
This is the second part of "Left"


Soft lullabies played as I cleaned the living room. The white-colored curtains danced with the air, showing me the beautiful blooming flowers outside. It's such a lovely day today.

I was just admiring the beautiful scenery outside when I suddenly heard my little one's cry. I hurriedly went to the bedroom, took my 9 month old baby out of his crib and cradled him in my arms. Baeksoo went quiet as he looked up to me and smiled. Oh, how I love that smile that he got from his father.

I heard my phone rang so I went back to the living room where I left it, with Baeksoo still in my arms. I immediately answered the call upon seeing Suho's name.


"Today's the day Baekhyun will be discharged from the military."

My felt my heart leapt because of what I heard. I must've forgotten about it since my mind has been occupied by Baeksoo. I started tearing up when I heard the others cheering at the background. Even Baeksoo was happy hearing what his uncle Suho said as he keep giggling.

"I should surprise him."

"Yeah! Baeksoo is already a big surprise for him." I heard Xiumin suggested.

"Help me."

All the boys agreed before I hung up. I was so excited that I showered Baeksoo some kisses all over his face and then dance him all the way to the bathroom so I could shower him. He must smell great because today is a special day for him.

After showering, I dressed Baeksoo up and he went back to sleeping so I showered too. Just in time after I'm done changing, the boys came with some decorations. They are just as excited as I do.

"Where is my favorite baby boy?" Kyungsoo asked upon his entrance. I hugged him before he walked in. How could Baeksoo not be his favorite baby boy when he's named after him? I decided to give our son the name 'Baeksoo' because Kyungsoo took care of me all the time while Baekhyun is not around.

"He's asleep, he should have a lot of energy when Baek's here."

"Good, becuase we have to go buy some ingredients for the foods." Kyungsoo showed my a list of ingredients that we have to buy. "Xiumin hyung's here so you know you don't have to worry about Baeksoo."


Kyungsoo drove my car all the way to the mall so we could buy the ingredients and some stuffs needed for the surprise. Kyungsoo was the one who bought the ingredients while I am the one who bought the decorations and followed Kyungsoo to the grocery shortly after buying what we needed.

"What do you think about his reaction to Baeksoo?" Kyungsoo asked as we waited in the line. "And considering the name you gave him which is our ship name." the he giggled.

"I don't know. Maybe he wouldn't be so shock since he planned on getting me pregnant even before leaving for military." I blushed as I looked back to when we made love the last time and how he apologized to me. "He thinks your ship name was cute back when he sucked your forehead on that one event, so maybe it's fine for him to have Baeksoo as our first child's name."

"Damn Baekhyun, he left a mark on my forehead that day." I laughed at Kyungsoo's disgusting reaction as he touched his forehead.

"You think he's gonna like Baeksoo?" I started to worry, what if he doesn't want Baeksoo? I know he must have seen him coming, but we were apart for 18 months, he must have wanted to spend time with me first to fill the days he's not around.

"He's gonna love him."

We went back home and prepared anything. I helped Kyungsoo cooking the foods while the rest of the boys decorated the living room and Xiumin and Suho took care of Baeksoo who's having fun watching his uncles make mess and play around. He can't stop giggling at his uncles' epic screams when a decoration went wrong.

"Hey, it's almost time!" Kai squealed excitedly and snatched Baeksoo from Suho's hands as he ran all the way to the kitchen to see the foods.

"I reckon his time of arrival here is twenty minutes from now." Sehun followed Kai to the kitchen with Baeksoo's squirrel onesie in his hands. "Jongin! Hand me Baeksoo so I could put this on."

"Okay, on your places!" Suho clapped his hand to get our attention. "Baekhyun's going to be here soon."

After putting the squirrel onesie, Kyungsoo grabbed Baeksoo from Sehun and hurriedly hid inside our bedroom. All the members lined up on the living room with me in the middle of them, holding a cake. Luhan turned the lights off and stayed near the switch so when the moment Baekhyun would open the door he could turn the lights on easlily. Kris and Lay are standing near the door with a party popper in their hands.

We were chatting about something and we're starting to be chaotic when the door knob suddenly jiggled. We panicked quietly and quickly fixed ourselves back to our places earlier.

"I wonder what my love is doing."

My heart started to beat really painful against my chest, it's like it wanted to explode. After 18 months of being apart, I'm finally seeing him again.

The door opened and he walked in. "Y/n! I'm ba-"

Luhan turned the lights on, revealing us all and Kris and Lay popped the party poppers before Baekhyun could finish his sentence. "Welcome back, Baek!" we all screamed in unison. He looked so surprised and I couldn't help but think of how manly Baekhyun is in his military uniform.

"Wow! Thank you guys." he commented as we surround him. I walked up to him with a cake in my hand. "Oh my gosh! I miss you so much." Baekhyun's eyes went teary when he saw me up close.

"Not to ruin your dramatic expression, but please slice the cake." Sehun handed him a knife and I raised the cake for him. He sliced the cake down and we all laughed at him as it curve.

Xiumin took the cake from me so I immediately hugged Baekhyun really tight, burying my face on the crook of his neck and cried there. "I miss you so much." I let out a soft sob before I felt his hands running up and down on my back. His touch never change although his face kinda look different because of his bald hair but he's still my Baekhyun.

"I'm sorry if I left without a notice, I'm never doing it again." he brushed his thumb on my cheek to wipe the tears away. "I miss you so much and I won't be tired of telling you that."

I sniffed before pushing myself away from him gently. "There is something you need to see."

I turned around to look at the stairs that leads to the floor of our room, and just in time, Kyungsoo walked down with Baeksoo smiling at Baekhyun in his arms.

Everyone went quiet and only Kyungsoo's steps could be heard as he walked towards us. I took Baeksoo from him and stared at Baekhyun who's frozen on his place and mouth agape.

"This is Baeksoo." I murmured, snapping him out of his trance.

"Soo?" his brows furrowed as he examined Baeksoo's face, innocently smiling at him. "You had a child with Kyungsoo?!"

"Baekhyun, no-"

"How could you, Y/n?! How could you do this to me when all I think about is you whi-"

"Aigoo!" Kris smacked his head, who he never notice was standing behind him all the time. "You're so dramatic, look at him!" he pointed at Baeksoo.

"Isn't his eyes look familiar?" Luhan said.

"His very chubby cheeks?" Suho added.

"His name is Baek Soo, by the way." Sehun commented, emphasising the word 'Baek'.

Baekhyun's eyes squinted at Baeksoo who's holding out his arms to his father. He scanned his features for awhile before realization knocked him on the head, eyes widening at the sight of our son.

"He's my son?"

I nodded quietly as a reply. Then suddenly, tears started pooling out from his eyes.

Baekhyun choked a sob before he held his arms out to Baeksoo. "Baeksoo, my baby." he called out and I happily handed him our son.

"He looks like me when I was little." he held Baeksoo up that made our little one giggle.

"Of course he would, he's your son." Lay commented.

"Give me my boy." Kyungsoo snatched Baeksoo from Baekhyun and hurriedly ran towards the kitchen before he could react.

"But why did you name him Baeksoo?" Baekhyun asked. I laughed at his fake disgusted expression before hovering my palm on his bald hair to tickle myself.

"Because Kyungsoo is the one who stood up as Baeksoo's father while you're away." my hand went down to press his cheeks together. "Besides, you said your shipname 'Baeksoo' was cute when you sucked his forehead."

"It was a kiss."

"That's not how you kiss."

"Whatever, I miss you so much but I'm gonna need my baby boy." he pecked me before walking pass to follow Kyungsoo to the kitchen.

"Give me back my baby Kyungsoo!"


I followed behind Baekhyun and saw the boys eating, well except for Kyungsoo, Kai, Sehun and Baekhyun. Baekhyun was trying to get Baeksoo but the boys didn't want to so they pass Baeksoo to one another and run away from Baekhyun if they need to.

"Okay, stop it now." I told them and Kai unwillingly handed me my baby. "Eat well, boys." I exited the dining room with Baekhyun following until we reach the balcony of our house.

"I still can't believe we have a son. I'm sorry for leaving without a notice, if I had known, I wouldn't volunteer and took care of you instead."

"Appa~" Baeksoo murmured cutely, holding his arms out to Baekhyun and he gladly took our son in his arms.

"How could I leave such handsome boy?" he started tearing up again. I smiled at his reaction before pressing his nose like it was some kind of soft button. "I'm really sorry if I left so suddenly, baby."

"It's fine now, Baek. The most important thing right now is that you're back." I tip-toed to reach him and gave him a quick kiss on his lips and then I kissed Baeksoo too.

"Since I have served the country, my new duty is to take care of my family. Let's start with planning our wedding." his other hand went down to hold mine while the other one keeps Baeksoo close to him. This is the sight I have been waiting for.

Now that Baekhyun is back, I know my life will be the happiest forever.


Waaah! Happy 1k reads for this book! ^^

It took a month and 6 days to achieve it and it's the fastest! Thank you very much~ 💖

Hope you'd still like the upcoming imagines. I've been losing my confidence :< give me some love!

Also, let's talk about City Lights ✨

All of the songs are my favorite! I can't choose! ><


