In love


"OMG! Guys I think I found the love of my life!"

I jolted up from the couch when Chanyeol suddenly appeared from the front door, screaming and skipping his way in like a kid.

"I'm in love." he told Sehun, who's quietly sitting on the chair. Too busy on his phone to give a damn at Chanyeol.

"To who though?" I asked, he turned to me and when I told you he looked like intoxicated with some kind of love potion, I wasn't lying.

"I don't know. I just saw her in the vet where I took Toben. And she kinda smiled at me and our dogs played and she knew me! I think she's an EXO-L."

I laughed at the way he answered me. It's so rare to see Chanyeol in love with a girl since he always love making music and doing the things he like.

I felt my phone vibrated so I hurriedly fished it out from my pocket and saw that I received a message.

My baby girl:
Mongryong is fine. Just got home from the vet.

Thank you and I'm sorry if I can't go with you. The boys are being cautious with going out.

My baby girl:
It's fine, Baek. I love you.

I love you too.

I lifted my gaze up to the door when another person entered. It was Kai, looking dazed and out of his mind.

"What happened to you?"

"I am shot." he replied shortly, a hand coming up to his chest to clutch the fabric covering it. He's what?!

"What?!" Suho yelled as he ran towards Kai to check on him. We all went to Kai and surrounded him with worried expression etched on our faces.

"It's a love shot." he softly said, falling into his knees.

"Aigoo!" Kyungsoo smacked his head. We thought he was shot with a gun to act like that suddenly.

"No! You guys don't understand! It's a love shot! I was shot! Now I think I'm in love with her." Kai spoke like he's about to cry while pointing a finger on his chest.

"To who?"

"I don't know. But I just saw her at my sister's cafe. She is so beautiful and so kind and I think I have fallen in love." he sighed like any in love person would do.

"Me too! I found someone today but I don't know her too! And I'm in love!"

Chanyeol and Kai hugged each other as they jumped up and down while squealing like high school girls seeing their crushes. What the heck? I'm in love too but I'm not acting like them?

"Let's try to find our girls on instagram!"

"Race you!"

They both ran towards their own room and we all flinched when the door shut so loud.

"Kids." Xiumin hyung commented before going back to vacuuming the living room. He talks as if he didn't loudly announced yesterday that he's in love with a girl too?

I went inside my room and lay down on my bed to see if Y/n sent any messages.

Y/n and I have been dating and no one knows about it, not even my bestfriend Chanyeol. The boys are being cautious about dating so I had to hide our relationship. It hasn't been so long since Kai's last dating scandal and we're not having any of it, we don't like seeing some of our EXO-Ls sad anymore.


"What the- Kyungsoo you scared me!"

Kyungsoo laughed at my reaction as he slowly went inside my room with his phone in his hands. "How do instagram works?"

I raised a brow at him. He's doing instagram? "Come, let me teach you."

I taught Kyungsoo how to use instagram. How to post photos, direct message, follow and so much stuff on instagram. He also said he wanted his account to be private and keep it to himself for the mean time and will only reveal it if he's confident enough.

"Why did you decided to do instagram suddenly?"

Kyungsoo smiled while looking down at his phone. The same smile Kai and Chanyeol had when they announced that they're in love. Don't tell me he's in love too?

"I saw a girl at the market last week and she's scrolling through her instagram after helping me and I didn't catch her username so I'll look for her manually instead." then he looked up to me with his eyes sparkling. "I think I'm in love."

"Why are you all so suddenly in love?!"

Kyungsoo didn't answer, instead, he just walked out of my room quietly.

The members are suddenly so in love. Today, it was Chanyeol, Kai and Kyungsoo. Yesterday it was Suho, Xiumin, Chen and Sehun. What's waiting for me tomorrow? Lay proudly screaming he's in love too? And the former members calling me only to tell me they are in love too? Hell no.

This can't be! I should be in love too!

I called Y/n's number and it rang for few times before she picked up. "Hello, Baekhyungie."

"Baby, can you please bring Mongryong instead? I kinda miss him. And of course I miss you the most."

"What about the boys? What should I tell them?"

"Uhm... You're a good friend of my brother's wife?"

"You're so clever. Okay, I'll be there."

I went outside my room and saw all of them on their phones, looking so serious as if their lives depends on what they are doing there.

"What are you all playing?" I asked as I walked down the stairs and went into the living room where all of them are scattered.

"The game of love." I rolled my eyes at Sehun's answer. "We are looking for the mysterious girls that caught our hearts, on instagram."

"Yeah, I just noticed that all of us didn't get to catch their names." Suho hyung said, eyes remaining on his phone screen. "So we're racing to who gets to know his mysterious girl first."

I'm not having any of this anymore! It's so sickening to see them like this!

"OH MY GOSH! I FOUND HER!" Chanyeol screamed as he dashed out from the kitchen. All of them started to crowd Chanyeol, trying to see if he's telling the truth.

I was about to join them when i heard the doorbell. "I'll be taking it." I told them so they continued fussing over Chanyeol.

I heard they all got suddenly so quiet before I opened the door, only to see the love of my life smiling up to me. I automatically smiled at the sight, how I miss my baby girl so much.

"Hello, I came here to drop Mongryong." she winked at me secretly that made me giggle. I suddenly felt the urge to hug and shower her with lots of kisses.

"Guys, she is a good friend of my brother's wife. She came to drop Mongryong from the vet." I introduced Y/n and turned to look at the boys. They were all frozen, eyes on Chanyeol's phone before it slowly went up to meet Y/n's face.

"Love of my life."

We all turned to look at Chanyeol when he said those. My brows furrowed at his statement and my gaze followed his slow steps towards my girlfriend.

Chanyeol took her hands in him. "You remember me right? From the vet earlier?"

"Y-yes, I do."

My girlfriend... She is the one Chanyeol meant he's in love with?!

"I'm in love with you." he said much to my surprise. My eyes widened at him as my brain tried to process what he said. Did I heard him wrong?

"No!" Kyungsoo smacked Chanyeol away and snatched Y/n's hand. "I... Saw you at the market the other day. Y-you helped me, you remember?"

"Of course." she beamed at him. Wait, that smile is only exclusively for me!

"Oh my heart!" Kyungsoo exclaimed and clutched his chest. "Well I think I fell in love with you that day."

"She's mine! I am the first one to tell you all I'm inlove!" Suho interupted and pushed Kyungsoo away.

Kai pushed Suho away before he could speak more. "You are the girl in my sister's cafe earlier-"

"Get off!" Sehun pulled Kai away and stood firmly in front of her. "We met just yesterday when-"

"I'm sure you all don't have the courage to flirt! She's mine!"

"No! I'm in love with her!"

"Shut up! She's going to be mine."

"She's the love of my life!"

"I met her first!"

Did... My brothers just fell in love with the same girl? And that 'mysterious girls' they are looking for is only one girl and that girl happened to be my girlfriend?!

They kept arguing, screaming and smacking each other that made my blood boil at the thought that they have fallen in love with my girlfriend. That's it!


All of them froze on their places, hands on each other's hair or any parts of the body. They blinked at me like it's the first time I yelled at them to get their attention.

"How dare you all fall in love with my girlfriend?!"

They gasped in surprise as they let each other go.

"What?" Suho hyung was the first one to recover from the shock.

"She is my girlfriend! I've been dating her for the past few months but I don't want to tell you guys because Suho said we're not allowed to date yet!"

Y/n hurriedly went to me and held my arm, stroking it gently to calm me down.

The boys looked at each other, confused of the current situation.

"Why did you date the girl we fell in love with?" Chen commented, earning a hit from Xiumin hyung. "Sorry."

"We're so sorry!" Suho hyung apologized and bowed, followed by the rest. "We didn't know you're dating Baekhyun."

Y/n giggled so sweetly before bowing back humbly. "No, it's fine. It's Baekhyun's fault anyway. He decided to keep it from you guys."

"You should have told us sooner, Baek. I didn't say we're not allowed to date. What I meant is that we shouldn't be caught, I told everyone that we'll help each other out that's why you should tell."

"I'm sorry."

"Well, since it's getting dark, how about you have dinner with us?" Kyungsoo said and we all nodded to encourage her. "You know? To get to know you better and to apologize for being so... Chaotic?"

"I'd love to."

"Would you like to see Baekhyun's room, it's upstairs."

"Yes, please."

I was about to lead her but Suho stopped me and whispered. "Let Chanyeol lead her. We have to talk."

Y/n looked at me before I nodded at her so she happily followed Chanyeol upstairs. Moments later, Chanyeol returned.

"We felt like you don't feel the same for us." Kai initiated and they all agreed. "Like we've got the feeling that you're a little bit mad or what. I mean, you yelled at us angrily that is so not you so maybe you're going to be mad about this forever?"

"We just wanted to say sorry. Please let this slide. We are not that serious anyways. Maybe we just got enchanted a little bit but it's nothing serious." Sehun explained.

"What are you talking about? Of course I still feel the same way for all of you." I smiled at them. These idiots. How could I not love them all?

"Even if we shoved it down on your face that we fell in love with your girlfriend?"

"We all fall inlove."

"Aw, thank you." they squished me into a hug.

They let me go and I hurriedly ran up to my room. When I entered, Y/n was laying down my bed and quietly staring up at the ceiling.

"What did you talked about?" Y/n asked as I approached her. I laid beside her and snuggled with her.

"They just apologized. And I happily accepted it. It's not that serious and I know that it's not their fault to fall in love so easily, it has been so long since they dated and considering that they have set their eyes on the most adorable girl ever." I wiggled my brows at ther suggestively.

"Don't say that." she shyly said, covering her face using her hands so I won't see her blushing.

I grabbed her wrists gently, pulling them down to show me her face. "It's true though. One of the reasons why I love you so much." I leaned in and captured her lips for a sweet kiss.

I think I'm in love with Y/n. I always am. But every time I see her it's just like I fell in love for the first time. No wonder why the boys feels the same when they saw her. She's just that charming.


#5YearsWithEXOL #엑소엘_5살_축하해! 🍓

It has been 5 years since EXO gave us the name EXO-L 😭

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! MY CO-EXO-Ls and Strawberries! Let's be with EXO until we're adult-Ls hahaha! We are still baby-Ls since we are still 5 years old.

Like Baekhyun's mental age.

And probably EXO's visual age.

By the way, I'm going to be a college student! I think I'm growing up now ㅠㅠ

And I just wanted to tell you all that I love you and every comments you guys give on this book is making my heart flutter that I couldn't reply because of too much happiness hehehe.

Even thought I'm finally a college student. I'm never leaving you guys! I'm pretty good at balancing my studies and fangirling and writting so I think it won't be that hard.

Happy 5th birthday EXO-Ls! 💖


