Knowing Bros

Very inspired from Hyuna and Edawn's appearance in Knowing Bros. In @ImAnExoL4eVer's request. I hope I met your expectations 💕

There will be Knowing Bros casts appearing so if you haven't watched at at least a single episode of KB you might not know them so I'm sooo sorry if you can't understand this part 후엥~

This is so cheesy, ugh! (Well at least for me and I hate that it turned out like this lol)

Enjoy reading!!


"I'm nervous." I uttered, breaking the silence between Baekhyun, I, and the make-up artists doing their wonders on our faces. Today, we are guesting at Knowing Bros as a couple transferring to their school. It's the term they use every time there's a guest in the show. This is the first time we're in a show together ever since we confirmed our relationship and that's the reason why I'm nervous. What if I'll ruin Knowing Bros because I appeared in it not just a soloist but also as EXO Baekhyun's girlfriend?

This isn't the first time I'm guesting in the show since I've been here once but this is the first time I'm doing with my boyfriend.

"Don't be nervous, jagi." Baekhyun reached for my hand and gave it a squeez. "Do you want to do the introduction or you want me to do it?"

I bit my lips as I thought. But thinking about talking first got my heart pounding in nervousness. "You do it, please."

"Aww, but how about the aegyo you practiced for weeks?"

"You do that too." I blinked my eyes at him with a cute small smile on my lips. "You'd look cute to it."

He lets go of my hand and rolls his eyes at me. "Fine. But don't call me cute."

"Baekhyungie is cute."

He gritted his teeth and was about pinch my cheek when one of the staffs entered the room.

"Are you guys ready? The filming has started."

Just in time, the make-up artists were done so we stood up from our seats and left the room.

Even from the fake hallway that leads to the fake classroom where Knowing Bros is taking place, we could already hear the casts' loud voices as they conversed and loud laughs when one of them jokes around.

"Okay, get started in three, two, one. Go."

Baekhyun led the way to the makeshift hallway while I followed behind him nervously. I hid at the side of the door while my boyfriend went to knock on it.

"Oh! Someone's knocking."

"Rememer that I'm just right beside you, Y/n-ah. Don't be nervous. You'll do great." he stole a kiss on my lips before peeking his head on the window beside the door.

"It's Baekhyun!"

He opened the door but stayed outside, instead, he peeked his head inside. "Hi." he shyly said and I couldn't help but giggle at the cuteness of his voice. Most of the time, during his guesting in Knowing Bros with EXO, he'd barge in confidently. But he just had to do the aegyo I couldn't do because of my nervousness.

"Baekhyun, come on in!"

"Why are you looking so shy over there?"

Baekhyun glanced at me for a second and I blew him a kiss before he peeks through the door once again. "I brought my girlfriend with me today." he murmured ever so shyly that I could just put him inside my pocket. It was supposed to be my line but I couldn't just do it so he has to because he's soft for me and he loves me.



"You brought your girlfriend? For real?"

He answered their questions and conversed with the casts for few moments before he closes the door and then glares at me. "I'm never doing aegyo again." he whined and I laughed at him before giving him a quick kiss on his lips. Then his right hand went to hold mine as the other opened the door once again and we walked in together, greeting the casts of the show.

"Aah! It's Y/n-ah!"

"Hi." I waved at them shyly while Baekhyun pulled me towards the table right in front of them.

"Wow! It's really Y/n-ah! I can't believe we're having another idol couple today. It's been awhile." Heechul commented after we stood behind the table, facing them all.

"Welcome Y/n and Baekhyun!" Soo Geun said and the whole casts clapped at us, making me feel shy.

With a small pout, Ho Dong spoke, "Introduce yourself right away then."

"Hi, We came from You lose if you're envious school, I may look young and soft but I'm mature, Y/n." I grinned and bowed, earning a round of applause from the casts. "And him?" I did a introducing pose to Baekhyun.

"I may look cute and soft but I'm really handsome, Baekhyun."

"I disagree with your statement." Heechul interjected and that made me laugh. "Even Y/n agrees."

Even before I could answer after laughing, Janghoon interupted. "So I've always been curious about how did you two started. Although it has been explained in the statement released by the management, I want to hear everything from you two."

"I heard you started seeing each other after your drama where you both played as a couple?" Kyunghoon asked, flickering a finger at both our direction.

"Yes. You see, we started having several interactions through filming our parts and I've always had my eyes on Y/n even before everything. I was very thrilled when I found out that she's going to be my lady. So when I was told to die in the drama to stop filming due to busy schedules, I was afraid that it'll be our last moments together. It took days but I gathered every ounce of my courage and asked Y/n out on the last day of our filming." Baekhyun glanced at me, his cheeks turning pink. "Let's say, I'm the happiest man when she said yes."

Everyone in the set awed at Baekhyun's statement, even I. My heart couldn't stop fluttering.

"How about you, Y/n? What did you feel when Baekhyun asked you out?"

"Everyone knows that I've always been a fan of EXO especially Baekhyun since he's my bias. Ever since I accepted the role to be his love interest in the drama, there was never a day that I don't think of him and how it makes my heart go crazy."

"You're so in love." Soo Geun interupted and I nodded to show that I agreed with his words.

"I am. I've always been."

They commented something I couldn't understand because they talked altogether. But I know they're complimenting me with how brave I am to say how much I feel for Baekhyun. Few discussions and they were ready to listen to me once again.

"When Baekhyun and I had to film our scenes together, it's always heart fluttering that I keep on messing with my lines and he'd always tell me it's okay. I got used to have so many moments with him until I feel comfortable to act. When we were told that we're going to die in the drama, I was sad."

"I know you thought you'll never see him again, don't you?" Ho Dong questions.

"I did thought of that. I even planned to make a move but luckily he did it first and I was in cloud 9."

"It's been what? 4 years now? You really started dating after filming your death scenes in the drama right?"

"Yes." Baekhyun answered Heechul's question.

"You've been together for so long!"

"Since it has been years, have you ever thought of... You know? Leveling up your relationship into something more than boyfriend and girlfriend.

Baekhyun was slightly taken aback and so am I as I tilted my head to lock my eyes with his.

"I'm carefully thinking about it." Baekhyun says, "For now... We're still not talking about that but that doesn't mean we don't want to spend the rest of lives doing everything together."

"That's sweet."

"Hey, I've never seen you talking like that!" Heechul pointed a finger to Baekhyun. "Your eyes look so dreamy I can't explain! I know it's been years now since you started dating Y/n but I still couldn't get used to how you look like when you talk about her. You have dreamy eyes when talking about your EXO-Ls but there's different."

Before Baekhyun could answer Heechul, Kyunghoon did it first. "Of course there is difference! It's Y/n that he's talking about! His girlfriend!"

"How did you guys decided to come out. How you dealt with the reactions?" Janghoon asks and he turned to look at Baekhyun. "Baekhyun, you wrote a handwritten letter way back 2017 when the news came out. Why?"

"I told my fans not to believe on what they see on the internet and only believe in my words. So when the news came out, none of them couldn't believe. The company couldn't confirm the news right away because they didn't know about us and we were both unreachable that time. Since my fans only believe in my words, I wrote that letter for them and to confirm the news that I'm really dating Y/n."

"Rumors come one after another during those times that the company couldn't confirm the news yet. It made Baekhyun and I upset of the false information spreading so we thought hard about it and finally decided to come out as a couple that could express our adoration to each other, in public. In that way, I believe the rumors that antis are spreading could be prove wrong easily."

"That's a very crucial decision to make. But you are now both loved my many."

"It made us feel at ease that they never left even after all of these."

We talked a lot about Baekhyun and I. How we used to date in secret or what we do when we're apart because of overseas schedules and almost everything that casts are curious about. I know some parts will be edited out so we all talked about everything comfortably.

After satisfying the casts by answering their questions, Baekhyun handed out a clipboard to Soo Geun and he read what was on the paper. "So this it, your transfer papers. Baekhyun's full name is Byun Baekhyun and Y/n is Y/l/n Y/n." we both nodded as Soo Geun called out our names. "Baekhyun hopes to be a good companion to Y/n! That's so sweet! What do you mean by this, Baekhyun?"

"I've always dreamed to be Y/n's boyfriend. Now that I am, I wanted to be the boyfriend that will be good at everything I do for her. To keep her safe, happy, everything that is good." Baekhyun sneaks a hand under the table to hold mine, filling the gaps with his fingers and curling it protectively. "When the news came out, we were apart and Y/n constantly receieved so much hate. I wasn't there beside her because of overseas schedules so I wasn't able to protect her and made her sure everything will be fine. That made me think I'm not a good boyfriend for her, I wanted to improve myself to be someone who'll protect her, 24/7." he looks into my eyes and smiled.

"Too much sweetness we have here." Soo Geun commented before proceeding. "While Baekhyun hopes to be a good companion to his girlfriend, Y/n wanted to learn how to cook. Why is this?"

"I do house chores and such. But I never learned how to cook! If ever I get to marry Baekhyun, I don't want us to always eat outside or order foods. I wanted to cook healthy foods for him too."

"Okay! Let's proceed to who you want to sit beside with. Y/n you wrote me. Because you think I'm cute and I'll make you feel comfortable." Soo Geun then grins at me.

"It's because you have the same vibe as my father."

"And Baekhyun, as always, you chose Heechul again." he flips the page. "Now your strengths. Baekhyun wrote 'games' as his strength."

"Because he loves games. Everyone knows it."

"Since I wrote 'game', I'm suggesting to play a game." Baekhyun says. "Whoever wins gets to perform their song." he then stares at me with those competetive eyes whenever we play games.

"Ah right, you both had a comeback at the same date few days ago."

"Okay! What game is it?"

Baekhyun told everyone the game he had in his mind. Few moments later, we found ourselves standing right in front of each other with our team mates beside us. And so the game begins.

We played the game and had so much fun. Baekhyun's team managed to win. Meaning, he'll be performing his song 'UN Village' while we all watch him.

Right after getting ourselves fixed after the game that made us look like a mess, Baekhyun steps torwards the space in the middle and 4 people enters the room. 2 boys and 2 girls. I immediately recognized them as his backup dancers.

The music started, and so Baekhyun started dancing too. I was staring at him with a proud that's my boyfriend look on my face even though there's something like jealousy I'm feeling somewhere inside my heart. The casts would express their amusement with wows and humming. Then the most awaited rolling rolling part came.

Everyone around made their own sound of expressing that they can't believe what did they just saw, while I remained the proud look I have quietly and tried to keep my jealousy into its lowest level. I reminded myself mentally that it's all just for a performance and nothing else.

Baekhyun ended his performance with his head tilting to meet my eyes that I couldn't help but blush. That gesture made me feel at ease and the heavy feeling in my chest started to fade away. The bros teased me by gently elbowing me while making teasing sounds after Baekhyun sent a flirtly wink.

Then the staffs fixed the chairs back into their places and we all settled on our seats except for my boyfriend who stood behind the table in front of us all. It was his turn to ask us anything.

"Sooooo... Y/n-ssi, Baekhyun had girls in his performance and we all saw that one dance move he did. Aren't you jealous of it?" Ho Dong asked as soon as we were all set.


They were amazed at how I answered casually. "Oh, why? If I were you I'd be pouting and sulky."

"It's just work. He has to do that for his performance to look amazing. At the end of the day, Baekhyun still comes home to me so it didn't really matter." I shrugged.

"It was the reason why I sent her a wink at the end of my performance. I wanted to let everyone know that no matter who I am performing with on stage, she'd always be the one I'll end up looking at."

Heechul scoffs jokingly and then rolling his eyes before speaking. "Let's cut off being cheesy and proceed with your question."

"You're just jealous that you can't be all corny right at the moment." Kyunghoon fired at Heechul. "If you want to say heart fluttering words like what Baekhyun is saying bring your g-"

"If you say what I think you're going to say, I'm going to kill you."

Sangmin interupts. "Baekhyun, please proceed to your question."

"Okay, I'm going to ask you a question but before that," he pauses and hits the toy hammer hard against the table making me flinch on my seat. "I want you all to know how strong I hit."

"What if Y/n gets the wrong answer? Will you hit her that hard?"

Baekhyun spared me a glance and I raised a brow at him. "She won't be anwsering this one. I think she knows this. If ever she gets the wrong answer then I'll have to hit her of course." then he pried his eyes off me to look at the paper he's holding. "I'll be asking my question now."

"I asked Y/n this question and it made her feel so flustered, she couldn't talk to me for hours."

With squinted eyes, I tried to remember what question was that but I couldn't remember anything.

Soo Geun raises his hand amd answers, "Will you marry me?"

"Wrong!" he approaches him and hits him with the toy hammer but not as hard as he did with the table. "We haven't talked about it, remember?"

"It makes every girls flustered!"

It was Heechul's turn to answer with his left hand in the air. "It was the first time, you were new to your relationship and you were like, "Do you want to do the it?" and that made Y/n so flustered because it's something she never saw coming!" he then wiggles his eyebrows teasingly.

"What the?? Wrong! You fool!" Baekhyun strides towards his friend and hits him, it was harder compared to Soo Geun.

"Uh, was it when you asked me to do your back when you were showering?"

Baekhyun slowly shakes his head. "No. I can't believe you don't know, love." he walks closer while I get myself ready for a strong hit of that toy hammer.

"Wah! He's really going to hit her!"

Baekhyun swings the hammer so far, looking like he'll hit me so hard but few seconds after I felt a very weak hit of the toy against my cheek.

"Lol what was that?"

"You're making me feel emotions from nervous to flustered. I though you're really going to hit her hard."

Baekhyun goes back to the table while looking shy at what he just did and from the comments of the casts.

"It was something that could make everyone flustered, occuring inside the bedroom."

"I know! She asked you to take off your clothes before bed and change but you couldn't do that because you were really tired from your schedules!" Janghoon answered.

Baekhyun thought about it for few seconds before he said, "You're getting closer! But incorrect."

And with that, I know what he's talking about! No way! Not that one! My realization of what was the answer showed an expression of disgusted as I shook my head while whining quietly.

"I think Y/n just realized what the answer was." Ho Dong giggled.

"I'll give a very obvious clue. It's asked after you're threatened to take off your clothes."

"Ah! 'Do you think you can handle it?' is it?"

He lets out a laugh before pointing the hammer to Kyunghoon who answered that. "Correct!"

I slumped my whole face on the table out of embarrassment while all of then teased me.

"It was when Y/n saw the bunch of clothes as gifts from my fansites. She opened them one by one and wanted me to wear some of them because she thinks it would look good on me. I do appreciate those gifts given but some of them looked ridiculous for me and those are what she wants me to try on. So she asked me to wear that one suit and I refused and she was like "Try this on or I'll take off your clothes myself." and glared like this," he paused to imitate the glare I gave him that day. "And then I asked her "Do you think you can handle?" and raised a brow teasingly before I added, "I think not." she was so flustered that time she couldn't look into my eyes or talk to me for hours."

"That's indeed flustering."

We talked about the situation that day for few moments before it was my turn to ask the a question.

"Next! Y/n-ssi!"

I left my seat and went to the table, took the toy hammer into my hand and the paper that contains my question to the other one.

"Okay, I'll be asking my question." I cleared my throat and laughed at mt own question for a bit before reading it out loud. "Baekhyun once tied me to the bed. Why did he do that?"

"Ooooh, that's so hot." Ho Dong commented and we all laughed at him. "It's because you guys are wild."

"Wrong!" I walked towards him and hit him with the toy hammer.

"You were so hyper after you drank and you started running around that Baekhyun couldn't get a hold of you so when he caught you he tied you to bed until you fell asleep?"

"Wrong. It was because of something that is inevitable in every relationship."

"Ah! Ah! I know! You were in a fight! And you told Baekhyun you're breaking up with him so he tied you to the bed so you couldn't leave and talk about things slowly and calmly."

I hit the the hammer against the table and pointed to Heechul with a huge smile on my face. "Correct!"

He stands up from his seat to do a victory dance. "Damn! I knew it! I knew Baekhyun so well!"

"It was when we were in a huge fight and I told Baekhyun I'm leaving him first thing in the morning since it was snowing hard that night I couldn't leave right at the moment. I slept and maybe because of too much exhaustion after an overloaded schedule, I didn't managed to wake up when he tied me to the bed while I'm asleep. When morning came, I was all tied up and Baekhyun asked me to talk about everything and eventually we made up that very morning and huge fights like that never happened again."

All of us discussed about what happened that day, what the fight was about and got to talk about random things regarding my relationship with Baekhyun before we decided to end that segment of the show to proceed to the last one.

We were told that we'll be playing a game, again. But this time, not to promote our song but for the prizes. The chairs and tables were now placed aside, arranged for two persons together. Heechul and Janghoon sat together, so does Baekhyun and I, Ho Dong and Kyunghoon, and finally Sangmin, Youngchul and Soo Geun.

The door suddenly opened and a familiar guy walks in, it was Shindong sunbaenim. We greeted him with a clap as he walks in front. "Hi everyone! I'm senior Shindong!" he says while waving a hand. As soon as his eyes found mine his face turned surprise. "Oh, we have a lovely couple here."

I was flustered and felt my cheek getting hot.

"Wait! Before we start the game I wanted to ask if am I the only one who heard about the guest singer who's going to perform?"

"There is?"

"Yes! Not only that she's going to perform but she's taking the quiz. Guest singer, please come in!" Shindong sunbaenim goes to the side to give the stage to me.

I bursted into a fit of laughter as I left my seat to go towards the front and waited for my backup dancers to enter.

"Wah!" I turned to look at the door when Heechul screamed while pointing towards it, only to see that my backup dancers had entered the classroom. "There are so much boys compared to Baekhyun's girls. Baekhyun, If I were you I wouldn't be fine with it." he teases Baekhyun and evem elbowed my serious boyfriend who's staring at a certain male approaching me. I threw a not right now look at him and he seemed to realized his serious eyes so he looked away and cracked a smile to pretend that he's not affected with what his friend just told him.

I performed my song with all my heart, expression dark as what it usually is everytime I perform on stage. Not only that, but I was also hard with every dance moves especially to the part where I have to dance with a male backup dancer. During in the middle of my performance, I spared my boyfriend a glance and had a glimpse of his dark orbs before he looked away and talked to Heechul who asked something to him.

After my short performance, everyone applauded for me as I walked back to my seat.

"Baekhyun doesn't look like he liked it. Are you jealous, Baekhyunie-ssi?" Janghoon, who sat to the seat next to Baekhyun, acted like he was a reporter by pretending that he's holding out a microphone for him.

"I'm jealous. I didn't like how she danced with the male dancer." Baekhyun responded, playing along with the reporting act.

"But Y/n-ssi wasn't even jealous when you did that body rolls on your performance. Isn't that unfair? She even had a proud look when you performed but you had serious eyes at her."

"Actually, I was jealous when he did the rolling rolling." I commented and then pushed my bottom lip forward for a pout.

Baekhyun points a finger at me. "I didn't even had any skin contact when I dance with the backup dancer!"

"You never liked me doing that to you when we attempted to dance to UN Village together!"

"Well at least I didn't grinded my back at someone's chest!"

"Stop! Are you two really having your fight to be shown in the world?" Heechul interupts. "Even when you two fight, you look lovely." some of the casts agreed with Heechul while some laughed.

"But truth be told, I was jealous but it's just work. All for a good performance. That shouldn't be big deal since it's something Baekhyun and I do almost everyday."

"I agree. Sorry love. Please sit back here beside me." Baekhyun beckoned for me to come closer so I did and went to sit back beside him so we could start the game.

We played two games, first one is guessing what your teammate's action is and the other one is guessing from what song is the lyrics that Shindong read came from. We were all competitive and so into the game that Baekhyun and I won with the highest point. That means we have won some prizes.

After everything else, we wrapped the recording up and thanked everyone for their hardwork and for having us in Knowing Bros before Baekhyun and I left the set, holding hands as we walked towards the dressing room.

I plopped down on the couch and sighed. "I'm exhausted."

Baekhyun sat on the stool in front of the mirror and start removing his make-up. "Me too."

We were both quiet, making me feel sleepy so I closed my eyes and laid down on the couch comfortably, sticking my palms together and then tucking it below my head for it to serve as my pillow.

"Is my baby sleepy?" Baekhyun leaves his seat to approach me and crouched down right in front of the couch where I'm laying down. He then caresses my head lovingly and I smiled at him before puckering my lips, asking for a kiss in which he gladly obliged without a second thought.

As soon as Baekhyun parted from the kiss, the door bursted open. "Hey yo!" Heechul walks in while screaming loudly. But when he saw us, he immediately shuts his mouth up. "Is it a wrong timing?"

"No. We're not doing anything by the way." Baekhyun helps me up to sit and he sat beside me. "Is there something you want to say."

"Yup." Heechul nods before he turns his back to face the door and said, "Come in."

We waited for someone to walk in and few seconds after, a familiar woman shows up.

"Hi!" I left my seat to go towards Momo and greeted her with a hug and she automatically wraps her arms around my body.

"We're all so busy so I guess you forgot what day is tomorrow." Heechul says.

"Your anniversary?" Baekhyun answers confusedly with his left brow rising.

Heechul smacks his head. "No! Fool! It's Valentines day!"

"We decided to invite you for a double date. We had invited Jihyo and Daniel first but I guess they already have planned their date." Momo shrugged. "Is it fine?"

"Of course! That would be exciting!"

"We had planned the whole date and I hope you'll like it guys." Heechul places a hand on Baekhyun's shoulder. "Your appearance in Knowing Bros made me realize someting. I'm planning to... You know? Do what you guys did earlier."

"Be a guest into your own show? With Momo?"

Heechul shyly glances at Momo before nodding slightly.

"That's amazing! I'm glad we made you think about it."

"It's just I wanted to show off too, like you guys did." he took Momo's hand into his and they stared into each other's eyes. "Oh, by the way, we need to go. I stilk need to drop Momo off their dorm. Nayeon's already looking for her."

"Okay, bye!"

When they left Baekhyun and I stared at each other quietly before bursting out laughing.

"Okay but why are we laughing?" he asks.

"I don't know."

I guess it's because we're just happy. Being together makes us happy.

"I'm glad we inspired Heechul and Momo to show off like we usually do." Baekhyun walks closer with his arms spread. "I love you."

I tiptoed to reach for his lips and pressed a sweet peck on it. "I love you too."


As always, I didn't know how to end this one.



I'm soooooooo sorry to @ImAnExoL4eVer if this took longer than expected. It was like I took a break before I publish this rather than publishing this first before taking a break. Thank you so much for waiting 😔❤️

Anyway! This is the last imagine I will publish and will be gone for awhile. But I want to tell ya'll that you all are my sweetest valentines besides EXO and Baekhyun :">

Aaaaand?! Remember the prompt I posted on my message board a long time ago? The one about rude idol Baekhyun. I'm writing that one and I also found some short stories in my drafts that I wrote a long time ago. When I'm back, I'm going to share it to all of you 😗

I'm planning to be back on my birthday but that's a busy month and I think I'll have to move it to Baekhyun's birthday but that's a busier month so I guess I don't have to plan it for now. Lol as if someone's waiting for me here ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Goodbye for now, Strawberries. Sorry if this imagine is disappointing 🥺

I love you all!!

You are the best!!

Happy hearts day!!



Finally on break...
