
This is like CIU. The group EXO doesn't exist and the members are soloists, except for EXO-SC.


Although it has been three years since my husband passed away, the pain of losing him still haunted my heart every single day. I still cry myself to sleep, space out thinking about those times I'd see him around the place, just simply missing the man of my dreams.

"I'm sorry it took me so long," I told my brother, Jongin, as soon as I got inside my apartment. "You know that the longer the pain stays, the longer I have to be with the psychiatrist."

"I understand, baby sis." he walks up to me, only to pat the my head. I glared at my brother for that and got his cute chuckles as an answer.

"Is he awake?"

Before I could even turn my head to see it for myself, a little boy was already seen running towards my direction.


I crouched down and spread my arms to greet my son with a warm hug. He throws himself at me, wrapping his small arms around my neck. I stood up and carried him in my arms.

"You missed me that much, my love?"

Jihun nods his head as he nestled his face on the crook of my neck, inhaling my flowery scent that he love so much.

Just like what Sehun does every time he sees me.

And that's why I'm trying my best to heal myself from the pain of losing Sehun - by going to the psychiatrist. I've been receiving treatment since Sehun died and still receiving so I can take care of Jihun wholeheartedly. My suffering doesn't seem to help me being the best mother to the only piece of Sehun left in this world: our Jihun.

I turned to Jongin and saw him staring at us with a complacent look on his handsome face. I know what he's thinking and feeling about seeing me suffering from this heartbreak for three years now. He's the most lovable brother to ever exist and made sure I won't feel sad by always being here for me.

"Oppa..." I batted my eyelashes and pouted a little.

"You know you can just say it." he slightly rolls his eyes and scoffed. I never call Jongin to 'oppa' although he's my older brother. When I do, it means I have a huge favor to ask.

"Sehun's death anniversary is coming up. I'm..." I suddenly hesitated. As it has been years, my psychiatrist told me to try seeing that place to see if it still affects me.


"I know, Nini. I want to see if I'm completely fine now." I felt Jihun flinching in my arms. "Can you go with me to watch over Jihun? I want to introduce him to Sehun afterwards."

Jongin sighs. "I'll cancel my plans for that day." he leans in for a quick kiss on my forehead and a loving caress on the back of my head followed.

"Thanks Jongin, you're the best brother in the whole world. I'm sorry for asking such huge favor despite your schedules and for looking after Jihun today."

"Anything for my baby sister."

And this is another reason to heal myself, so I can repay and take care of the people who were around me when I needed the love and comfort I lost along with losing Sehun.


I never thought I'd have the courage to drag myself to the place I avoided the most in this world, after seeing how Sehun took his last breath right before my eyes on that very same place.

"If you can't do it today, we can comeback some other time."

"No," I shook my head, hands tightening around the bouquet of flowers I'm holding.

Being a celebrity himself, Sehun had received a lot of flowers from people; acquaintances who adores him, brands his endorsing, and his fans. He learned to love getting flowers of whatever kind. So, in our relationship, I'm not the only one who gets flowers but also him.

I'm sure he'll love this.

The car stopped after what seems like a long ride and my heart immediately pounded against my chest for an unknown reason.

And Jongin never fails to notice that. "Y/n-"

"Jongin." I cut him off. "I'm sure about this. There's no backing out now."

I opened the door and hopped out of the car, briefly glancing at Jihun sleeping in the backseat. "You promised him for some ice cream."

"I'll buy him one as soon as he wakes up."

I beamed at Jongin before turning around to leave. My hands started shivering as my feet moved to make my way to this familiar street of Seoul, one that I avoided to set a foot on to. Not to mention, drive past that certain sidewalk or this traumatic street.

My fingers curled on the bouquet, eyes staring straight ahead as I walk. Even from a distance, I could see the little memento on the sidewalk from the other side of the road. Big and small picture frames, flowers, and gifts were gathered. Probably set up by Sehun's fans to commemorate his death anniversary today.

Soon enough, I reached the sidewalk, facing the pedestrian's lane - exactly where I stood witnessing how Sehun's life was taken. I closed my eyes and breathed to calm myself down as memories of that day started corrupting my head.

"I will go to you instead."

My eyelids shot open when I heard that voice and immediately saw Sehun standing on the other side of the road, holding a bouquet of pink roses while smiling at me. I dropped the flowers in my hand to cover my mouth with it.

"Sehun-ah..." he had his other hand holding his phone, sticking it on his ear as if he's on a call- just like how he was seconds before leaving me.

"I can see you already, babe. Stay there."

"Sehun, no!"

He wasn't listening and continued on his way towards me... As if I'm taken back to that exact day. I closed my eyes back, muttering that this is just the effects of losing him, of the trauma - and after continuously wishing to take me back to this time so I can change what happened.

But what is this? I can't move a muscle, my voice seems stuck in my throat, heart violently beating inside my chest. If I'm finally taken back to this certain time, then I can do something to save Sehun.

I heard that utterly familiar screeching of a vehicle. From that, I know what's going to happen next. I can feel my breath getting heavy, something feels like tightening around my neck. Tears were escaping my eyes as I started sobbing, fully knowing what I'm about to see but unable to do anything.

Just like how sudden it was three- four years ago, a truck appeared, replacing Sehun in my sight. I screamed in horror.

Before the image of Sehun's lifeless eyes staring straight at me could take over my head, I felt an impact against the back of my legs, knocking me down on my knees. My palms quickly props om the rough ground before I could fall on my face. And in one blink, I was taken back to reality.

I whipped my head behind with a glare, only to soften my expression when I saw a little girl sitting on the ground, frowning cutely while rubbing her head with her small hands.

She seemed to sense me staring at her when she gasped and quickly crawled to me. "Eonnie, are you okay?"

I blinked twice, not expecting that question before turning my head back to the road. There was nothing. No truck, no Sehun, no people screaming and gathering around my late husband's dead body. Just a peaceful street, barely any people nor vehicles passing by. It was all hallucinations due to the trauma of going back to this place. If it wasn't for the girl...

A relieved sigh escapes from me before turning back to the girl. "I should be the one asking you that, love." I smiled at her, standing on my feet and then offering a hand to help her up.

"What are you doing here alone?" I crouched down to get onto her level, my hands were on her arms.

"I'm looking for my daddy. He went somewhere to talk to mommy and I was asleep so he left me in the car alone." she cheerfully says. "And I saw you screaming alone. Mommy used to have panic attacks like that." she walks to the bouquet I dropped earlier and picked it up, then handing it to me.

A sensation of heat started spreading on my face. If it wasn't for her, I would be having another panic attack every after I get those kind of hallucinations.


I snapped my gaze behind once again and saw Chanyeol on the other side of the road, waving excitedly. I waved back to let him know that I saw him.

"We'll help you find your daddy, after some little business I have to do. Is that fine?"

She nods at me and takes my free hand in hers. I can't help but smile at her cuteness as I stood up and started walking towards the crosswalk.

The little girl noticed how I instantly hesitated stepping a foot on the crosswalk, so she squeezed my hand before saying, "I think you know my dad."

That kind of distracted me and I just felt my feet moving. "What makes you say that." I giggled.

"He's all over the place. There's no one who doesn't know him, that's what my uncles tell me."

"He's like Sehun?"

She jumps a little, excited upon hearing my love's name. "I know uncle Sehun! I love his songs with uncle Chanyeol. I always listen to him until now."

Uncle Sehun? If he calls Sehun and Chanyeol to his uncles, then his father might be in their group of friends?

Before I could longer ponder to that question, we reached the other side of the road. When I realized that, I gasped, accidentally letting go of the girl's hand in pure shock.

I... I crossed a road... The road where Sehun died.

And I wasn't scared.

"Y/n, you made it!" Chanyeol came running towards me, greeting me with a tight hug.

For the past three-now-four years, I couldn't cross any roads after losing Sehun in an accident that I get panic attacks just by merely seeing a crosswalk.

Today, in his fourth death anniversary, I was able to overcome my fear.

I saw the memento Sehun's fans set up and slowly made my way there. It has his huge framed photo in the middle of flowers and gifts, almost making me feel like he's smiling at me right now, happy about receiving this much love even after leaving this world.

"Although it's kind of fun going solo after leaving me like that, it was much more fun being a duo with him." Chanyeol admitted. "I miss you so much, Sehun."

"It's been four years, my love." I whispered, setting down the bouquet I bought for him to join the others that his fans gave.

I miss you so damn much.

We were silent for a good amount of time, internally telling Sehun what we've been dying to tell him, quietly looking back to those days he's still with us. I know Chanyeol is in pain up until now, as Sehun's more than just a duo buddy for him. He's his very best friend and was like a brother to him.

"Now, let's talk about how are you here Hyunnie?"

I looked behind and saw the little girl holding on to Chanyeol's hand.

"She kinda helped me when I was about to have a panic attack." I squatted in front of Hyunnie and cupped her cheek gently. "So your name is Hyunnie? It's pretty. I promised to help you finding your father. Shall we go now? He must be so worried about you."

"I can take her to him myself. Aren't you taking Jihun to meet Sehun today?"

I looked up at Chanyeol. "You know her father?"

"Yeah, he-" Chanyeol was cut off but someone yelling.

"Hyunnie!" a man with a baby boy in his arms came running up to us. He's familiar but I can't recall who among Sehun's friends is he. But I do remember him about the one hiding from his fans after revealing that he had been married.

He catches his breath before grabbing Hyunnie's other hand and turning her around to face him. "Didn't I told you to never leave the car? I was worried sick looking for you!"

His yelling must've woken up the baby sleeping in his arms. But when the little boy lifted his head off his shoulder and started tilting his head allowing me to see his face, I realized that it was my Jihun!

"Why do you have my son!?" I stood up from crouching, one hand pointing at the man.

He snapped his gaze to meet mine. "And why do you have my daughter?" he exclaimed, then eyeing my other hand still holding Hyunnie's.

"Because who the hell leaves their kid in a car like what you did? What if she gets suffocated in there?" I did a slight pull on Hyunnie's hand and she lets go of the man to hug my legs.

He straightened up and puts a hand on the back of Jihun's head protectively. "Well, who in the hell leaves their toddler wandering in the streets alone?"

My eyes widened with what I just heard. "What?!" I swear I left my Jihun with Jongin, what on earth happened for this man to find him wandering in the streets?!

"Jongin... You're going to die." Chanyeol sang to himself nervously. I ignored him, still glaring at the man who has my Jihun and he does the same to me, briefly glancing down on Hyunnie refusing to let go of my legs. For a second, he looked like he's going to attack me anytime.

Chanyeol jumps in front of us, breaking our intense eye contact and the forming tension. "Okay, let's all calm down. Y/n, you give Baekhyun his daughter. Baekhyun, you do the same and then we all go home without any trouble."

Without taking my eyes off him, I caressed Hyunnie's back, signaling for her to go to back to his careless father. Reluctantly, she lets go of my legs and turned to him, while that Baekhyun took few steps forward so he can give me back my son. Jihun kind of tightened his arms around Baekhyun, as if he didn't want to let go, when he felt Baekhyun pulling his body away off of him.

"Jihun-ah." but when he hears my voice, he quickly lets go of Baekhyun and I took him in my arms.

"Jihyun-ah." he squatted down and spreads his arms to welcome Jihyun with a hug. She runs to her father and threw her arms around his neck and he carries her up. "Don't do that ever again. What will happen to me if I ended up losing you too?"

"Now we all go back to our homes and think about our loved ones who passed." Chanyeol looks at Baekhyun with a meaningful gaze and nodded a little bit. I can't understand that interaction between them but I guess they know each other very well enough to understand that seemingly wordless conversation.

Baekhyun then stares at me, cleared his throat and his expression softened as he said, "He looks just like Sehun."

I gasped quietly and before I could say anything, he turns around to leave with Jihyun waving her little hand at me.


I had tucked Jihun to bed right after a long day and Jongin getting a good scolding on our way back home.

I washed up, did my night routine and decided to stay up for a little while. Jongin is spending the night with us after that incident of him losing Jihun because he was being chased by some sasaeng fans. Just to make it up to me and to his nephew, knowing Jihun loves it when he stays for the night.

Something about this day that I can't just take out of my head. A lot of things happened. I nearly got into another episode of panic attack, I actually crossed a road after four years of not being able to, I nearly lost my son, and...

Sehun meeting Jihun at the end of the day. It was the first time I brought Jihun with me to visit Sehun on his grave. Although he's very young to understand what I'm saying, I still told Jihun where Sehun is right now and why doesn't he have a father around us unlike his friends when he came over to their house to play with them.

And Baekhyun... I'm trying to understand how he was a second away from pouncing at me after seeing that I have his daughter and then saying that Jihun looks like Sehun like nothing happened. That made me feel I'm pitiful, it somehow offended me. Did he backed out from our little fight because he knows it's Sehun's death anniversary?

"What are you thinking?"

I flinched as I snapped out of my reverie, feeling how Jongin drapes my favorite blanket on my shoulders.

"Just... Everything that happened today." I responded as I enclosed the blanket around my body. "I'm glad that I'm few steps away from completely healing, but I don't think I ever want to forget how I'm in love Sehun. This is painful, loving someone who had left the world. Yet I want to keep loving him for the rest of my life as if he's just here beside me."

Jongin sighed as he took the spot next to me. I leaned my head on to his shoulder and sough along with him. We stayed like that for awhile until Jongin spoke.

"I heard you met Baekhyun hyung."

I didn't know why I tensed up when I heard his name. We didn't give each other a good impression for our first meeting. Although he had been Sehun's friend, I've never met him before as being Sehun's secret non-celebrity girlfriend means I have to hide from everyone, literally from everyone, back then. From their group of idol friends, I only know Kai (Jongin's stage name) and Sehun's duo Chanyeol. I only remember Baekhyun and a little of his story because of how Sehun used to talk about him to me before, since I can't meet the rest of his friends.

"You know... It's his late wife's death anniversary. He lost her to an illness the same day you lost Sehun to an accident four years ago."

That strangely irked my curiosity and interest to listen, wanting to know a bit about him. "Jihyun seems a little older than Jihun."

"They had her shortly after marriage, knowing she had to leave him." Jongin shrugged. "He's been alone taking care of what his wife left him. Like you do."

I pushed myself away from my brother and squinted my eyes at him. "You are not trying to 'ship' me with him."

"Chanyeol told me about your rough first meeting but he's a good guy, really. He knows how to take care of children and considering that he had been doing it alone. Imagine getting a hand-"

"Jongin," I breathed out, leaving the couch to stand with my back facing my brother. "With this trauma I'm still suffering from, I can't- I shouldn't think about meeting someone else and develop that romantic feelings I only feel for Sehun."

My brother smirks wickedly. "So, actually you're considering!"

"No!" I defended as I turned to glare at him, ending up sounding guilty with his accusation. "I never did, I just met him. I mean, I told you I don't want to forget the feeling of loving Sehun. I know I'm trying to heal from the pain of losing him but that doesn't mean I'm welcoming someone new."

"Seeing that I still get those giddy feelings as if Sehun's still with me, by merely thinking of him. I can't love again. I should NOT love again."

Jongin couldn't say anything, sighing audibly as he lowered his head in shame.

"You should go to bed, you're taking Jihun to the daycare tomorrow."

And Kim Jongin was nowhere to be found the moment I woke up. Greeting me with a note he messily wrote, sticking on the nightstand.

I'm sorry I can take Jihun today. I have a schedule that I can't miss for skipping yesterday. I'll make it up to the both of you... Again.

- Jongin

I'm the one who ended up taking Jihun to the daycare. My baby boy having the biggest pout as he'd been expecting his favorite uncle Jongin to go with him. Not that he doesn't want me to, it's just that Jongin makes his day - though I have no idea how my brother does that.

We reached the daycare and Jihun is still pouting even after seeing his friends running around the room. I kneeled down in front of him and nestled his cheek on my palm. "It's okay, my love. Kai-chun promised to make it up to you as soon as he's done with work." I looked inside the room and saw Chanyeol's twins patiently waiting for Jihun.

"Look, Chanse and Sechan's waiting for you."

Jihun's face lit up, leaving a quick kiss on my cheek before running to his very bestfriends. With a smile, I watched him through the doorway for awhile and decided to finally leave once I'm sure he's enjoying with the other kids.

As soon as I turned around, I immediately bumped into someone who appeared all of a sudden. The impact made me trip back a little but I was quick to keep my balance, then lifting my chin up and glare at the person.

My fiery gaze didn't last long when I realized who was that person. "What are you doing here?"

"Eonnie!" I stared down and was greeted by Jihyun's bright smile.

"I just got Jihyun into this daycare-"

"It's my first day!" Jihyun cheerfully interrupts his father.

I didn't know what to say and it took me seconds to react, starting off with a forced giggle. "Wow, that's... So amazing! Jihun goes here too. I guess we'll have to bump into each other a lot from now on."

While Jihyun seems to like that idea, Baekhyun looks kinda uncomfortable with it. Scratching the nape of his neck shyly and trying not to look away from me. It was until a bell was heard that he finds a way out of this awkward conversation.

"We'll get going." Baekhyun tried to put up a smile.

I nodded. "I'll be on my way too." I swiftly twirled, not wanting to see more of that uneasiness on his face as it strangely poke needles in my heart. I never wanted people to feel uncomfortable with me and looking back to how we were yesterday... I'm guessing we're both ashamed of what happened to our kids, our carelessness that led us taking each other's.

Baekhyun and Jihyun went on their way. Since Jihyun is a year and months older than Jihun, she isn't going to stay in the same room as him and will have to join those who are in the same age as her, at the second floor of the daycare.


I tensed up before slowly tilting my head to look back with a grin, in hopes to make Baekhyun feel comfortable. Jihyun was skipping her way up, leaving her father at the end of the stairs staring at me with a serene smile.

"Do you have a moment?"

My eyelids flickered nervously and stuttered, "I have... I'm free the whole day until it's time for me to get Jihun."

Jihyun came running back down the stairs and she tugs on Baekhyun's free hand, telling him that it's time to head up.

"I know a good cafe nearby, it's where I plan to wait for Jihyun."

"I think I know where it is. You know? I've been around a lot." I chuckled.

"Can you wait for me a little bit? I just have to..."

I nodded, gesturing for him to just go and take Jihyun to her class.

Once Baekhyun disappeared along with his daughter, that's when I breathed out the air that I didn't know I've been holding. Maybe it's because I'm trying to ease around him, seeing that he's uncomfortable after our encounter just yesterday.

I decided to wait for him at the entrance of the daycare, standing stiff in the middle of the doorway. It was raining and I didn't have any umbrella with me nor I know what to do to not get myself wet.

And raining means missing Sehun a million times more.

"I'm sorry for making you wait."

I stared behind and Baekhyun was approaching with an apologetic smile as he pulled something out of his paper bag.

It was a pink umbrella. I immediately couldn't take my eyes off it, not just because of the cute little flowers scattering around or it's my favorite color. But because it reminds me of Sehun. He used to bring a pink umbrella with him - for us - when he knows it'll rain, and pink for it being my favorite.

When Baekhyun saw me staring at his umbrella, he kind of... Blushed?

"You can never be too ready for an unexpected change of weather." he chuckles to snap me out of my thoughts, stepping forward to go out before me and opens his umbrella.

"Your readiness is impressive."

"Ever since I knew I was going to lose her one day, I've always gotten myself ready for any situation." he looks up at the edge of the roof where water droplets are falling. His eyes, though they radiate pain, they were hopeful at the same time. The ends of his lips stretching for a gentle smile, to accompany such sorrowful sight that is Baekhyun himself.

"For instance," and he looks back at me. "Unpredicted downpours like this."

There's something with him that's just making me tensed for an unknown reason. Or was it because it's being around with someone new, especially a person who shares the same pain as me? Pain of losing a loved one.

After Sehun died, I couldn't bring myself to meet someone else other than Jongin and Chanyeol. I'm also hiding from Sehun's fans as their curiosity about Sehun's passing and persistence to get some answers from me can make me lose my mind on the spot. That is due to being reminded of the worst day of my life.

"I'm sorry did I...?" Baekhyun notices that I'm spacing out.

My eyes blinked rapidly. "No, I was just... Your umbrella is cute."

"Jihyun's favorite color is pink." Baekhyun laughs lightly. "Shall we?" he moves the umbrella to his side, indicating that the remaining space is for me to occupy.

With a little bit of hesitation, I took few steps until we're standing side by side. I couldn't look at him and my body is tensing up, lips tightly pressing against each other. Four years of not interacting with any other people really changed me around them.

Without any word, we started moving our feet forward, surprisingly synching with each other's footsteps. Not even reaching the gate of the daycare, I'm already taking small side steps to draw distance in between us. It's not that he doesn't smell nice or what, but it feels weird to be close to someone I just met.

"You'll get wet."

A gasp escaped from me louder than intended when Baekhyun sneaks a hand around my waist and pulled me closer to him, to keep me covered by the umbrella.

Now I'm sure as hell that I'm obviously feeling awkward around him, with my whole being frozen under his touch.

And am I blushing? I can't be! As far as I can recall, the last time I felt my cheeks heating up like this was four years ago.

"Am I making you uncomfortable, Y/n?"

"What? No! I'm just not used to not getting wet. I mean, I play under the time most of the rain haha." I lied, ending my statement with a grin while I'm trying to relax my body.

Baekhyun laughs inwardly. "You mean, you play under the rain most of the time?"

"Yeah, that's it. What do you think did I say?"

Now it was louder laugh from him. I can't understand why is he laughing, so I glared at him. What's so funny about playing under the rain? I know I'm too old for that but can't people have a little fun? Even someone like me, who is trying to forget the pain of the past can have fun over childish things.

Baekhyun immediately stopped giggling when he saw me glaring. "I'm hurt that you feel awkward around me and I understand you."

"Huh? I'm not awkward!" I quickly denied.

"Jongin told me that you mess up your words when you feel that way with someone. And I can't blame you." I felt his grip tightening and in one swift tug, I'm pressing on him harder than a second ago. I can't deny it anymore, I'm indeed feeling awkward with my arms folded against my chest and a surprised look on my reddening face.

"But I have no any other intention than to keep you dry and warm until we reach the cafe I was talking about. I don't want to worry your overprotective brother if you get sick." Baekhyun continued, and was it a smirk that I saw from him?

I didn't know how I managed to keep myself alive considering that I've been, once again, holding my breath as we were walking. But here we are, sitting across each other and quietly sipping on our warm drinks that he had ordered for us.

What am I supposed to say? I wondered to myself as I want to start a conversation but I don't know how. What if I ended up offending Baekhyun and he's going to think I'm insensitive? Should I ask about his late wife? Because he looks like he wants to talk about her to pluck some thorns out of his heart.

"So, how's four years without him?"

"So, how's four years without her?"

It was as if those questions asked in unison were a spell that we both froze on our seats for a second, but quickly recovered from the shock and spoke once again.

"You go ahead." we encouraged each other simultaneously, followed by giggles.

I decided to go on. "It's intriguing me and I don't want to sound rude or what. But you seemed to look a lot better than me." I started off, eventually making him blink in confusion. "What I mean is... You're better. Compared to me who's suffering from vivid flashbacks of that day and getting panic attacks for that."

"That is maybe because I've expected and accepted her departure. I was ready and I already know what I have to do once she's gone. That's to keep myself together so I can take care of Jihyun."

I avoided his serene eyes, feeling sorry for him. He looks calm outside, like he had wholeheartedly accepted his wife's passing. But I know deep down he's still longing for her.

"Hey, what is this atmosphere? I don't intend to make this conversation sad."

Slowly, I brought my gaze back to meet his. "How can you do that?" I whispered.

"Do what?"

"Accepting that you aren't going to be with her for the rest of your life? How can you smile and laugh like that and look so hopeful as if she's going to comeback to you?" for a second, I was sorry that it came out angry. I'm just... Honestly envious of him, that he can live like life has to go on. Because I can't do it like him, I can't get over Sehun's death.

"Y/n, that's the advantage of acceptance. I went through a lot of pain and was really hurt but that doesn't mean life ends there and I have to let myself succumb to the sadness for the rest of my life. Think about everything that's left with you here." he places his hand on top of mine. "You have Jihun. If he reaches the age he understands things, do you think he'd be happy to know you're still hurting? You think Sehun would like it watching you cry for him everyday?"

I gazed down on our hands and felt a blazing sensation reaching my cheeks.

Baekhyun is right, it's in the acceptance. To be able to move forward is up to me, if I want to completely heal, it's all up to me and my decision to accept that all of this happened. Maybe in another lifetime, it'll be better - a greater story of the love Sehun and I shared. This isn't the time for us.

Maybe I should try... Thinking more about what's left with me right here.


We spent the whole day in that cafe talking about each other and only left when it's time to fetch the kids. Baekhyun and I walked back to the daycare without having to share the umbrella as the rain had already stopped.

We have told each other a lot in one sitting that I ran out of words to tell him, and filled my head with everything about him. There was nothing left to say, yet the silence in between us was comfortable as we're approaching my destination.

"I know we met just yesterday, but I'm glad to know a lot about you today." we stopped right in front of the room and faced each other. "That way, I can shamelessly ask you for a favor. I mean... Can I?"

"What favor?"

"Since I'm still an idol, I'm sure there will be times that I won't be able to pick up Jihyun on time because of my schedules."

From that, I already understand what he's trying to say. "You want me to take her home with me?"

"If that's fine. I'll come over and get her once I'm done with work. What can you say?"

We're moving a little too quickly, too much for my comfort's liking. Considering that he's the first friend I made since Sehun passed away.

But I know what it feels like to do everything on your own.

"If it helps you. I'll be glad to."

Before Baekhyun could say anything, I already turned my attention to my son - who I can see running towards my direction in happiness. I got down on my knees and spread my arms apart, ready to greet my baby with a hug.

But he runs past me.

Leaving me kneeling on floor, expecting for his embrace with an awkward look on my face and stiff arms in the air.

"Jihun..." I got up and saw him snuggling in Baekhyun's arms. His face on his shoulder, arms and legs tight around Baekhyun's body as if he doesn't want to let go ever again.

Good thing none of Jongin's friends are here, specifically Chanyeol. Knowing him-

"Jihun, is that foreshadowing?"

Speak of the devil! I can sense the teasing in his voice and when I whipped my head behind, he was grinning at me. Sechan and Chanse he is holding by their hands are doing the same silly face as their father.

"Shut up, Chanyeol."

"Jihunie finally found his dad. Like us! He's very happy now." Chanse claps his hands and his twin followed suit.

"What!? No, no! Who told you that?"

"Daddy said-" Sechan was silenced by Chanyeol's huge hand on his mouth, almost covering his entire face.

"Let's go home! Mommy must be waiting for us and already prepared a nice dinner." he sang and dragged his kids away.

I waited for them to completely disappear before turning back to Baekhyun with an awkward smile. "Chanyeol is always a crackhead. I guess you know that since you're his friend too."

"I couldn't agree more."

I chewed on my bottom lip, a little embarrassed of that conversation with Chanyeol and to the fact that my son thinks Baekhyun is his father after the great Park Chanyeol brainwashed his innocent mind.

"I'll go get Jihyun for you." I didn't have to wait for Baekhyun's response and just swiftly made my way upstairs.

Jihyun just got out of the room and was being led by a helper. Seems like she's the only left as the hall is already quiet.

"Hi, Jihyun. I will be the one who'll get you."

"Oh, thank goodness. Everyone had gone home and she was all left waiting for a guardian to pick her up. Are you her mom?"

I perked up to that sudden question from the helper. "I could be- I mean, no! I'm her... Uh, we're know each and I know her only guardian and he's waiting downstairs. We should go, Jihyun." out of embarrassment that I'm starting to mess my words, I hurriedly snatched Jihyun's backpack and then her tiny hand.

"Is is true that daddy's waiting downstairs?" she asked few steps into escaping.

"Yes, Hyunnie." her pretty nickname made her smile.

"I can't believe he's here. In my previous daycare, it's uncle Kyungsoo that picks me up because daddy is always late."

That made me feel bad for her. I stopped on my track and Jihyun keeps her confused eyes on me, watching as I kneeled before her.

"From now on, I will be here to pick you up whenever your daddy's late." I said, cupping her soft cheek.

Excitement immediately fills her eyes and her lips stretched into a huge smile. "Can I play with Jihun?"

"Of course."

We went down the stairs and found that Jihun had fallen asleep in Baekhyun's arms. He sways his body gently, smiling to himself like he's reminded of his happy days. It seemed to me that he missed carrying Jihyun in his arms like that.

"I'm really sorry. He must've feel comfortable with you."

He snaps out of his reverie when he heard me. "It's fine. I missed having Jihyun in my arms like this. But since..." he drags the last word knowingly and stared at his daughter.

To which she continued cheerfully, "I'm a big girl already." her small hand squeezing mine in delight.

"That's right, my love."

My heart melted to the way he stares and smile at his daughter with so much love. He must've poured all his love to her, which is why he had accepted and isn't having a lot of trouble dealing with his loss.

Baekhyun brought his eyes back up to me. "Shall we go? I'll drive you and Jihun home. So I'll know where to get Jihyun if you get to take her home."


The night had gone deep yet I can't feel any sleepiness in me. I was sitting on a bar stool, propping both of my elbows on the countertop, face resting on my palms with my eyes mindlessly staring down on the glass of milk in front of me. Baekhyun's faint voice could be heard in every corners of the house. Since we're friends anyway, he had asked me to listen to his unreleased songs to get some opinion from me... As he can't decided what to be the title track for his upcoming album.

I must be so lost, I hadn't noticed how Jongin turns up into the kitchen with heavy footsteps. He does that when I do something wrong and get myself into trouble, it means I'm going to get a scolding. It was until he stands on the other side of the counter to get my attention.

He was glaring at me but when he realized that Baekhyun's song was playing, he cocks his head to the side in confusion. "Isn't that Baekhyun's song? How come you're listening to it? It's not even out yet."

"Yeah. Pretty amazing, right?" I murmured rather intoxicatedly.

Jongin quickly shakes his head, bringing back his angry look and pulls something out of the envelope that I didn't know he's been holding. With his eyes boring on me, he throws a piece of paper on the countertop, one by one. I looked down to see what the hell are those and realized that they aren't just random papers, they're pictures.

"Do you know what you've gotten yourself into, miss?" he throws another one, a picture of me and Baekhyun sharing his umbrella on the way to the cafe. "You are in need to explain yourself to me." that last picture he threw was that time we were heading to Baekhyun's car. He had Jihun and I'm holding Jihyun's hand.

"Why would I? There's nothing wrong with those." I pointed the photos scattered in front of us.

"Nothing? You were seen with an idol, who happens to be a single dad, and you happened to be a single mom, and your significant others happened to die in the same day, and you both happened to commemorate your lovers' deaths together just few days ago!"

"We were not together! Yes, we met that day but that was rather a brief meeting and nothing else. Today's the day we really got to know each other." I crossed my arms and raised a brow at him.

"Okay, that's not the point! What do you think people are saying about this photos?" Jongin's frustrated at this point. "You are dating! People think that you guys decided to be together after losing your loved ones on the same day four years ago. Now Baekhyun-"

"What? Why the hell would people think that way? He's just a friend!" I exclaimed, cutting him off.

Jongin squinted his eyes. "Baby sis,"

I continued ranting. "I just met him and only got to know a little about each other. Solely for me to be trusted to take Jihyun home whenever he's late to pick her up from the daycare."

"Y/n," Jongin rounded the island, standing in front of me and placed both of his hands on my shoulders. "I wouldn't mind if you try." his voice now soft and soothing, careful not to hurt me.

"Try what?"

"Try to fall in love again." he smiles. "As long as I see you smiling like that, when you're listening to his voice." his soft expression dropped and was replaced with that annoying stupid face he makes when teasing me.

"I was not-" I closed my eyes and breathed slowly to calm down. "Think whatever you want to. I know the truth that Baekhyun's just a friend and that's enough." I swiftly turned, then storming out of the kitchen.

Halfway through reaching the bedroom, I came into an abrupt stop. And all of a sudden, thoughts started invading my head. Baekhyun's voice that I can still hear just made things messier than before.

Sehun, would you mind if I... Try?


Baekhyun's backstory was inspired from his As We Wish film (have you seen that one?) While Y/n's was from the story I wrote that is still hiding in my drafts (originally a Baekhyun ff but I changed the male lead into Sehun for this one.)

I'm sorry for killing you here, my Sehun 🥺

Anyway! It's always better late than never. So, happy 319k reads to Baekhyun Imagines! ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡ We currently have 321k but why celebrate something lesser than that? Well if you know, you know (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

Part 2 will follow soon!


