
I plopped down on my seat as I sighed. I've been having a problem with my latest patient since he needed a heart transplant, he doesn't have a donor. We have sources where to get but it'll take days before arriving and he needs it now.

My phone rang and when I saw that my boyfriend is the one who's calling, all my problems seems to disappear. I answered the call. "Hello, babe."

"Hi, how is my beautiful girlfriend?" Luhan asked and I couldn't help but smile like an idiot. He never fails to make me smile even with just his funny remarks.

My smile disappeared when I remembered my problem. "I'm not really fine."

"Oh? What happened?"

"My patient needed a heart. But it'll take long before it arrives here and he needs it now." I sighed heavily and massaged my temples. "Also because I miss you so much! I've been really busy that we can't go out on a date."

"Aww, I miss you too. Don't worry we're going to spend the night together, later. I have some movies and you can choose what to watch. And let's have all the foods you want to eat that you couldn't eat because you're so busy these past few days." my heart melted at his mere voice.

"You are the best boyfriend ever!"

"Actually, this was supposed to be a surprise but I'm on my way to the hospital to see the prettiest doctor ever."

I shot up from my seat. "Really?!"

"Yeah, so wait for me a bit."

A fellow doctor went inside the office and told me that I was called to the nurse's station. I whispered back saying that I'm going there after a few seconds so she nodded before leaving.

"Okay! I can't wait to see you. I'll have to hang up, I'm being called."

"See you later, I love you."

"I love you too, Luhan." then I hang up with a big smile on my face.

I went to have rounds, checking the patients if they are fine and giving medicines to those who needs to have one.

I was on my way to that one patient I really have to take care of, that one who needed a heart transplant when a nurse called me out. I turned around only to see that she has been running after me.

"Y/n it's an emergency! You need to come to the ER, quick!" she told me as she placed her hands on her kness while trying to catch her breath.

"What's so urgent?" I started to walk back on my track and the nurse followed behind me.

"It's your boyfriend."

I felt my heart dropped on the pits of my stomach. "Shit."

I ran as fast as I could. I wish she meant that Luhan's just waiting inside the ER and not because something happened to him. Please.

When I reached the ER, the first thing I saw is Luhan. He's covered in blood and cuts, especially his lower body. I felt all of my blood got drained and my hands started to get cold at the sight of my boyfriend trying to be revived.

"Move over!" I pushed aside the nurse doing the CPR at him and did it myself while crying. "What happened?!" I asked to the nurse beside me without losing my focus on Luhan.

"He got into a car accident."

"Shit." I hissed and bit my lips to stop myself from sobbing while pressing down harder.

The monitor beside Luhan's bed started to beat, indicating that he has gained his heartbeat and he's breathing. I suddenly felt my knees weakening that I fell down on the floor. I can't lose him, I can't live without him.

A nurse hoisted me up on my feet. "Prepare everything. CT scan, X-Ray, Everything! And hand me the results immediately to see if I have to do something."

"Yes, doctor."

I cupped Luhan's cheek as I started to cry once again. I know he wanted to surprise me by visiting but this isn't the surprise I wanted to see! Him covered in blood and almost losing his life.

"Y/n." I gasped when I heard Luhan's voice, when I looked at his eyes, he was awake.

"Yes, love? Where does it hurt? Don't worry I'm doing everything so you will be fine, okay?" I pressed at kiss on his forehead, I didn't mind if his blood went on my lips.

"I... I'm tired."

I shook my head and choked a sob. "No, baby. They are up to preparing everything so I could see what to do to make you fell better."

"Y/n, I miss you."

"Me too, Luhan. Me too." I kissed him quickly on his lips. "I love you, okay? Don't leave me."

"I love you too." I wiped the tears that escaped his eyes as I kissed him again. "Please... Please look for someone better than I do, and smile with him."

"Luhan, what are you talking about? No one's better that you do! You're perfect and no one can change my mind not even you."

"I want to t-take away your problems with me, so I'm giving you my heart. So that your p-patient who needed it will have this and you're problem is s-solved." Luhan smiled at me but I just shook my head aggressively.

"No! You're not leaving me. I'm doing everything just hang on there. Remember that you promised you're marrying me?"

"I'm s-sorry I have to break that promise. I'm really... Tired." he heaved a sigh that sent me to tears even more. He reached for my cheek and held me weakly so I put my hand on his to keep it on my cheek. "I'm sorry for all the things I have done, for the fights we had, for the things I lack to make our relationship the happiest. But know this, I love you, forever, and I will always treasure you. I will not be mad if you will love someone other than me, because it's going to be my fault, for leaving you. Be happy, Y/n and I love you." and then his eyes slowly closed and his hand on my cheek suddenly became heavy.

My gaze snapped on the monitor when I heard a static sound. That's when I realized, Luhan has left me. "NO! BABY! WAKE UP!"

But no matter how hard I tried, he never opened his eyes and his heartbeat never returned.

I wanted to cry myself to sleep and have a leave until I'm feeling fine. But I still have one job to do, and that is fulfilling what Luhan wanted.

I couldn't help but let my tears fall as I opened him up. I have seen hundreds of hearts, but his heart looked different, maybe because it produces my favorite melody when I lean my head against his chest while we're cuddling. His heartbeat is my favorite music. It took me awhile before letting his heart go, and I know it will also took me long before I'm letting his memories go just like how I don't want to let go of his heart.

The transplant got successful and after that, I filed for a leave until my boyfriend's burial. Everyone sent me their deepest condolences and some of the nurses and doctors told me they are coming to see Luhan with me. Everyone who witnessed how much we love each other when Luhan would come to visit me, also witnessed how our love went down the drain.

Right after everything and everyone left, I stayed at the grave a little longer. With foods that I wanted to eat that I couldn't because I'm too busy and a laptop that played the movie I have been dying to watch with Luhan.

After the transplant, I have never checked my patient and just asked for another cardiologist to look after him. I went back to work after the burial in hopes to lessen the pain as I love my job and it's the second thing I love the most, first is always going to be Luhan.

I heard that the patient has regained his consciousness several hours after the operation and has been looking for me. I knocked on the door of my patient's room before opening it and stepping inside.

"A-are you fine now, Mr. Byun Baekhyun?" I asked the moment my eyes landed on him. I couldn't help but stare at his chest, remembering how I put Luhan's heart there.

"I'm feeling better than having my last heart, Doctor Y/l/n." he giggled at me and so I smiled in return. I noticed how his face turned bright red when I smiled at him.

"Uhm... Let me check to make sure there is no problem." I went closer to his bed and wore my stethoscope to listen to his heart.

I blinked my eyes numerous times to remove the forming tears in it as I listen to the sound of Baekhyun's heartbeat. It's still the same as Luhan's, beautiful and will always be my favorite. Of course it would, it's Luhan's heart but the thing is that now it has a new owner.

Baekhyun must've noticed me trying to stop my tears, so even before he could ask something I have left his room, crying my heart out.


A month later. Baekhyun still have to stay because he's under observation and I always check him up. I would always come up different excuses so I could listen to his heartbeat and feel Luhan's presence. Baekhyun wouldn't even say something if I take too long on listening to his heartbeat. I don't know, but he would just let me. How come that he couldn't find it weird after a month of doing it?

I'm even going such a great length just to listen to his heartbeat. And what I mean to that, is going inside his room at night while Baekhyun's asleep since I have observed that he's a heavy sleeper. I know I looked insane but It's the only way I could cope with my loss, at least Luhan still have a little bit of peice in this world.

Another day, I stepped inside Baekhyun's room with a tray of food in my hands. "Good morning, Baekhyun." I know it's not my job to deliver his food but I'm running out of excuses to have a listen to his heartbeat.

"Oh, good morning Y/n." Baekhyun and I had dropped the honorifics but I still couldn't consider him as a friend. Although he's my accompany when I have free time, casual talking until we got to know a lot about each other. I just see him as my patient. "Why are you the one delivering my food?" he shyly asked and I couldn't help but giggle at his blushing face.

"To make sure you eat the right food." I placed the tray of food on the makeshift table attached to his bed. "But before you eat, let's check your heartbeat also to make sure if they have given you the right food to eat."

I sighed in satisfaction while listening to his heartbeat. I closed my eyes and saw the image of Luhan smiling at me.

"Y/n, if you like to listen to my heart, you could just tell me."

I immediately pushed myself away from Baekhyun, that's when I realized that I haven't been listening through the stethoscope, but leaning against his chest instead.

"I have noticed that you'll make lame excuses just to listen to my heart."

"I-I'm sorry." I lowered my head as I felt hot tears streaming down my face. I bit my lips so I couldn't let out a sob. This might be the last moment I will hear Luhan's heart in Baekhyun's.

"I was told that this heart came from your late boyfriend." Baekhyun grasped my chin and lifted my gaze up to his eyes. My eyes widened at his statement and he just laughed a bit before wiping my tears gently. "You can listen every time you want, if that makes you happy and I'm sorry for your loss."

"T-thank you." I finally let my sobs out.

"There, I'm really sorry, it must be so hard losing someone you love." Baekhyun hugged me and guided my head to lean on his chest, securing it with his hand stroking my hair. I cried harder as I hugged Baekhyun back. "I'm always right here, you have me."

I thought I would never feel it again, but my heartbeat started to race when Baekhyun planted a kiss on the crown of my head.


I closed my eyes as I carefully snaked my arms around his waist, I gently put my head down his chest and smiled to myself when I was greeted by my favorite melody. His heartbeat.

"Feeling him?"

I rolled my eyes as I looked up to him. "Baekhyun, it has been years!"

"Well, he looks more handsome than I do."

"True." I smirked at him. "Luhan is the most handsome man ever. No wonder why I got so many haters when we dated."

"Tss." Baekhyun pouted and looked away from me. "You don't love me, you married me for my heartbeat."


"What?!" Baekhyun shot his body up and glared at me. "Why are you hurting my feelings?!" he pouted even more. Such a cutie.

I pressed at kiss on his lips because I couldn't help it anymore. He's so cute and childish when he's jealous. Can someone remind of how did I fell inlove with him? Baekhyun responded to my kiss and even deepening it. He brushed his tongue along my bottom lip so I gladly opened my mouth for him, letting him explore me as I pushed him down the bed and sat on him.

"So, is it me or Luhan?"


"Argh! You're breaking my heart! Aren't you going to be sad? It's like you're breaking Luhan's heart-" I cut him off with a kiss in which he gladly returned. I was about to go down his jawline when I heard a cry from next door.

"Baekhan is not ready for a sibling." I giggled before climbing off him and leave the bed. Baekhyun groaned as he sat up, watching me leave the bedroom.

I took our crying son from his nursery and when placed him down on Baekhyun's chest, he stopped crying.

"Even our son loves Luhan."

"No, baby." I kissed Baekhan's head before I also kissed Baekhyun's. "Because it's your heartbeat. He likes listening to it like I do, he got it from me. Stop bringing up Luhan in everything, will you?"

"I'm sorry. I just... Think that it's still Luhan, because we started with you listening to his heart through me." Baekhyun looked away from me as he gently caressed Baekhan's head.

"Baekhyun, it's all in the past. We may have started because you have Luhan's heart but I'm sure it's you whom I love now. I'm just a little hurt from his passing but he wants me to be happy, that was his last words." I peppered his face some small kisses and laid down beside him, placing a hand above his that was caressing our Baekhan's head.

"I'm sorry, love. I should be thankful to Luhan. Because of him, we wouldn't be here today. He's so generous to help you solve your problem before he left."

I leaned my head on his chest, together with my son as we listened to Baekhyun's heartbeat. It may not be his heart, but it is Baekhyun's heartbeat since he's making the heart live. Now I have listened to the same melody but my new favorite.


I'm sad because I won't be hearing Kyungsoo's voice for 2 years :(

And because I'm sad, this imagine is also long! Second longest next to the previous one (Separating). And I just wrote this last night so a lot errors might me present. This is a garbage.

I love Luhan :> but he broke my heart so I'm killing him here 'ㅅ' but I still love him lol.

Hold up!

I'm going to miss this squishy, serve the country well, Kyungie~ ㅠㅅㅠ


