

Every EXO-Ls are in awe, especially when they discovered that my phone wallpaper is my own baby picture. It is not new for me to set my own photos as my wallpaper, however it is the first time I actually chose a baby picture and everyone's making it a big deal since I kind of don't like looking back at my younger days.

I waved at the fans waiting for us in the airport. Proudly showing my unlocked phone screen where they could caught a glimpse of my home screen with my baby picture as its wallpaper.

Chen, Xiumin and I just got back from Japan after wrapping up our encore concert. It's been a while since the last time we had a concert and seeing the fans after a long time is so lovely. Hearing them scream for us feels so great.

But, nothing is greater than hearing her adorable giggles.

Even if I didn't have opened the door of our home yet, I could already hear her giggles along with questionable muttered words in a high pitched voice. I know she's doing it again. So I decided to open the door without knocking. The first thing I saw upon my entrance is my wife sitting on the floor with her phone in her hands.

"I'm hurt! Is no one gonna welcome me home?"

She turned around after hearing my voice and her eyes widenend. She must've forgotten that today is the day I'm returning from Japan. Her shocked expression then turned into a happy one before she turned her back at me to face someone else.

"Daddy's here!" she quickly grabbed our son from his stroller and ran towards me to greet me with a kiss, almost squishing our little one between our bodies at the process.

"I miss you guys so much!" I told Y/n and pecked her once more. "Did you miss me, my wife?"

"I did. But not too long since I have Baekho and he looks just like you so that longing feeling for you isn't that bad." Y/n replied and raised Baekho at my face.

"How's my little puppy?" I bend down a bit to level my face to my son.

Baekho gently slapped the both sides of my face using his tiny hands while muttering a soft "Appa" which made me teary. Weeks away from my family almost made me sick. I scrunched my face in happiness as I leaned closer to my son until our noses bumped into each other. I slowly shook my head to rub my nose against his that made Baekho giggle playfully.

"Don't tell me that all you did while I was away is re-creating my baby pictures using Baekho?" I asked Y/n and taking Baekho from her. She did not answered but instead, she just smiled up to me as if she did something wrong and she didn't want to get scolded.

"It's like you don't like it. Look at you! You even set his picture as your homescreen wallpaper. I just sent that to you before departing from Japan." she scrolled through her phone, checking updates about me on twitter that I guess she missed because she's so busy to her new Baekhyun, namely Baekho.

"EXO-Ls thought you have your own baby picture as your wallpaper! Amazing." Y/n said, amazed at the comments below a photo of me waving at my fans earlier with my unlocked phone.

"Oh, I never thought they would think of that way." I commented and threw Baekho in the air without letting go him, causing him to laugh and it melted my heart even more.

"It's becuase Baekho looked so much like you and I'm really good at re-creating your baby pictures." Y/n walked up to me to press a kiss on my lips and then to Baekho's cheeks.

Everyone thought I had my own baby picture as my wallpaper. Who would have thought that it was actually a re-creation of my picture, the thing is that it was re-created by my secret son?
