The Day

This is the day that I have been waiting for. The day I will tie the knot with the one I truly love. I never thought we would come this far despite our imperfect relationship. Dating an idol isn't easy, we have to hide our relationship that made it hard for us to meet and go out on dates like normal couples do. We once broke up because we thought it will not work but then we realize that we only need each other to go on with life so we fought harder for our love. We were there for each other when we were hated after revealing our relationship, and still there when we were accepted by the world. That is when I knew, I should never let go of Baekhyun.

My chest heaved up and down while the make-up artist do her job, making her uncomfortable because of my contorted face out of nervousness. "Your groom's not going to run away, I swear. Baekhyun isn't that type of guy." Baekhyun's make-up artist for years said, giggling at my expression.

"I know, I trust him that he's not running away but I can't just calm. I'm getting married. I'm going to the next chapter of my life how am I going to calm down?"

"It's just a ceremony to make a promise of being together forever. After that you two could spend a day like you're still dating or however you like."

Well, that helped.

"Yeah, just a ceremony."

After doing my make-up, I was asked to change into my wedding dress so I could take photos together with my parents and siblings and because the ceremony is going to start a few moments from now.

I looked at myself at the mirror after changing and felt nervous once again. I felt bubbles rising inside my stomach and tears forming in my eyes. Am I really getting married?

"Honey, you'll ruin your make-up." my mom said, patting my back while staring my face through the mirror.

"Am I really getting married?"

My mom giggled before embracing me. "I should be the one asking that." she carefully wiped the tears on the side of my eyes, making sure she wouldn't ruin the make-up. "After seeing you fangirl over EXO for years without the thought of dating, are you really getting married?"

"I'm marrying my bias in EXO."

"As what you always told me. But now I have to believe that because it's not a joke anymore."

I hugged my mom and my dad joined, my siblings saw us so they joined too. That went for awhile that the photographer had the chance to capture that touching moment.

"The ceremony is starting!"

I couldn't keep my heart calm while we're still in the car. I imagined thousands of scenarios that made my heart more anxious than it already was. What if I'll get into an accident? What if Baekhyun isn't going to show up? What if this is a trap and I'm not really marrying Baekhyun? What if this is a dream? It's too good to be true. So many what ifs that made me even nervous, that is until Mongryong decided to sat on my lap and sleep, letting me feel his fur until I calmed and just focus on not waking him up.

But my calmness didn't lasted that long when the car pulled over. I looked outside the window and we're in front of the church! The processional march had begun, meaning Baekhyun had walked his way to the altar already.

Mongryong, being a good boy he is, went down without being told so as my dad opened the car door for me and held my hand as I went out of the car.

"This is it, you're going to the next chapter of your life." he said. I nodded at him and clung an arm around his before we stood in front of the huge closed doors.

I took a big breath before the doors opened.

Even if I haven't even moving my feet, I felt them trembling. It feels like I have forgotten how to walk but with my father's arm on mine, I know I can make it. It's like when he thought me how to walk when I was little. Lovely, that he is with me during my first walk and today with my last walk as an unmarried woman.

I looked forward while walking, trying to focus on Baekhyun because I can't see him clearly. Stupid of me to refuse getting a surgery for my eyes before this very day. But as we get closer, he started to get clear until I could see his teary eyes that made me giggle.

I can't stop staring at my beautiful groom, he's so perfect that I started to have second thoughts, how did I got so lucky to marry him? Do I really deserve him?

We got in front and Baekhyun went to take my hand from my father. Dad patted his shoulder as he murmured. "Take care of my daughter."

Baekhyun nodded at him before taking my hand. I felt sparks the moment his hand touched my covered one. We looked at each other, maybe he felt that sparks I felt too. Baekhyun smiled at me sweetly and I can't wait to see that smile everyday as I wake up. He held my hand gently as he guided me all the way to the altar.

He must've notice that I'm nervous so he squeezed my hand softly as he whispered. "You'll do great, we'll do great."

The ceremony went on and when we exchanged vows, Baekhyun couldn't stop crying that made the boys tease him in secret but since I can see them, I giggled along with them. When it was my turn, I only stuttered and choked on some words, thanking Baekhyun for coming into my life, loving me to the fullest despite my flaws and making me believe in some things that seems impossible, like marrying him.

"With the power vested upon me, I pronounce you, husband and wife. May you now kiss the bride."

My heart was racing inside me as I turned to face Baekhyun. He lifted the veil up, gasping a bit when he saw my face. I blushed at his reaction and felt my heart beating even more hard. He's making me feel like I'm the prettiest woman he saw.

We're going to seal the promise we made. We're finally going to kiss as a married couple. We're finally together, until forever.

When Mom and I attended a wedding years ago, the bride and groom kissed so fast that made my Mom complain that it should be longer than just a peck. That day, I told her when I get married, I won't just peck my groom and that's what I'm going to do with Baekhyun.

"You are so beautiful, Mrs. Byun." Baekhyun whispered, and I felt tears streaming down my face. I don't care with my make up at all! He called me by his last name!

Baekhyun leaned in and captured my lips, I thought he's parting the moment everyone cheered, but instead, he placed a hand on the small of my back, pulling me closer to deepen the kiss. The screams went louder that I could hear my Mom's voice overlapping the rest's as I wrapped my arms around Baekhyun's neck, moving my lips against him.

While in the car I couldn't stop staring at my hand, there was something new there and that was the ring that Baekhyun slid in my finger as a sign that we're going to be together forever.

I had my make-up retouched before showing ourselves to the guests at the reception. When we showed up, the guests all went loud and I can't help but to be loud with them too until Baekhyun had to shut me up using his own lips.

The rest of the EXO, excluding my husband, sang a song for us. We had so much fun doing something like sharing our first ever drink as a married couple, tangling our arms on each other as we drink from our glasses, slicing the cake and feeding each other and some stuffs that was so silly.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" the guests started clashing their spoons on the wine glass, making a loud clanking sound.

Without hesitation, Baekhyun pulled me in for a kiss that made the crowd wilder. I smiled between the kiss and responed to Baekhyun until I felt him smile too. I love him so much!

"Okay! Are the girls ready?" I asked, giggling at the sight of my bouquet. Who's going to get it? The unmarried girls chanted their answers happily.

I threw the bouquet and the girls started to scream. When some of them whined and some laughed, that's when I turned around to see who caught it.

"What the hell Chanyeol?" Baekhyun laughed loudly, seeing his bestfriend blushing at our attention at him.

I must've threw it harder that it reach Chanyeol who sat a little further from the gathered girls in front of me.

"I'm getting married soon! But to whom? I'm single!" Chanyeol yelled, raising the bouquet he caught. We all laughed at him before he handed the bouquet back to me.

I threw the bouquet once again and the one who caught it is my bestfriend who's currently dating Jungkook.

We were dancing in the middle, swaying our bodies to the slow and lovely music. I leaned my head against Baekhyun's chest and listened to his fast heartbeat.

"I can't believe we're married." said Baekhyun and I looked up to him seeing him teary. "You're so small. I'm so gonna protect you at all cost."

"And I'm going to try to be a perfect wife for you too."

"Baby, you're already perfect even without doing anything." he pressed a quick kiss on my lips before spinning me around.

We took group photos with the guests, our parents, friends and of course with EXO that we needed to re-do the shots a lot of times because they are all being so idiot, but they are my idiots.

After the party, we went back to the hotel. The nervousness I felt earlier came back. The bubbles in my stomach and the trembling of my feet. Why would I be nervous when Baekhyun and I had done it a lot of times before we came at this stage of our relationship?

"Hey, you don't have to be nervous." Baekhyun sat beside me, brushing some hair strands away from my face. Thanks Baek, now I felt even more nervous that he touched me.

"Think of this as some of our anniversaries." he softly spoke, eyes roaming around my face until it stopped on my lips.

"Okay." I nodded at him then he leaned in and kissed me directly on my lips.

When I woke up, I felt like I'm the happiest person alive. Who wouldn't? When you wake up to the sight of your husband and that husband happened to be Byun Baekhyun, innocently sleeping with his mouth slightly opened. Who wouldn't be happy? He looked like he didn't do something naughty last night because of how adorable he looks.

"Like what you see princess?"

I didn't know I was staring at him for too long.

"Good morning, daddy."

"Oh no, don't get me started."

I squealed when he started to tickle me until I get to snatch the covers and ran away from him, leaving him naked on the bed.

This is the day I have been waiting for. To be this happy with Baekhyun, forever.
