
Baekhyun and I married each other after a year of dating. We were so inlove, we thought about being with each forever by marrying instead of getting to know each other deeper by dating for few more years. I knew Baekhyun because I'm an EXO-L and I have been eyeing him ever since I became a fan, I knew his facts and habits that I confirmed right after spending time with him. I love him so much and he loves me too.

We moved into the house he bought for us. It was the dream house we ever wanted to have since we're dating. We lived happily like any in love couples do, waking up in cuddles, kisses and smiles every morning, messing the kitchen while trying to make breakfast as we both don't know how to cook, showering together and kisses before parting ways outside our house to leave for work.

It was all fine until I have to leave Korea for a year of work in my country.

"I'll be staying at our dorm then, I can't be here alone." Baekhyun pouted as he helped me packing my things. "Can you just stay here? We're financially stable why do you need to work away from me for a year?"

"I'm not doing this for the money, Baek. Remember I have been wanting to do this." I stopped what I was doing and sat beside Baekhyun, cupping his cheek and tilting his head so he could meet my eyes. "I promise, after doing the work we'll have children as many as you want and I will stop working to take care of our little Baekhyuns around this home."

His face went bright and a smile appeared on his face. "Really?"

"Yes, love." I pecked his lips. "It's only for a year it'll pass quickly than you think."

"Okay! I want to have four kids with you! And let's get Mongryong a partner."


"Yehet!" he excitedly screamed and kissed me happily.

There were a lot of fans crowding the airport after Baekhyun decided to drop me off and watch me go. Even though he's married, he never lose his loyal fans and supported us. His fans are actually more excited for us to have children and I'm sure they're getting that news soon after doing my dream work.

"I'll miss you." he clung into my arm and tried to pull me back so I could stop walking. "No! Don't go please."

I heard him sob and that's when I turned around and saw that he's crying. "Aw, Baekhyun." I caught his face between my hands and kissed him directly on his lips. "I'll miss you too."

"Promise me to call everyday."

"I promise."

I left with a heavy heart, I really don't like it when Baekhyun cries. I just wanted to not leave at all and stay by his side.


Life was really hectic. At the first month being separated, Baekhyun and I could still have a time to call each other. But when EXO had a comeback and a world tour, we barely call each other as I got too busy with work too.

I would always try to call him. Sometimes he would answer but he's looking so tired I had to let him rest or there are times I would call while he's asleep, waking him up from his only hours to rest that I have to talk to him for a short time.

A month left and I will be back to Korea. I'm never doing this again, I'm going to stay with Baekhyun and will just take care of our future children. I hate being separated to him I miss him so much.

I was doing some work really late at night because the sooner I get things done, the sooner I get home to Baekhyun. So I decided to work for extra hours because a month of waiting might turn into a week. My phone rang and I immediately answered the call when Baekhyun's name appeared.

"Love! It's been months since the last time you initiated a call." all the tiredness I was feeling dissipated and a smile broke out into my face even when I only heard Baekhyun's breathe.

"Uhm, I need to tell you something, Y/n."

"Me too! I'm working extra hours to finish work earlier than expected so I could go ba-"

"I wanted a divorce."

I froze at my seat. "W-what?"

"It's not working. I... I think I don't love you anymore."

"Baek, listen, it's only because I'm not beside you. I'm going home don't worry! I'm going back right away and we'll be back to our usual doings."

"No! You don't understand. I can't. I don't love you anymore. Please just let me go. It's my fault for marrying you without getting you know that much."


"I have filed for a divorce, I just have to have you agree and we're done."

"You filed for a divorce without telling me?! Do you think this is just a normal break up couples can do? Byun Baekhyun bloodly hell we're married!"

That night I couldn't sleep and did my work while crying my heart out. This is all my fault, I shouldn't have left so he wouldn't feel like it's not working.

Later that morning, my co-workers would look at me every time I walk pass them. Some are looking worried, sad and some are glaring and I identified those who glared as EXO-Ls since EXO is pretty popular.

"Are you fine?" a colleague asked.

"Uhm? Yes? Why would you ask?" I have to look like I'm fine when I'm not because they might think something's wrong. As a wife of a global superstar, one sad expression would mean rumors and gossip.

"I heard your husband filed for a divorce."

"What?!" I knew Baekhyun filed for a divorce but I didn't knew how the hell my colleague knew about this.

"It's all over the news." she showed me her phone screen where different articles are displayed.

EXO's Baekhyun reportedly filed for a divorce from his non-celebrity wife, Y/n.

Baekhyun filed for a divorce from his wife after being married for two years.

SM confirms Baekhyun filing a divorce and reveals the reason why.

Neighbors revealed that Baekhyun and Y/n had moved out of their house for almost a year from now.

"I'm leaving. I'm going back there, now."

"What about-"

"I don't care about work! I'm losing my husband!"

I left my work and country, while I couldn't help myself but cry as my heart broke to pieces at the thought of losing Baekhyun, forever.

"It's too dangerous for you right now, EXO-Ls are hunting you. I'm fetching you." Sehun told me on the phone. I just sobbed and hid myself in one of the cubicles of the comfort room.

Sehun came with Chanyeol. Sehun handed me one of his hoodies that was too huge for me so I could hide my face as we tried to get into Chanyeol's car and Chanyeol took care of my luggages so we could escape quickly.

"Where is Baekhyun?" I asked, breaking the silence between us while Chanyeol is driving. Sehun and I sat on the back seat.

"He's at your house, taking care of something before leaving it for sale as you both will be moving out of it after the divorce." Sehun replied and I cried again.

"I don't know what went wrong for us to be like this." I wept and Sehun guided my head to lean against his chest and let me stain his clothes with my tears. "I love him. I really do."

"I know, baby. I know." Sehun caressed my back and planted a kiss on the crown of my head.

Chanyeol and Sehun dropped me off our house. I looked at them, confused as to why they did so. I thought they are letting me stay in their dorm for the mean time since I'm kinda not ready to face Baekhyun.

"You two need to talk, we know you're not ready to face him yet but we're hoping that you can change his mind." Chanyeol said while stroking my cheeks gently. I nodded at him before they left, leaving me no choice but to enter the house.

It was dark and quiet. I carefully pulled my luggage, trying my best to not make a single sound. I turned the lights on, revealing the clean and lonely living room.


I jumped in surprise when someone suddenly walked out of the kitchen. It was Baekhyun. After seeing his face, I couldn't stop my tears again.

"B-Baek. Love, I'm here." I sobbed amd walked closer. "I'm not... Going away again. I'm not leaving you again, please don't leave me."

"Y/n, how many times should I tell you. I don't love you anymore. Please let me go."

"I can't." I went near him but he just walked back, breaking my heart even more. "I can't. I-I love you."

"What can you do when I don't love you anymore, Y/n?" he hands me an envelope he has been holding. I took it, guessing it was the divorce papers. "Just let me go. If you love me, you wanted me to be happy." then he left and went inside the bedroom we once shared.

He was right.

It took me hours before I decided to step inside our bedroom, it still look the same when I left. I saw Baekhyun peacefully sleeping, leaving a space beside him and I couldn't help but assume that he still wanted me to sleep beside him.

I sat on the stool beside the bed where Baekhyun was facing and stared at his sleeping visage. I wept again, thinking that I will never see this sight forever. Because I have agreed to let him go.

I must've lost my focus on staying quiet when I woke Baekhyun up because of my loud sobs. I quickly wiped my tears away and stood up from my seat.

"Why are you so loud?" he groaned, pushing himself up to sit.

"I... Have decided to agree of the divorce."

His eyes widened when he heard my words.

"But only after two months. Give me two months to be with you, stay with me and I promise to let you go without hesitation after it."

Baekhyun seemed to hesitate but he sighed and in defeat. "Fine."

He went back to sleep and I made my way beside him. Wrapping my arms around his waist and I hid my face on his back.


During the given time to spend with him, I always do something that will at least remind Baekhyun of the times we spent together. I learned how to cook because Kyungsoo taught me how to and the rest of the boys tried their very best to help me and to give what I needed so I could do whatever it takes to build our relationship once again.

I always cuddle with Baekhyun before sleeping, even though his back is facing me. I also whisper sweet nothings until he could fall asleep. I learned how to cook so I could make him breakfast and dinner and I would be super happy if he would eat the food I made. I would always kiss him before he leaves for work, even though he would just look at me like I'm the most annoying person ever. When he gets back home, I would give him massages so his body won't be in pain, I would be really surprise if he's not telling me to not touch him.

I would do all those things as days pass by. Sometimes I tell Baekhyun to tell me "I love you" before going to sleep or leave for work, even if he doesn't mean it anymore he would oblige, but his voice sounded more like annoyed and he would roll his eyes at me. But I will still smile at him and reply with a kiss.

After a month, I could notice that his blank expression, groaning at my actions, rolling of eyes at me and be annoyed by my mere presence is getting lesser as day goes by. We actually started talking about our days while eating like we used to do but we're still a little awkward. We also have brushed our teeth together and went to bed cuddling with him finally facing me for the first time after a month.

We started going out for secret dates like we used to do when we're still dating secretly. But unfortunately, some fans caught us and we even made it to the news and headlines the next day.

EXO Baekhyun and wife Y/n caught going out on a date few weeks after reports of divorcing.

Is EXO's Baekhyun cancelling the filing of divorce?

EXO member Baekhyun rumored to have cancelled the processing of divorce from non-celebrity wife after being caught going out on a date.

We were falling apart and I'm just waiting for the day I'm letting him go, but he just sparked up some hope in my heart when we made love after kissing me first.

Another month passed. I was cleaning when I walk pass the calendar hanging on the wall somewhere at our living room. I saw a date encircled with a red marker with 'D-day' written on it. I realize the date encircled is today and I recognized it as the day I will finally let go of Baekhyun. I must've forgotten about it because we were so happy.

There is still no progress even if I tried to fix everything by making him stay for a month. He isn't bringing up the topic of the pending divorce or cancelling it. He doesn't love me anymore and I have to accept it and give him the happiness he wanted. So I went inside our room and took my luggages out before I grabbed all of my clothes and shoved them down on my luggage, not bothering to put them neatly.

"I guess it will just be the two of us then." I felt my tears streaming down my face just like how my hands went down to caress my tummy. "Daddy doesn't mommy anymore. But I promise to love you with all my heart."

"Who are you talking to?"

I gasped hard as I turned around, only to see Baekhyun with a bouquet of flower in his hand and surprise look on his face.

"Why are you packing? Are you going to leave me again? I thought you said you're not leaving me!" Baekhyun yelled and then tears started coming out from his eyes as he threw the flowers on the bed.

"Don't you remember? Today's the last day of the two months I asked you before I'm agreeing with the divorce. You're free now, Baek."

"Who said I wanted to be free?!"

I looked at him confusedly as he grabbed the envelope containing the divorce papers on the nightstand, widening my eyes when he ripped them apart and threw them harshly on the floor.

"I'm sorry if I asked for this and for putting you in this situation where you had to suffer just for our relationship to be fine again." he went towards me and kissed me gently, sending me to tears even more. When he parted, he leaned his forehead against mine as we cried together. "I'm not processing the divorce. I want to be with you no matter what will happen. I love you."

"I love you too." I sobbed harder and Baekhyun embraced me as he ran his hands up and down my back.

"Thank you so much for asking me to stay for two months. During those months, I have known a lot about you and realize what kind of woman you are. I think it's enough to fill the void of what we missed because we rushed our marriage. You made me love you again and I promise that I will always love you forever. We will cope with all of these, hm?" he pressed a kiss on my forehead as I nodded. "Even though we're married we could still be like we're still dating so we could know each other deeper."

"How can we pretend like we're still dating when someone's here?"

Baekhyun hummed confusedly as he pushed himself away from me slightly only to stare down at me with his brows furrowed. "Who do you mean?"

I grabbed his hand and guided it on my tummy so he could feel the nonexistent bump. "The first baby Baekhyun of our family."

His mouth agape together with his eyes widening when his brain processed my words. "I'm a father?"

I bobbed my head quietly.

"Oh, baby." Baekhyun wiped his own tears and held my hand as he walked all the way to the bed and sat there, pulling me closer until his facing my stomach. "There is really our first baby here?" he poked my tummy and I just nodded.

"And you had the audacity to pack and tried to leave me knowing you have my baby? Do you think I'm letting you go?" I shook my head and giggled before leaning down to give Baekhyun a kiss, in which he returned gladly, parting shortly after to raise my shirt exposing my skin before pressing a kiss on my tummy. "I'm never letting you go. I promise that."

Later that night, Baekhyun told SM and his lawyer that he's not going to process the divorce and we're expecting our first child while we're cuddling om bed. He also told the boys of his decision and the rest of the boys said they have never been so happy for the both of us and so do I.

The next day, we watched as how our names climbed up to the worldwide trending tags after confirming the rumors of Baekhyun cancelling the filing of divorce. As expected, fans are happy especially when another news broke out.

SM confirms Baekhyun cancelling the filing of divorce from wife Y/n

EXO Baekhyun revealed to become a father following after confirming that he is cancelling the filing of divorce from EXO-L wife Y/n.

EXO Baekhyun and Y/n are expecting their first baby!

"We are not separating, ever." Baekhyun said, snatching my phone from my hands so he could have my attention.

"Never ever." I smiled at him before he leaned in and captured my lips for a sweet kiss.


I was super sad to the news of Song-Song couple divorcing and this imagine is obviously inspired from it and is written in my own version.

This, so far is the longest! Reaching 3.1k words (excluding this side note.) I wrote this from 10:29 PM to 3:04 AM (Philippine standard time) because of my sadness but I don't want this to end sadly (because it's supposed to end sadly) that's why this is so long. Also because I wanted the last part to happen to Song Joongki and Song Hyekyo.

Like, dude! We expect a news of baby Song-Song not a divorce :(

I was sad but EXO keeps me happy especially Baekhyunee ^^


