Field Trip

Warning: mentions of violence.

This is dark and this is the first time I've ever done something like this.

Unedited and long af.


I was in 4th grade, when I was sent to an unexpected field trip. There were at least 20 students from random grades that were with me and never thought of a normal school bus ride all the way to school could be a surprise trip.

33 years ago. I was 9 years old and in 4th grade.

"Bye mom!" I yelled and ran towards the front door after spotting the school bus arriving.

"Y/n you forgot something!"

Giggling, I turned around and dashed towards my dad and pecked him on his cheek. I also did the same to my mom before I hurried my way out of the house and into the school bus.

I sat on my usual seat. Third line beside the window. My small legs that couldn't reach the floor when I sit, dangled as I hum in a song I heard from my mom. There were lots of students with me. Some of them are talking with their friends, eating their breakfast, reading and such. I smiled to myself, knowing I'll be having another tiring but somehow productive day at school.

The bus came into a stop and another student climbs in. He roams his eyes around and saw that the only seat unoccupied is the one beside me. He then cracks a smile at me and proceeds to take the seat. I know him, he's the school's favorite singer, Byun Baekhyun, a 6th grader. He was always seen in singing contests held by the school and I'd always watch him perform. Let's say, I do have a crush on him after seeing him sing live for lots of times that it made my heart flutter.

I tried to act normal and restraint my head to tilt towards his side to look at him. And so my eyes landed to the bus driver who's looking back at us and counting us one by one. He stopped counting once his finger pointed to the student seated at the very front. He nods his head before steering the wheel, bus making a turn that I thought it would turn upside down.

Baekhyun notices this and stands up with his right hand raised. "Excuse me, this isn't the way to the school."

"I know." the driver respond, putting on a mask and pressing something from the dashboard.

The aircon turned on. But there was coming out from it besides the cold air; a smoke. Everyone seemed to notice what was happening and started panicking and crying, fist banging against the closed window.

There wasn't a smell from the smoke but I felt dizzy after few inhales of it. The other students stopped panicking and went quiet on their seats. I leaned against the chair weakly, finally shifting my head to look at Baekhyun, only to see him unconscious.

That was the last thing I saw before darkness consumed everything.


"Hey! Wake up!"

I was awaken when someone who seemed to have been carrying me on its shoulder threw me down. I squealed after my whole body landed on a rocky ground, eyes closing in pain when some of the rocks penetrated my clothed skin.

"Don't you ever touch her!" then I felt my head being lifted off the ground and was placed in someone's arms, carefully. "Y/n, are you okay? Wake up." he poked my cheek. I slowly opened my eyes again and immediately saw Baekhyun's worried face. Seeing me awake, he sighs in relief.

The butterflies inside my stomach wanted to celebrate but with this something tight surrounding my belly, they changed their minds. "W-what's that?" I whined, reaching for that tight belt wrapping around my belly.

"Don't touch it." Baekhyun quickly snatches my hands before I could touch whatever it is. He leans closer to whisper. "It's a bomb."

"What?!" I shot my body up and stared down at the leather belt, different shapes of what seems like the bomb was hanging around. My breathing suddenly changed its pace as tears started forming in the edge of my eyes. "B-Baekhyun. What do I do?"

Baekhyun tries to be calm. "Just don't touch it, Y/n. Don't let your skin graze over them." he takes my hands in his. "We are kidnapped and the bus driver took us somewhere. It seems like we're in an island." he stares ahead of him and my own eyes followed. We were surrounded by the sea, endless of trees disappearing through the dark that could be seen from the north side, there is what seems like a military camp site to the south and more trees to the east and west but not enough to cover the view of the sea.

I felt my heart sinking at the sight. All of the students that were in the bus, were scattering around, crying and panicking. There were 1st grader and 2nd grader, wailing for their parents' names, familiar belt hanging around their waists. The others are around my age but I know none of them, some seems older than me but there were only two 6th graders amongst us. Baekhyun and his always rival at singing contests, Dojun.

Amidst the weeping of everyone, a man walks up and claps his hands in a manner that he want our attention. Automatically, all of our heads turned to look at him, the cries had soften but sobs could still be heard from the young ones.

"Children. You are brought here for a really special experiment. Don't worry about your parents looking for you, for we have distributed letters to let them know that you are in a school "field trip" for 10 days." he grins, eyes scanning our faces. "Let's not start this fun trip with tears. Come, there is lunch waiting for you all." he beckons for us to follow him and walked off first. The innocent 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders immediately trailed behind the man while the rest were hesitant but still followed after few seconds, leaving me alone with Baekhyun.

"I'm... Scared." my lips started trembling as hands came up to rub the opposite side of my arms. "What if I die here and leave my parents confused as to what happened?"

"Honestly, I'm scared too. Heck I've been trembling but since I'm the oldest amongst us, I have to be the calmest." he took a hand of mine, pried it away from my own arm and held on it tight. "We'll get through this. I promise you that."

A ton of weight was lifted off my shoulder when Baekhyun smiled at me.

"Hey! You two! Are you going inside or I'm shooting you?!"

"Shit." Baekhyun mutters under his breath before pulling my hand and ran towards where everyone entered.

There was a feast. Lots of table full of foods and there was an area full of canned goods, bottled water, and everything that could be seen and necessary in a survival kit. Those alone, I know this isn't going to be just a fun trip as what the stupid man said.

"19... 20. There, you're all complete." said the same man from earlier as soon as Baekhyun and I sat on the unoccupied seats. "Dig in, children. Eat as much as you want and when you're done. Take as much as those goods you want or need." he pointed to the area of the room where those goods he said were placed.

The foods looked great, served in front of me are all my favorites. But I can't seem to digest them, thinking about what will happen right after this delicious meal and getting all those survival goods. I'm sure there will be some kind of challenges that they wanted for us to do. As what the man said earlier, they brought us here for an experiment.

Right after eating, everyone raced their way towards the goods and grabbing several of each kind and stuffing it in the bag the saw beside the goods. Even when I don't feel good about everything that is slowly unfolding, I still dragged myself to the fighting children and grabbed whatever my hands could reach. Every now and then, I'd check on Baekhyun and saw him seriously grabbing some useful stuffs compared to what I have.

"Now, now, children! Go outside!" the same man from earlier commanded, pointing a finger to the direction that may lead us out of this small wooden house. All of us immediately followed in fear that he may shoot us with the gun that has been tucked in his pants.

The man stood right in front of our frightened figures. Another man, followed by a woman approaches the man.

"Okay, listen! As you see, we have let you grab and pack some goods as much as you want, right?" the new man spoke. Faint answers of 'yes' could be heard from us, provoking him because of the lack of enthusiasm. He pulls the gun that was on the other man's pants and fired it up in the air, making all of us cry. "Right?!" he asked and this time we yelled our answers.

"I don't want you to look down on this special experiment and act like it isn't exciting! Understand?!"


He smiles, eyes roaming on our faces stained with tears. "Now. Let's play a game. It's called "The Real Hunger Games." You children, will just need to do a little adventure in that forest." he pointed to the forest and we all turned to look at it. "You need to survive, with all those foods you have in there. But that's not it. When you're out of food and the others still have, what are you going to do? Of course, ask for some. What if he or she refuses? Of course, you have to... Kill them."

I gasped, hand coming up to cover my mouth. I knew it! There is something that they wanted for us to do! I looked around, noticing that the amount of reaction isn't that much, I was greeted by the sight of those innocent eyes of the little ones, blinking, not knowing what the man just said.

"That! That thing wrapping around your waists are bombs. If you attempt to remove that, it will explode! Don't worry, you can move around freely, dance however you like or jump around. It won't explode, only if you try to cut on it."

"No one should ever return in this place or you will be automatically shot dead!" now I'm fucking shaking on my spot. "You have 10 days to venture out and... 10 days to survive. Only two amongst you all must survive and if it exceeds, you will explode!" the stupid man made a sound, immitating an exploding bomb that scared the little ones.

"The bomb is controlled by us. One press and you'll explode. If none of you comes back after 10 days then say goodbye to the world."

"Remember, only 2 of you should return here, before or after 10 days."

He raised his hand in the air and fired the gun he's holding. "Let the games begin! Go!"

I've never ran so fast in my entire life.


There were 1 first-grader, 1 second-grader, 2 third-graders, 7 fourth-graders including myself, 7 fifth graders and 2 sixth graders. A total of 20 students in all.

"Okay, guys, calm down." Baekhyun says, trying to calm the little ones crying and the rest panicking. "Listen! We're in this thing together, okay?"

"He said he's going to explode our bombs if we don't..." a fifth-grader sobbed.

Baekhyun sighs and sat on the log he found. "Listen. We still have lots of days, how about we introduce ourselves each other. And then we survive together while making a plan on how to escape from this island."

"I'm on it." Dojun sat beside Baekhyun.

The first and second graders sat on the both sides of Baekhyun's thighs. Then the rest of us sat in circles with our things gathered in front of us all.

"I'm going to introduce myself first. I'm Byun Baekhyun, a sixth-grader. I'm the eldest here so I'll be the one to take care of you guys." his eyes flew to mine, lips stretching for a small smile like he's encouraging for me to talk.

So I did. "I'm Y/n Y/l/n. A fourth-grader."

And so the whole introduction went on.

"What are we going to do now, Baekhyun oppa?" Eunhee, the first grader asked.

"We just need to live, eat, drink and play. That's all little one." he pressed a finger on Eunhee's nose, making her giggle. My heart broke for the youngest. They didn't know what's happening. Stupid, heartless whoever thought of this fucking experiment. I shouldn't be cursing at my age (9) but everything that is currently happening is making me to.

"We need a place to sleep!" said Dojun and we agreed so we gathered logs, sticks, and huge leaves to serve as roof for our shelter.

We had separate shelters for girls and boys. The younger ones cuddled with me and the rest cuddled with each other.

"Let's not die." whispered Seoyul, a fifth grader. "Let's all survive and swim our way back home."

"Even if there are sharks?"

"Even if there are sharks. The most important thing is that we get to see our parents again."

I let out a sigh and thought about going home to my parents, alive and well.

5 days passed and we're still together, venturing out the dark forest and sharing the goods we had in our bags. We grew fond of each other and spend our days like we're not in a dangerous experiment and won't end up exploding if we're still alive after 10 days.

We were sitting on the ground, surrounding a bonfire while eating the last supply of goods we had.

"I have a plan!" Joonhyung, a fifth grader, throws a hand in the air to get our attention. So we all turned to look at him. "None of us has to die! But two amongst us has to return there and said that you survived!"

"That is genius!" Dojun shot up to stand. "I'll be returning, who's the other?"

"How about you, Baekhyun?"

Baekhyun glances at me when I said those. "I can't leave the younger behind."

"How about you, Y/n?" Dojun suggested. "You look like you'd survive."

"Someone who looks like convincing is the elders." I interjected. "If Baekhyun doesn't want to go, choose a fifth grader."

"Wait. Isn't it suspicious? That it only took 5 days to kill 18 people when they knew we couldn't just do it considering our age?" that made us think of Baekhyun's words including Dojun who's itching to go back to the campsite. "It would be convincing if we're adults. They're selfish, just like those men who took us here."

"Big people are selfish. They only think of themselves and never thought that we also have a dream." Eunhee, with her innocent voice, mumbled. I felt a sting in my heart, at her age, she's opened to what really adults are instead of admiring them for her to be inspired to grow.

"I think it's the best that we stay here and accept that we're going to be angels soon." Chaera lays down on the ground, head resting on her arms as her eyes fixed themselves on the stars above the sky. Soon, all of us followed her and admired the twinkling lights.

"We're going to be angels if we haven't done anything bad." I told them.

Joonhyung chuckles silently. "I stole my sister's sandwich. Stealing is bad. Does that mean I'm not going to be an angel?"

"If your sister forgave you, then your going to be an angel." Baekhyun says, tilting his head to smile at Joonhyung.

"But she didn't know and now I'm here. How am I going to tell her?"

There are a lot of us who didn't have the chance to tell those we left behind with what's in our heart and mind. I'm glad I kissed my parents' cheeks before I was taken here, it's like my goodbye kiss for them if I'm really dying here. At least I left something for them; memories and my love.

Day 6, four days left and if none of us returns there, we'll explode to death. I woke up today, feeling nervous. Something inside my heart makes it feel heavy and I don't know why. I remained silent and still on my spot, looking like I'm still asleep. I guess everyone is up except for me since the rest of the girls weren't beside me anymore.

"We don't have something to eat." I heard a male voice passing by the girls' shelter. It was Dojun's. "I think we have consumed all of our goods last night."

Now I know why I feel uneasy. We have nothing to eat, and that means one thing...

I sat up and stretched my body before leaving the shelter. Everyone is seated on the logs surrounding the bonfire so I joined the others.

"I'm hungry." Haneul whined while rubbing her stomach. Growling sounds were heard.

Baekhyun counted us all and after pointing at me, the last person who came out, his brows furrowed. "Where's Haewon and Dojun?"

Before any of could answer, we heard Dojun's voice from somewhere around.

"Yah! You selfish bastard!" and then a thud, as if someone has been punched.

"I was gonna-"

"Shut up!"

Baekhyun gasped and rushed towards where that voices belong. We followed behind him and saw Dojun staring down at Haewon laying helplessly on the ground, blood dripping down his temple and hand reaching out to a familiar bag. Which contained some goods.

"Haewon!" Baekhyun ran towards the younger male and lifted his head to rest on his arms. "Haewon-ah, are you okay?!"

Haewon didn't answered. His eyes were closed and lips parted... Is he killed?

"What did you do?!" Baekhyun asks furiously at Dojun and he latter smirked.

"That bastard was hiding some foods for himself."

"That doesn't mean..." he couldn't finish his sentence and started trembling while staring down at Haewon's body.

"Is that... Blood?" I muttered after seeing blood started pooling out of Haewon's side. My eyes went to Dojun. "You killed him!"

"What you're siding with that selfish?!" he draws out a long branch of wood with a sharp metal cutter in its end.

The rest of the children screamed upon seeing what Dojun had in his hand and scattered to ran away towards different directions.

"No! Wait!" Baekhyun calls out, but to no avail, they were already gone. I was frozen on my spot, holding little Eunhee's hand.

"Now that we've started, might as well end this. I want to live!"

"Y/n! run!"

Due to adrenaline rush, I grabbed Eunhee with ease and ran towards nowhere as long we get away from Dojun who's going insane!

"Baekhyun oppa!" Eunhee wailed, arms reaching out to Baekhyun slowly disappearing from out sights.

Baekhyun will be fine, he will be! I chanted inside my mind as my feet moved faster. I ran through the darkness of the forest for what felt like ages until I saw the seashore. It was as if hope sparked inside my chest as I ran towards the end of the forest to meet the light and the sea.

"Let's stay here." I told Eunhee and placed her down on the ground. She was still bawling out. Kneeling beside her, I took her face in between my hands and wiped her tears away. "Baekhyun oppa will be fine. He will find us, okay?" she nods and threw her arms around me for a hug.

But seconds after I said those, a loud explosion was heard. Making both Eunhee and I shriek and tightened our embraces to each other.

"No... Baekhyun!"


At least 4 explosions has been heard and now I couldn't stop crying while Eunhee had fallen asleep, cuddling my side. I didn't want to think about it but I'm sure Dojun is going to find us both and will kill us... Just like what he did to Haewon and Baekhyun and to the two unknown who had exploded.

I gasped and my whole body erected when I heard shuffling sounds of some bushes around. Carefully not to make any sound, I lifted up Eunhee's sleeping body into my arms and readied myself to run. The shuffling went closer and closer and I felt my blood is leaving my whole body before I made a quick run back towards the forest.

Few long steps of my legs, I bumped into something and fell down on the grassy ground. Good thing I had Eunhee in my chest so she wasn't hurt when I fell. "Ow!"

"Y/n!" someone took Eunhee from me and helped me up by inserting his hands on my underarms and hoisted me up.

Tears bursted from my eyes seeing that it was Baekhyun. "I thought you're dead!" I wailed and jumped into his arms, encirling my own around his neck. "I was worried sick! I didn't know what to do!"

"There, there. I'm here now. You're safe." he taps my back to comfort me. "Listen, Y/n. Dojun is out there, ready to kill us. Those explosions heard were from Sulhee, Miyoung, Jiyeon, and Haneul. He's attacking the weak first."

My heart sank at the thought of those mentioned dying brutally.

"Let's get you both to the campsite." he glances at Eunhee.

"How about you?"

"Remember that only two out of twently should survive. And that is you and Eunhee."


He carefully grasps my shaking head and made me look into his pretty eyes. "It should be, Y/n."

After those 4 explosions, no one followed. So we went back to the dark forest to find our way back to the campsite. Baekhyun had Eunhee in his arms while I make sure to stay beside him and be cautious. During night, Baekhyun never slept just to make sure Dojun couldn't lay a hand on us all if ever he finds us.

Day 10. Ever since I woke up, my heart has been pounding in nervousness becuase this is the last day. While we're strolling around trying to find our way to the campsite, I noticed person sitting against the tree.

"There's a person!" I pointed a finger to its direction and Baekhyun quickly hid us behind his back as we approached what we saw.

I pushed Eunhee's head to hide her face on my shoulder, so she wouldn't have to see that the person slumped against the tree was Joonhyung and he was lifeless.

"I can't take this anymore!" I started crying for the millionth time since this stupid expirement started. "Why does this thing has to happen?! Why do those stupid men has to exist and thought of this thing?!"

Baekhyun was speechless and silently guided us away from Joonhyung's body. None of us could talk after seeing that heart-breaking view, only my cries could be heard as we continued.

"Eonnie, I need to pee."

"Hm?" I sniffed and placed Eunhee down. "Just make it quick." she nods and ran to the nearest tree.

"I'll be right beside her." Baekhyun says and followed Eunhee to stand in front of the tree.

I stood still on my place with my hands rubbing the opposite sides of my arms in attempt to ease the cold I'm feeling. But then suddenly, something sharp was plunged on my leg, making me kneel down on the ground and scream in pain. I stared to what that thing is and saw a familiar piece of sharp metal. Someone from behind pulled my hair to make me stand and wraps an arm around my neck so I couldn't escape.

"Y/n?!" Baekhyun came running, holding Eunhee's hand. His eyes widened when he saw who's the person behind me.

"If there should only be two children who'll survive this experiment, it would be me and Y/n." Dojun chuckles. "Bye bye, Baekhyun and whoever you are little girl."

"Let go of her!"

"Nu-" I lowered my mouth down to his skin and bite on it harder than I did to my favorite foods. Dojun harshly pushed me away from him and rubbed his wounded arm. "You brat! I'm trying to save your life!"

I threw a spit on the ground. "I'd rather die with Baekhyun than to survive with a psychopath like you!"

He snickered as he pointed a finger at me. "Listen you little kid, you're still in fourt grade. You shouldn't be having a little love story with that jerk and think about how to pass the exams."

Eunhee, that we hadn't noticed, escaped from Baekhyun's side to grab a branch on the ground and attacked Dojun from behind.

"Bad! Bad! Bad!" she screams while weakly hitting him with the stick.

"Shut up, brat!" he swings a leg and hits Eunhee on her stomach, making her walk backwards while groaning in pain.

"Yah!" Baekhyun exclaims furiously and attacks Dojun by throwing a punch towards his face. "You! Psychopath! Heartless prick!" with every words he says, he punches him.

"Y/n-ah! Run! The campsite must somewhere near! Go and take Eunhee, quick!"

I was hesitant, my whole being is trembling as I stared at Baekhyun and Dojun fighting. I don't want to leave him, I want to survive with him.

One forceful push, Dojun managed to pry Baekhyun away from him. Baekhyun lands on the ground, groaning at the pain after hitting one of his elbows on a sharp rock. Dojun takes something from his pocket, it was a knife. How the fuck did he got such thing?!

"I've always been mad at you. I couldn't win any of the school's singing contests." he slowly takes steps towards Baekhyun's laying figure. "Once you're gone, I won't be winning any singing contests because I'd be in prison probably for killing you. But at least I'll be able to get rid of your annoying voice." he rises his hand that was holding the sharp material, ready to plunge it on to Baekhyun's body.

But with my frozen body and weaking hand around Eunhee's little wrist, the younger managed to escape once again and ran towards the boys.

"Baekhyun oppa!"

Just in time after throwing herself on Baekhyun, Dojun had lowered the knife on the little girl's back, earning a gasp from her. It was plunged so deep it went through her little body, almost wounding Baekhyun.


Dojun paused on his spot, eyes widening in surprise as if it's the first murder he did.

Baekhyun places Eunhee beside him carefully and stands up to give Dojun another set of punches. They fought while I kneeled beside Eunhee and cried, trying to wake her up even though I know it's no use.

I didn't know what happened with Dojun, Baekhyun just pulled me up with him and we started running towards the direction we decided to take, thinking it will lead us back to the campsite. We were getting further from the forest but my eyes never left Eunhee, even after she disappeared behind those big bushes and trees.

"There they are!"

I only looked ahead when I heard those familiar voices of stupid men, clapping their hands as we get closer towards the campsite.

We just came from a tiring and restless venturing out there in the forest but after taking us into one of the small house, they interogated us. I was traumatized that I don't want to say a word but they threatened to shoot me so I was forced to remember those heart-sinking scenes I've witnessed.

"Sleep now, darlings." said that one woman as she guided Baekhyun and I into that one room. "Once you wake up, I'm sure you're home."

I didn't want to believe that and I want to stay awake, thinking that they'd kill us once we're asleep. But with those flashbacks occupying my mind, I closed my eyes and cried myself to sleep.


My eyes fluttered open and the first thing I saw is a white ceiling. Not a wooden one which was the last thing I saw before I closed my eyes. My abdomen isn't that tight and heavy anymore, the belt filled with bombs is finally removed.

"Sweetheart, you're awake!"

That's when I realized that I woke up in a hospital, with my parents.

Baekhyun and I were in the news almost everyday. Reporters and writers were always in the hospital where we were taken, in hopes to get some answers from us. But I was badly traumatized that I couldn't speak and so does Baekhyun.

I went under theraphy to help me with my trauma. It was kinda effective as I gave little testimonies but when flashbacks of what happened in that island started corrupting my mind, I'd breakdown for hours. So I was given some time to get away from everything related to that happening.

My family moved to a new country. I wasn't able to say goodbye to Baekhyun but my parents think it was the best or I'll start crying again, knowing that Baekhyun is a part of my traumatic experience. We moved somewhere pretty where my eyes could see mountains and flowery roads and fields.

It took 10 long years before the island was found. Just in time I've decided to go back to Korea for the reopening of the case and revisiting the island. I also planned to go to college in there.

It happened when I was 9, now that I'm 19 I don't know if I'd still cry remembering those traumatic happenings after stepping a foot on that stupid island again.

I still did.

Right after arriving at the island, investigators and I don't know what people were scattering around the whole place. I was guided by some policemen towards a blanket placed on the sand and several things were on it.

"These are the belongings of those children who were with you in this island 10 years ago." a policeman said, referring to the things above the blanket. "The remains of the 14 children were found. Except those who exploded."

I kneeled down beside the blanket and my hand shakily took an I.D card, familiar face of a little girl still vivid. My heart started breaking once again and tears descended down my cheeks as I hugged Eunhee's school I.D and sobbed hard.

"I'm sure she's in a happy place now."

My sobbing paused when I heard that familiar voice. I looked behind me and saw the man I've been dying to see since I left Korea.


"Y/n." he beams sweetly and offered a hand. I took it and let him pull me up.

"EXO Baekhyun. You're an idol now."

He lets out a shy giggle. "I am."

Baekhyun is now an idol after 10 years since the experiment. He just debuted with the group EXO. He is so popular people know him for his beautiful voice since he was young and partly because of his traumatic past that netizens keep on searching because they're curious as to what really happened on that island.

Another 4 years passed. The investigators really waited for me to finish college before interrogating us again regarding the experiment. They said it's for me not to have any distractions while I'm studying. To be able to give our full testimonies about what really happened. We undergo another theraphy to relive the memories we had tried to forget for years, to finally give justice to those who died just because of the stupid experiment those stupid men conducted for who knows what. I told everything, every second of those 10 days while bawling out and...

Baekhyun ended up confessing he killed Dojun and blamed himself endlessly that he's the reason why Eunhee died. It was all over the news few moments after he confessed to the psychiatrist and people started calling him names, fans leaving him and his fansites were closing.

He left his group and the K-pop industry, for the sake of his members. He didn't want people to search the name EXO together with words 'murderer member' just so they could gather some information about the field trip. Baekhyun was miserable but I made sure I was always beside him and comforted him.

It took a year before Baekhyun got back to his feet. But he never thought of being an idol again. Instead, he became a vocal teacher and he had idols as students.

Oh and we ended up dating each other and eventually got married after 2 years. The field trip may be traumatic as fuck but I gained something from it; a little good memories with the other children who were with me, true love, and Baekhyun.

It's been 33 years since that nightmare. No matter how much I wanted to live peacefully and forgot that it happened in my life, I couldn't. Everytime I close my eyes at night, I'd be reminded of that exact happening like I was taken back to that island to do the same thing and watch innocent lives being taken.

It wasn't just me, but also my husband Baekhyun. It ruined both of our childhood. But that isn't what matters right now. We're now a family and we're doing our best not to live in the past and throw that part of our childhood like it never existed.

"Where's Eunhee?" I asked as soon as I reached the kitchen where Baekhyun is currently doing something who knows what.

"She left already. Our girl is growing up so fast." Baekhyun responded and comes up to me for his morning kiss. "Good morning."

"Good morning, Baekhyungie." my eyes fixed themselves to the breakfast prepared on the table. "Aw, you made those?"

Baekhyun scratched his nape, a tint of pink slowly spreading across his face. "I have to ask Kyungsoo to walk me through."

"Thank you." I pecked his cheek and went towards the table and then take my seat.

Baekhyun sat across me. "I just realize that I should help you around the house." he beams.

I cocked a brow at him. "That's sweet, Hyun. But I know you had something in your mind."

He pokes out his tongue, wetting his lips. "Uhm, Eunhee is 6 years old now and in first grade. Don't you think-"

"She needed a sibling?"

He blinks at me like an innocent child. "Yeah..."

I chuckled at his cuteness and was about to answer when we heard a loud knock on our door.

"Baek! Come and check your mail! You seemed to have the same letter as us." it was Chanyeol, his co EXO member and our neighbor.

"I don't understand it."

"But my son isn't ready?"

"Why did they informed us just now?"

We spared each other a confused glance before heading towards the living room. Only to see through the window our neighbors, which were the EXOs, gathered in our front yard holding a peice of paper each member. They looked confused while conversing and reading each other's letters.

Baekhyun went to the door after seeing an envelope on the floor. I watched him opened it and unfolded the letter inside for us to read aloud.

"Dear Mr. & Mrs. Byun, your daughter has bent sent to a surprise field trip for 10 days-"

We weren't able to finish reading when Baekhyun drops the letter, his head slowly tilting to meet my gaze. I'm starting to tremble, all of my blood slowly crawling its way down to leave my body. I was speechless like my voice had been taken away, only the sound of EXO members whining outside that their kids isn't ready for the field trip mentioned could be heard. It took us few minutes before what we have read, finally sunk into our brains.



So I've read something about called "The Real Hunger Games" in a facebook post, a collection of creepy things that happened way back years ago. And this one is based on that 😩 but I don't know if it's real or not I didn't researched at all because it's creeping me out lmao.


Happy birthday! My forever first love, Luhan!! πŸ₯Ίβ€οΈ Even after years since I discovered EXO, the moment you caught my attention is still vivid in my mind, every second of it! How your pink hair kept my eyes following your move in Growl MV γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹

My forever Cute Little Prince πŸ₯ΊπŸ’•

My little Strawberries :( please stay safe. I'm actually panicking in the inside since my school is totally cancelled! The 2nd semester has been terminated and I'm sad that I didn't have enough knowledge to proceed once everything is back to normal γ… γ… 

Let me brighten my own mood to Baekhyun's solo comeback as what he mentioned in W Korea interview. Yey.

But I'm still sad :(

Happy birthday, Luhan! 🦌


