

"Hi guys! Today I'm going to do a prank to my girlfriend."

My grabbed my camera from the table and adjusted the angle so it could film my face.

"I decided to prank her by breaking up with her through a letter. So I got here all the materials and everything is ready, especially what to write her." I showed the paper and pen scattered on a table to the camera and then moved it to the bag placed on top of my bed. "I got her things in that bag to pretend that I have packed her things and she's ready to go after reading the letter."

Y/n is at work and while it's a bad timing that she has to go work while this is the only day off I have, I got bored and the idea of pranking her came into my mind. She doesn't hate being pranked since we've been doing it to each other almost everyday.

I wonder how she'll react to this one since it's more personal and on another level.

I started writing the letter with my camera filming me. I carefully choose the words I imprint so she wouldn't suspect a thing and not hurting too much. I couldn't stop giggling as I write and I can't even believe I'd say such words to her. As soon as I was almost done writing the letter, I swore to myself to never tell her these words as it will surely hurt Y/n's heart.

"There..." I carefully placed the letter above the bag that was on the bed. "And we're done."

Next I got my other camera out and placed it on the dresser that was in front of our bed. I still have to zoom it since our bedroom was pretty spacious and the dresser was kinda far from the bed, making it hard to see Y/n's reaction of ever she finds my letter. Then I covered it with some of my clothes so it won't be seen easily.

I showed our shared room to the camera. It looked normal like how it was everyday, except that the bed has a bag and a letter on top of it. "So here it is. I'm going to my car now and call Y/n few minutes later."

I filmed myself even while walking towards my car. Then I drove away from the building for few meters before I parked in a supermarket's parking area. Once I'm ready, I placed my camera on the dashboard so I could film myself calling Y/n.

"So this is it guys. I will call Y/n now." bitting my lips to stop myself from giggling, I dialed Y/n's number and waited for her to answer. It took few rings before I heard her voice.

"Baekhyunie, I'm almost done today. Can you just please call later?" she whispered as if no one should know that someone is calling her.

"Okay, but as soon as you get off. Go straight home." I answered, trying to sound very, very serious.

"Hold up, Mr. Byun. Why are you so serious?" she giggled, now talking fully and not whispered. For a second I almost wanted to stop all of this. She's just so pure.

"Just go straight home." and I hung up, not waiting for her to answer.

I'm so sorry love.


As soon as I was dismissed I hurriedly dashed my way towards my car and drove straight home.

Why does Baekhyun sounded so serious earlier? And he hung up on me? He never did that to me in our five years of relationship.

I stumbled on my way out of the car but it didn't stopped me from hurrying towards our apartment. I don't know why I suddenly feel like something is wrong?

Once I was inside, I quickly searched for Baekhyun but he was nowhere to be found and the whole place is also quiet.

I proceeded to the bedroom and the first thing my eyes saw is my bag on the bed. Slowly, I made my way towards the bed while calling Baekhyun out to find him. Then I sat on the bed and noticed that there was a letter placed on the bag, slightly opened. I looked around first before taking the letter in my hand and giving it a read.

Dear Y/n,

I've been thinking about this for some time now. You've been such a lovely person and you always made my day bright, you are my sunshine and my own definition of happiness. But things change as time goes by and we both know it. You are a great person, believe me when I say it. It's the truth that no one can change, however that greatness of yours is something I don't deserve. The love, it's not there anymore. We both don't have time for each other as we're both busy with our own lives. I miss those cuddles but the longer I don't get those, I don't care anymore. I miss you around me but with these busy schedules we have... Everything changed. Now the spark we once have is nowhere to be felt. I'm sorry Y/n. But we should end everything here. I love you but I think this is where we should end it all.

I have packed all your things so at least I didn't made this break up kinda hard for you.

Sincerely, Baekhyun

I stared at the letter for few moments before every words sank in my brain. No matter how much I read the letter all over again, it doesn't make sense. We were so happy that I didn't see the signs for the past few weeks. I couldn't see from Baekhyun's eyes that he wanted this. He was good hiding it. I feel my heart getting heavy the longer I stare at the letter.

I sighed and sat on the bed, still reading the letter. Nope, it really doesn't make sense at all. We actually have talked about marriage the other day and that sensitive topic... Oh, is that why we weren't so serious while we're talking about it?

For the nth time, I heave out a heavy sighed and lifted my eyes up from the letter.

Well, we're on the same page.


My phone rang and I jumped from my seat seeing Y/n's name.

"Guys! Y/n called!" I said and showed my phone screen to the camera as if someone is listening to me.

I cleared my throat and tested my serious voice before I answered the call. "Hello."

"Hey, Baek. So, I got your letter." she sounded a bit sad and I heard a soft sniff right after.

"Yeah. I told you about it through a letter since I was scared to tell you."

"You were good at hiding it. I didn't even suspect a thing that you were thinking about this."

"I'm sorry, Y/n. But thank you for those times together." I bit my lips to stop myself from laughing too hard.

She sighed from the other line and I heard shifting sounds before she spoke once again. "I'm glad this will end with the both of us being in the same page."

Her words struck at me like an unexpected thunder. My smile dropped and I froze on my seat. "What?"

"I've been meaning to tell you this too. I fell out of love and everything just kinda changed? I don't know. Yes we had a tickle fight last week and it doesn't feel the same way as it is back when we were dating for few months-"

"Stop, let's talk about this." cold sweats started to break out on my face. What the hell? This is not what I expected this prank to turn out.

"But your letter have said it all."

"Uhm, no. Well, since we're on the same page let's talk about it face to face."

"Okay, I'll be waiting here."

And then she hang up.

I blinked twice before staring at the camera with my face surprised.

"What did she just said?" I giggled nervously before starting the car to drive back to our apartment.

She meant to tell me that she's been thinking about breaking up with me?

With the thought of losing Y/n, I drove even faster and the as soon as I have parked my car, I dashed my way inside the building. Still filming myself.

"What the hell, there is no way this prank's gonna backfire me." I nervously murmured while walking across the hallway.

Once I have arrive, I didn't hesitate to open the door and went straight to the bedroom while screaming Y/n's name.

When I opened the door, the first thing I saw is the bed and her bag isn't there anymore. Only the letter left. It feels like someone had poured me a bucket of iced water. I thought she'd wait for me here?

"Y/n? Baby!" I yelled across the room and dropped my camera on the bed. No response. I felt my tears forming on the corner of my eyes when I can't see her everywhere I look. "Jagi!"

I kept looking for her even outside the bedroom but I couldn't find her. I would wipe away the forming tears while searching around the place. Oh no, I shouldn't have done this. I can't lose Y/n, I love her. I can't imagine waking up and not seeing her. I was close to crying when an idea came into my mind.

I quickly went back to the bedroom and to the dresser where I placed my second camera. The pile of clothes that covered it is still there so I threw it all on the floor and saw... A phone? Where is my camera?

"Looking for this, jagi?"

My gaze snapped towards the doorway that leads to the bathroom inside our bedroom. There she was, leaning against it while holding my camera and waving it with a smirk on her face.

She caught me. But I don't care about it. I was so scared I thought she really left.

"You scared me." I muttered and let my tears fall. I hate crying and I never cried this easily. But since it's Y/n, the only person with me right now. I don't filter myself to her and let my true self out. I do cry and I like it that Y/n knows it, she never cared about what everyone says about boys who cried easily and she babies me after.

That's why I can't lose her.

Y/n's eyes softened at the sight of me crying. "Awww, come here baby." she spread her arms and motioned for me to come closer so I did. She giggled at my tear-stained face before wiping them away and hugged me.

Once she have embraced me, I felt at ease. Especially when her hand started to run up and down on my back. I wrapped my arms around her waist and hid my face on the crook of her neck and inhaled her scent that I love so much.

"Did you learned your lesson?" I heard her chuckled against my hair.

"As much as I hate to admit it, yes. I'm so sorry, jagi." I parted from the hug and kissed her forehead. "I'm never doing this kind of prank again."

I pressed my body against her and stayed like that for few moments before Y/n broke the hug and looked up to me.

"How does it feels that your prank backfired you?"

"But how did you know it was a prank?"

"When I said that you were good at hiding things, I was lying. As soon as I lifted my eyes up from your letter, I saw your camera." she bit her lips to stop herself from laughing so she could continue. "I almost believe it but good thing I spotted your camera."

"I hate you. You scared me you should have just called me and told me I'm busted!" she screamed when I suddenly carried her and placed her on my shoulder. I gave her butt a slap before walking towards the bed.

I dropped her on the bad and plopped myself on top of her, crushing her with all my weight while she kept screaming for help at the same time laughing out loud. My hands secretly crept their way towards her sides and tickled her surprisingly earning a loud yell of my name from Y/n.

"Baekhyun stoooop!!" she laughed and pushed me aside with all her force then stood up.

I grabbed the camera beside me and filmed her fixing her shirt. "Where are you going?" I asked.

"I'm going to leave, you broke up with me remember?"

I let out a whine and she only giggled and tried to walk away from me but I was fast to grab her wrist pulled her down with me. I placed the camera on the nightstand beside our bed and made sure it films us both.

"You're not going to leave me." I rolled my body until I was on top of Y/n once again, this time not crushing her by placing my elbows on the either sides of her head and lifted my upper body up. "I love you." then I gave her a quick kiss on her lips causing for her to laugh cutely.

"I love you too." Y/n puckered her lips and tried to reach for mine but since  she can't I was the one who kissed her instead.

"I love you, I just love you. I love you so much." I started to shower Y/n's face with small kisses every time I say how much I love her.

I will never let go of this girl ever.

"Are you going to include this in your vlog?" Y/n asked as soon as I have stopped kissing her. My eyes flew to where she's staring and saw my camera sitting nicely on the nightstand.

"Hmm? I guess so."

I failed to notice how her other hand escaped and used it to push my head towards her for a passionate kiss.


#baekhyun #vlog

Baekhyun's VLOG (pranking my girlfriend/break-up letter/prank gone wrong/cried)


👍                 👎
506k            520

백현 Baekhyun
2.12M Subscribers

Hello my 큥tube subscribers! So I tried to upload a content that is new and has not been tried. And that is to prank my dearest girlfriend, Y/n. Well, it didn't turned out to the way I expected it to be but I had fun doing it together with the love of my life.
I wish for you to spend quality time with your loved ones. But don't do this!! ><

I glared at Y/n who couldn't stop laughing after watching my vlog on youtube. She had been watching it for like 10 times today and she still cracks up especially to that part where I cried. She noticed that I have squinted my eyes at her so she stopped laughing and pressed her lips together.

"Done laughing?"

"You are just so cute, Baekhyunie." Y/n made her way towards me and gave me a quick kiss on my lips.

But I didn't let myself be fluttered by it and remained my serious eyes at her.

"Are you angry?"

I didn't answered and turned my back at her before leaving the bed. Y/n's face turned worried as she sat up and watched me walk away from her.


I closed the door behind me and hurried my way downstairs before she follows. Just in time, I heard the bedroom door opened once again and her loud steps approaching the stairs.

"Baekhyungie, I'm sorry if-"

I smiled at her surprise face after seeing me kneeling down in one knee with our whole family and the EXO members standing behind me. Y/n was totally frozen on her spot and her hand slowly travelled up to cover her mouth.

"Y/n, baby. I know we've been pranking each other for almost everyday, but I swear this one is not a prank anymore." I opened the small box sitting on my palm and that is when Y/n teared up as she walked closer towards me while sniffing.

"I love you so much and you know it. For five years, I've known you and I know you've known me too. So I believe you can distinguish whether this one's a prank or not." everyone, including Y/n, laughed at my words. When they turned quiet my heart suddenly fluttered. Here it is, I'm going to ask the question I've been dying to ask Y/n.

"Will you marry me?"

Y/n lets out a sob before nodding aggressively. "Yes! Yes Baekhyun I will marry you!" she couldn't help but jump a little as she said those. I heard the members' loud sigh in relief after Y/n answered. I laughed at her a bit before removing the ring from the box and took her hand to slid the ring on her finger.

Everyone clapped as I stood up and took both of Y/n's hand and gave her forehead a kiss.

I could notice Y/n looking like she's trying to find something around.

"What are you doing?"

"Just making sure this isn't prank. Where's the camera?"

I whined and pouted at her. "I told you this isn't a prank."

She laughed cutely and that made my heart feel at ease. Then she pinched my cheek. "Of course I know this isn't a prank. It's just that, I can't believe it. You've asked me to marry you, like what I've always dream when I was still your fangirl."

"Better start believing now. Because we're going to be together, forever." I kissed her lips before spinning her around to dance with everyone.


Hello! Ya'll miss me?

Just kidding.

Anyways, I'm sorry if this is so dumb 😂 I wrote this after getting an inspiration. I was asked to do a vlog for that one project we had and this came into my mind.

And wow?! The last update I gave you guys was on Oct. 13 leaving this book with 18k reads. After 2 weeks it now has 22k? That's such a huge number for me ㅜㅜ

Thank you for being patient with me 😘😍

Love, love, love!! And always be happy my Strawberries! 🍓😊


