
Idea from @BAEKKIE_myluv with a little bit of inspiration from Taylor Swift's All Too Well short film 🤩

Warning: swearing. That's all.


When it was revealed to the public that Baekhyun and I were in a relationship, just few months after we started dating in secret, of course the reaction from fans and netizens were divided.

While a lot of fans showed support, some people believe that we won't last long. But their comments about our relationship only pushed me to be up for the challenge of proving them wrong.

That despite our nine-year age gap, we can make things work. It's not in how we differently think because of the huge number difference in our ages, nor either of us it too mature or immature for this relationship. We can get through every challenge because we wanted to be together, we only want each other. Simple as that.

Fortunately for me and Baekhyun, and unfortunately for those who dropped us - we lasted two years into our relationship. I admit it wasn't easy or perfect, love is supposed to be that way. There were times that we fought and days we couldn't see each other due to busy schedules. But it's what I wanted.

The hardships, I want to face them with none other than Baekhyun right beside me.

"Are you ready?"

With a pursed-lips smile, I nodded at Baekhyun before moving my gaze to the road ahead of us.

An upstate escape.

After my manager told me that I don't have any schedules for the next three day, I quickly travelled for three hours just to get to Baekhyun as he and the rest of EXO are filming something in this place. Now the cameras are turned off, the boys were told to rest or do everything they want. As for Baekhyun, it was a time for us to get away from everyone and spend the rest of the day together.

Our favorite song gently filled the car as we get far from where he's supposed to be at the moment. I was staring outside the window, admiring how buildings are slowly disappearing and trees are taking over when I felt his hand reaching for mine.

I looked at him and caught him stealing glances with a smile before lifting my hand, bringing it up his lips for a peck. It's always his affectionate touch that makes me blush even after two years of dating. And he do those every time to remind me that he knows it all too well.

Despite knowing nothing about this place and that we might get lost, he drove us as if he doesn't care wherever we go to. Soon, the car stopped in the middle of nowhere. I looked outside the window and saw endless of trees, leaves falling down and had covered the walkway that leads to a nearby lake.

I took my time admiring the autumn scenery when Baekhyun spoke, "I know this is not your ideal date but I just want to be alone with you."

"Are you kidding me?" I turned to him, happiness all over my face. "This is beautiful, Baek. I always dreamed to be in a place like this, with you." then I took his face in between my hands, pulling him for a kiss.

Anywhere alone with him is all that I want.


It's Baekhyun's first time seeing his friends after years and I was given the chance to meet them for the first time when he invited them for a dinner at our place. I remember how I felt so nervous about meeting his friends and how I had planned to start a conversation if ever one of them comes up to me.

But as the night progressed, I have never said at least a word after he introduced me to them. He led the conversation, filled the dinner with his jokes and his friends laughed. It made the night a little warm, and yet I feel cold.

"It's so nice that we're able to do this again." one of his friends said and the rest agreed.

"I'm sorry it took so long for us to have this kind of get together. You know? Being an idol asked for my entire time."

Sensing that he's to talk about his idol life, I thought it's the right time for me to try include myself in the conversation. As his friends laughed at his yet another joke about something being an idol, I reached for Baekhyun's hand hoping he'd finally acknowledge my presence beside him.

Just when I was about to intertwine our hands, he withdrew his and grabbed mine- only to place it down on the table, leaving few taps before he took his glass of wine to sip on it. He went on with another joke, making his friends burst into a fit of laughter with their heads thrown back.

I could only hope no one saw that - or no one is seeing me at the table at all.

Later that night, I went straight to the kitchen to do the dishes while Baekhyun send his friends off. I can hear their cars pulling off the driveway, one by one until the whole house fell into a deafening silence. Only the sound of spoon clashing against a plate as I cleaned them up from left overs were heard.

It took a minute before Baekhyun finally turns up in the kitchen, putting another dish in the sink. "Why are so pissed off?"

"I'm not pissed off. Who told you I was pissed off?" I answered nonchalantly.

"You're acting mad over something. If you don't like my friends, you can just tell me."

I gritted my teeth, breathing deeply to keep my composure before dropping the spoon and the plate. "Well I liked your friends, I never said I didn't like your friends." I gave him a sideward glance and saw how my actions surprised him. "I just don't like the way you acted around them."

"What am I supposed to do in front of my friends? Act the way you want me to and make me feel uncomfort-"

"You dropped my fucking hand!" I screamed, cutting him off as I finally turned to face him.

Disbelief takes over his expression. "What about that?"

"What about that?!" I repeated, voice laced with so much disappointment. "I feel so left out! You wouldn't even look at me like you're so ashamed to let them know we're in a relationship!"

"Y/n, the world knows we're in a relationship! Literally every single people that is living knows that! What do you still want for you to say that?" he, too, was growing frustrated as much as I am. But I don't understand how the fuck would he have the audacity when this is all his fault.

"That's not my point!" I was a second closer to grab a plate and just throw it across the room. I'm THAT angry and I hope he knows that.

However, I tried to calm down, not wanting for this fight to grow bigger and just get my answer. "You just treated me so differently tonight." my voice had gone quieter as I casted my gaze back on the dishes piling up in the sink.

"I was catching up with them, I literally haven't seen them in years with all these schedules! Can you just let me breathe? Everything is not just about you." he slammed the cup on the counter. "I deal with you every single day! As an individual, as an idol. I see you every second, it's always you!"

"Oh, so I'm the selfish one now?"

"Yeah, I even included that in my song."

That caught me off guard, leaving me staring at him in pure shock. How could he...?

"Don't fucking look at me like that."

"I just wanted you to make me feel like I belong even with the huge fucking gaps between our ages! I couldn't get along with the other EXO members because apparently I'm too young to bond with them. I have never been in that side of your life!" I paused to catch my breath. "Baekhyun, it's been two years! The whole world knows about us yet you're making me feel as if I'm a secret."

"I'm not-"

"Just tell me if you're ashamed of dating me and leave! Break up with me, that's easy. I'll Just write a song about it so our fans gets an answer as to why." I harshly pointed a finger to the doorway, as though showing him the way out.

"On second thought, I should be the one breaking up with you. With all those times you made me feel the worst in this relationship, it's my time to hurt your ego. Childish isn't it? Maybe that's why you're growing sick of me, or maybe you just needed someone around your age, like-"

"Don't even think of saying her name!"

"I won't, because you will never hear my voice ever again!"

I stormed out of the kitchen, intentionally bumping my shoulder against him along the way. All throughout the entire fight, I was trying not to cry despite how his words and actions had pained me. Those cut deeper than any of what he said in our previous arguments. He knows how much it scares me when someone raises their voice and yet... I don't know if it's me or it was his choice in the first place.

I always knew I was too young to know a lot about relationships. While he's my first boyfriend, he had every idea how to work a relationship - as he had been with different girls before having me. The least that he can do is to help me understand and make adjustments when he needed to, just so I can catch up and hopefully walk his pace very soon even with this age and our nine year gap.

When I reached the living room, I came into a halt and in one choking gasp, tears started racing their way down to my cheeks. With one hand, I muffled my cries by covering my mouth with it. Pressing even harder when I sense that my sobs are getting out of hand. My eyes were squeezing tightly.

"Hey," I heard his footsteps approaching. "Baby, I'm really, really sorry."

I said nothing and continued sobbing until I can feel his arms making their way to my waist to hug me from behind. "I'm so sorry." he plants small kisses on the back of my head, whispering apologies with each peck while his arms tightened around my body. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean any of them and it was so wrong of me to say those. I won't blame my tipsiness because I was in my right mind, I know what I was saying, and I have the choice. It was unfortunately to hurt you with words."

He pulls away from the embrace to place both his hands on my shoulders and turn me around. So he could look into my eyes but I was covering them with my hands, wiping my tears that still wouldn't stop along with my sniffles.

"Look at me." he tried to pull my hands away from my face but I was fighting it, too embarrassed to look at him. It's the afterglow of every fight, realizing it's actually petty.

"My love, please." his hands found my waist and he tugs me closer to him. "I'm so sorry I dropped your hand."

"I'm sorry too. You wanted time with your friends, I was so childish to ask for your attention like that."

"No, you have every right to. I admit I was too enthralled with the catching up that I almost forgot you. Seeing my friends after a long time made me feel like I was taken back to those times we know nothing about the things we know today. Like, dating and being in a relationship." he glides the tips of his fingers on the side of my face, going to the back of my ear to tuck some hair strands. His delicate touch made me smile and sigh in satisfaction.

"But that doesn't mean I don't want you to be in that side of my life. I just don't want you to feel pressured trying to understand how we think in our age." he leans in to press a kiss on my forehead. "I was so wrong about you and all of these. If you really want to get along with EXO, I trust you understand what we talk about. We may have a big difference in age, but we're all idols and only we understand each other."

I threw my arms around him, resting my chin on his shoulder. "Thank you for being so understanding." I said in a muffled voice since my lips were pressing on his clothed shoulder. "I'm sorry if I kind of ruined the night."

"I'm sorry too, for taking part in this mess." our bodies slowly swayed to a nonexistent romantic beat. "My friends adore you so much. We talked a lot about you, did you noticed?"

"I guess I was too busy thinking about something else." I chuckled bashfully.

Baekhyun parts from the hug. Now I can see how bad he felt, through his apologetic eyes staring straight into mine. He took his time, trying to read my mind to know what words to say without hurting me more.

"My love, I know that despite being with me for two years now, you still have a lot to know about love and this relationship. I don't and will never believe that this won't work just because of your gap." his hands were now on my cheeks.

"I love how you addressed where I went wrong and how we both admit that we were both at fault for this argument." he steals a kiss on my lips, making me giggle. "And my world, it's all about you. Everything is about you, just you and you alone. I'm sorry for what I said earlier."

"It's fine, love..."

Yet he still look sorry for those words and the only thing I had in my mind to give him the assurance was to pull him down for a kiss. He immediately responded and I let him took over.

"Baekhyun... Bedroom, please." I gently whispered against his lips.

He links our lips once more and as we kissed, his hand taps my thigh. It didn't take long for me to understand that and just made a jump, wrapping my legs around his waist. He hooked his hands on the back my knees to keep me in place as he walked to the bedroom.

My eyes shot open when he sat down, I ended up straddling his lap. When I looked around, we're not in the bedroom as what I expected. But still in the living room.

"Why walk all the way to the bedroom when we have the couch?" he smirks suggestively.

I could just giggle at that as I pulled his shirt over his head before dipping my head down for another kiss. With our lips locked, my hands wandered to feel his skin under my palms. To his abs, his chest, his shoulders until I have my arms around his neck. He was left eagerly caressing my thigh.

Then I pulled away to take a good look at his flushed face. And I don't know why I always feel like this, I fall in love with him all over again when he barely did anything. Just sitting here, staring straight into my eyes filled with love.

"Are you real?"

Baekhyun gently tucked some hair strands behind my ear. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know... I just feel like this moment is one of those made up scenes I have in my mind to help me fall asleep." I bashfully chuckled.

Even after two years, I still ask myself if all of these are real. It's too perfect to be true.


Every after argument, better days follow ahead. It's always like that, we and our relationship seemed to improve every time we fight and after finding out how to deal with the problem that arises. As a man of his words, Baekhyun never said the words he promised to never say again - and never do the things he said he won't do in order not to hurt me.

People were right when they said that the purest form of apology is to never make the same mistake again.

"Good morning."

It's 8 a.m and he's waking me up with butterfly kisses all over my face. First thing in the morning and giggles already filled the bedroom.

"Good morning." I puckered my lips, wanting his usual morning kiss. So he did. Not just one, but three kisses. Which eventually reminded me what occasion this day holds.

"Are you forgetting anything?"

Baekhyun rolled his eyes to the side. "Uh... Nothing?" his face contorted into confusion.

I gasped, staring at him in disbelief.

Just when I was about to feel disappointed, he laughs at my reaction. "Why do you think I gave you three kisses?" he sneaks his hand to the small of my back and pulled me closer, now skin to skin with him under the covers. "Happy third anniversary, my baby."

"I thought you forgot."

"I will never forget this special day." right after saying that, our lips met for another kiss. This time, longer than the first one he gave me.

I turned to lay on my back and without breaking the kiss, Baekhyun moves to hover above me. Using his knees, he pry open my legs so he can situate himself in between them. Things were heating, the kiss deepening as my hand found the back of his head and combing through his soft locks before fisting on his hair when he bites on my lower lip.

I parted from the kiss with that sensual sound. "Baekhyun..." I whispered. "Your phone is ringing, baby."

"What the fuck." he hissed, getting off me and of the bed to get his phone on the nightstand. Now he's standing naked next to the bed and I can't help my eyes from squinting and my brows wiggling suggestively at the view before me. It's this kind of moment that makes me say, I'm indeed the lucky one.

"Morning manager-nim."

"Baekhyun, I'm sorry I know you said this day is supposed to be schedule-less but the photographer requested to do the shoot today. For some reason."

"Today?" he glances at me. "But this day is very special to me and I promised to spend every bit of it, with my girlfriend."

"Hey," I reach for his hand and gave it a squeeze. "It's fine."

"No, Y/n. I want to spend the whole day with you, it's our anniversary."

"Maybe you can get things done earlier and then the remaining time is for us?" I batted my eyelashes adorably, hoping to convince him. As much as I want the whole day for us only, it's his work and I can't do anything about it. I'm an idol too and I understand that spontaneous schedules like this happens and it's beyond our control.

Baekhyun sighs, defeated. "Fine." he tells his manager.

"We'll get all the versions done for today, by the way."

"What the actual-" he cut himself off and ended the call, then taking a deep breath.

"What's wrong about that? If you get the shoot done a week earlier, your comeback preparations will get lighter."

He sat on the bed, hands on his hair. He's sighing like he has the whole world on his shoulders. "Remember that photographer I told you about?"

Oh. That one...

"You'll have to deal with her, again?"

"I know she does a great job but SM never hears me out. She's making me feel uncomfortable and they won't listen to me."

I remember that certain photographer who seems to like him a lot to the point that it's making Baekhyun uncomfortable when he works with her. In Baekhyun's previous comeback, the photos came out awkward because she was being a creep or what during the shoot. I don't know if it's her compliments or the way she stares at my boyfriend.

I've never been in Baekhyun's photoshoots with her as the photographer, so I don't actually know. Whatever is the reason why my boyfriend doesn't like her, he's still doing a great job dealing with the problem professionally.

He looks back at me, smiling like he just found a perfect idea. "How about you tag along? That way, at least we're together for the whole day on our anniversary."

"That's a great idea, my love, but..." I breathed out. "I don't feel well."

"Really? Should I just stay so I can take care of you?"

"No, it's just a mild headache and a little nausea. Nothing really serious. I think it's from the stress and with the seasons changing."

Unconvinced, he stared at me suspiciously. I know he's probably thinking I'm lying about it not being serious. It wasn't, really. I've been sick for over a week now but I'm letting it slide due to our busy schedules and I don't want to worry Baekhyun, so I never told him. Besides, it doesn't really bother my work, I think it's not that serious.

"I will take myself to the doctor if you want."

"Call me if something happens." he dipped his head to peck my lips. "Happy anniversary once again, babe. I'm sorry about this."

"No, it's fine. As long as you can make it home before midnight so we'll have the rest of the time." I cupped his cheek. "You can... Right?"

"I'll do everything I can for my baby."

And I trust him for that, because I love him and he had never failed me when he makes promises.

Except for today, on our special day.

Baekhyun never called at least once after he left and I didn't actually mind since it was a sudden schedule. They might be in a rush to get the shoot done as soon as they can that he couldn't make at least the littlest time to check his phone and read my messages.

I should've just tagged along when he told me I could, I chanted inside my head as I was dressing up. Since we've decided to celebrate our anniversary at home, I thought I should put up a surprise for my boyfriend. I know he likes it when I wear something that makes him go crazy and it had always lead us to do the craziest thing.

Hours passed by and not at least one reply or call was made. The sun had set, now it's dark and I'm still alone, waiting for Baekhyun to come back and celebrate the remaining three hours of our anniversary with me.

I sat on the porch, wearing my pyjamas over the pair of lingerie instead of that see-through nighties as a part of my surprise once he gets home. The night had gone cold and lonely. Sighing every now and then, my head would tilt left and right to see if he's coming. Come on, Baek. At least one more greeting for the last time.

But to no avail...

I have my phone in my hands, refreshing Twitter every damn minute after I saw some photos of him at a party, spreading like wildfire. I presume he was forced to go after the photoshoot, knowing that it's hard for him to say no to people.

And he said he won't take long, right?

The remaining hours passed by so quickly. I thought waiting makes the time run slower than usual. It's now 11:59 p.m and still no Baekhyun. That was the moment I knew, it's no use waiting for him anymore.

And yet I still counted in my head, waiting for him even when all that's left are seconds before the day officially ends. Once the clock strikes 12 o'clock, I got up with a heavy heart and swiftly turned to go inside. Literally after taking one step forward, I heard a car pulling over.

I sighed, tired of everything and continued on my way inside.

"Were you waiting for me?"

My hand stopped on top of the handle and I gave him a sideward glance. "No, I was taking out the trash."

"At midnight?"

I opened the door and went inside without answering him. He follows shortly after and he found me standing in the middle of the living room, hands on my hips.

"I'm sorry I tried to get out of it as soon as I can but they were holding me back-"

"That doesn't look like a photoshoot for a whole day at all." I didn't want to raise my voice and add fuel to the fire.

"I finally confronted her. She was retiring, which is why the shoot had to be done a week earlier and she promised to never make me uncomfortable again if I were to attend her retirement party."

"You could've just told her you've got a girl at home, waiting for you!" tears are streaming down my face. "You should've left few hours before the day ended. I don't care about her, Baekhyun! I trust you enough to be around that girl even when I'm not looking."

"I just want you to come back... Be here. With me."

I glared at him with my teary eyes before walking out to leave him in the living room and sulk in the bedroom, all by myself.

Only to abruptly stopped along the way when I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my lower stomach. With both of my hands on it, my body slowly curled before I fell on my knees whilst screaming in agony.

Baekhyun quickly runs to me. "Y/n, are you okay? What's wrong?"

"It hurts so much." I managed to mutter in between my sobs.

"Shit." he scooped me into his arms but something that he saw made his eyes grew wide.

I looked to where he's staring at and saw that a huge area of my inner thigh was covered in blood. I don't remember any cuts or wounds on them, which told me that the red liquid might be coming from down there. That's surely not my period for as far as I could, I haven't gotten it since... I can't even remember when. What's happening to me? I couldn't even ponder my own question when another pain strikes, making me cry out Baekhyun's name and him panic.

It hurts so much, like I'm being cut in half. I know there's something wrong with me.

He picked up his pace until we're out of the house. "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have left you."

The pain was just getting worst and all I could do was to try convince my body that help is on the way as Baekhyun drove us to the hospital.

"Baby, I'm sorry." he reaches for my hand, then squeezing it as a form of encouragement and at the same time apology. "If I only stayed when you said you didn't feel well, this wouldn't happen." I can tell that he's panicking to the way his voice is shaking, palm cold around my hand, and lips turning pale when he kissed the back of it.


"I know, love. I know. We're almost there. I'm so sorry."

And he never cared about who might see or recognize us when he just barged into the emergency room, with me in his arms and screaming for help.

"She's been having headaches and nausea and now there's blood. Please help my girlfriend." he has tears in his eyes staring down on me as I curled on the bed, crying and groaning in so much pain.

The nurses were momentarily shocked. Irises swiftly shuffling from Baekhyun and to me, making sure if they're seeing thing right. But they quickly snapped back to reality when I screamed to another shoot of pain.

Baekhyun didn't have any choice when he was told to step out and leave the nurses do their job.


My eyes wandered around the room as soon as I woke up, now feeling a lot more better than before. I pushed myself up and leaned my back against the headboard. There was no one else in the room but myself and I can't help wondering if Baekhyun had left after realizing that... Maybe I asked for too much.

Maybe there are times he wanted to do some things for his own but I always ask for him. To be with me, around me, wanting to be included in every second of his life. It's like eating your favorite candy all over again, that despite it being your favorite you eventually got sick of it's taste for eating too much. That's how I was to Baekhyun.

A knock made me flinch. I quickly looked away from the door once I saw Baekhyun entering the room. I can feel his apologetic eyes on me and hear that sigh filled with pain when he realized that I don't want to see him.

No, it's not that I don't want to see him. I'm embarrassed to the point that I don't want to look at him.

Nevertheless, he still made his way to me and ask, "How are you feeling?" he sat on the stool beside the bed.

"I'm asking for too much, aren't I?" I ignored his question as I brought my eyes down on my hands playing with each other, resting on my thighs. I don't know why I can't look at him but through my peripheral vision.

"No, babe. You were never too much and had never asked for too much." he takes one of my hand and that's what it took for me to finally look at him, straight into his sincere eyes.

"I know our relationship is so chaotic and that we fought a lot these days. There are times we don't understand each other, probably because of our age gap. But I'd rather fight with you than spend a peaceful night with someone else. I trust you and myself that we can fix whatever problem that comes in our way, considering that we're still going strong despite the challenges we've been through." he brings my hand to his lips, kissing it gently.

"I'm sorry if this relationship is so flawed while people believe we are perfect. From now on, I promise to give you all my time and I will understand you even more. We will never fight again and we'll only have lovely days together. I love you, Y/n."

His words made me emotional and tears are now staining my cheeks accompanied by little sniffles. Though I have no idea why he's saying things like I'm dying soon but given that I'm in a hospital... I must be.

"Baekhyun, am I dying?"

That caught him off guard and his eyes blinked in confusion. "No. Why would you say that?"

"You're saying things like I'm going to be gone soon."

Seems like he realized what is happening when he suddenly laughs. Adorably, as always. "Don't tell me that you don't know it yourself?"

"Know what? Am I supposed to know something?" it was my turn to give him a confused look.

"You are pregnant, my love."

It was as if my whole world came into a sudden stop - or was it the time? If only Baekhyun hadn't guided my hand to my stomach, making me feel the little bump I never touched before.

I gasped, realizing that I could've been too far along for that bump to be there already. When did it happened?

I'm lost for words and can't do anything but keep my confused, blinking eyes on my boyfriend.

Embarrassment quickly creeps in when I recovered. "So, I'm not dying."

"No, baby."

I chewed the insides of my cheek as I carefully thought of this situation. "And you're not leaving me. Right?"

"Why do think I was saying those words to you?"

And he pulled something from his pocket.

"I know I was never a perfect boyfriend to you, but I promise to be a perfect husband and father to our baby." he extends an arm, to reach for my cheek and wipe the tears I didn't notice I was shedding.

"Marry me."

I couldn't say a word, so I just nodded while sobbing. Baekhyun had this triumphant smile, contrary to his teary eyes as he took the ring from the box and pushed it into my finger.

I was told to have a bed rest for weeks and so Baekhyun never let me leave the bed right after we got home from the hospital. He had taken my phone away, that's for me to avoid stressing myself by reading reactions of our fans. We just got our announcement released by the company and had confirmed that we're expecting and will be getting married soon.

Where is Baekhyun? I'm assuming he had left for a variety show filming. Finally! Free to leave the bedroom. I tiptoed my way out of the bedroom and immediately saw Baekhyun in the living room, sitting on the couch with his head hanging low. I was about to go back inside while he hasn't noticed but when I heard him sighing, as if he's carrying the world on his shoulders, I felt the need to talk to him.


He whipped his head up to look at me. "My love, why are you out of the bed?"

I avoided his question to throw another one. "Is something wrong?" and I made my way to him. "Aren't you supposed to film that one show appearance that is scheduled for today?"

"That... SM cancelled it." he looks down, seemingly ashamed of that. "I can't appear in any shows, for the meantime."


"Since they think no one wants to see us after our announcement."

My lips parted, I was dumbfounded and speechless, not expecting that answer from Baekhyun. Why would the company think of that way? I checked it myself, there's more people who are happy for us than those kind - throwing us out of the bus because of our situation.

I understand that I can't show myself to the public, I have to focus on this pregnancy. SM made huge adjustments for my group by sending the members to their own solo activities and solo debut to fill the days of not promoting as a group, to wait for me until I'm capable to come out as an idol again.

But why can't they do the same to EXO and especially to Baekhyun when he can leave me to do his activities? Just because of our situation? So, what are they going to do if EXO were to appear in a show or stand in one stage all together? Exclude my fiance with the reasoning that he has to take care of me? I can take care of myself, thanks.

It's not that I don't want him around to take care of me. I just want to make sure that even with having a family of our own very soon, he can still do the things he had always loved to do and have been doing for years now. Be with EXO-Ls.

"Hey, at least I can give you all of my time now. I can make sure that you are taken care of, so you and the babies will all be healthy." his hand were delicate on my hips as he pulled me closer, face leveling my baby bump so he could press a sweet kiss on it.

"But, babe..."

"A solo appearance had always made me feel awkward." he looks up at me with an assuring smile. "I prefer to do shows when I'm with the members. Don't feel bad about this, it's fine by me."

I took his face in between my hands and dipped my head down to plant a kiss on his forehead. "I'm sorry, my love."

I know it's not fine. He's trying to make it look like he's okay with it but deep inside, he actually wanted to make sure that his fans can still see him everywhere despite the mixed reactions after our announcement and see how his appearance will affect a show. Showing up as not just a boyfriend to me kind of Baekhyun, but now a fiance and a soon-to-be father of twins.

Nonetheless, he's still an idol who'll continue making music. What's so wrong about it?

But then again, it's not up to us even when we badly want to do anything.

And so we took advantage of the time given to us and didn't expect for it to run faster that the next thing we knew, it was time to meet our babies.

"Okay, we're ready." Baekhyun forced a grin, his shivering hands planted on the either sides of his hips. "I'm not panicking. Yes, I'm not. I'm so calm I can't believe this." or so he tried to convince himself.

"We've practiced for this day, my love."

"I know. We should reach the hospital in fifteen minutes." he opens the door for me and helped me to settle in.

He was turning pale as he drove and I fully understand him. I'm nervous myself, especially when I'm the one getting a cut in my body to have our babies. As mush as I wanted a natural birth, we were told that C-Section is the safest way to deliver the baby considering my condition or we won't make it.

And it was worth it the moment I heard the cries of our princesses.

"They're so beautiful, my love." Baekhyun was peeking past the cover as they clean the babies. He couldn't let go of my hand, knowing that I needed him the most at this time.

"Thank you so much, babe. They're so pretty." he kisses my forehead. "You did well." and next was my lips.

Just by seeing how happy he instantly fell in love with our babies, was enough for me to say that he's definitely going to be the best father for them.


Eunbi fell asleep as soon as I was done changing her. So I decided to check on Baekhyun and Eunbyeol, only to find him a little scared to start washing her as she stirred on his hands. He was just staring down on her, his hands stiff under the back of Eunbyeol's head and her buttom.

"Baek, do you need help?"

"I think she doesn't like baths. I only have placed her feet in the water and she cried."

"Maybe because she still need to get used to the temperature." I took the spot next to him and checked the water temperature using my elbow. "Don't worry, just put her in."

"Okay, you're the mother. I trust you that you know the best." and he slowly, carefully placed Eunbyeol down the tub.

Of course she immediately cried hard and that made Baekhyun panic. The look in his face was like he did a terrible crime to his own daughter. He quickly snapped out of it and leaned towards her, to have a clearer look if he's doing things right.

"Awww. It's okay, my love. It will be over soon." he told Eunbyeol as he scooped a handful of water and gently wetted her body with it. "My little Star." he whispered and then kissed her forehead softly.

I can feel butterflies in my stomach just by looking at how Baekhyun handles both of his daughters. When he promised me that he's going to be a perfect husband and father, he wasn't kidding and took each of his words seriously.

Eunbyeol soon got used to being in the water and is now quietly looking up at Baekhyun with ridges on her forehead. It's like she's planning to murder him later and I can't help laughing at the sight.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" he was drawing little circles on her arms to lather her up.

I didn't have the chance to further see to that interaction as I need to leave them alone when Eunbi cried from across the room. I took her in my arms and went back to the bathroom to find Baekhyun rinsing the soap off of Eunbyeol.

"Oh, my little Rain had woken up?" he steals a quick kiss on her cheek and quickly went to finish Eunbyeol's bath.

"Wait, love. You're doing it wrong."

Baekhyun almost panicked at that but calmly corrected the way he picks Eunbyeol up from the baby bathtub. "Please remind me I'm nine years older than you." now we both have our babies in our embrace.

"You're nine years older than me." I giggled.

"We had the princesses so unexpectedly and you rarely studied about parenting while I spent the entire nine months reading about it, and yet you never made mistakes since they came." we proceeded to the nursery so he could dress Eunbyeol.

"That's the perfect example to say that maturity isn't based on people's age."

Baekhyun tilted his head to look back at me with his eyes narrowing. "Are you calling me immature?"

"You might be." I teased and he looks at me, betrayed. "But that's not a bad thing, considering that you're learning and improving." I added.

"Even in the way you think sounds more mature than I do. What are the EXOs going to think about this?"

"They will probably think it's not Eunbyeol and Eunbi who are the babies here but you are."

"Whatever." he rolls his eyes, sulking as he continued putting on Eunbyeol's onesie. Baekhyun may be nine years older but I always think he's the baby in between us.

"There. All done."

The twins yawned so we placed them down on their crib, looking like the sweetest pair of donuts in their onesies. Eunbi had a pink onesie with white sprinkles, while Eunbyeol had a white with pink sprinkles.

"Go get your camera! We can't let this adorable moment pass without being captured."

Baekhyun made a run to get his camera to our, leaving me cooing to the sight of our girls. It was a bummer that they took nothing from me and got Baekhyun's entire visuals. But when every time I silently complain about that, I remind myself that they'll surely grow up beautiful.

"We make beautiful babies." Baekhyun said after taking tons of photos.

"We sure do."

"It would be nice if we do more."

I glared at him and he just laughed, then stealing a quick kiss on my lips.


OMG it's December! Can you believe that it's going to be 2022 next month!?

So, once again, this is @BAEKKIE_myluv's idea. Thanks for this one, love ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡ This are one of those shots that I don't know how to end so... 😶

And since this is kind of inspired from ATW short film, I decided to put the nine year age gap in this one because that's the gap between Baekhyun and I... Mirroring Taylor Swift and Jake Gynecologist's age gap.

If we break up, I know what song to listen and cry to 🤭

Anyway, stream Red (Taylor's Version) (strictly the TV and not the stolen!) (What do you think is the next rerecorded album?)

Stream Kai's 2nd mini album 'Peaches' 😤🍑 what's your favorite side track btw? I like Vanilla and Blue so much! 💙


