
It's SMTOWN concert in Chile. I was just having fun at the stage, dancing as if there is no one watching me. My groupmates joined on random dancing with me while Red Velvet seniors are singing their song. Everyone were on the stage and dancing happily until I noticed Baekhyun coming through with Chen pulling him by his sleeve.

I was about to escape when my member grabbed me by the arm and tried to push me towards Baekhyun who was being pulled by Chen towards me. I tried my best to escape from my member's grip and avoid Baekhyun but our shoulders bumped on to each other. After that small interaction I faked a laugh and ran to the other side of stage to start random dancing once again.

Baekhyun glared at Chen and walked away from the rest of EXO and started random dancing beside Heechul who never noticed him since the concert started. Probably because Heechul wanted him to apologize to me.

While dancing, Taeyeon walked up to me and grabbed me by my arm before whispering. "Come on! Fix your problems you beagles!" she said and started to drag me towards Heechul with Baekhyun whom he was grabbing by the arms also.

"No! Eonnie, he's should be the one who should apologize."

"If you don't fix this problem I'm going to get him back."

I gasped, widened my eyes, and glared at her in a joking manner. She laughed and continued pulling me towards Baekhyun's direction, but luckily I got escape and decided to distance myself from everyone else because it seems like everyone wants to push me towards Baekhyun.

Time for another artist's performance, all of us were sent to the backstage to give the stage to Taeyeon who's going to perform her songs.

While on the backstage, I decided to open my twitter because I know the fans will make my small interaction with Baekhyun a big deal. I saw the fancams of our interaction and the worried caption of the fans, they really have a hawk like eyes to see even the smallest problems going on with me and my boyfriend.

Baekhyun and Y/n seems to be in a fight. They barely talk or steal glances at each other like they usually do.

Chen pulled Baekhyun by the sleeve towards Y/n and her groupmate pushed her towards Baekhyun but they both seem like they want to avoid each other. I hope they will fix their problems. I don't want my ship to sunk.

Baekhyun and Y/n broke up. Yehet.

I rolled my eyes at the different kinds of the fancam captions and comments from the fans.

Baekhyun and I had a fight since last week and I couldn't just find a way to fix it since he's being childish and that provoked me. All I need is to hear his apology but he decided to go around and act like a kid and make the problem worst. In the end, the fight lasted this long. And I missed him already.

Putting my phone down, I sighed and let our make-up artist retouch my make-up. Finally it's the final performance where all of the SM artists are going to sing on the stage with SM's theme song where every SM artists took part on singing.

My group's ready to enter the stage when I saw Baekhyun walking back and fourth with his thumb on his mouth. When he does that, something's bothering him and that he needed me. Suho then came up to him and told him to line up with EXO because any minute from now they are going up to the stage. I was about to approach him when my groupmates called me, they started to enter the stage. I sighed once again before putting up a smile for the fans.

Suddenly, I heard my own voice spoke.

"It's because I value our relationship more than my own ego."

That was what I told Baekhyun when we had a fight last year. It was when I was the one who apologized for the mistake he did.

The moment we reach the stage, I saw a lot of fans raising their Baekhyun banner and from that moment, I already knew how to fix this problem my little pup caused.

Somewhere between the performance, while everyone was singing their part. I decided to walk closer to a group of EXO-Ls and particularly to that one EXO-L who were raising a banner with a photo of me and Baekhyun.

"Can I borrow it?" I asked and pointed to the banner. The fan looked stunned before she nodded and handed me the banner. The moment my hand touched the banner, the screams went louder and EXO-Ls started to scream questionable words. I couldn't understand it until they decided to say their message in some kind of fanchant.

"Please make up with Baekhyun!"

I smiled at them before nodding. Their screams got even wilder.

I turned around and saw Baekhyun singing his part passionately with his eyes closed and his hand on his chest. Gosh, I love it when he does that. I exhaled a good amount of air before singing my part next to his, I kept my eyes on him until our eyes met the moment he heard my voice. After singing my part, I raised the banner I borrowed from a fan and started to jump up and down excitedly, chanting his name without a sound.

Baekhyun immediately teared up seeing me smiling at him. Suddenly, he looked like he froze but is still looking at me and his expression is soft. It must've occured to him that I've done it, again. Apologizing for the mistake he did.

"Baby, why did you apologize to the mistake I make? I mean, this fight started because of me going out with her. It was my mistake. Are you tolerating me to do such and fix it with your own?" he asked, snuggling closer as he tightened his arms around my waist.

"It's not because I am tolerating your mistakes, Baek." I threaded my  fingers on his brown, permed hair before kissing the crown of his head. "It's because I value our relationship more that my own ego." I smiled down at him as he looked up to me with teary eyes.

"I don't deserve you." he murmured. I shook my head before dipping down my head to meet his lips.

"I just don't want to lose you."

"I'm sorry." Baekhyun whispered something I didn't catch, his eyes were focused on me as he walking towards me. His knees are shaking and he's in the verge of crying.

Baekhyun never said anything he just walked up to me, catching the both sides of my cheeks and then leaning in to kiss me right directly on my lips and right in front of thousands of fans.

I was shocked at the first five seconds but I gave in and wrapped my arms around Baekhyun. The screams started to get wilder than earlier. I parted from the kiss only to see Baekhyun crying, I faked a shock expression that made him laugh a bit before wiping his tears away, we both then heard the fans awed.

"I'm so sorry for everything, baby. You did it again. You apologize for my mistake." he spoke without his microphone on. I just smiled at him before giving his forehead a kiss and let him rest his head on my shoulders, hidding his face as he started to cry again. You rubbed his back as I sang along to the song.

"There goes our ad-lib part, love."

Baekhyun and I sang with harmonization as all of the SM artists started to line up beside us, with me and Baekhyun in the middle as they sang along and waved their hands in the air. The EXO members beside Baekhyun keeps on teasing him and even elbowed him causing for his voice to crack a little as he laughed.

The concert ended successfully. We decided to go together since we both are staying in a same hotel room. Just the two of us. While walking all the way to his car, I gasped after seeing the banner still in my hand. I must've been so happy to made up with Baekhyun that I forgot to return the banner and even carried it until the concert ended.

"Baek! I forgot to return this to that one fan!" I panicked and showed Baekhyun the banner I was holding.

"We'll just keep it. That banner helped us to made up. Besides, our picture there look so cute." Baekhyun said before pinching my cheeks and then pecked my lips. I looked a little down because I told that fan that I'll just borrow it.

Baekhyun opened the door of his car and I slid in quietly. I always hate the idea of not being in my word. Just like Baekhyun being a man of his words, I also am a woman of my words. And when I said I'll just borrow one thing, I'll just borrow it. If I broke my words, my heart would feel heavy.

"Look, love. The fan was fine that you took her banner." Baekhyun showed me his phone screen. It was a twitter post from that fan saying that she felt happy her banner helped me and Baekhyun to made up. My face lit up and my heart felt relieve as I smile at Baekhyun.

"Come here." he spread his arms and asked me for a hug, in which i obliged and snuggled with him. "I love you. And I really am lucky to have you as my girlfriend." Baekhyun then kissed the crown of my head that made my smile even wider.

"I love you too, Baek."
