⭐ UN Village

Happy Birthday, Baekhyun! ❤️

City Lights: 1/6

Aaaah! The last one, finally! I really did have to do some research about UN Village (the place) because I ain't someone who lives in Korea to actually see it. Sooo I only wrote the facts I've read.

Enjoy reading! ^^🍓




I raised a brow at my mom. She told me about working as some idol's manager because I've been jobless since the car accident I got into. I was injured of course I'd be jobless!

"You've recovered. It's time to go back to work and to your apartment."

I pressed a palm on my chest and acted like I was hurt. "Are you tired of me that much that you want me out of this house?"

"Y/n," mom sighed. "You have a life. You just need to find it and working for this idol might help you."

I didn't understand what she meant by that. I need to find my life? But I'm alive though.

Later that evening, my parents brought me to my apartment that I couldn't remember was mine. They toured me around for a bit and told me that they just bought it for me maybe that's why I can't remember. But from the way interiors were arranged, it didn't look new. It was like someone had live before.

"So this is the address of where you are going to work for tomorrow." my dad handed me a piece of paper. "We're going now, honey."

"Bye." I waved at them as they walked back to the car and waited for them to drive away before turning back to my apartment.

I swear it isn't newly bought. Mom said earlier that I have to go back to work and into my apartment and now that we've been into my apartment she said it was newly bought? There's something fishy with everything since the accident. It's as fishy as how are we in Korea right now when we were just living peacefully in our country with me studying in one of the most prestigious universities in there. And then suddenly I woke up as an adult and living in an apartment I own and a job as a manager of an idol? Something is not just clicking.

I looked around the place. It was clean but I can feel something familiar as I inhaled the sweet scent coming from the scented candle that mom had lit up earlier before they left.

"You like it? The smell reminds me of you. It's sweet."

My heart started beating in a strange way as soon as I heard that voice of a man. I tilted my head, in hopes to see someone speaking behind me. But none. What was that? Am I hallucinating? Creeped out by that, I ran towards the bedroom and hid myself under the sheets until I fell asleep.

Morning came faster than I thought and since it's my first night in this new place, I didn't have enough sleep. As much as I wanted to just laze around the apartment to familiarize the whole place, I needed to lift myself off the bed and get ready for my alleged work as an idol's manager. How did I get such job?

I had the small piece of paper that my dad had given to me as I went out of my apartment to hail a taxi.

"Uh... At UN Village in Hannam-dong? Does this place exist?" my brows furrowed while reading the address written on the paper. I'm not sure if I heard such place exists since I'm not from Korea, duh?

The driver laughs at my question. "Of course, dear. We'll be there in no time."

We arrived at UN Village and I had to be dropped at the entrance since it wasn't easy to get inside the very place. After paying, I stepped out of the vehicle and stood on my spot. I just stood there, not knowing what to do while staring up at the sign saying that the place is called UN Village. My head cocked to the side as I scan the sign. Something from the place seems familiar but I can't tell what. My head can't picture out but my heart tells me that I've been here too many times.

"Excuse me." someone tapped my shoulder and out of its suddenness, I gasped hard as I jumped around to see the person who did it. It was a cute guy smiling at me.

"Who are you?"

He lets out a soft chuckle. "I'm Baekhyun and I know you're my manager, Y/n."

I pointed to myself. "Me?"

"Is there any other Y/n around?"

I clicked on my tongue tilted my head to the side so he wouldn't see how I rolled my eyes. That's too much for a first impression. Then I gazed back at him with a forced grin on my face. "Okay?" I paused to scratch my head in confusion. "What do I do as your manager?"

"Your job is to monitor my schedule and me. While its a good timing that I don't have any activities to do for the next month, I'll be helping you with what you do with your job as my manager since you seemed to lost your knowledge at everything about it."

I didn't really understand what he's trying to tell but I nodded anyway. "How do we start?"

"You need to know where I'm living first." he did a gesture like introducing the UN Village. "This is the way."

Baekhyun walks off first and I followed behind him. There were guards on the entrance and they kinda look intimidating so I went closer behind Baekhyun without taking their eyes off me.

One of the guards seemed to recognized one of us as he approached. He was looking intently on my face before he clicked his tongue. "Oh? Y/n, long time no see! It's been three months since the last time you visited."


Baekhyun turns to look at us and he flinched a bit before grabbing my wrist and pulling me closer to him until I'm hiding behind his back. "Hi, there." since I'm facing his back, I couldn't see his expression as he spoke to the guard.

"Why?" the guard whispered as he flickered a finger to me and then to Baekhyun. And so they exchanged few words to each other. Whispering, for me not to hear a thing about what they're talking about. A hint of sadness took over the guard's eyes in the middle of their conversation before he nodded and gestured for us to enter UN Village.

"What did you talk about?"

"Nothing, just about a passcode so we can go on. You can't just enter this place easily. Especially when you don't live in here."

"Okie." I pressed my lips together and trailed behind Baekhyun.

His flat was something else. It was on the very top of the building so I could almost see everything UN Village has to offer. I roamed my eyes around the breath-taking view with my mouth agape.

"Wow." was all that I could say. "Your place is pretty." I turned around from the huge glass windown to look at Baekhyun standing behind me, staring with those eyes filled with admiration. Uhm?

He quickly looks away. "It is."

Seconds after, a familiar scent slowly covered the whole place. I inhaled a good amount of it and asked, "What's that smell?" I swear I've smelled this somewhere else.

"You like it? The smell reminds me of someone. It's sweet."

Suddenly, I heard the voice, again. The one I heard last night. Faint images of something played in my mind, I gasped. Blinking my eyes, I kept them gazing at Baekhyun as he approaches a small table beside the couch, there I saw a lit glass of candle. "It's my favorite scented candle." oh, that's why it's familiar. It's the same scented candle I had in my apartment.

I shook my head to clear my vision from those images appearing. "So... The things I do as your manager?"

"Oh, right." Baekhyun chuckles. "You have to get to know me."

The whole day was spend with Baekhyun telling me everything about him. He was in a group 'EXO' but since the other members are in the military, they couldn't make a group comeback and had to do some solo activities each member. Baekhyun just got discharged from the military and already had his solo comeback but after its promotions, he was asked to stand by and keep himself hidden in his flat. I don't know why the company isn't doing something for him like magazine photoshoots or world tour while he's free.

I had written everything he told me so I won't forget. While reviewing all the facts I've gathered about Baekhyun, blurry images alongside with voices suddenly corrupted my brain.

"I used to be the only one who knew this place." someone was holding my hand, we were walking towards a place looking like a starry night. I don't know if those were stars or from the city lights. "Now everyone's trying to go."

"This place is bright enough with you alone" I think its the same person, he's standing behind me. My hair has been swept to the side and he's placing kisses all over my skin.


Letting out a loud gasp, I was pulled out of my thoughts and saw Baekhyun looking at me worriedly.

"Are you okay?"

"O-of course. Just spacing out a little." I shook my head slightly before staring down at the notes I've written and added, "We have lots of similarities. I like watching the moon too and I think it's romantic."

"Do you want to see the moon? I know a perfect place."

I didn't know that we have been talking for hours that the sun had set and has been replaced by the moon. Following behind Baekhyun, we're slowly trailing our way up to the building's garden-like rooftop!

"Wow!" I ran towards the egde of the rooftop, to the direction where the moon could be seen. My hands rested on the railings and I bent my body forward in attempt to feel more of the chilling wind blowing against me.

"I used to be the only one who knew this place." Baekhyun made his way beside me and stood there idly, eyes on the moon and then to my giddy figure. "Now everyone's trying to go." I felt a little uneasy to the way he looks at me. Why is he staring at me like he knows me for so long and... So in love? I slowly tilted my head to meet his gaze but the uneasiness soon disappeared as soon as I saw that he had a small smile for me so I smiled back at him. We stood there, just smiling at each other and I don't know why.

Something in me started to feel warm. Was it my heart? It's familiar, something I've felt before but I don't know what.

Realizing that we've been staring at each other for so lone, I cleared my throat and pried my eyes away to look back at the moon above. "It's pretty." I mumbled, feeling a little hot. Like my cheeks were burning or whatsoever.

"It is."

Ugh, it's awkward. I told myself. Without looking at him, I asked. "What are we going to do tomorrow? Do I have to work? I mean, yes I'm your manager but you didn't have any schedule for a month what's the purpose?"

Baekhyun was taken aback, not expecting my questions to come out. "Uhm..." he looks around, as if the distant city lights could help him. "Actually this isn't about me."


"I'm... What is it called? Training! Yeah, I'm training you to become a manager." he chuckles awkwardly, followed by a forced grin. "The company had given you- I mean us, a month to be used to each other while I still don't have any schedule."

That doesn't seem convincing to the way he stutters but whatever. "Okay. What are we going to do tomorrow?"

He seems relieved that I believed on his words as heaved out a sigh. "We're fetching a member in the airport."

Nodding my head, I responded. "Noted."


Good thing there wasn't a lot of fans waiting at the airport when we arrived. Maybe bacause they didn't have any news of Baekhyun's whereabouts after his inactivity. I trailed behind him like a little kid, keeping my eyes around because I didn't have anything to hide my face from the public. Baekhyun told me that I should keep my face hidden now that I'm his manager to prevemt fans from chasing me for informations about him.

He seemed to notice how serious I am at being cautious. Baekhyun stops and turns around, only to see me looking left and then right with my eyes squinted and without knowing he came into a halt so I bumped into him.

"You don't have to be so serious at hiding yourself." he giggled and pulling his mask a little lower.

"I'm scared being chased by your fans."

Baekhyun placed both of his hands on his hips while thinking of something. Next thing I knew, he's taking off his hat and puts it on my head. It kinda covered my eyes but the hat somehow made me feel safe now.

After making sure the hat is nestled on my head properly, Baekhyun gave my head a caress. In a matter of seconds, all of my blood rushed their way towards my face. "W-what about you?"

"I'm fine. You seemed to be so anxious to be out in the public."

He's right. I've never been this anxious to be out in the public. I mean, I'm an introvert but rather easy going. I can make everyone like me without any effort so it wasn't really hard to be out in the public. But something seems off with me right now. I was scared as hell when Baekhyun told me about how his fans would chase me.

"Oh, there he is." Baekhyun looks straight ahead of us and waved his hand. I tilted my head to gaze at the one he meant and saw a handsome man approaching us. As soon as our eyes met, his lips stretched into a sweet smile and two deep holes appeared on the side of his face.

"Hyung!" when he stopped right in front of us, Baekhyun quickly engulfed him in a hug.

"Missed you too, Baek." he chuckled and I just stared at him, enchanted. He must've noticed the dazed look I gave him so he offers a hand to me and without thinking straight, I took his hand and next thing I knew he had pulled me closer to him then wrapping his arms around me for a hug. "I'm glad you're fine." he muttered, one hand coming up to smooth down my hair.

"Lay hyung."

"She still doesn't... Oh." I didn't know what Baekhyun did when the Lay hyung he called suddenly lets go of me. "I'm sorry I'm always like this when I greet someone! I'm indeed glad that you're safe." he then grins at me and so I bowed at him awkwardly.

I was seated on the backseat while Baekhyun drove and beside him, sat Zhang Yixing. They were conversing as if it has been a long time since the last time they've seen each other. I was left shutting my mouth since I didn't have anything to say. So I closed my eyes to act like I've fallen asleep.

"So what did the therapist said?" Lay's voice had softened in a manner that he didn't want me to hear what he asked, thinking that I'm really fast asleep.

Baekhyun sighs and a peircing look through the rearview mirror could be soon felt. As much as I wanted to open my eyes to see if he's really staring at me, I didn't. For them to continue with their conversation. "I just need to say some remarkable words. It's like going back to square one."

"You'll get through it."

I ended up dozing off so I never heard the rest of their conversation. It took at least 15 minutes before the car stopping stirred me and Baekhyun's soft voice waking me up followed.

"Y/n-ah, we're here."

Baekhyun had the half of his body bending inside the car so he could reach and shake me. I opened my eyes and groaned silently before sitting up. "Sorry, I must've dozed off."

"No problem." he offers a hand and I accepted it. I let him pull me out of the car. That's when I noticed that we're not at his place in UN Village and Lay had disappeared, so I spared him a confused look. "So remember that I'm a member of a boygroup."

"Yeah, EXO."

"I thought you should meet the members." he grinned before walking off first. I trailed behind him as we made our way inside the building and to the lift.

"Where's Lay?" I asked, in hopes to lessen the awkwardness slowly wrapping us both as we waited to reach the floor of EXO's dorm.

"He went in first." he responds. "He had to use the bathroom." Baekhyun's contagious giggles made me do so.

The curiousity about what they talked about before I fell asleep, kicked in. Why did Lay mentioned about a therapist? Is Baekhyun sick or hurt? Traumatized? I was about to open my mouth to ask but the bell indicating that we had reached the floor, interupted. The doors opened and Baekhyun glances at me, encouraging for me to follow him so I did. He was typing something on his phone before stopping once we seemed to reached the dorm's front door.

"The boys are friendly so I hope you won't feel uncomfortable once they talk to you like you have been friends for a long time."

"It was comfortable to talk to you and Lay. I guess it will be the same to the rest of the members."

He cracks a small smile for me before pressing the numbers of the door's password to open it. Baekhyun led the way inside and I kept myself hidden behind him. Few steps and we're in the living room. I peeked from his side and saw that there were at least eight males gathering around the said room. One of them was Lay.

"Hyung!" cheerfully greets that one guy with a baby girl in his arms and walks up to us.

"Who's with you, Baek?" teased that very tall guy with big ears, he even wiggled his brows.

"Oh, she?" Baekhyun took few steps aside to show my shy figure. "You guys knew that I got a new manager."

"Hi, Y/n!" the other tall guy caught my attention. How did he know my name? Everyone were staring at him, silently scolding him in their mind as if his greeting was wrong. But he just giggle anyway. "Baekhyun hyung talked about you so I hope it's not weird I'm suddenly calling you by your first name."

"Of course."

"I'm Sehun by the way."

After the introducing themselves one by one, I found myself enjoying the guys' company. Baekhyun was right when he told me about them talking to me like they've known me for so long. Their presence around me, somehow emits an energy of familiarity. Like this isn't the first time I've spend some time with them.

Hours, days, weeks. The longer I spend time with the boys and stick beside Baekhyun, the longer I feel comfortable with them around me. Those who knew how to drive a car, thought me how to drive. Now my driver's licence and car that I didn't know I have, can be used. It was nice being with the members. Although there are times that some of the EXOs would say some weird words at me and when they realize that I just blinked my eyes at them, not getting the words they told me, they'd be elbow and blame each other. I don't know why they're like that but it's making them looking like dorks.

Jongdae's daughter liked me more than her uncles so most of the time, I'd be the one to sing for her until he falls asleep in my arms. Finally after half an hour of dancing her around the room, she had fallen asleep. I placed her down on her crib and carefully tiptoed my way towards the door.

"I'm out of words!" I decided to stop and listen when I heard Jongdae's voice, trying to whisper but failing due to frustration.

"Think for more! For Baekhyun hyung! Can you see his sad eyes everyday staring at how you and your wife take care of your daughter?" it was Kai. "He could've been happily doing the same with his girlfriend."

"Why can't he just say those words which caused the accident?"

The accident?


The rest of the members had their own schedule. Except for Baekhyun. So when Chanyeol and Chen returned to the military camp after their little vacation and the rest proceeded to their schedules, Baekhyun and I were back to his flat in UN Village.

Baekhyun was doing a live through Vlive so I had to be quiet. I was sitting on his bed, doing nothing while he's having fun answering some questions from his fans in the living room. I even heard him sang some of his songs for them.

The attention he's giving to his fans made me feel a sting in my chest for an unknown reason. I sneered to myself. I can't be feeling jealous to his fans? And why am I jealous when I'm just his manager?

Being with Baekhyun for weeks now... I know it's escalating quickly but the way he looks at me and cares for me, made something in my chest bloom. It wasn't new but rather familiar. Ever since it was said that I have to work as his manager, everything feels familiar but I couldn't think of it precisely. It's like I've been having this feelings for him in such a long time. And it wasn't just a crush but something more... Love?

No, no! I just met him few weeks ago. I can't feel something like that? And besides, I remember Kai saying something about a girlfriend that Baekhyun could've been spending his time with like how Jongdae and his wife are.

The thought that he has a girlfriend, pained my heart a bit. But if he really had one. Why isn't he introducing her to me? She could get the wrong idea about us since we're inseparable compared to them.

Seeing my phone sitting nicely beside me, I thought of searching up Baekhyun. Wow, I can't believe I've been spending my time with him and even wrote his facts on a notebook without actually thinking of searching him up to learn about him in an easier way.

Baekhyun. I typed. It took seconds before countless of articles showed up. I scrolled a little and saw a three-month old article about his non-celebrity girlfriend.

EXO Baekhyun's non-celebrity girlfriend has been involved in a car accident. Further details won't be disclosed but Baekhyun made sure that his girlfriend is fine hours after she was brought to the hospital.

So he did have a girlfriend. I scrolled even further to to check the comments under that article. Some of them were months old but I only read those comments from days ago.

It's been three months and we never heard of her again. It's like she never existed at all. Did she die?

Baekhyun never ever mentioned her since the accident. Weird since he's talking about her in his live like an excited little kid. I wonder what happened.

Our Baekhyunie is moving on! Didn't he bought a flat in UN Village for them both? He's supposed to marry her but she died!


I gasped out if shock and quickly locked my phone when Baekhyun suddenly appeared from the crack of the bedroom's door that was left opened since earlier.

Sitting straight and tucking some hair strands behind my ear innocently, I asked him, "What?"

"Can you please hand me my charger? It's in the first drawer of the nightstand." he points a finger to the night. I turned to face it and pulled the first drawer. The first thing I saw was a small box red box. Is this...?

"My phone is dying."

"O-oh, right." I snatched the charger beside the small suspicious box and hurried to pass his charger to him. Baekhyun mumbled his thank you before closing the door as he walks away.

I exhaled and faced the nightstand once again. My hands were both trembling, alongside with my heart, all for an unknown reason.

I'm just going to look if it's what I think it is. My fingers wrapped around the handle and I exhaled before pulling his forward, revealing what's everything inside the drawer. There were packets of protection. Ugh! Boys really. After my eyes fixated on the small red box, my heartbeat skyrocketed as I took it carefully, memorizing how it was placed.

A golden diamond ring greeted my sight as soon as I opened it. I slammed the box close and placed it back in the drawer. Now I'm feeling nervous as if I just found the next clue to a seemingly unsolvable murder case.

After his live that night, I couldn't look at Baekhyun as we made our way to the rooftop building. We were both quiet, side by side, eyes on the moon shining brightly above. No matter how much I wanted to ask about his non-celebrity girlfriend and his proposal that is still not happening, I kept my mouth shut. Maybe she did died and he's currently moving on by pretending she doesn't exist.

"You seemed to have something in your mind. I can tell that." he finally breaks the silence after what felt like forever.

"I'm trying to figure out what my mom told me. Before I started working as your manager, she said I have a life and I need to find it." my brows creased in confused before I tilted my head to look at him. "I'm alive though."

Baekhyun lets out a soft chuckle. "That is not what she meant by that."

"Then what?"

His hands slowly slipped away from the railing before he took small steps to go stand behind me.

"You have a life, Y/n." soon after I felt my back pressing against his body. "You need to find it."

"What do you mean find it? How?"

He leaned closer to my ear. "We need to be romantic." he whispered, his breath fanning against my skin. One hand brushing my hair to the side and then he presses the tip of his nose on my neck, gliding it up until my jaw. "If you can't have your life back with words, then actions might help."

I didn't understand him but I said and did nothing when he pressed a soft kiss on my neck. "I love you." his gentle voice spread a surge of warmness and familiarity coming from my rapidly beating heart. It feels like, it is what I've been yearning for. My hands wrapping around the metal railings, tightened when Baekhyun trailed some kisses from my neck down to my shoulders. I couldn't move- no, more like I don't want to move at all.

Baekhyun glides his finger tips all the way down from my arms to my hand. He takes if carefully and spun me around so I could face him. "Look at me, Y/n. I want your once indifferent eyes," he pauses to brush sone hair strands to tuck them behind my ear. "To tell me you love me too."

"Baekhyunie." I breathed. "I..." I hesitated, everything is overwhelming that I couldn't say anything. And the fact that I don't understand every bit of his words isn't helping me at all. How is being romantic going to make me understand about finding my life like what he and mother told me?

"Come on, it's okay." he encourages, slipping a finger down to my chin to pull my gaze up and meet his eyes. "We can do this, I'll lead you." Baekhyun closes the distance between our faces and captures my lips for a loving kiss.

Despite it being our first kiss, it never felt like it was. As I fluttered my eyes close when Baekhyun started moving his lips, thousands of what seems like memories flashed through my mind. But there is something missing, the recognition of those person with me in those memories. I hate that I don't know any of them and these images keeps on flashing everytime Baekhyun says and does something to me.

I was the first one to pull away from the kiss.

"Y/n-ah." he was about to reach for my cheeks but I backed away. That's when I realized that tears has been streaming down on them.

"No." I held my palms out to stop him from getting closer. "I'm sorry, Baekhyun."

I ran back to the stairs that leads inside the building, took the lift all the way to the parking lot. Good thing I had my car keys with me so I went straight to my car and drove away from that place and out of UN Village's premises.

I was panting, as if I came from a marathon. Tears continued streaming down my face and my chest feels tight. I didn't know why I'm reacting like this.

My phone rang so a hand left the streering wheel to fish it out of my pocket and answred the call without thinking who it would be.

"Y/n, I'm breaking up with you."

With furrowed brows, I stared down on my phone placed on the passenger's seat. It was Baekhyun's call that I had answered. I quickly reached for my phone and said, "What are you talking about? We're not even dating Baekhyun." but the call just went off. "Hello?"

I rolled my eyes and as soon as I stared ahead of me, I'm heading towards an intersection with speeding cars passing by. I squealed before stomping on the brake. The car made a screeching sound before coming to an abrupt stop, bumping my head on the steering wheel at the process.

"Hi, Baekhyungie. I'm on my way there."

There was a long pause coming from Baekhyun before he spoke. "Y/n, I'm breaking up with you."

"What?" but instead of answering my question, he hangs up. What did he just told me?

I felt the fear of losing the love of mt life as I sped up so I could reach the place we're supposed to meet. My mind was occupied, thinking of why did Baekhyun said those words that I didn't realize I was heading towards an intersection with speeding cars crossing. I was too late to step on the brake.

Baekhyun's... Non celebrity girlfriend who got into a car accident three months ago, is me. It's freaking me! Is that why everything seems familiar when I'm with him, his words, the members trying to help me so I could have my memories back. This my mom and Baekhyun meant, the life I lost because of forgetting everything but myself.

I took a sharp turn to go back to my tracks and found myself entering UN Village once again. I hurried my way to Baekhyun's flat and saw no one after searching around and calling him. Then he must be on the rooftop even after leaving.

And I was right. As soon as I saw him standing on the same spot where I left him earlier, I approached with loud steps and didn't care to wipe my tears away. That caught his attention so he turned around to face me, looking slightly surprised.

"Why did you do that?" I gasped of air before continuing. "Why did you broke up with me? What did I ever do?!"


"Was it fun watching me losing all my memories and starting again as if the accident never occurred?" I was about to raise a fist to hit his chest but he got ahold of it. "Why?!"

"Listen!" he snaps at me and I just sobbed, knees weakening but nevertheless I still stood straight. "I broke up with you because I didn't want you to be my girlfriend anymore." Baekhyun lets my hand go to sneak its way to his back pocket. Once his hand returns, it has the small box that I saw in his drawer. That made me cry even harder, a hand coming up to cover my mouth.

"It was a bad bait to lure you in. I even called your parents and they flew all the way here just so they could see how I'd ask you if you want to take our relationship to the next level." he opens the box and the same ring I saw earlier shone brightly, reflecting the moon's light from above. "I'm so sorry, jagi. I'm really sorry. We could've been married by now if I didn't thought of that. I'd understand if you're not ready or you never wanted to take me back for hurting you. But know this, I'll be loving you, and only you."

A breath chuckle escaped my lips as I wiped my tears using the back of my hand. "What are you talking about? Why wouldn't I take the Byun Baekhyun back when I love him the most?"

His eyes sparkled, I didn't know if it was the excitement or unshed tears. However, Baekhyun says nothing before kneeling down on one knee in front of me. "Will you marry me?"

I took his cheek in between my hands before leaning down to peck his lips and answered. "Yes, I do." Baekhyun did not held his tears back after hearing my respond to his question. He shakily took the ring from the box and slid it on my finger.

I stands up and immediately engulfed me for a tight hug. "I'm so glad you're fine, love. I'm sorry. I'll never be tired to apologizing to you."

"It's fine, Baekhyungie." I shifted my head up to look at him and cracks an assuring smile. "The most important thing right now is that spending every precious time we have, together.".

"Right." he grins despite his tears. "I love you so much."

"I love you too."

Baekhyun presses his lips against mine with his hands coming to cup the both sides of my face. Together, our eyes fluttered close as soon as I responded to him. His fingers disappeared from my cheeks to go down to my jaw except for his thumbs carefully caressing my cheeks.


This was rushed!! So I'm sorry... Hihihi.

Anyway! I wanted to greet my husband a happy birthday!!

He so handsome AKDDJAKFJSKDBSM!??

So... Yeah, happy birthday Baekhyungie 🥺 I love you so much and thank you for being the light of our lives to make it bright and wonderful. We EXO-Ls love you and I wish for your day to be a blast! You deserve everything beautiful and all the love this world could give! ❤️ I love you!

I love you, love and happy birthday once again.

Love, your wife 😳


