
Today, Baekhyun revealed his youtube channel. Which was so unexpected because he never told me he's actually revealing it today! I never even knew he made the channel six days ago.

I immediately subscribed to his channel after waking up from my afternoon nap. Then I went back to sleep because of tiredness looking for a job that happened earlier this morning.

I woke up around 8 in the evening. I forgot that Baekhyun has PUBG broadcast tonight so I quickly went to watch it. I missed the first part where he ate a cake and introducing his channel. Heck I do missed a lot as I just knew he uploaded his first video.

I watched him play using my phone and watched his video using his laptop. He was so cute on his vlog with a questionable long title. I was actually there when he was walking all the way to the cafe. I didn't know that he started filming for his vlog good thing his friend did his best so that I wouldn't have to appear even the slightest.

Leaving my phone streaming for his live broadcast and letting his voice resound everywhere, I decided to make dinner before he reaches home so after he eats, we'll just have to cuddle at bed and talk about his day until we fell asleep.

After cooking, I went back to the living room where I left my phone and the live broadcast has just ended. It's fine by me to miss some parts of his live since I get to see him play everyday, or we both play the game.

He look so cute on his first vlog so I thought of watching it for like 3 times and took some screenshots of his cute face before I went to twitter for the parts I missed during the live broadcast.

I was just happily scrolling after reading some of their thoughts about Baekhyun's channel and first vlog. Until one tweet caught my eye.

Baekhyun driving on his vlog and also 'her'... Dispatch where ya'll at?

I do hope Baekhyun does the 24 hour dating challenge with 'her' for his video on his channel.

I know I shouldn't be jealous of their "ships" because clearly, I am Baekhyun's girlfriend. Case closed.

But the feeling of insecurity has been filling me up. What do I have compared to the girl he's being shipped at? I am just a fan and hidden from anyone because I will most likely to ruin his career. He has been hiding me since 2 years now and it wasn't easy. While she has everything and and even him... Back then.

Now my heart feels heavy. Great.

I saw my phone notified me that Baekhyun went live on instagram. I suddenly felt alive and went to watch it. He sure is feeding us a lot of Kyoong content in just one day.

He is on the way home. How I wish to just cuddle him like right now and hear his plans for our future.

There are times he would just go quiet so I thought of reading the comments. And then I saw her name being mentioned and paired with him and something like collaboration for vlog with her or that stupid 24 hours dating challenge.

That's it! I'm marrying Chanyeol!

I exited IG and went to twitter again to see the parts I missed during the PUBG broadcast.

And then another ship they say.

Baekhyun's translator mock him when he was speaking with ice in his mouth. Lmao they are a cutie.

I even saw a video of him getting mocked by his translator by imitatimg the way he spoke with ice inside his mouth.

I know it's just me but I find Baekhyun and his translator cute. I kinda ship them now.

I searched for Baekhyun and translator. I know I looked insane but I just wanted to know what some fans made them ship them.

There are a lot of contents.

Such as this cheesy line of his as a punishment. Where he even told the translator to say "Why" when he asked "Aren't you tired?" he could have just asked the fans to comment "Why" because it was for them anyways! And then he answered "Because you kept on running in my head." ew.

That is the last straw! I'm marrying Chanyeol for real!

"What you looking at?"

"Oh my Park Chanyeol!" I screamed a wrong name for a reaction when I suddenly heard someone talked behind me.

My eyes widened when I saw him peeking to what I was up to twitter. When did he came and why didn't I notice he entered?

"B-Baek, you're here." I stood up and left my phone on the couch before I went to greet him with a hug. I don't know why I suddenly felt like I don't want to kiss him yet and I'm kinda down.

"Were you thinking of Chanyeol? You said his name instead of mine."

"Kind of." he was about to lean in for a kiss but I walk pass him and went to the kitchen, leaving him with his lips puckered.

I prepared the plates and the utensils and waited for Baekhyun to come to the dining, but still no sign of him for 5 minutes. So I called him out to eat. He came with an unreadable expression on his face.

Dinner went quiet and awkward. I didn't know we could be like this when most of the time we're both loud, laughing or talking at times like this. Was it perhaps because I refused to kiss him?

I was washing the dishes after we ate. Baekhyun went back to the living room to... I don't know, maybe chat with her or have a conversation with his translator?

Ugh! Why do I keep on thinking about those stupid ships? I used to ship him with Chanyeol but I wasn't this sulky.

"So what do you think of my first vlog?" Baekhyun suddenly asked, leaning against the doorway of our kitchen.

I still refused to meet Baekhyun's eyes and continued to do my work as I answered. "Good."

"Okay." and then he left the kitchen.


He was on the couch when I exited the kitchen after cleaning it. Baekhyun's eyes were following every move I make that made me feel uncomfortable but I still refuse to ask him. I know it's not his fault that his fans still ship him to her and to his translator. He's just so friendly that fans seem to see every interactions happening between him and girls as his move. Because they thought he was not dating anybody else.

"You aren't sleeping?" I asked him nonchalantly. Finally looking at him.

"You know you shouldn't be like this when I'm being paired at someone else, right?" he walked up to me with my phone in his hands.

"What are you talking about?"

"You think I don't know? The way you sulk after searching something funny on twitter." he showed me my phone screen and I saw what I searched earlier.

"It's just that... I know I shouldn't be reacting like this but I don't know, I have been very sensitive these days. Don't mind me hm? I'm sorry." I hugged him.

"Should I tell them to stop shipping me to anybody else?"

I pushed him in shock.

"What? No! I'm fine with this Baek."

He turned me around and back hugged me before handing me his phone. "Too late. Read this, it's my statement to post. For them to stop shipping me to her or even to my translator. I need proofreading before posting it so please read loudly."

Baekhyun lets me go and went back to the living room and I remained standing in front of the stairs. I looked at his statement before giving it a read.

"Hi, I'm Baekhyun." I read loudly and then clearing my throat. "I posted this to personally ask my pretty Eris regarding some ships that seems so funny. Clearly, I am not saying this for my sake but for someone who look so cute when she sulks because I was being shipped to some other girls." I rolled my eyes at the first paragraph of his statement. This shouldn't be posted seriously.

"I have been happily in a relationship with my number one fan since two years ago. She's my world and I love her so much. She had been very sulky every time I get shipped to some girls and she became so cute when she sulk. But knowing that the reason behind her cute sulking face is making her feel down, I just wanted to tell you guys that It would be great if you stop associating me to the past relationship I had nor make it a big deal when I interact with other female. Because my baby girl isn't going to like it and I don't want her to doubt our relationship. I want her to know that she's the only girl I love because I'm actually marrying her?" the last sentence got my cheeks burning and my heart almost exploded. What kind of statement is this?

"Baek! What kind of-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence because as soon as I turned around, I saw Baekhyun kneeling down with his hands on the air. There, he was holding an opened box and a shining ring greeting me.

"What are you doing?" I laughed a bit as I felt my tears streaming down my cheeks.

"I want you to know that no matter how many girls are being shipped with me. I still come home to your arms and cuddle with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So please don't sulk when I'm being shipped at."

I can't promise to not sulk, but I'll try. I just have to remember that what do those girls have when I have Baekhyun himself and I'm going to marry him.

"Marry me?"

I nodded as an answer to his question. I still can't stop my tears from falling because of my sensitivity. Baekhyun took my hand and slid the ring before he kissed it and stood up to wipe my tears away. He then gave me a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Stop crying. Even though you still look beautiful when you cry."

"I have been very sensitive lately that's why. I wasn't planning on telling you this until Suho's birthday but since you have asked me to marry you. Maybe you should know." I took a deep breath before I looked up to stare directly at his eyes. "I'm three weeks in."

His smile dissipated as he tried to process my words. When he realized what I told him, a smile slowly crept on his lips.


I nodded.

"Oh my gosh!" Baekhyun screamed and pulled his own hair as he tried to calm down. I laughed at his reaction.

"Then why the heck did you tire yourself to look for a job? You should've rested!" he was trying to scold me but he couldn't keep his smile so he eventually failed. "I'm taking care of you from now on. Don't stress yourself to whatever. Okay?" I gave him a kiss as a reply.

"Come, let's get you cuddled." I almost screamed when he lifted me up and carried me all the way to our room.

Baekhyun gently put me down on our bed and then he laid beside me and place his arms around me protectively, then he snaked his hand to caress my tummy.

"I should post that statement. I can't hide you forever. Especially that I want to take our baby out on a tour and include him or her in my vlogs."

"Don't you even dare. I cringed after reading it."

"Aww, but I like it."


Baekhyunee is set to debut with 'City Lights' this July 10 and I'm inlove with him even more!!

I can't wait ㅠㅠ

