
"Loves, you both are so cute." I said, holding my phone while it records the adorable moment of my twins feeding each other. Nahyun and Sehyun are both adorably dirty from their foods that had scattered all over their faces. "Come on, loves. Let's clean up."

It was hard taking care of baby twins alone. Obviously, they both needed attention but I only have one body so it's extra exhausting. But every time I think of Sehyun and Nahyun, it gives me the energy to remain strong for them both and continue living, giving them the love they deserve for existing and being adorable.

After their bath, I tucked them in their beds before I laid down on my own. Before sleeping, I reviewed the videos I took from earlier, edited it for a bit before I pressed the instagram app and uploaded the new video. As expected, not even a minute and the newly uploaded video already gained hundreds of likes and comments.

I started uploading my babies' daily doings in instagram for fun and to keep those memories alive. Unexpectedly, Se and Na gained so much attention for being effortlessly adorable in everything they do. Every baby could be adorable without an effort but why did my babies gained so much love and attention from random people so unexpectedly? Why do their videos gone viral every time?

Because they look like their father, Baekhyun.

Baekhyun was my boyfriend. He had a dream, and that was being an idol. He got casted to join SM entertainment and hesitated at first before he accepted and started training. We were dating that time and we had to keep it a secret. Baekhyun assured me that we'll never get caught and that I'll be there at the day he's going to perform on stage for his debut.

We were just like those young couples who likes to discover things. That includes sex. Let's say, Baekhyun may have been enjoying his title as the genius idol which is true but he was dumb on that part we had sex without using protection.

The day I found out I was pregnant was the day Baekhyun got to confirm his debut day with the group EXO. He was ecstatic and couldn't stop talking about it while we're walking in the park. I don't want to ruin his dream, he had told me how much he wanted to be an idol and talk about it almost everyday. So instead of confessing that I have his baby, I ended up saying I'm breaking up with him.

It was hard, especially that I'm far away from my family. At first, my parents were so mad at Baekhyun but I told them it was my decision to end things with him and keep the babies to myself. They wanted me to go home to them but my babies made me feel sick if I'm somewhere far from where Baekhyun is, so I stayed in Korea. Good thing I have my friends with me so my pregnancy wasn't stressing and Se and Na were born healthy.

A friend of mine, invited us to her wedding and listed Nahyun as the flower girl and Sehyun as the ring bearer. This friend was one those who helped me while I was pregnant so I exerted extra effort of attending her wedding despite my busy schedule as a single mom of two.

The twins sure had a enjoyable time gaining so much attention as they walked down the aisle with tons of people taking pictures of them or recording videos. I was fine with it as long as I'm not in those photos or videos. Even without the presence of their father who's popular, they had everyone wrapped around their tiny hands. I guess it runs in the blood for being adorable.

I can't let myself be seen and people knowing I'm the twins' mother so I have never uploaded a single photo of myself. With the twins going viral everytime I upload a video of them. I'm sure Baekhyun had seen at least a photo as he kept being compared to my- our babies. His fans even used the twins' photos for their written fictions about him.

After the wedding, I took the kids for a quick stroll around the city. I had to burn the calories I gained after eating so much food at the wedding, also I needed some time that I could move so much since for the past months the only thing I do is work and take care of Sehyun and Nahyun.

"Eomma!" Sehyun called out and pointed a finger towards a direction. "Paekhyun hyung!" he added, making me nervous and my heart pound inside my chest. Sehyun ran towards that direction, grabbing Nahyun's hand along the way so they could go together. I followed behind them, eyes cautious incase Baekhyun really is who Sehyun saw.

Imagine my relief when the 'Baekhyun hyung' he meant wasn't actually Baekhyun but just a mascot of him displayed outside a building.

My three year olds are a fan of their own father without knowing who he really is. I decided to let them be a fan of Baekhyun and EXO but kept everything from them. Good thing they never looked for a father as they grow. Seems like I have fulfilled their hearts with love of a mother and at the same time of a father.

"Mama!" Sehyun quickly stood in front of the Baekhyun mascot and I quickly took my phone to capture it.

"Nahyunie, go and beside your Sehyun oppa."

Nahyun shook her head and hid behind my legs before yawning. My baby girl is already sleepy so I quickly took multiple shots of Sehyun before I carried Nahyun in my left arm and my right hand holding Sehyun's little one before we headed back to my car to go home.

After tucking in the twins. I checked the pictures and videos I took today for my daily instagram updates about their adorableness. I came across Sehyun's photos in front of Baekhyun's mascot and my heart fluttered.

Since Sehyun is a boy, he's the one who most likely to look so much like Baekhyun when he was a baby. Every time I look at him, he reminds me of his father that sometimes I cry myself to sleep. I miss Baekhyun and my love for him never faded. Actually, the reason why I ended things with him, is because I love him. I love him so much I don't want to ruin his dream. Despite being in so much pain raising the kids alone. It's fascinating to see him perform and having all the love from his fans like what he always wanted.

I chose a photo of Sehyun and I froze on the bed, thinking what caption I should put. I was thinking of putting up Baekhyun's name but I won't tag his account.

My babies gained attention for looking like Baekhyun. But he never knew them even when he's being mentioned at their photos by some of EXO-Ls. I have never upload a pic of myself ever since the instagram account was made so I guess it's safe to at least include Baekhyun's name in the caption? It took me awhile before I came up with a caption.

twin_hyunies Look who bumped into his favorite EXO member, Baekhyun! ^^ #Sehyunie #HyunTwinies #NahyunieWasSleepy

I pressed the upload button and turned my phone off before throwing it on the nightstand and finally laid down on my soft bed to sleep.

The next morning, it was Saturday so my whole day will be spent with the twins. I got out of my bed to check on them only to see that they're still sound asleep. With my heart fluttering at the view of their peaceful faces, I walked up to them and kissed each of their foreheads before tip-toeing my way out of their room.

I went back to my room and took my phone. It felt weird that it's hot so I quickly turned the screen on and notifications from instagram kept on coming one after another.

So I checked what's the commotion over my account and saw endless comments from EXO-Ls under my post of Sehyun's photo from last night. They kept flooding it with Baekhyun's username and then questions such as...

Baby Sehyunie really looks like you @baekhyunee_exo is he your child? ㅋㅋㅋ

Are you related to the Hyun twins @baekhyunee_exo?

@baekhyunee_exo tell us the truth. Are they your secret child? Kidding ㅋㅋㅋ

Omo! @baekhyunee_exo said hello to the twins!!

"What?" I asked to myself after reading that one comment saying that Baekhyun said hello to my babies.

I quickly went to my latest post and the first comment I ever saw was Baekhyun's.

baekhyunee_exo I've been seeing their pictures because I kept getting tagged. So cute! Hello Sehyunie and Nahyunie! ^^

It was as if a lightning was struck over my whole being after reading his comment. My heart raced, just like when the first time we met, when he asked me to be his girlfriend. Memories of what we've been through came flashing back into my mind and the connection I once felt back when we were still dating, came back.

He saw them. He fcking saw his babies.

After that I went offline from everything. Too scared to interact with Baekhyun. I kept myself busy around the apartment, doing chores and then taking care of the twins until night came.

There were no ingredients to make foods for dinner. My mind was so occupied for the whole day I forgot to go get some groceries from the supermarket. I looked at my twins complaining they're hungry.

An idea sparked into my mind. I hurriedly dressed them and told them we're eating outside. They were so excited that they held each of my hands and pulled me all the way out of our home.

We had a lovely dinner in a restaurant. The twins started being adorable while feeding each other so I took a video of them to post for later.

"Loves, we're getting groceries before heading home so don't fall asleep, hm?" I told them, holding each of their hand. My left hand had Sehyun's and other one had Nahyun's.

I had a little hard time doing the grocery shopping with the twins. It took us almost half an hour to get all we needed, it was exhausting but when I saw the twins' happy faces when I placed their favorite foods in the cart, the tiredness suddenly vanished. It's been 3 years since I became a mother, and everytime I see my children's smiling faces it was as if everything in this world is all just about pretty things such as cupcakes and rainbows.

When we reached home, Se and Na were already sleepy so after doing all the night routine I tucked them in their beds while I went straight to the kitchen to get the groceries arranged. I was so immeresed on what I'm doing that I missed hearing my phone ring.

Third ring, that's when I heard someone is calling so I quickly grabbed it from the living room and went back to the kitchen. It was my friend Haeyoung, calling. I answered the call and sticked my phone between my ears and shoulders as I continued arranging the groceries. "What's up, Haeyoung?"

"Y/n, your picture is all over the internet!"


"A fan of the twins saw you eating in a restaurant and captured a photo. She didn't know you were included. The post had been deleted but the fans were faster."

I massaged my temples. "I'm gonna go check."

The first thing I saw the moment I searched the twin's name on twitter was a cropped photo of me being reposted mutltiple times.

Woooow! Se and Na's mom is so pretty! She looks like Hyun twin's sister and not their mom instead.

None of her features could be found on the twins! Doesn't this mean her husband looks like Baekhyun?

What do ya'll mean husband? She's a single mother!

Omg! What if Sehyun and Nahyun are their lovechild?? A good AU ya'll!

Don't spread her photo! Did you all ever thought why she never uploaded any pics of her? Delete this post right now!

Stress slowly crept over my body as I sat on the stool, still massaging my temples. First, Baekhyun commented on my photo of Sehyun and now a photo of myself spreading. Now there's huge ass chance that Baekhyun may find me and think that the twins are his, which is true. But what if his fans will hurt my babies if ever they find out the truth?

This time, I took a break from uploading something in instagram for days and focused on taking care of the babies. I still took videos and photos of them to keep the adorable things they did.

While I was washing the dishes, Sehyun and Nahyun were watching some kiddie videos to keep them behave while I do the chore. Halfway done through the work, my twins walked in the kitchen hand in hand.

I looked back at them before removing my gloves and crouching in front of their small figures. "What are you doing here, loves?"

"Eomma, where is appa?" Nahyun asked and Sehyun nodded.

"Hmm? Why looking for a papa you don't like eomma already?"

Se and Na spared each other a glance then turning their gaze at my face before shaking their heads. "We love you eomman. But baby shark has mama shark and papa shark. And we don't have appa."

I bit my lips, not knowing what to answer. "Uhm. Why don't we facetime grandma and grandpa so that you can sing the shark song to them?"

A grin broke out on their faces before running out of the kitchen. I followed behind them, holding back my tears. I've always thought that this time of their lives will come. They will ask for their father, but it was too soon that it broke my heart. They are so young to know the answer why and I'm still not ready to tell them.

As they happily sang in front of the camera, facetiming my parents. I was hiding behind a wall, silently crying at the thought of my babies asking me where their father is and me not knowing how to answer such question. I know they feel it, the longing feeling of a father's love.

Haeyoung always had Sehyun and Nahyun with her when I'm out at work. Today, before heading back home I decided to buy something for the twins and went straight to the supermarket after getting off.

Just like Baekhyun, which they probably inherited from, the babies also liked strawberries. Hurriedly, I looked for a bag of strawberries and luckily I found one last bag of it.

"Sehyun and Nahyun will surely love this." as I grabbed the bag, another hand grabbed the other side of it.

"Oh, sorry."

What the? That voice. That sweet honey voice which never failed to make my heart flutter. Even after years of not seeing each other, he still have that effect on me?

"M-maybe you can h-have it." I quickly turned to my back and was about to walk away but he was faster to grab my wrist.


"Please, you can have those just leave me alone." I tried to yank his hand off me but his grip just got tighter.

"No." Baekhyun sternly said and even tugged me closer towards him. He looks into my eyes, thinking of the next words to say but he was just as speechless as I am.

"Baekhyun, please. I don't have time."

"I-I'll buy you the strawberries. Just... Stay."

I heaved a sigh with my eyes closed. "I have lots of thing-"


When I heard that familiar cute screams of children, I quickly turned around and was greeted by Sehyun and Nahyun running towards my direction with Haeyoung following behind them, calling out their names.

With so much force, I sucessfully pulled my hand away from Baekhyun's grip and ran towards the twins. Then turning their backs and pushed them towards my approaching friend.

"Take them away!" I whispered harshly at Haeyoung and she rises a brow at me, confused. Se and Na were looking up at me innocently, knowing that they are fans of Baekhyun, I can't just say his name or they'll start searching the whole market. "The bacon! He's here!"

"What the f-" I quickly slapped her mouth before she could say the bad word. "You met?! He saw you?!"

Nodding agressively with my lips tight against each other. Haeyoung quickly took my crying twins with her and out of the market. Just in time, Baekhyun came running behind my back.

"Who are those?"

"Nothing, just a friend." I walked back to where the last bag of strawberries were but it's not there anymore. Now I feel more stressed than I already was.

"I got them." Baekhyun pushed his cart to where I was standing and showed me the bag of strawberries. "I'll let you have it. Only if you spare a little time to have word."

I rolled my eyes at him. "No thanks. You can have it."

"Y/n, you were the one who ended things with me. Why are you acting this way? Why are you treating me as if I'm the one who broke up with you?"

"None of your business." I tried to walk pass him but he had blocked the way using his own body.

"It does. I was hurt and up until now I still cry myself to sleep at the thought of not having you. We were doing fine, I assured you we will not get caught."

As I roamed my eyes around to avoid Baekhyun's. I could notice a bunch of people glancing towards our direction and murmuring to each other. Good thing, Baekhyun was wearing a mask and a cap that could serve as a disguise. I guess these people were being nosy because what Baekhyun said fits for a drama line and he's blocking the way.

After he paid for what he bought, I decided to spare him a little time just so I could have the strawberries. He had brought all his stuffs to his car except for the said fruit, he had the bag in his hands while we walked in the park we spotted nearby. He's still the same old childish Baekhyun who never gives up on what he wants from me and could do anything.

We were quietly walking until he finally decided to break the silence. "It's been what? Three years and 8 months since the last time we saw each other. I've been really counting the days since you left." he sighed, eyes staring straight ahead our way. "I've never stopped thinking about you."

"Baek-" sensing the annoyance in my voice, he cut me off.

"Treat me like shit, no strawberries."

I shut my eyes tight and exhaled a good amount of air to calm myself down before cracking a forced smile. "I've been fine. What about you? Your group has been inactive for the past months what are you up to?"

"Oh, of course you know about what my group is up to." he chuckled, a hint of redness spreading across his face as he continued. "I'm just staying at home watching these viral videos of adorable twins on instagram. They have been getting compared to me because they looked like me though."

It was as if a bucket of ice cold water was poured over my body as I paused on my spot.

"Their names remind me of us. Back then we'd plan our future children's name." he looks up to the clear blue sky, his eyes were soft and dreamy. I know he's looking back at those days we're still together. "If it's a boy is Sehyun and if it's a girl-"

He was interupted by a ring of my phone so I excused myself and answered.

"Y/n, the twins has been asking for you."

"Oh I totally forgot. Tell them I have their strawberries. I'll be home in a bit."

I ended the call and walked back to Baekhyun, holding out my palm. "I've spared you a little time. Now, the strawberries."

"Aww, already?"

I let out a loud breath that shows I'm already annoyed. "Fine, you don't want to give them. You can have it." I said before turning around, ready to walk away with my heart breaking because I don't have the kids' favorite.

"Wait! Give me your number and I'll give this to you."

I bit on my lip and groaned, facing Baekhyun once again to take his phone from his hand and type my number. Right after I gave his phone back he handed me the strawberries and I left, his eyes following my fading figure hugging the bag of strawberries.

Sehyun, Nahyun, you better love these I risked so much just to have them.


Ever since Baekhyun said he's watching the twins' videos on instagram, I never pressed that app again and let fans blame themselves, thinking it was the consequence of spreading my photo.

As much as I wanted to update and tell them I wasn't angry since every post that has my picture had been deleted. I could've done that. But I don't know why I feel like I should never use that app again.

And I found out why.

Baekhyun started following my instagram account and kept commenting under my posts about how he's enjoying the videos and asking if how are the twins since it's been a long time I uploaded at least a photo that shows they're doing fine.

In hopes for him to stop, I decided to update.

twin_hyunies hi! ^^ it's been awhile isn't it? I didn't mean to look angry at my recent inactivity, things are busier these pass few days. Those who were concerned, Sehyun and Nahyun are both healthy and happy with the love you all gave. Thank you! ❤️ #HyunTwinnies #Sehyun #Nahyun

Not even a minute or two after uploading the photo, Baekhyun had commented and followed by thousands of his fans.

baekhyunee_exo it's nice to know they are fine and healthy~~ I'll look up for more adorable videos from you two! ^^

I tried to ignore it and continued doing what I usually do everyday. As I do everything to distract myself I couldn't help but wonder, maybe he's watching the twins' videos because he can feel it. The fatherly instinct of recognizing his own children.


I quickly turned around to see Nahyun entering the kitchen where I'm currently cleaning, she's crying enough to turn slightly red. Panicking, I kneeled down in front of her and placed a hand on the both sides of her shoulder. "What's wrong, love?"

"Sehyun oppa." she wailed as a respond.

"Did you two fought?"

Nahyun shook her head and squeezed her eyes shut to let her tears fall. "Sehyun oppa is sick."

"What?!" I stood up, lifted my daughter into my arms and dashed all the way to their bedroom. I immediately found Sehyun laying down on his own bed, sweating and turning red.

On the way to the hospital, while driving my phone rang. I glanced at it on the seat beside me and saw it was a call from unknown number so ignored it, picking up the speed so we could reach the hospital as soon as possible.

Sehyun had to be admitted due to high fever so I sent Nahyun back home with Haeyoung. Every second, I couldn't stop worrying about my son that I stayed up just to make sure I get to hear every complain he has to say if ever he wakes up. While watching over Sehyun, I thought updating the fans about him.

twin_hyunies awhile ago, I updated that the twins are all healthy and fine but unexpectedly, our Sehyun caught a high fever ㅠㅠ #Sehyun #GetWellSoonSehyunie

A flood of prayers for Sehyun's recovery were coming one after another. And as expected, Baekhyun also commented under the photo.

baekhyunee_exo awww, hyung is also sick let's get better soon together Sehyunie ^^

While Sehyun is fast asleep, I got sleepy so I went out of the room quietly to get myself a cup of hot water for my coffee.

"Y/n, what are you doing here?" a man approached me as soon as I was out of Sehyun's room. "Are you sick?"

"No. And what are you doing here?" I raised a brow at Baekhyun.

"I'm sick and I went for a check up. Who's inside?" he tried to peek inside the room but I have blocked the small glass window to prevent him from seeing his son.

"Just a friend."

"Y/n, this is the children's section."

I blinked my eyes at him while thinking of what to say. "I was watching over my friend's kid. Don't tell me you went for a check up with a pediatrician that's why you're up here in the children's section?"

Baekhyun lets out a laugh. "I saw that this is where Sehyun got admitted. I wanted to give him a surprise visit. The mother once mentioned that the twins are a fan of mine."

With furrowed brows I quickly took my phone to check my latest instagram post and saw that I really had put the location of the hospital where Sehyun's currently admitted.

"I pressume the one you're watching over is asleep? Maybe we could talk inside?"

"No!" I placed a hand on his shoulders and turned him around, pushed him further away from Sehyun's room. "Go away Baekhyun."

"Y/n I just want to talk about taking you back!"

I heard a cry coming from Sehyun's room so I panicked. "Fuck it, Baekhyun! I'm going out to date you again just go!"

He grinned at me. "Really?"

"Go! Just go away for now!"

"Okay, that's a promise." he walks away, still facing me with a huge smile on his face. "Oh, and answer my call!"

"Just go!" I gesture for him to go away and ran back inside Sehyun's room once I'm sure he had left.

Few days after staying in the hospital, Sehyun got discharged and was excited to go home. He pulled me with him as we exited the hospital.


I hummed and took him into my arms, then pecking his cheek. "Does my baby boy wanted something?"

"Nahyunie! Thwabewwies!"

"Ah, you wanted to give Nahyunie some strawberries?" he nodded and I kissed his cheek one last time before we headed to the car.

We went to the supermarket to buy the strawberries Sehyun wanted while he was on the baby seat of the cart.

"Thwabewwies!" Sehyun cheerfully said as he pointed to the said fruit after spotting it.

"Very good, Sehyunie." I took a bag and scrunched my face before bringing the tip of my nose against Sehyun's small one and then rubbing them together.

After paying, we left, happily skipping our way out of the supermarket. Missing the chance to notice someone who had been frozen on his spot while his eyes stilled on our disappearing figures.

Sehyun had fallen asleep halfway through travelling and the moment we reached home, I carried him all the way to the bedroom where I found Nahyun also sleeping. I placed Sehyun on his bed and kissed the twins before stepping out of their bedroom.

I thanked Haeyoung before she left to go home after baby sitting Nahyun for few days while Sehyun was in the hospital. The surrounding is clear now so I decided to do little chores when I heard a knock on the door.

The moment I opened it, Baekhyun came into the view. His eyes were serious and he was slightly panting.

"Baekhyun? How did you-"

"They are mine, aren't they?" he says, stepping inside the house without my permission.

"What are you talking about?"

"Sehyun and Nahyun! They were my babies!" his voice started to raise as he raked a hand on his hair to push them back. "What the fuck, Y/n! You've been keeping them from me?!"

"Lower down your voice!"

"No! I deserve an explanation to everything! Is this why you left? Is this why you broke up with me?! Tell me! Tell me everything!"

Tears started flowing out from my eyes. "I was scared it would ruin your dream! I... I've always seen how much you wanted to be an idol and how your eyes would sparkle while talking about becoming one. I didn't want us to be the one stopping you to achieve what you really wanted in life!" then I sobbed. "I just love you so much, I want you to shine and have everything you wanted even if it means I'll be in pain." my voice had turned soft.

"Y/n, being an idol isn't my greatest dream. It's you. It's always been you." he stepped closer and slowly sneaked his arms around my body to embrace me. "My greatest dream had always been marrying you, have children with you, just be with you for the rest of my life. You are my dream itself, Y/n."

I cried against his chest, staining his shirt with my tears. "It was so hard." I managed to say in between my sobs.

"I know." Baekhyun whispered, then I felt his lips on the crown of my head. "I'm so sorry, for all the pain you went through raising them alone while I lived with comfort and happiness."

"I'm sorry for keeping them from you too. We promised each other to watch over our future children together." I tilted my head up to look into his eyes. "What are we going to do now?"

"Where are they?"

I led him all the way to the twins' room, hand in hand. Even before I could open the door, Baekhyun already had teary eyes while pressing his lips together to stop himself from sobbing.

"They've got my visuals." he managed joke while chocking back his sobs right after I opened the door and our sleeping babies appeared into our sights.

I let him step inside first, trying not to make a sound as he cried. He looks back at me with a smile. "They're my babies. I... We actually had children."

"We did."

He approached Sehyun's bed first, observed him for few seconds before he leaned down to press a kiss on his forehead, making him stir and eventually woke him up.

"Hey, Sehyunie." he whispered ever so softly and lifted him up into his arms. "It's me, appa."

Sehyun curiously turned to look at me with those sleepy eyes and I nodded at him, then gesturing to go and give his father a hug.

"Appa?" he questioned sleepily and then leaning his chin on Baekhyun's shoulder and wrapping his tiny arms around his neck. "Paekhyun is not hyung?"

Baekhyun giggled at the way his son pronounced his name. "You think I'm a hyung?"

It was Sehyun's turn to giggle. "I like EXO and Nahyunie too. We like Paekhyun hyung."

"Sehyunie, Baekhyun is your appa."

His sleepy eyes turned excited as he glanced at his younger sister. "Nahyunie!! We have appa now!"

Nahyun stirred while groaning, making Baekhyun chortle at his daughter. Without putting Sehyun down, he gave her a kiss on her forehead, finally waking Nahyun up.

"Hey, sweetheart."

Nahyun reached her arms out and without hesitation, Baekhyun took her into his arms. Now he had both of his babies close to him.

"Y/n-ah. I don't know what to say." his voice cracked and a bead of tear escaped his eyes when the twins leaned their chin on their perspective side of Baekhyun's shoulders.

"You look good with them, Baekhyunie." I walked up to him and ruffled his hair. My hand then went down to wipe his tears away.

"Baekhyunie?" asked Nahyun and before leaning away to look at her father's face. She gasped seeing a smiling Baekhyun. "Eomma!" she called out to me with a surprised reaction.

"He's your appa."

She lets out another cute gasp and returned her gaze to Baekhyun. "Appa?"

"Yes, sweetheart?"

Nahyun squealed and slumped her head on Baekhyun's shoulder, tightening her arms around his neck.

It was indeed heart-melting, just as what I've imagine it would be. The sight of Baekhyun playing together with the twins made me teary as I watch them from the kitchen while they were all loud in the living room. I can't believe this is the view I avoided to see for years now, all because I didn't know what dream Baekhyun really had. Suddenly, all those pain and time I felt so tired and lonely years ago, were all worth it. The twins' eyes were sparkling, just like how they were every time they watch Baekhyun from the screen of my phone. Seeing them like that has never been so satisfying.

Sehyun and Nahyun started playing on their own, leaving Baekhyun behind so he left them and walks up to me. Even when we knew each other for years now, since we've been apart, it feels like I just met him that my heart started beating abnormally. I'm kinda panicking, thinking of words to say once he reaches where I'm currently standing to watch them.

I was the first one to speak. "So? What are going to do now?" he stares at me a little confused. "I mean, you're an idol. What are your fans going to say that you have children literally even before you debuted."

He hums. "I'm gonna tell them."

My eyes bulged. "What?! They're going to kill us all!"

"Calm down and let me finish." he chukcles as he placed both of his hands on my shoulder. "I'll tell them that I do have babies but I won't tell them who are they."

I heaved out and pressed a palm on my chest. "You gave me a heart attack."

"Y/n-ah." Baekhyun steps closer to me, shyly. His hands were shaky as they slowly made their way to my hips and then tugging me closer to him. "Can we... Start over? I mean- you know? Let's date again before we get married I feel like I've never been a good boyfriend to you back then because you really did everything just so I could reach my dream of being an idol and I-" he started talking without pausing so I cut him off by pressing my lips against his.

Once I pulled away, a shy smile instantly takes over his lips before one of his hands disappeared from my hips and going up to my jaw. Baekhyun leans in and captures my lips for a sweet kiss.

But few seconds after we had to part because of the cute giggles we heard followed by a sound of camera capturing a photo.

"Yah!" Baekhyun screams and runs after the twins who were taking a selca with us behind them kissing. Those dorks! They're so like their father.

Baekhyun managed to catch both of his babies in the living room and they all couldn't stop giggling. Sehyun showed the photo he and Nahyun took and then handed the phone to Baekhyun, he then laughed loudly.

"Y/n, look!" he showed me the photo, making me giggle at the twin's funny faces. Baekhyun takes a good look and seems like he noticed something wrong when his smile slowly disappeared and his eyes widening, lips parting.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He blinks his eyes. "Sehyun... Uploaded the photo on my instagram."

Well, shit.


That's it! That's the ending 😌 there's no part 2 for this one LMAO.

I have been so inactive and quiet, right?? So I'm leaving another long ass shot. Ya'll must've been waiting (or nah) I'm sorry about that. I'm trying to be productive so I could write a lot of chapters for CIU! and so I could finish Stages and more one shots for this one hahahshshs. There were lots of comments from baby Strawberries but I wasn't able to reply to all of it! Sorry my baby Strawberries!!? 😭🍓

And... The other k-drama inspired I mentioned before... Is sadly discontinued as a one-shot. So it will be a new book since it's too long to be a one-shot. Lol. (The spoiler was on my twitter hahshdhd) it's going to a short story (and kinda sad).

I loooooove spoiling when I'm excited about something eeeh 😬 I don't know why too. Anyway! Stay safe and healthy Strawberries!!


