

"Hey pig! Your name shouldn't be Baekhyun but it should be pig! Because you're fat!"

I started to ran away from my bullies when I heard their voices. But since him horizontally-challenged, I couldn't run any faster so they caught me. They surrounded me with devilish smile on their faces.

"You should go on a diet." one of them walked up to me and made me face him by grabbing my chin and pull my face up.

"Go carry this! So that it will lessen your fats." his accomplice threw their books at me. I groaned in pain when I got hit by those books thrown at me.

"What are you doing to him?!"

We all heard a voice of a girl. I slowly turned around and saw a little girl glaring at my bullies. Her hands were shaking but she tried to keep her composure and that brave look on her eyes.

"Oh? A little girl as your saviour? How brave." they diverted their attention to the little girl and I tried my best to stop them from heading towards her not until I got kicked on my stomach and ended up on the ground.

"Leave him alone." she told them seriously. Her eyes following every step they made, like a tiger ready to pounce on its prey. She's so brave for a little girl.

"And what you're going to do? Call your mama?"

"Yes! But not my mama!"

After saying those, the parents of my bullies showed up and scolded their children for bullying me. They have been doing it since we were at first grade up until now we're in fourth. When they all left, the little girl helped me to stand up and even dusted my shirt for me.

"Hi! I'm Y/n. And you are?"


You are so brave...

"Baek! I don't know how to do this!" she yelped after hearing a pop and little drops of what seems to look like a harmless water started to fly into the air. It wasn't a harmless water, it's a freaking boiling cooking oil!

"You can do it! You're the bravest woman I know!" I told her as I pushed her forward while I hid behind her.

"Ugh! Why does Kyungsoo have to be the one missing today?!" she took a step forward but backed out when she heard another pop. But this time it was louder compared to the one earlier.

"Do it! It'll burn! When you flip it successfully you will be the bravest woman, not just in my eyes but also for the other members!"

She successfully flipped the fish being fried.

I always know you can do everything you're scared at...

"I will be honest with you Baek. I like you. No! Actually, I love you. I know it will ruin our friendship but I think confessing is the only thing that will set my soul into peace." she was blushing really hard right in front of me and I felt my heart leapt at her words. "If you don't feel the same way as I do, it's fine. I just have to tell you what's bothering me."

How brave of her to risk and confess knowing that it will ruin our friendship. Of course It will ruin our friendship, because we're stepping up to more than being friends.

"I love you too."

...Because you are brave.

I always knew you are the bravest person that had come into my life.

You protected me.

Risked for me.

Love me.

You always are the bravest person, in my eyes and in my heart.

"Baekhyun, I'm scared." she said weakly. I held her hands tightly as tears started to pool out from her eyes because of the pain. I hate to see her this weak and hurt. How I wish I could pass that pain on me and suffer. She doesn't deserve any of this.

"You'll do great, baby. We're going to be a happy family hours after this pain. You can do it, you're brave."

I felt her grip on my hand getting tight as she let out another groan.

"The baby's heart rate dropped. We need to put an oxygen to you."

"Baek! Baekhyun! I'm scared! What if we'll lose her?" tears started to stream down on her cheeks once again. I let go of her hand and wiped her tears away before kissing her forehead.

"Calm down, you're doing good hm? She'll be fine."

She did all her best and pushed our little ones. After enduring the pain for like 12 hours, finally our little ones was welcomed to the world.

"She's so beautiful. Love, look! She is so beautiful just like you." my mouth moved nonstop due to excitement. Our little girl is finally in my arms! I have been waiting for this moment.


Something's wrong.


Ever since the day you saved me from my bullies. I have always looked up to you as the bravest woman ever.

Not until you decided to be weak and gave up. For the first and last time.

"What are you doing to him?!"

I put the book down I was holding after hearing my daughter's voice. I went to where my little girl was and saw her being surrounded by boys. And another boy on the groud, curled up and groaning.

"Oh? A little girl as your saviour? How brave."

Oh no, no one's gonna hurt my pumpkin-

"Leave him alone."

I was about to stride towards my daughter but I immediately stopped on my tracks when I heard her said those words. For a second, I thought I was taken back to that time when we first met. Their serious voice when they threatened the bad kids sounds so similar. How I miss her.

"And what you're going to do? Call your mama?"

"Yes! But not my mama!"

I smiled at how brave our little Baekhee is. Other than her bravery, the reason of my smile is that everything she does and says always reminds me of her. She is as beautiful as my love and as brave as her.

She helped the familiar kid up and dusted his shirt for him. Like what she did to me back then, where it all started.

"Seriously? When are you telling uncle Chanyeol you're being bullied?" Baekhee said as she slumped her hands down on her waist as if she's a mother scolding her child. She's just as beautiful as her mother, and I will never be tired to reminding myself that.

"She grew up just like her, Baek. You raised her so well. She'll be proud of you." I smiled even more after hearing what Chanyeol said. He placed a hand on my shoulder and squeezed it a bit as a form of encouragement.

"I miss her."

Love, our little ones grew up taking everything from you. Especially your bravery. I hope you're proud of me up there.




I love him soooo much huhu ㅠㅠ

