


"Wait a second!" I yelled from a distance, in attempt to let the person ringing the doorbell that I'm coming to open the door. I took my daughter with me and I went to the living room to place her down on her crib that was there and opened the door, revealing the person that has been pressing the doorbell.

"Hi, I'm the new neighbor-" he paused and his eyes widened when he recognized me.

I blinked at him with my mouth agape, my grip on the door knob tightened as we stared into each other.


"H-hey, Baekhyun." I replied with a low voice and gazed down on the floor to avoid the eye contact with him.

"Is it really you?"

I hummed with a small nod and lifted up my head to meet his eyes once again.

Then next thing I knew he was already squishing me inside his arms. I froze on my spot while Baekhyun hid his face on the crook of my neck.

How I miss this kind of hug from my bestfriend.

Then he backed away and held both of my shoulder. "How are you? It's been a year. Why did you let yourself face all of these alone? I was there for you, Y/n. I told you I'm helping you."

I was about to open my mouth to speak when I heard a cry. I sighed at Baekhyun as he tried to see inside my house. "Come, I want you to meet someone." I opened the door wider to let him in. I walked in first and Baekhyun trailed behind me.

Then we came into the living room where my daughter's crib is placed. I observed how Baekhyun reacted to the baby things around the house and he isn't surprised. I beckoned him to come closer towards my daughter and he did. Once he had seen my daughter, I swear he frowned a bit before his eyes turned dark and serious as he stare down at her.

"She... Looks like him. I wish she never did." he commented, his voice deep. "Now every time I will look at her, it will remind me of that asshole who left you because he wasn't ready."

"Baek, no swearing. Chanhee might hear it. I know she still do-"

"And even her name reminds me of him."

I closed my eyes and sighed. Now I know why it was the right thing to run away from Baekhyun. This one thing I ruined from him is really affecting him. Why do I have to exist just to ruin his life when all the things Baekhyun did is being a good person.

"I'm sorry, Y/n. It's just that... I'm still not over to what Chanyeol did to you." Baekhyun heaved out a sigh before glancing back at Chanhee who's blinking up at him innocently. His serious eyes at my daughter turned soft and a sweet smile appeared on his lips. "She may look like Chanyeol but I know it's not her fault and she's definitely not going to be like Chanyeol." then he tilted his head to look at me.

"Can I hold her?"


I watched how Baekhyun carefully picked my daughter up from her crib. His eyes are seemingly unremovable on her face, his expression got even softer as he danced her around. I couldn't help but think, why does Baekhyun has to be this good to me? Why is he always ready to do everything to me even if it means losing everything he has?

I didn't know I was already tearing up while quietly watching him and my daughter.


I let out a sob before I felt Baekhyun's thumb brushing against my cheek to wipe the tears away. Then I looked down at my daughter, comfortable in his arms.

"Don't cry. I'm here now."

"I'm here now."

I looked up to the person who came in front of me while I'm crouching down on the ground, crying. It was my bestfriend, Baekhyun.

"Don't cry. I'm here now." he held out his hand to me and I took it. He pulled me up and immediately wrapped a thick blanket around my frozen body. "Why did you let yourself freeze outside? It's bad for the baby."

I bursted out crying, realizing what have I done. I was too busy following Chanyeol around that I forgot about our baby. I was so dumb, the dumbest person alive despite my remarkable grades in school. I trusted Chanyeol so much that I didn't think about any forms of contraceptives when I agreed to finally give him my first. I'm so stupid!

"I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault. Let's head back to my house and warm you up."

Baekhyun still doesn't know that Chanyeol broke up with me after knowing that I'm pregnant with his baby. All he knows is that I was out in the cold because I was kicked out by my family after choosing to keep my baby over continuing my studies. Baekhyun and Chanyeol are very bestfriends. He's his bestfriend aside from me and if I told Baekhyun about what Chanyeol did, he might resent him. Their beautiful friendship might be ruined!

"So have you told Chanyeol about this?"

I didn't answered and pretended to be asleep instead.

"I know you're awake, Y/n. Have you told Chanyeol about this?"

I remained still on my seat.

Then the car stopped and I heard shuffling sounds, that's when I opened my eyes. Baekhyun was on his phone and about to call Chanyeol.

"Don't!" I snatched his phone away from him.

"Why? You haven't told Chanyeol?"

"I... I did."


I closed my eyes and didn't answer until I felt tears flowing out.

"What the fuck, don't tell me..."

I started sobbing hard and covered my mouth using my hand in attempt to stop myself from crying. Baekhyun sighed in disappointment, running his hand through his hair to push them back before it went into the steering wheel forcefully. He angrily hit the steering wheel couple of times. Hitting is his way of calming down, only if he's THAT angry. I could sense his anger even when I'm not looking at him. With his voice deeper than usual, Baekhyun spoke once he was convinced that he's calm.

"Let's get you to Chanyeol now." he started the engine and before he could move the car, I held on his wrist to stop him.

"No, please, Baekhyun. I don't want to see him again."

"Baby..." he pressed his lips together, closed his eyes as he inhaled deeply. "He's the father, it is his responsibility. He did this to you he should face consequence."

"I don't want to see him again! If he is not ready then so be it! He will never see me again and he will never see our child. I'm raising this baby alone-" Baekhyun placed a finger on my lips to stop me from talking.

"You're not going to do it alone." the burning anger his eyes held earlier had vanished. His other hand went down to caress my tummy. "I'm here, you got me, okay? I can stand as its father."

"I can't let you do that, Baekhyun. You had a brighter future ahead of you."

"But I want to. I can't let you suffer alone. What are bestfriends for, right?" his finger that was once on my lips, went up to tuck some hair strands behind my ear. "And yep, I have brighter future ahead. You and now-our baby will be my inspiration."

I just stared at Baekhyun as I sniffed.

"Stay with me, okay?"

There are few weeks left before graduation and since the bump isn't showing yet, I decided to continue going to school despite the gossips going around me and Baekhyun. I have ruined his image and Baekhyun would always tell me he doesn't care about it and it's fine. I thought I'd see Chanyeol since we have the same class on that one subject, but it was said that he transferred to another school. I couldn't believe on that, why would he do that when there is only weeks left before graduation?

"Baek, I told you I can get those myself."

"So you could freeze outside? No thanks." he puts the bowl of strawberries in front of me. Even when he still have a lot to do, he still head out just to get what I'm craving when I could do it myself.

The doorbell of his house rang. Baekhyun rose up from his seat to check who it is by peeking through the peephole.

"Y/n, go to my room. Now!"

I did what he said.

Baekhyun has been hiding me from his parents. Every time they come to visit him, I'd hide into his room until they will leave.

I paced back and forth while chewing on my fingers.

"You have a guest room here right?" I heard Baekhyun's father asked. My eyes gawked.

T-they are staying?

"Yeah, on the second floor." Baekhyun replied and shortly after I heard footsteps coming. My heart started to beat fast. The guest room was just across Baekhyun's.

"No! Not on the right-"

The door suddenly opened, revealing Baekhyun's father and Baekhyun behind him trying to stop him but he was too late.

"Who are you?"

I just blinked at him in shock.

"Appa, s-she's Y/n. My bestfriend." Baekhyun gulped nervously.

"And why is she in your room?"

The seriousness in his voice gave me the feeling of when my parents kicked me out. I felt cold just like when I was pushed all the way outside the house, outside the cold to suffer from my consequences. The memory of that night corrupted my mind that I thought I was taken back to that moment. I held on my stomach as I felt my eyes getting blurry.

"You're scaring her." Baekhyun quickly went towards me. "Shhh, it's fine Y/n. Relax." he replaced my hand with his and moved it gently across my stomach.

"And is she... Pregnant?"

Baekhyun and I looked into each other's eyes before he stared at his father and nodded slightly.

"Is that your responsibility?"

I know that it is my time to speak, but before I could Baekhyun already opened his mouth. "It is."

"No-" he cut me off.

"It is my baby. I don't care if you're going to be mad or what, I'm keeping Y/n and our baby here."

Baekhyun was dragged all the way outside his room and I could hear him screaming back at his parents. This is all my fault. First I ruined his friendship with Chanyeol, then his image, and now his family. This is all because of me. All because of my stupidity.

"Why did you have to do it, Baek?" I asked him as I turned my body to the other side to see him. I was on his bed and he decided to sleep on the floor. I used to sleep in his guest room but his parents are currently occupying it. Even after the fight they decided to stay for the night, still angry at Baekhyun.

"If I tell them it's not mine. They might kick you out. I don't want that to happen, Y/n."

I reached for his face, brushing my fingers against the bruise on his left cheek. Baekhyun hissed at the pain so I immediately withdrew my hand, but before if gets far from him he grabbed my hand then he rose up from his makeshift bed to sit beside me.

"Stay with me, okay? Just be by my side, we'll get through this." Baekhyun pulled my head closer and he planted a kiss on my forehead.

But I ruined everything, Baekhyun.

Later that night, while Baekhyun is deep asleep beside me. I carefully slid away from him. Then I pulled my luggages out from his closet. I have been planning to leave while he was fighting with his parents earlier. Everything is ready but myself isn't. Baekhyun has been a good friend and I wanted to stay beside him, be the father of my baby and marry him. I like Baekhyun, I've grown to like him during the past few weeks while he was taking care of me. I guess I wasn't only stupid to give Chanyeol my first, but I'm also stupid for not choosing Baekhyun. I chose a wrong man. But if I stay with Baekhyun, the more things I ruin.

I carefully lifted his phone up from the nightstand and placed a folded paper there then put his phone on the top of it to secure the letter in its place.

"I'm so sorry, Baekhyun. But I don't want to ruin everything you have. I... I love you." I stared at him for few moments. No, I shouldn't. I might not want to leave this puppy at all. Before I left I gave him one last kiss on his forehead.

I sticked a note on the guest room where Baekhyun's parents are sleeping, stating the truth that the baby I'm carrying isn't really Baekhyun's and he's just trying to help me. I also apologized for the problem I cause and thanked them for having such a wonderful son like Baekhyun.

Then I left.

"Y/n, stop crying." Baekhyun has placed my asleep daughter back on her crib, then he quickly pulled me towards him for a hug. Feeling his warmth after a year made me emotional. I really missed my bestfriend.

"I'm staying for the night. My house still isn't ready anyways."


"It still has to undergo minor renovations. I wasn't supposed to be here today but I thought of checking my new place. I'm glad I did." he glided his finger tips across the side of my face, like what he always do to me back then before tucking some hair strands behind my ear. "I told you to stay with me, why did you left?"

"I ruined everything, Baekhyun. Your friendship with Chanyeol, your image, your good relationship with your parents. I'm glad I left before I could even ruin your future."

"Don't say that. Like what I have told you, you and Chanhee are my inspiration. It is, until now."

I was surprise at his words and it made my heart flutter as I looked deeper in his eyes.

"I was serious when I told you that I could stand as her father."

Chanhee cried and Baekhyun immediately turned his back at me to get her.

I was still contemplating what to feel. Whether to be happy that Baekhyun found me or to feel bad because I came in his life, to ruin him, once again.


"I got it, go back to sleep." Baekhyun said as he walked pass my room to go to the nursery because Chanhee had woken up and started crying again, in the middle of the night.

But I still did followed him there and watched how he sang to my daughter so she could go back to sleeping. I leaned my back against the doorway as I listened to Baekhyun's beautiful voice. Baekhyun had this beautiful voice that once you heard, you might fall in love with him in an instant. I am the living proof of that seemingly exaggeration. Once my daughter is asleep, I walked towards Baekhyun's side, keeping my eyes on him while he stared down at Chanhee.

"You really need to let me take care of my daughter, Baek. Or she might grow up thinking you're her real parent instead of me." I whispered that made him laugh quietly, too afraid to wake my daughter.

It has been weeks since Baekhyun decided to stay at my house while his house across mine is still under renovation. While he is staying, he really did everything for me and for Chanhee. He really is serious about standing as her father. After all the things I did to him, even after almost ruining his life, he still chose to help me and stayed beside me.

"I want to make it up to you, for a year of enduring all of these alone." he replied without taking his eyes off Chanhee.

"Why are you like this, Baek?"

Then he slowly tilted his head to meet my gaze.

"Because I love you."

My eyes bulged at what he said and a small gasp escaped my lips. I remained still on my place with my eyes still on his handsome face.

"Ever since we became friends, I started to like you. You don't have any idea how it pained me when you dated Chanyeol. I sound too selfish to say this, but when Chanyeol broke up with you because you were pregnant with his baby, I was somewhere between mad and thankful at him. Mad because he broke his promise that he'll take good care of you. Glad that he left so I could have you for myself." he paused to heave a sigh, closing his eyes only to open them again. "I really, really love you, Y/n."

"But Baekhyun, I ruined everything you have, how can you still love me at that state?" my eyes started to produce tears.

"No, love. You thought you ruined everything while you stayed beside me? The truth is that, everything got ruined when you left. I was ready Y/n. I was ready to take the responsibility of being your baby's father and tell you how much I love you, but before I could do so you have left." he turned his body to face me completely and then a hand came up to my face, he glided his finger tips across the side of my face before he cupped my cheek. "I know it's surprising and that you needed time, but I'm willing to wait until I gain your trust. I understand why you can't be with someone else now even if it has been a year since Chanyeol did that to you. But know this, I love you Y/n and I never stopped."

He was about to withdraw his hand from my face but I held on it and kept it still on my skin. "I love you too, Baekhyun." I watched how his eyes turned bright after I said those words. "Not because Chanhee needed a father. But when you told me that I'm not going to do all these things alone and you started taking care of me, I realize that you are the person worth loving. I unconsciously fell in love with you and just realized it when I left. Even after all my stupidity, you still accepted me and loved me."

I let go of his hand and both of them immediately slumped down on my waist. He pulled me closer until I was facing his chest so I have to look up so I could meet his eyes. "I'm the one who's stupid for letting you go. Now that we're here and we love each other, I'm never gonna let you go."

Baekhyun leaned in and I closed my eyes, expecting his lips to touch mine. But before it does, Chanhee cried.

"I'm gonna have to introduce myself to her first." Baekhyun and I giggled before he lets go of me to get my daughter. He gently carried her up in his arms and swayed his body to craddle her back to sleep.

Chanhee stopped crying and just stared up to him innocently. My heart melted at my daughter's questioning eyes on Baekhyun's face. "Hello, baby. I'm your appa. Don't be scared now, appa is here." Baekhyun brought her close to his, only to press a soft kiss on her forehead. "My little Byun Chanhee."

"What?" I laughed quietly at what he called to my daughter.

"What what? You want Park Chanhee instead?"

I squinted my eyes at him.

"Just kidding. Of course she's a Byun. She's my daughter now."

"We aren't even married, Baek."

"Then marry me."

I looked at him in surprise. Did he just... Asked me to marry him?

"We're gonna be a happy family and I promise to be a good father to Chanhee."

Before I could open my mouth to respond, I just felt his lips crashing on mine.


Part 2?

Part 2 😌


