Dinner Mate

Dinner Break's part 2! The first one's scenes were inspired from the drama 'Dinner Mate' but in this one, only the title is inspired from the same drama hahahshshshs.

Lmao. Why am I being so talkative? Let's proceed!


I never liked eating alone. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and whenever I feel hungry... I always had someone to join me. It boosts my appetite while I'm having a good time with someone and munching the foods I like the most. Jongin and I started as dinner mates, a term I came up with after that very night of our first encounter ever. We didn't like eating alone that we ended up sitting across each other and sharing a table.

Ever since Jongin dumped me because he grew tired seeing me eat, he hated eating with me, and that our once favorite time of the day turned into a duty for him instead... I learned how to value eating alone with the fear that whoever joins me or sees me, will hate me too, soon. Just like Jongin. I'm now conscious with how I look like when munching some food or even letting a candy melt inside my mouth, it was as if I'm walking on a thin sheet of ice.

My fellows would ask me to join them for lunch but I'd always make excuses that I already had eaten or I'm waiting for someone. When I'm hungry, I'd lock the door of my office and eat alone. At home, I had the lights off so I wouldn't see any of my reflection or shadow somewhere while eating. It's better in that way so the trauma Jongin brought to me will never haunt me.

"Do you want to have dinner with me?"

Ever since... I swore to never let someone see me eat or agree to eat with them.


Baekhyun tensed on his seat after hearing my answer.

"I don't eat with someone." I avoided his eyes and flipped the documents over to fix it. "You can leave, there's nothing wrong with you."

One of his hands found his nape and scratched it shyly. "I thought it would be easy since you're my fan."

That made me heave out a short breathy laugh. "Nothing in this world is easy, even if you're my idol." I left my seat and stomped my way to the door, then opening it. "Leave."


"Just leave Baekhyun!" I quickly covered my mouth after realizing that I had raised my voice at him.

Jeane barges in who probably thought something happened after hearing me yell. "Is something wrong here?"

I sighed and looked away from Baekhyun, sitting straight out of shock. "Show him out, please."

"This way, sir."

I couldn't look at him as he started walking out of the room with his eyes stilling over my figure. My breathing slowed down and my chest felt tight. Once the door closed, I broke down clutching the fabric that's covering my chest with my knees trembling.

"Calm down Y/n." taking deep breaths and then tapping my chest as form of comfort, I added. "No one's going to see you eat."

For someone, it may seem like I'm over reacting over a break-up and its reason but it's not just about looking pretty while eating, but the trust that I once had to those who've seen me eat, had been long gone. I can't trust the people around me right now. Just like Jongin, they might be holding themselves back to say how much they hate seeing me eat with them. That's how the break-up affected my whole being.

It's not just about how I want to look flawless while munching my food, but I want someone who will be honest when they start disliking the way I'm eating. Only then, I know what I'll do if that happens. That, I think, will gain my trust back to join someone on the table.


There was a big accident that the Emergency room was busy. Doctors and nurses where running everywhere and cries from those who were brought from the accident filled the entire room. I was busy checking a patient's vital sign and then proceeding to the other patient to see how severely injured he was and then another.

"Help! Help us! Help my friend! Please!"

"We will check your friend after tending to those severely injured."


"Aish, some people really are turning selfish when they panic." I silently commented after hearing that conversation from outside while I'm checking a patient. "We will have to do a surgery for your leg. There's nothing really serious about this one so chances are high that it will be a smooth surgery." I told the patient and he shakily nods at me.

I moved the curtains away to leave and the first thing I saw once the aisle could be seen, was Baekhyun, trying to get a doctor's attention by running after but is getting ignored. The blood running from his forehead down to the side of his face made me panic.

"Baekhyun-ah!" I rushed towards him and he looks at me with his eyes widening.

"Y-Y/n. Help my friend! Please!" he pulls me by the hand and leads me to a bed where his friend was laying unconscious. "W-we were involved in the accident but he was more injured after trying to protect me. Please save him!"

I hurriedly took a small flashlight from my chest pocket, forced to open his friend's eyes using my fingers and then shined the light on it. Baekhyun quietly observes how I did my job while shakily biting the tips of his figners.

"Over here!" I shouted, catching a nurse's attention.


"Do an X-ray and CT scan on him. Hurry! And hand the results to me right away, it's urgent."

"Okay!" the nurse pushes the stretcher and I helped her for a bit before another nurse saw her and decided to help.

Baekhyun sighs audibly, making me turn to face him. He bends over and places both of his hands on his knees, then catching his breath.

"Your friend will be fine." I spoke. He lifts his gaze up to me and cracked a small smile before standing up straight.

"Thank you so much, Y/n." he breathes out and I only responded with a shy smile that was soon wiped out when I realized he still had a bloody forehead, a drop of his blood falling on his shoulder.

"Your forehead looks painful." I took a step towards him, tiptoed to level my face with his as he was much taller than I do. Reaching a hand to his head, I used it to push his hair back and have a better look of his wound which doesn't look good, making me frown. "Oh my- this shouldn't leave a scar. Your face! Your oh-so perfect face." I carefully pressed a finger on the bleeding wound and in a blink, my hand was pulled away from it.

"That hurts." he jutted his bottom lip for a pout and tightened his grip around my wrist before bringing it down to my side.

"Let's clean that wound."

I brought him in my office and had him seated on the chair where he sat the last time he went here. At first, I cleaned the blood on his face using a wet towel and then proceeded to take some tools needed to tend his wound. I could feel his eyes following every move I make but I was too focused to acknowledge it.

I stood in front of his seated figure, slightly bending over with my hand pushing his hair away to have a better access of his wound before damping a cotton, causing for him to hiss in pain.

"Sorry." I mumbled, dabbing it gently hoping for him not to feel any pain. After cleaning the wound, I applied some ointment and then covering it to prevent further infection. All throughout the process, I had my tongue poking out unintentionally. It's just like that whenever I'm too focused on doing something and Baekhyun must've find it funny or adorable that I could see how he'd press his lips together to stop himself from smiling.

"You were cool." he blurted out so suddenly after covering his wound and gathering all the materials I used.

"Excuse me?" I stilled my eyes on his face and lifted a brow confusedly.

"When you checked my friend and called for the nurse and told her this and that. You looked so cool." he whispered something that I didn't manage to catch. Baekhyun looks away and pursed his lips, a shade of pink taking over his cheeks. He must've realized something when he shook his head and looks back at me. "I'm really thankful you were there. I think I owe you a dinner."

I was about to turn around and leave but he was faster to grab ahold of my right hand and then pulling me closer so suddenly that I gasped. My left hand planted itself on his thigh to support my weight as I was bending over him with our faces close to each other. "I'm not accepting rejection for this one."


"Y/n, if it's about what your ex-boyfriend told you, don't believe in him." I blinked my eyes, silently asking him how did he know about what Jongin told me. Needless to say, he answered, "Everyone in the cafe during that time, could hear everything from upstairs."

I tilted my head to the side to avoid his gaze and bit my lips out of embarrassment. Why does he have to hear those? I surely look pitiful in front of him that's why he wanted to have dinner with me, thinking it would console me because he's my idol.

Using a finger gently brushing all the way to my chin, he pushes it to make me look at him. All while staring at me lovingly.

The door suddenly opened and Jeane walks in. "Y/n, the operating room is ready-" she immediately freezes upon seeing how close I was to Baekhyun.

I quickly pulled myself away from Baekhyun, stood up straight and approached Jeane. "Okay, I'll be right there. Did Hyebin agreed to accompany me?"

"Y-yes, she did." she then awkwardly chuckles before shyly stepping out of the office.

I stared back at Baekhyun. "I'll be going now, to save your friend."

He nods slightly. "Thank you so much."

Cracking a smile, I bowed slightly before walking out. But even before I could close the door, Baekhyun abruptly stands from his seat, catching my attention once again.

"The dinner will be at Délice restaurant, six pm this saturday. I hope you'll be there."


I can't believe I'm really doing this. I went to the seat across the other and sat there, then staring straight ahead only to frown at my own reflection on the mirror.

A day before the dinner with Baekhyun, I finally have agreed to accept his proposal to eat with him. But before that, I had to practice how to look pretty while eating. So I placed a mirror on the seat right across me to see myself. I didn't want him to hate seeing me eating with him that's why I came up with such stupid idea to fight this self-consciousness in me. Besides, this is a very rare opportunity for a fangirl like me, I had to grab it. This stupid effort I exerted should be worth it.

I took a deep breath and started digging on the food. "Okay. You can do this." I muttered to myself before bringing the food to my mouth with my eyes stilling on the mirror. But even before it could reach my mouth, I had dropped the utensils while sighing audibly. "This won't do!" I fisted my hands on my hair out of frustration and squealed.

Hours passed by in a heartbeat. Next thing I knew, the day of the dinner came and I'm still contemplating whether to show up or not. I spend my whole day deciding until the sun had set and stars painted the sky with their brightness. It was already six when I've decided that I'll show up so I hurriedly got myself ready and wore the prettiest dress I own.

6:30 pm, I arrived at Délice restaurant. The royalty themed entrance and seeing that it's not full of people somehow made me feel at ease. There maybe someone who'll see me eat but at least only few. Jongin never brought me to a restaurant like this before and fact that Baekhyun wanted to eat with me in this utterly expensive restaurant for our first dinner ever, the feeling of trust slowly building up made my heart flutter.

I went in and was immediately greeted by the sight of Baekhyun sitting alone, head bowing in shame while the other customers from their tables surrounding his were glancing at him. Whispering and giggling right after as if they were mocking him for being alone.

No one mocks my man like that! I know he's not my man but for tonight, well... I guess he is. Just for tonight. I cleared my throat loudly, grabbing everyone's attention including Baekhyun who slowly brings his gaze up at me. His sweetest smile shows up as he stood to approach me.

"I'm sorry for being late. I was..." I bit my bottom lip for a second. "I was contemplating whether to show up or not."

"I expected for you to be bewildered." his beam widened, settling a hand on the small of my back and guiding me towards our table. He pulls my chair for me and I whispered my thank you before taking the seat.

Baekhyun was still grinning after taking his seat, his eyes were sparkling as he stared at me. That was supposed to be heart-fluttering but I ended up feeling a little bit uncomfortable.

"Uh... Do you want to say something?"

He gasps quietly before looking away. "Nothing." with shaky hands, he snatched the menus on the table and hands the other one to me. "Order anything you want. I was the one who asked for you to be here anyway."

Even while I was scanning the menu, I could feel him stare at me but I tried to ignore that. After ordering, we were both awkwardly quiet so Baekhyun decided to break the silence.

"I heard... It was hard for you to eat with someone. That must be why you were contemplating if you'd show up or not."

I chuckled. "Ever since that day, I never let someone see me eat." then looking down on my thighs. "I didn't want what happened to repeat, especially with those who surrounds me. I won't even show how I eat candy."

"Then I will help you."

"With what?"

Baekhyun didn't have the chance to answer when our foods came and was placed right in front of us. There is it, again. The feeling of being conscious over eating in front of someone. I gazed down on the food quietly while my hands fidgeted on the hem of my dress.


"Y-yeah?" I shakily brought my eyes back at his face.

"Are you okay?"

"Of course! Haha." I faked a laugh before grabbing the fork and started digging on the food. Baekhyun eats with ease while I'm having a hard time lifting my hand so I could have a bite on the food.

So I came up with the idea of using one hand to cover the sight of my mouth while the other helps me eat the food. Perfect! I complimented myself mentally once the food had reached my mouth. I made sure to completely cover the lower region of my face from Baekhyun's sight as I munch.

Ah, deli- my thoughts were interupted when I felt a hand over the ones I'm using to cover my mouth. A pressure was added, pushing it down gently revealing the entirety of my face. I slowly moved my gaze up and saw Baekhyun smiling at me.

"You eat beautifully..." he admitted lovingly, as if he was inlove with me. That made me suck the strip of pasta poking out from my mouth, the sauce covering it was left scattering around my lips as the strip slides in. Baekhyun chuckles at that before adding, "And cutely." he takes a tissue and wipes the sauce off my face.

H-he thought I ate beautifully? He doesn't hate the way I eat? But what if it's only for the first bite or that he was just forced to say those in order to make me feel better? Baekhyun sensed my hesitation to take another bite so he spoke. "I mean it."

"O-oh, thanks."

The next few bites, my hand would still attempt to cover my mouth but the thought of Baekhyun liking the way I eat, I tried my best to resist the urge to move my hand only to hide the lower part of my face. It was a success after devouring half of my food. Baekhyun made me forgot the anxiety of having a lot of people seeing me eat by conversing with me, completely losing my focus on reading how people reacted after I took a bite on my food.

"So... My comeback promotions had ended recently and that means I have lots of free time with me right now." I hummed to encourage him to continue. "Do you want to be my dinner mate?"

That made me choke on my food. Baekhyun was about to hand me a glass of water but I had grabbed the glass of wine beside my plate and drank it in one go. "What?"

"You see, I hate eating alone. I could've ask my manager but I don't want to be selfish, he must've want to eat with his family after being with me on my schedules for almost the whole day." he shrugged. "What do you think?"

I didn't gave any answer and pressed my lips into a thin line. Baekhyun sighs, placing a hand over mine. "I've seen you eat already and I mean those words I told you that you look beautiful when you eat."

Ever since I was dumped because of the way I eat, I never thought a day like this would come. I must admit, I'm a little reluctant about his proposal but the visible sincerity in Baekhyun's eyes, made me smile.

Knowing that I'd still contemplate, Baekhyun would mostly visit the hospital to make sure I won't be able to refuse having dinner with him. My fellows were suspicious about this guy paying me a visit almost everyday and the only person who was able to drag me out of my office to eat, something they can't do. Since we're just dinner mates, I can't give them a clear answer.

Dinner mate. That word could make them think of Jongin and probably think that Baekhyun will do the same to me. I thought of never using that word again after the break-up, I loathed the words 'dinner mate' since it reminds me of how Jongin and I started. But when those words came from Baekhyun's himself.. It is suddenly the prettiest word ever.

We'd check out new restaurants every night. May it be big or small, luxurious or not, as long as we see each other while eating... Everything doesn't seem to matter. Christmas, new year, valentines, we made sure to never miss a meal together. For a year, Baekhyun managed fixed my broken heart. Now I can have a meal with whoever I like and I can share a table with someone just like how I used to be. As a person who found comfort and found myself once again, through Baekhyun, it's supposed to be normal falling in love with him. Is it?

"Back then... During our first meet in the plane a year ago. Why are you so rude to me?" I asked while reading some tests results of Baekhyun, who came over not to visit me but because he doesn't feel well. I was seated on the chair in front of my desk while he takes my usual position every check up.

Baekhyun stopped twisting himself on my office chair. "It was love at first sight. When I saw you playing my song 'Love Again' and after I lifted my gaze from your phone to your face, my heart jump!" he did some dramatic hand gestures while talking and jumped off the chair after exclaiming the last word. "I was kinda disappointed when you told the flight attendant that you're getting a proposal. Was I just disappointed? I think it was mixed with jealously and anger? Something like that."

That made me chuckle. "Fool."

He sat back on the chair and started twisting himself like a kid. "Ah, did you know? Ever since I met you I never ate apples again."

My brow furrowed. "Why? If you ate one you won't be sick today."

"You know the saying 'an apple a day, keeps the doctor away' exists right?" Baekhyun then presses a palm on his chest and fakes a pained expression. "I don't want you to be away from me. Ugh!"

Frowned at him and proceeded to smack him with the documents. "Get away from my chair. You aren't a doctor." he gets off the swivel chair so I went to take it. "That was so cheesy though."

Baekhyun stands beside my chair, staring down at me. "I want to see how you eat a candy." he reaches a candy for me.


"Aw, come on, Y/n. I've seen you eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. What's there to be ashamed of? I never forget to tell you everyday that you look pretty while eating, right?"

"No, Baekhyun. Not craving for something sweet."

He bobbed his shoulders. "Okay. I'm gonna eat this then." he tore the wrapper apart, threw the candy in his mouth and its wrapper on the floor!

"At least pick up your trash!" I turned to face his side and bent over to pick the wrapper up. The moment I lifted myself up, my lips were captured for a kiss that I instantly froze. Since I'm seated, Baekhyun has to bent over, his hands were both on the armrest.

He runs his tongue along my bottom lip, parting it so I'd be pulled out of my trance and respond to him. Once I parted my lips to answer his kiss, he pushes his tongue. Before I could even register what he did, he had pulled away, smiling.

"What-" he cuts me off when he inserted his hands on the both sides of my underarm, pulls me up to stand, and then pushing me towards my desk to press me against it and himself against me. I didn't have any chance to react when he latched his lips on mine once again and I had to push the candy he had passed to the side just to answer his kiss without interruption as my eyes fluttered close and his hands slumping down on my hips.

Baekhyun parts from the kiss, satisfaction written all over his face while I'm only glaring at him. "If I ended up swallowing the whole candy, I'll cut through your throat."

He looks down at his thumbs drawing circles on my hips. "Aren't you going to say something about kissing you?"

Lifting a brow, I asked, "What do you want me to say about it?"

"I mean... We aren't even dating and you let me do that to you." he twinkled his eyes adorably. "Friends or dinner mates don't kiss."

I giggled. "Cut the crap and go straight to the point, Baek."

"You're my girlfriend now. No need to ask you because I know you love me as much as I love you too." he grins like an idiot winning a petty argument. "And I want a pretty and cool girlfriend like you and hear you say 'over here!' 'do a something to him and hand the results to me' and so many doctor things you that I don't even understand."

I rolled my eyes playfully before encircling my arms around his neck. "Fine. I'm your girlfriend now." Baekhyun mutters a happy 'yes!' while slightly jumping. "By the way, this is how I eat candy." I pushed half of the candy out of my lips and wiggled my brows at him, silently encouraging him to take it. Baekhyun smirks a that and started leaning in.

To tease him, before he could have his lips on mine I have abruptly suck the candy back. Seems like karma is on Baekhyun's side when the candy went straight to my throat causing for me to choke and my boyfriend to panic.

My boyfriend... It feels like it's the first time I got myself a boyfriend in my entire life.


Baekhyun actually ended our relationship as dinner mates and made me his girlfriend before he started to have endless of schedules. He was scared that he mostly won't be around to take me out for dinner due to being busy and thought that it would drift us apart. Now that I can eat with someone again, it wasn't a problem not having him around but we made sure to catch up if we both have time.

Jagiya~~ can you make it to Délice tonight? I'm heading there after work.

A year ago today, I became Baekhyun's girlfriend. We had a rough road ahead after that. The very next day, he wasn't able to have a meal with me due to schedules and that lasted for almost a month. When he finally spared me a little time to eat with me, the next day, he was caught and as a punishment after his company confirmed the rumors spreading that he's dating me, they drowned him with schedules to make it hard for us to meet. During that time, his fans faked an appointment just to attack me in my office. It was indeed the hardest year for us, too much for our first year being in a relationship. We didn't have so much lovey-dovey unlike when I started dating Jongin, but overcoming challenges with Baekhyun, apart or not, it was more fun.

We managed to last a year. Today is our first anniversary and the whole day we're both busy as hell that we can't even call each other. Even though I'm tired that I could just sleep right on this table in front of me, I still exerted a lot of effort to doll myself up and booked a reservation to the restaurant where Baekhyun and I first had our meal together.

I was waiting for Baekhyun's reply when my eyes found the entrance of the restaurant. What I saw made me gasp and panic a little as I searched for something to cover my face.

It was Jongin and his wife. They got married a year after our break-up, the same day I became Baekhyun's girlfriend. So I guess today is their anniversary as well. They passed by my table with their arms clung and giggling, too busy flirting to notice me. That made me feel at ease. Right after they took their seats on the table right behind mine, my phone notified me that a message came.

Baekhyunee ❤️:
Tired from schedules, sorry.

"Ma'am, are you ordering?" I shifted my gaze up to the hostess and shook my head softly with a smile.

"I'm still waiting for someone." she bowed humbly and left.

I bit my lips and breathed out a sigh. But it's our first anniversary. Tears started burning the edge of my eyes so I threw my head back in attempt to stop them.

"You look so pretty when you eat."

"Thanks, Nini."

Closing my eyes, a silent breathy laugh escaped my lips when I heard that. In our three years of relationship, Jongin never told me that I look pretty when I eat. At least once, he never did. Maybe that's why the break-up was hard for me, for he told that he hated seeing me eat without telling me that I looked pretty.

I can't take this. I should leave. My eyes fluttered open and the first thing they saw was my boyfriend, smiling right in front of me. He was properly dressed, matching my outift like we've planned for this night together.

A sob came out from me. "I thought..."

"I'll be tired from my schedules, but never of you." he smiles before reaching his hand to wipe my tears away. After that, his hand went down to grab mine and brings it up so he could place a kiss on the back of it. "Happy anniversary, baby. I love you."

I choked the next sob attempting to escape and muttered. "Happy anniversary and I love you too."

"Were you scared?" Baekhyun chuckled, taking his handkerchief and wiped it on my face gently.

"It's our first anniversary and we didn't even had any conversation since the day started." I pushed my bottom lip for a pout.

"I'd never, ever miss having a meal with you. Seeing you eat is one of the wonders of this world."

His words made me smile and when I'm about to speak, I was cut off by someone familiar behind me.

"It's Baekhyun."

I twisted my head to look behind with my gaze bored, eyes slightly squinted. Jongin's eyes bulged after recognizing me, then flickering his gaze to Baekhyun and then back at me. I almost forgot that he's also a fan of my boyfriend. We used to listen to Baekhyun's songs together back then, one of our favorite times of the day.

"Sorry, this is a personal time so autographs or picture taking with my boyfriend isn't allowed." I made sure to point out the words my boyfriend and blinked my eyes innocently.

I turned back to Baekhyun, a satisfied smile on my lips couldn't be hidden out of pure happiness. It wasn't enough compared to what Jongin did and said to me, but letting him know that I'm living happily with the best dinner mate and best boyfriend after all those pain he brought to me, is the biggest flex ever. I don't want to hold grudge over everything in the past since I've gotten over the fear of eating with someone, what matters right now is Baekhyun and what's awaiting for us in the future.

"That was cool." he whispers, making me giggle. "That's my baby."

Indeed, he's the best.


Another I-don't-know-how-to-end one shot 😩

Thank you so much and I'm really sorry for making ya'll wait! I'm busy with Korean dramas and Animal Crossing that's why... Hehehehehe 🥴

Strawberries are still jjang! (The best)

And I'm writing another K-drama inspried one shot. I think I should stop :< it makes me feel like I've lost my originality when I'm only getting some idea (e.g. scenes or concepts) and I want to give you something original (wink wink)


