quickly hugged Cheonsa.

"Where have you been, Cheonsa? We've been so worried. Don't run away like that again, okay?" a woman said, presumably her mother.

Then another 5 people had crowded our table and embraced the little girl. I heard my phone ringing so I quietly slid away from my seat so I don't have to ruin their moment and then I made my way towards the comfort room.

Once I was inside, I immediately answered the call from Baekhyun.

"Baby, where are yo-"

Before Baekhyun could finish what he was about to ask, I heard a loud honk, followed by a screech that I assume is coming from a car and then a shaky sound as if the phone fell from Baekhyun's hand. My heart started to beat so fast when I heard a groan shortly after. A groan that one could tell that it's coming from someone who's hurt so bad.

"Baekhyun! Are you there?!"

No answer. Instead, I heard murmurs. My chest started to feel tight and tears are flowing out from my eyes. That is not what I think it is, isn't it? He isn't hurt. Gosh! Please don't be hurt, Baekhyun. I quickly ran out of the comfort room and out of the cafe.

I was so immersed with my conversation with Cheonsa, I didn't know it was already raining outside but I don't care. When I was finally out of the building, the first thing I saw is a crowd of people, encircling something down on the middle of the road.

My instinct told me to go and see why are there people crowding in the middle of the road. I squished myself until I could see the reason, there was an accident. It seems like a car hit someone.


"Shit." I hissed when I recognized who is the person lying on the ground, with blood pooling everywhere.

"Oh my gosh! Baekhyun!" I ran towards my boyfriend's body. My own body started to shake as I stared at my unconscious love, his hand still had his phone and the call still on-going with me.

"Love, p-please wake up! Baekhyun!" I kneeled down beside him and I carefully lifted his head to put it in my lap. "Baekhyunee, I'm here. Please hear me and open your eyes. I love you. I'm sorry please don't leave me. Baekhyun." I couldn't stop my mouth from moving as I lovingly caressed Baekhyun's cheeks, in hopes to wake him up like how it wakes him up in the morning.

"Please help us!" I yelled at the people watching us. One of them responded that they had called the ambulance.

"Baby, hang on there. Oh my gosh why is there so much blood?!" I cried harder as I tried to find where the blood is coming from but I failed since it was raining and the red liquid flows in every direction, making it hard for me to determine where is it really coming from.

I embraced Baekhyun, hiding his face on my chest as I cry. I'm not gonna lose him, not that we haven't fixed our problem, not that I ignored his declare of love for me and responded with "Whatever, Baekhyun" and my voice full of anger at him. We can't end up like this.


I gasped when I heard Baekhyun's voice. I carefully held his head away from my chest and stared at his face. His eyes were close but there was a smile on his lips. I leaned in and pressed my lips on his. "I'm here now, Baekhyunee. I'm so sorry. I love you, I love you so much. I love you, remember that, okay?"

"I-I'm sorry too, my l-love."

I placed a finger on his lips to stop him from talking. "Don't talk, baby. Keep yourself awake for me." I pressed another peck on his lips. "It's my fault, this is all my fault. Don't leave me."

The ambulance came and the medics quickly took care of Baekhyun. I still couldn't stop myself from crying as they loaded my boyfriend on to a stretcher. I couldn't help but think of this as a scene of him leaving me, forever, making myself cry even harder.

I was told to come with Baekhyun so I held his hand as I sat on the seat beside the bed where my boyfriend is laying. I would kiss his hand and every time I do so, his lips would twitch into a small sweet smile.

That is when I realized, Baekhyun loves me, more than I do to him. He only wants the best for me, to be safe since he's not really around me 24/7, and to keep me for himself because that is how he loves me. I was so stupid to think about how he's like imprisoning me when he has every purpose to all of those actions.

I waited for Baekhyun until he was out to move to a room. I am so glad when the doctors said that he's going to be fine. He was still unconscious but I promised myself to never let go of his hand until he wakes up.

I couldn't sleep and I'm still worried that I'd miss the moment Baekhyun opens his eyes so I stayed up and talked to him even when he couldn't hear me. I told him everything I couldn't tell him. My thoughts when he's around me, what I feel every time he's somewhere near me especially when he's touching me, my visions of our future, how would our wedding look like or how our children would look like.

"From now on, I will never let the sun set without fixing our problem or end a conversation with one of us saying we hate each other." I gently pulled his hand so I could plant a kiss on it. "May it be your fault or mine. I will never let the day end with a fight because we don't know when is the last, life is unpredictable, love. Just like what happened to you right now." I stood up from my seat and went to kiss Baekhyun on his lips.

I sat back on my seat and held Baekhyun's hand to put his palm on my cheek. I kept my eyes still on his face.

That went on for moment before I noticed how his eyes moved to open them. I shot up from my seat and stared intently at Baekhyun until his eyes greeted mine.

"Hey, love." was the first thing I said and grinned at Baekhyun, I brought his hand up to my lips once again.

"Hey, love." Baekhyun repeated weakly. Closing his eyes once more, now with a sweet smile on his face.

"I'm sorry if this had to happen, Baek."

"No, it's no one's fault. You are not the one who drove the car."

I let out a soft laugh. "Silly. I mean, if only I wasn't that stubborn and would've listened to you, we wouldn't have to fight." I sat on the space beside him and kissed his forehead. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, baby. I'm sorry too if sometimes I'm too uptight on you."

"I understand that." this time, I kissed his lips. "You just wanted me to be safe."

"I love how you understand everything easily." Baekhyun puckered his lips, asking for another kiss in which I gladly oblige in an instant.

"Is something hurting you?"

Baekhyun shook his head with his lips cutely pressed against each other. "I want a cuddle." he tapped his chest.

I laid down beside him with my head on his chest, letting me hear his heartbeat. Baekhyun's hand went to caress my hair.

"I realized so many things today." I looked up to meet his eyes and beamed at him.

"What are those?"

"There are a lot, but this is my favorite. Earlier, I met a girl and she told me that she had a fight with his father. Before she left for school her father told her the he loves her and she responded with its opposite. Her father died because of an accident. The last words her father told her is the he loves him and the last words she told her father is that she hates him. The thing I realized is that we should never end everything with the one we love with hate or anger, because we don't know when is the last time we're going to see them."

"That's a sad story." Baekhyun commented before he kissed the crown of my head. "And that's a good lesson. From now on I will never let the day end without fixing our problem, if ever we will have."

"I have promised that to myself too."

Then we were quiet.

"I heard what you said." he broke the silence and I looked at him in confusion because of his words. What did he heard? "Everything you couldn't tell me. Your thoughts, feelings, and visions of our future."

I shyly hid my face back on his chest. But Baekhyun just giggled and lifted my face up using his fingers so he could have a look on my blushing face. He stared at me lovingly for several minutes as if he's trying to construct something inside his head.

"Do you... Want to live with me? I mean, not that we're not living together now. But do you want to move out of our apartment and live in a house of our own, have kids and everything. Be happy. Like that."

I raised a brow at him. "Don't beat around the bush, Baek."

"Do you want to marry me?"

"W-what?" tears started to form in my eyes.

"I know this isn't a proper proposal yet, I'll just do it ne-"

"Yes, I do, Baek. I'd love to be with you forever!" I hugged him tightly and didn't hold my tears back.

"Baby..." Baekhyun's voice cracked and I looked up at him and laughed a bit at his teary eyes. "You make me the happiest man today despite these injuries that hurts me right now." we both laughed at his words.

I scooted up until I had my face on the same level as his. Then I leaned closer until my lips met Baekhyun's soft ones, sealing the promises we made with a passionate kiss.

Now this is the ending that I have been waiting for. The ending of my life as unmarried. Ready to write another book about my life, now with Baekhyun as my other half.


I wanted to write something that you could learn a lesson to.

The story of the little girl was based on what I saw in facebook and I learned something from it.

So yeaaah! We should never let the day end without fixing our problems with someone we love. Everything could happen unexpectedly and we don't know when is the last day we could live in this world!



Isn't he the cutest human being ever?!! ❤️  We are so lucky to have Jondae in our lives! We get to hear his angelic voice and witness his cutie smile 😭💖

Wait! This picture exist!

My favorite picture of Beautiful Goodbye's bts! 😭😭 LooK AT HIS FACE! HIS BABY FACE!

Happy birthday to this baby boyyy! I love him so much oh gosh! 💞

Shower our Jongdae with endless love! #VocalKingChenDay 🥳🎉


