Cover It Up!

I saw a comment from my book 'Cover It Up!' that they wanted it to turn into a Kdrama ㅋㅋㅋ and that is where this imagine is inspired. This includes 'minor' spoilers of the book, just in case you haven't read it but is planning to (• ▽ •;)

What will happen if CIU were to have its Kdrama adaptation and you can't do anything with the jealousy because you're just the writer and will never be Baekhyun's leading lady?


When I found out that my story 'Cover It Up!' were to have its drama adaptation, I was beyond delighted. Of course I would be, it's been one of my major goal as a writer! I still feel euphoric even when this is the second time I'll have my story turned into reality. This is entirely different from the first one, this project is much bigger than a short film.

The production started sooner than I thought it would and next thing I know is that the filming is just around the corner. The casts to play the roles had been chosen and it was star-studded, I'm confident this will be a blast.

Today, I am joining the first script reading for the first episode. That's for being the screenwriter. As the casts read their lines, I discreetly lowered my own copy of the script just below my eyes enough to see the one sitting across me.

The main character of my book and of this drama, Byun Baekhyun.

He must have sensed me checking him out and suddenly lifts his gaze, eventually meeting mine as he said his line, "You think I can't see you staring at me?"

I was taken aback by that, eyes blinking nervously but nonetheless casually stared back down on my script and continued his line to correct him. "Earlier..."

"Earlier." he repeated.

"I was staring at you because I'm learning the dance step! Ha! You think I don't know how to do your dance? Turn the music on!" the female lead carries on with all those emotion, pitch perfectly rising the way it should, her hand even did gestures to give life to my fictional character.

I was internally whining and slightly pouting behind my book. I hate that she flawlessly said the line like she's meant for the main character or that she wrote Cover It Up! in the first place. I'm jealous that she gets to do all those scenes with Baekhyun. Although the story will start off with them just hating each other, it will eventually progress to them falling in love and the scenes will be so heart-fluttering. And he's doing them all to her!

Can my heart even take that?

But I have to be professional and leave my emotions out of this project. The most important thing is that I achieved one of my biggest goals as a writer and I get to see Baekhyun everyday, from now on.

Few days before the filming starts, Baekhyun and his lead girl were given a one whole day to spend together. That's for them to feel comfortable as they film - as what the girl told the production team. Besides, Cover It Up! is a long story (and kinda slow, I guess) and she's being reasonable.

But I can't help and overthink things. I mean, my celebrity crush is spending a day with his onscreen partner for them to get closer and comfortable. Aren't fans, at some point, sensitive to these kinds of interaction their idols get with someone? Who knows what they talked about or shared with each other to feel no wall in between them just for a drama filming?

"Oh my goodness, sit down!" Heeyeon must've been sick of watching me pacing around the living room.

"What if he falls in love with the lead girl?"

"Y/n-ah," she went up to me, placed both of her hands on my shoulders and pushed me down to sit on the couch. "You said you often caught him staring at you."

I felt blood rushing through the vessels in my face. "He could have done that because he knows I'm his fan. You know the word fanservice? Because that must be it."

Heeyeon shook her head and sighed heavily as if she's done living her life. "You're hopeless."

Was I?

It's the filming day! To see how my book will come to life got me so excited that I couldn't get enough sleep the night before. Despite that, I happily skipped my way into the site and cheerfully greeted every staffs I see along the way.

"Y/n-ssi!" I twirled to see the person who called my name and saw the director running after me.

"Hojun-ssi, why are you in a hurry?"

"I'm out of breath." he bends his knees and pressed his palms on them while catching his breath. "Anyway, do you want a short cameo for the first episode of your book's drama adaptation?"

"What? Me?"

"Yeah, you. It's to celebrate achieving your major goal as a writer. What do you think?" he straightened up. "You have the visuals."

In a thinking pose, I hummed as I thought deeply about appearing in the drama adaptation of my book. I mean, I have tried imagining myself as I wrote the scenes. To appear - as a staff, at least - would be great to promote myself as a writer.

I was in the middle of thinking when Baekhyun walks into the set. The staffs and any other people in the place all turned to look at him, anticipating to be graced by his greetings. He bowed to the first few staffs as he pass by them and soon found me staring at him.

It's just like those scenes in a drama when a character realizes that they're falling in love. You know? Slow motion effects, heartbeat sound effects and all. That's what I felt like when Baekhyun smiled at me and I can't help it but return a shy one.

Only to drop it when the lead girl suddenly appears behind Baekhyun, now she's stealing the show.

They went here... Together?

"Our main characters are here!" Hojun went to greet the 'couple' while I was left standing still, trying to keep my smile up for me to look friendly and unbothered and not jealous.

"Ah, it's the author." Baekhyun catches my attention when he said that and saw him approaching me. I was panicking at this point, my heartbeat skyrocketing that I might die right now. He's noticing me, he's noticing me! I tried to keep my composure until Baekhyun's standing in front of me.

"I actually suggested for you to appear in your book's drama adaptation. I hope you accept it."

I blinked rapidly. "I... Will! It's an opportunity for me to promote myself - the writer behind Cover It Up!"

Then the girl went to join the conversation. "Hi, author-nim." she said, holding out a hand for me. I accepted it of course, not to be rude to her. She never did anything wrong, it's just me a little jealous.

"So, everything's good? Shall we start rolling?"


The female lead enters the backstage with her hands pressed on the both sides of her cheeks and a restraint smile on her lips. The cameras moved as she headed to the group of staffs crowding, in which I'm included. And that's the cue for me to say my lines.

"You just started working, don't you?" I crossed my arms on my chest.

She composed herself and lowered her hands. "I just got hired yesterday."

"Why are your cheeks burning?" one brow twitches up and I smirked.

And she cups her cheeks once again as she gasped. "I easily get flustered around boys who looks good."

"Indeed, he looks good. But his attitude isn't."

Our conversation continued with more staffs justifying the stand that Baekhyun's character is rude. Soon after, we heard the director's cue that concludes the scene.

"You're a natural actress, Y/n-ssi." Hojun complimented, making me blush and chuckle shyly.

Now it's time for Baekhyun showing up on the backstage after his birthday party. We staffs had to make it seems like his existence is intimidating us as we all freeze on our spots when he walks past us.

Then he looks back at the staffs - at me to be exact. My heart almost jumped out of my chest when my eyes greets his cold gaze. "What are you looking at?" he then sternly asked, and I wasn't even joking when I felt chills running down my spine. He's great at acting his character and I'm falling in love behind my scared expression. All of the staffs looked away from him. While I mirrored the rest of their actions, blushing madly.

"Cut! That was great!" Hojun claps his hands.

From a chilling gaze, Baekhyun immediately smiles sweetly at me. Stop! I won't be able to hold myself back and uncover it all up! I couldn't move to walk around and make it seem like I'm not hoping he's heading towards me when I saw him, indeed walking to my direction.

"Did I scared you, Y/n?"

"H-huh?" I stuttered.

"You are the person I caught when I looked back."

Now my cheeks are heating up. "Oh, that... I'm not scared at all. I know it's just acting, I know your character is supposed to do that."

"I feel relieved I didn't scared you." he lifts a hand and placed it above my head, then ruffling my hair.

Good thing the way our heart beats can't be felt on the head.


Baekhyun stopped his hand's motion and turned to the girl who just called him.


I can't: believe.

"You might want to apologize to me in advance." she giggled ever so cutely. "You're making me clean the floor for the next scene."

I was internally scoffing. Why does it seems like she's trying to get Baekhyun's attention everytime she sees us having a conversation? Like a cockblocker if you ask me.

"Really? My character is so rude." Baekhyun chuckled, glancing at me shortly and then back to his leading lady. "I apologize in advance then."

"Why is his character so rude, author-nim?" she inclined her body to the side to look past Baekhyun.

"It's part of the story." I answered as a matter of fact, almost rolling my eyes. Uh... Duh? As one of the main characters, I think she already knows what the story is about.

I swear I heard her sneer a little bit and even smirked at me before turning around to leave us. It almost felt like she knows something that I didn't.

Or was that an attitude?

We proceeded to the next scene. They were in the dressing room for this one. Baekhyun was cleaning his make-up (no one does it for him since he's rude) and the female lead enters to give him his coffee.

Soon after the scene went on, Baekhyun swings his hand in the air to knock down the cup of coffee, spilling the drink all over the floor.

"You said I shouldn't be stressed, then go clean it." his eyes scanned the girl's entire outfit. "You'd look good in that outfit while cleaning the floor." he leaves a smirk for her and storms out of the room.

"And cut!"

Right after that, she approaches Baekhyun and told him something that made him smile. He also apologized to her once again, bowing down with his expression that tells he's so sorry.

Stop apologizing, will you!? It's not like he's really a bad person. That's how his character is.

Once they filmed the scene of the lead girl wiping the coffee Baekhyun intentionally spilled, I can't help but smirk along with Baekhyun.

Satisfaction, it was what I felt seeing her miserable though it was all an act.


Today we're filming with the antagonist for the first time. Since we're not really filming the episode scenes in order, the first scene we'll do with the actress who plays the role of Jian is the dinner in a restaurant.

Before the filming started, Baekhyun had been in a conversation with you-know-who and I think I just caught her staring at me for twice now. It was as if she wanted me to see them interacting like they've been friends.

I am not jealous.

I mean, why would I? Right?

The filming went on and when Jian enters the scene, although it started off with you-know-who being a brat and trying to intimidate Jian, the tables turned when Baekhyun joins the conversation and said something painful to her. You-know-who had to show so much hurt in her eyes, and I didn't know why it felt... Satisfying?

Since Jian already had been introduced, the following scenes will be heartbreaking for the main character. While she had to act hurt for the scene, you-know-who never missed a timing to brag about having interactions with Baekhyun behind the camera.

Cover It Up! progressed and the longer we filmed, the more I'm liking the antagonist than the protagonist. It strangely makes me feel fulfilled every time I see Jian and Baekhyun teaming up for them to go on secret dates by lying and you-know-who is being a stupid girl to never notice that. Her character eventually became annoying for me to look at.

It's not about the story, it's because of her having fun making me jealous over her moments with Baekhyun.

The crucial part for the episode we're filming is the catfight between the two actresses. They had thoroughly discussed how to carry out the scene, but I can't help feeling like I'm anticipating for a real fight and my bet is on Jian.

Jian... I loathed you the most while I was writing every part you appeared in. I never thought I'd actually like you. I have this proud look every time Jian takes over the fight. In behalf of me, it almost felt like I've gotten back to those times you-know-who bragged about being with Baekhyun all the time.

She managed to switch their positions, quickly straddling Jian's hips to hold her down. "You say, how about every slap that lands on your face, I tell you what I know about your doings back when you were Baekhyun's manager?" a smirk then takes over as soon as she saw horror spreading across Jian's face. "I've never slapped someone in my life, might as well make the most out of this chance."

The acting of both actresses were on point, everyone's literally holding their breaths as the camera rolled. Baekhyun enters the scene, walking in to the girls fighting. He strode towards the chaos and quickly grabbed you-know-who's hand before she could flick her arm down and slap Jian, then he pulls her up to stand. Baekhyun's expression went from confused to furious once he realized that his manager was about to hurt his loved one.

"What the fuck were trying to do to her?!"

Baekhyun's angry voice echoed in every corners of the room. I felt waves, my heart ceased and soon after, goosebumps run across my skin and I stumbled back a little bit.

"Cut!" Hojun shouted with a clap of his hands and shake of his head. "Wow, that gave me goosebumps." the staffs agreed to that by nodding their heads and clapping along with the director.

Baekhyun's facade quickly changed and now he looks shy from the compliment he just received. But I don't know why I'm... Scared of him, as if he just yelled at me. No wonder why I cried in real life while I was writing this part of the story.

"Y/n-ssi, are you okay?"

I took a step back when I saw Baekhyun heading towards me. Hurt immediately filled his eyes and he lowered his hand, seeing me scared of him. I quickly composed myself and cracked a smile.

"I'm sorry, I was so immersed with your character." I chuckled to hide the embarrassment.

He looks at me apologetically and I just had to talk. "Baekhyun..." I sank my teeth down on my lower lip. If I say words, I'm afraid it might crumble all our efforts.

"Wasn't that an amazing performance from Baekhyun?" Hojun interfered. I quickly looked away from Baekhyun.

"I'll be leaving the set until this scene's done."

Hojun hums. "Why?"

"I needed fresh air." I smiled at Hojun and then at Baekhyun.

He returns a complacent look before I could leave the set.


I have always dreaded the time Baekhyun's character falls in love with the girl. We've passed the crucial part, uncovered what's hidden. Of course after those challenges, we're down to some love scene or whatever you call that. Just them flirting and all.

Though expected, I can't help but feel jealous now that you-know-who had so much with Baekhyun. More than mere conversation. She gets to hug him, be told of his heart-wavering words, kissed by him!? That must've boosted her ego while I had to put up a facade that I'm not bothered by it.

"We're filming a kissing scene today."

I slowly turned my head to Hojun and he's just innocently scanning the script. "A what?"

"A kissing scene," he turns to me and he blows me a flying kiss. "Baekhyun's asking her to be his girlfriend and he's sealing it with a kiss. We're filming that part first before the actual first kiss in the camp."

My closed my eyes, one hand massaging my head out of frustration. It's today? Because I'm sure as hell I already have planned to play sick so I don't have to watch them in this scene.

"I know you're a fan." Hojun bumps his arm on mine. "It's fine, you'll be okay."

I snickered as my eyes roamed over his frame, trying to look for something that I can use to tease him back. "W-well... You were literally gawking at her when she slapped Baekhyun. You're her fan." and a smirk at the memory of his face while we're filming that scene. "It's fine, you'll be okay." then I mimicked the way he said the same exact lines while patting the top of his head.

"How dare you?"

And so Hojun and I started bickering while the staffs are preparing the set which is Baekhyun's apartment for the drama.

"Aren't you supposed to check if they're doing things right?" I stuck my tongue out at him teasingly.

"Aren't you-" Hojun's eyes wandered somewhere behind me and when I looked back, you-know-who was approaching.

"Baekhyun and I haven't really discussed the kissing scene," she started off, briefly glancing at me. "How should I expect him to approach me, director?"

"It's not suddenly. You'll have conversation and the he does this," Hojun was casual as he holds her by the waist and pulled her closer. "And then this." he tucks a finger under her chin and lifted her gaze up.

"And this." he leans in until their lips were few centimeters apart.

Not in front of my salad!?

Hojun seemed to realize that the longer they're that close, the stronger the urge becomes. He quickly pulled away, dusted his clothes and cleared his throat. "So that's it."

"Thank you." You-know-who beams and even before leaving, she gives me one last meaningful glance.

Is she trying to make me feel envious by showing what Baekhyun is about to do with her?

I tried to keep myself busy as the filming went on. The dreading part came and I can hear Baekhyun saying those lines I wrote, causing for flashbacks with how my toes curled and heart wavered when I wrote ths certain part.

"Didn't I told you I'd do everything to kiss you all over again?"

When I heard that, my whole body just froze instead of moving away so I don't have to see how Baekhyun executed the exact moves Hojun showed earlier.

Closer, and closer! I can feel and hear my heart shattering to millions of pieces once Baekhyun's lips gently landed on you-know-who's. I closed my eyes and bit my lips, feeling my breath leaving my lips and none coming back in. No, Y/n... You are not crying out of jealousy.

Just when I thought it will be taken for once, I heard a sneeze and my eyelids shot open when Hojun announces to cut the filming short.

"Sorry, I'm allergic to the flowers that Baekhyun brought." she smiled apologetically.

"It's okay. We'll only have to take the kiss part." he does a gesture of his hand and the cameras rolled once again.

And so they had to kiss once again. Only this time, they did it perfectly, flawlessly, and magically that even the staffs around had sparkling eyes as if they're enchanted.

After hearing the cue that ends the filming for the scene, I quickly exited the set and went straight to whoever's dressing room. I just don't care anymore, I want to hide from everyone because I think this situation is stupid.

Once inside the room and after making sure that the door is completely closed, I threw my head back and blinked my eyes hastily in attempt to hold my tears back. I can't be crying just because I saw my idol kiss some other girl right before my eyes.

I composed myself when I heard the the door being pushed open and footsteps approaching from behind me following after.

"Jakka-nim," I scoffed when I heard his playful voice. "I'm worried after seeing you run away, so I went straight here instead."

No answer from me. My heart is not in the mood to fangirl at this moment no matter how handsome he looks right now. I feel like I was cheated on, with that pretty female lead. I saw Baekhyun eyeing me through the mirror of the dresser in front of me and I quickly looked away, crossed my arms and pouted.

"Are you jealous?"

"Yah!" I whined with an offended tone as I turned to face Baekhyun, only to see him smirking at me, one that makes me feel like ripping his lips off that pretty face. "Go back there and celebrate with your female lead whom you just kissed!"

Baekhyun chuckles. "Why would that kiss with the actress matter, when my girlfriend is the writer?"

I rolled my eyes at him and he strode towards me with his arms spreading wide. Next thing I know is that my heart melting as I feel him against me, caged inside his embrace with and lips pecking the crown of my head.

Now, am I being reasonable for crying after seeing my boyfriend kiss someone who isn't me?

"You've been so professional all throughout the filming since it started. I can't blame you, finally breaking down watching me do such thing with someone." he was caressing the back of my head. "My baby." and another kiss on my head.

His words lingered in my head and slowly, I realized that there is no point in feeling jealous over this situation.

"Professional..." I pushed myself away from him, just so I could see how his expression went from loving to confused. "You're right, I am professional. Why would it matter if you kiss her? You're mine for real and I have your thing down there." I looked down on his crotch and smiled mischievously.

"That's for me to touch, only for me." I wiggled my brows before looking back up at his face. "I'm in charge for tonight."

"What?!" the disbelief in his face quickly turned smug in a blink. "Fine, only because I kissed someone for work. You still end up underneath me, no matter how everything started with you on the top."

"Say that to my face, Byun Baekhyun! I will make sure that the night is going to end with me on top of you."

Baekhyun says nothing and his eyes went from playful to gentle, hands gripping my hips as he pulled me closer. "But seriously, baby. You shouldn't feel jealous at all."

"I just can't help it. She's pretty, kind-"

"And is dating someone." Baekhyun intervened.

My eyes widened. "Really?"

He nods. "Our first meeting alone wasn't as friendly as our off cam interactions of this moment. She always knew she's pretty as her previous male leads often fell for her and she feels bad for rejecting them. So, she warned me about catching feelings by telling me she's dating."

I tried to suppress a laugh but ended up snorting. That's too much confidence for someone who looks kind and gentle, I commend her for that. "What did you told her?"

"I told her that I'm dating the writer of the book that we're bringing to life." Baekhyun answered confidently. "And she's the prettiest in my eyes."

Though it made me shy, I felt my insides melting at his words. "Awww, come here." I caught his cheeks in between my hands and pulled him closer for quick kiss on his lips before engulfing him to a warmest hug he can get for today.

My head under his chin, arms tight around his body. Can I ever get enough of cuddling Baekhyun? Since we have to strictly cover up our relationship from everyone, I have (a hard time) to fight the urge to jump at Baekhyun and just hug him, stick on him like a koala. While Baekhyun is so much ready to introduce me, I am the one who insisted on keeping our relationship for the meantime. I guess hugging him in front of people might have to wait if I don't want to stain his image.

Baekhyun returns the embrace and does it tighter compared to mine. "Babe, you're squishing me." I mumbled through my puckered lips.

"Let me just..." and even tighter. "When I get reminded of how you cringed, frowned, or roll your eyes while I'm reciting the lines you literally wrote for me and with me in your mind, I can't help myself but squeeze you. How can you be so adorable? Like, how is that even possible?"

"I'm cringing because you said the lines to someone else and not to me." I was pouting to stop myself from grinning.

Baekhyun parts from the hug, catching my face in between his hand as he tilts my head up to look at him, and then changed his expression. One that he had while facing his leading lady. "What's with the face? You know I'm never the type to be cocky about something I achieve." he mimics the way he recited those certain lines from the shooting earlier. "But if I'm asked to brag something I'm proud of, I'd say that it's making you mine." and he ended with a suggestive wiggle of his brows.

I frowned at him. "Cringe!"

"What cringe? You said you only cringed because I said those to someone else but you and now that it's for you, it's still cringe?"

"Yes." I playfully giggled.

Baekhyun gritted his teeth before pinching my cheek. "My puppy is so cute." a peck on my lips.

"And my boyfriend is a great actor." it was my turn to kiss him.

"My love is jealous over something petty," he presses the tip of his nose on mine. "My love, my love, my love." he playfully repeats, brushing his nose on mine as he said each word. Even when I know he got such gesture from one of the scenes he filmed with you-know-who, it still made me giddy and giggly.

The door suddenly opened and a couple walks in with their lips on each other's. I forcefully pushed Baekhyun away, surprised with the sudden intrusion of people while we're being intimate.

As soon as the girl parts from the kiss, that's when I recognized her - Baekhyun's leading lady!? I shouldn't be surprised at all, Baekhyun already told me she's dating. But they're literally making out, something I least expected from her.

They must be so... Busy, they couldn't even notice us staring. "Wash his traces away."

"Babe, I'm not jealous. I swear." her boyfriend says.

And Baekhyun had enough. "There are people..."

They both whipped their heads to look at us and my eyes widened when I realize who the hell was that man Baekhyun's female lead is kissing.

"Oh!" Hojun points a finger at me, shock so visible on his face. His jaw fell the same way as mine, eyes wide as my own pair went.

"Oh!" I mirrored his gesture. "Director!"

"Writer!" he then gasps, covering his mouth with the same hand. "You're dating him?"

I nodded. "You're dating her?" he nods too.

"I see that you're also making it up to her since we have filmed for our first kiss. Do you want us to move to the other room?" she asked Baekhyun, seemingly unbothered that we just caught them. She's not surprised since Baekhyun already told her that he's dating me.

"Oh, no. This is your dressing room. We'll be moving to mine." Baekhyun takes my hand and drags me out of the room, while I can't take my still-surprised eyes at Hojun. And so he does at me.

Before we can completely leave, she spoke, "Y/n-ssi, seems like Baekhyun hasn't relayed my message yet. I just want to say that you're really cute when you're jealous." she smirks at me as she faced her boyfriend. "But as you can see, I'm harmless." she then possessively slides a palm on Hojun's chest. I forced a smile and it turned out awkward.

"I'm just testing your buttons, like how you 'unintentionally' tested mine."

I couldn't understand what she's saying, until I got flashbacks of how Hojun and I interacted throughout the entire filming since it began. I only saw Hojun as my friend and just like how the actors should be comfortable for the filming, I thought the director and writer should be comfortable with each other too.

"You might want to make the most of the remaining time. The filming will resume in five minutes." Hojun announces.

Baekhyun went on dragging me out of that place and brought us to his very own dressing room.

I stood in middle of the room, still having my palm covering my mouth while Baekhyun closed the door behind him. "What the hell?" was the first words I said after recovering from the shock.

"Yes. Now, is that enough for you not to feel something that hurts your heart while watching me film?"

Reluctantly, I nodded. I'm just... Really surprised. Since her character is soft-hearted and playful, she acted like one and I got used to see her like that. I didn't expected for her to be like- how should I put it? Charismatic, was it? I honestly was kind of intimidated with our interaction just few minutes ago and it feels so new.

"Can I get my really passionate kiss now?" Baekhyun cuts my thoughts off. I giggled, spreading my arms for him. He strode towards me, catching my face in between his palms before crashing his lips on mine.

I didn't realize how our remaining time was spent, but I ended up on the dresser, catching our breaths and with my lipstick all over Baekhyun's lips. I helped him wiping it off, we can't have anyone asking him what he did during the short break when he's supposed to rest. Just in time after making sure all the marks are gone, the actors are called to return to the set.

"I'll be right behind you." I gestured for him to go away.

"Okay. I love you." he blows a kiss before exiting the room.

Once my boyfriend had left, I got off the dresser to fix myself before going back to the set for the next scene.

Make outs with Baekhyun had been messy.

I was trying not to laugh while walking back into the set and taking the spot next to the director, who's instructing q the cameraman on what should be the angle for the next scene.

"Now that's something that we should cover up for real," he commented while keeping his eyes on the set, our significant others getting their retouch done as our sight to see.

"The major plot twist."

Hojun laughs a bit and turns to me with his hands slumping down on the either side of his hips. "I see that you're not taking the kissing scene so well, Ddalgi-ssi." he says as a matter of fact.

"When he did his first kissing scene for Moon Lovers, I was just a fan. This one, he's kissing someone for the story that I wrote and while he's my boyfriend!" I clicked my tongue. I'm cringing a little bit with how I reacted to Baekhyun's kissing scene earlier. "Now that I know his leading lady is dating too, I'm not worried anymore."

"Your girlfriend is so pretty, I can't just help but feel jealous and doubtful." I folded my arms across my chest while intently eyeing my boyfriend from afar. Baekhyun senses that and looks at me, then sending a wink along my way. I immediately blushed at that, turned to Hojun and continued, "But Baekhyun had always made sure that he's mine, and that there is nothing to worry about."

"Well, same goes with my girl." Hojun looks at his girlfriend and winks at her. And I didn't know why I cringed at that when my man literally just did the same thing few seconds ago. He chuckled at his girlfriend's reaction before turning back to me. "Your boyfriend is an idol and you're his fan. How did you two started? It's like straight out of a fanfiction."

My eyes awkwardly rolled to the side, lips pressed into a thin line. "That... I'd rather not talk about it." I smiled at Hojun, a fake one.

I can't just tell anyone that everything started when Baekhyun asked to use my story for a short film. The rest of what happened in his apartment, should remain a history.


Yup! This is a 'Feels Like' spin off 🤭 if you haven't read that one, don't even think about it. It's making me shy hehehe.

And while we're at it... I'm promoting Cover It Up! Give it a try to read. It's almost done. Uh... I'm so bad at promoting my works (˘・_・˘)

Alsooooo, happy birthday to you and to me, to all of us EXO-LS! Here's to more happy days and memories with EXO! 🥳🍻


