

Cheer me up with your heart-fluttering comments hahahaha!


ANYWAYS! THANK YOU FOR THE 7K READS! YA'LL KNOW IT'S A BIG DEAL FOR ME RIGHT? Because I ain't a big account so yeah. ㅋㅋㅋ

But I'm still sad tho.


Even though I've seen him countless of times already, I still get nervous every time I see Baekhyun. Aside from nervousness, I felt very sad now that I will have to stop seeing him. There were no EXO fansign or concert that I missed since I became their fan. I'm not a fansite master or a sasaeng, I'm just a fan who follows them on their concerts and fansigns and not on their dorms or somewhere private. One of the reasons why EXO members seems to have grew fond of me and gets excited every time they could spot me in the crowd.

It was my turn to get my album signed, Baekhyun immediately recognized me and smiled at me as soon as he saw me approaching the table. My heart couldn't calm just like when I attendend EXO's fansign event for the first time.

"Y/n-ssi!" Baekhyun excitedly said when I got in front of the table. The other members heard how Baekhyun almost yelled my name so they noticed me and waved at me before going back to signing some albums.

I handed him my EXODUS album. "Oppa, I need to tell you something."

He took my album from me and placed it down on the table gently before he looked up to meet my eyes and gave me a sweet smile. "What is it?"

"I'm going away, I'm not going to see you and the others for four years."

The sweet smile he on his face dissipated and a flash of hurt pass through his eyes. I felt guilty because of the look he gave me. This is why I contemplated wether to tell him about this or not, but he has the right to know. I can't just disappear suddenly, knowing that Baekhyun would look for me every fansigns and concert that EXO holds. I know it will not bother him that much since I'm just a fan, but I just wanted him to know so he'll be aware.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going back to my country after several years of living here. I got accepted in a good university there and I'm taking up a four year course!" I tried to sound excited so he wouldn't feel down. "Don't worry! I always still love you and the members even when I'm far away and will not see you in some future concerts or fansigns."

The guard beside Baekhyun tried to tell us that we're already taking too long, placing a hand between us but Baekhyun just ignored him so he had no choice but to keep me talking. "Besides, I think you already grew tired seeing my face countless of times. Back when you're still not this popular up until this very moment, you would always see me every events you and the guys went to."

"No, I'm actually anticipating every time I know I get to see you. Please don't say that." Baekhyun waved his hands to show that he disagrees on what I just said.

"I promise, the moment after I graduate, I will immediately fly back here to see you again!" he cracked me a small smile before he stared down at my album. "But oppa... Can I ask a favor?"

He meets my eyes again before he hummed in agreement. "I know I will sound so selfish to this. But may I ask if you like someone?"

He scrunched his face a bit as he think about his answer. "Yes. I like her a lot."

I felt my heart crack a bit but I went on. "Are you planning to ask her out?"

"I want to, but I don't have the courage. Why you did asked?"

I inhaled slowly, closing my eyes for few seconds before opening it again. "Can... Can you please not ask her out?"

Baekhyun seems confused as his brows furrowed. "Why?"

"I wanted you to be my inspiration as I study. I'm sorry but I just love you so much and the thought of you dating someone breaks my heart and I think I can't focus on my studies because of it. I'm so selfish, I know." I breathed slowly to calm myself, I'm being talkative again I might say something right in front of Baekhyun's face that may disappoint him. "Can you please just start dating when I already have graduated? I promise, you will have my full support and I will not hate that girl you wanted to date!"

Baekhyun chuckled as he held out his pinky finger to me. "I will promise that, for you. Since I really don't want to date yet. I want to spend more time with my EXO-Ls."

I intertwined my pinky on his and smiled at him. "Thank you so much, Baekhyunie oppa. I'm sorry for asking such favor."

"It's fine." then he lets go of my pinky to sign my album. "I'm going to write a message for you to remember. Even when you're far from me, you should never forget me, okay?"


"If you don't want me to date until you graduate. Then I don't want you to date until you graduate too. Stay loyal to me." I nodded at Baekhyun while he continues writing his message for me. After writing, he handed me my album back with a smile.

"I will always be loyal to you!"

"Good, then study well and all I do is wait for you to comeback."

I couldn't help but smile at him sweetly for the last time before I turned my back to leave the stage.

I didn't read the message Baekhyun wrote for me and decided that I will just do so when I arrive home. I stayed until the the fansign ended.

As everyone was leaving, a staff approached me. She placed a hand on my shoulder, causing for me to jump in surprise. "Baekhyunie-sii has asked for you, please follow me."


I followed the staff until we reached the back stage. Then she told me to wait on that dimly lit place so I did.

Why would Baekhyun ask for me?

"Y/n-ssi! Oh my gosh!"

I yelped when someone suddenly jumped on me and squeazed the life out of me using his big strong arms encircling my small body.

"Baekhyun told us you're leaving." Chanyeol pushed himself away from me so he could have a look on my face. "There are a lot of good universities here in Korea, why leave?"


Then all of the members appeared behind Chanyeol, with Baekhyun standing at the very back, arms crossed on his chest as he stared at me with a small smile etched on his face. I stared back at him, brows meeting as if asking him why are the members here? I wasn't expecting the others because the staff only said Baekhyun and didn't inlcude the others. How to calm?!

"I thought you should see the others before leaving the country." Baekhyun said, his smile turned into a smirk seeing how amused I am with the other members around me.

"When are you leaving, Y/n?" Chen asked clinging on my arms as if we have been friends for a long time. I felt myself blushing at how close he actually is.


"WHAT?!" Baekhyun was the first one to react, yelling so loud. Then he made his way towards me. "Why didn't tell me earlier?"

"Yeah, the fansign ended so late. You should rest for your flight tomorrow." everyone agreed with Suho and crowded me, ignoring the surprised Baekhyun.

"Move over! She's my fan!" Baekhyun pushed the members aside that were covering his view of me. My eyes bulged when he took my hands in his. "Why didn't you tell me you're leaving this soon?!"

"I wanted to leave quietly, although I know you guys won't care."

"No! That's not true!" Xiumin raised his hand to get my attention. "I'm so sad to hear that you're leaving. It's a big deal! I would miss spotting you in the crowd."

"Yeah. You've been with us. Knowing your limits as a fan and respecting our privacies even when we're on the same place. That's why we like you so much." Lay smiled, showing his dimples.

I roamed my eyes on each and everyone's face, taking in their features and genuine smiles for me. I can't believe I get to experience this kind on interaction with them before leaving.

"While I'm still here. I wanted to tell you guys that this very moment felt surreal. Seeing you all this close and some of you actually having a skinship with me." I paused and glanced at Baekhyun who's still holding my hands. He looked down on our connected hands and held mine tighter. "Thank you so much for sparing some time seeing me before I go. I never thought it would affect you guys the slightest."

"Slightest? It would affect us so much! Do you know that we play the game of the one who spots you in the crowd first? If you're not in the crowd, how will we have some fun while the others are having their ment?" realization knocked the others because of Sehun's words. They looked at each other as if the only fun they have is taken by me.

"It's only for four years, right? It will pass by quickly." Kyungsoo said and I beamed at him.

"It's time for us to go. I wanted to talk to you for the whole night but we both have something to do." Baekhyun pulled me closer until my head met his chest. I pressed my lips together to suppress any squeals from my mouth. "Please be well, Y/n. I'll be waiting for you."

"Us too!" then the rest of the boys joined on hugging us. I was squished between 9 boys with Baekhyun squeazing me the most, his arms tight around my waist.


I inhaled the most familiar air of Seoul, taking it inside my lungs as if it's the first time. I really missed Korea because I didn't have the chance to step a foot on this country during the past four years.

You can't be too late.

So I don't accidentally miss you on my way.

Now all I do is wait.

I chuckled at the words written on the album as I brush my finger tips across the paper with Baekhyun's sign on it. Does this mean they have been doing the Love Shot album while in EXODUS era? The message he wrote me is from the lyrics of EXO's Wait, one of the tracks included in EXO's latest album released last 2018.

Now it's 2019, the year I have been waiting. Also, the year Baekhyun finally got to have his solo debut. I was lucky enough to graduate before the date of Baekhyun's solo debut. So before the first fansign, I was back in Korea. All ready to face Baekhyun.

I went to where the fansign will be held, 2 hours earlier. I can't be too late. The staffs let me in after recognizing me and told me how Baekhyun and the other members would hope that I'll surprise them with my sudden apperance. They also told me about how the boys talk about me the first time they didn't saw me at their concert and how Baekhyun was down at my absence. I never felt so in love after hearing their stories, I made a spot on EXO's heart and that made me fall in love with them harder.

"Baekhyun is coming! Y/n-ssi you can stay inside that one room." a staff told me and pointed to a room where I could hide. Everyone knows that I wanted to surprise Baekhyun and I'm glad they cooperated with me.

I can't wait to see Baekhyun but I don't want to ruin my surprise either so I stayed inside said room while Baekhyun was being styled in the room next to where I was. I could hear his chuckles and his ever so beautiful voice. How I miss hearing his voice in person since I only got to hear his voice through the speakers of my phone.

I waited for hours until the fansign was over. Baekhyun is now giving his ment, the last thing he will do before ending the fansign.

"Even if you will have boyfriends in the future and you will like them more because you're tired of me, I'll still be cherishing the moments we spend time together."

The fans awed at his words. I couldn't help my heart as it melted. How could he say such thing?

"Please tell me you love me."

"We love you, Baekhyunie!"

And that is the end of the fansign. Baekhyun waved at the fans before he went backstage. The staff gave me the cue so I hurriedly fixed myself and got ready to step outside the room.

I opened the door, and the first thing I saw is Baekhyun's back as he thanked and apologized to the staffs for taking the fansign too long. He bowed at them as he apologized while I quietly made my way towards him.

"Bold of you to say that we EXO-Ls will have a boyfriends when I can't even date because of you."

Baekhyun stood frozen on his place after recognizing my voice. He slowly turned his body around and his eyes bulged when he saw my figure standing right in front of him.

"Y/n-ssi. Is that you?"

"Who else would it be?"

He didn't said anything, he suddenly strode towards me and engulfed me into a tight warm hug. I felt my face getting hot as I slowly wrapped my arms around his waist to hug him back.

He pulled away and placed both of his hands on the both sides of my shoulders so he could look at me. "You... You grew so much! You look more mature now. Did you do great in school?"

"I did! All thanks to you, my inspiration." I grinned at him and Baekhyun giggled before ruffling my hair, sending more blood to rise up towards my face, making it redder than earlier.

"Did... You dated someone?" he asked, his voice sounded a bit awkward. I looked up to him with slightly widened eyes before I shook my head.

"Like I told you, I can't even date because of you."

"Is it because of your promise for me?"

"No, it's because I can't find someone to like more than you."

Baekhyun tried to stop his laugh as he looked away from me, like I have said the most hilarious thing ever.

It's so nice to see him happy like that. And the fact that he actually waited for me to finish my studies and held back to have someone that will make him happy, hurts me. I was so selfish. He deserve someone to make him happy, now that he has fulfilled his promise I will fulfil mine too.

"Baekhyun oppa, you... You can date now. You can ask out that someone you like and I will support you. Like what I promised four years ago. You have fulfilled your promise of being my inspiration and held yourself to have someone beside you, now I must fulfil mine, and that is to support you and that person." I felt my heart getting heavy at every words I release. I love Baekhyun and I want him to be mine, but love isn't just about me and my desire to have Baekhyun so I could be happy. He should be happy too but he won't find it in me.

"Okay! Thank you for staying loyal to me for the past four years. Even if you can't date, you should. You're not getting any younger." he grinned at me ever so sweetly. No, don't be like that! I might hold you back and will not allow you to date anymore!

"Now I'm going to ask that girl I like to date me. I have been waiting for this moment." I nodded at him to encourage him, to go on, to be happy with someone else even if it hurts me.

"So, would you go out on a date with me, Y/n-ssi?"

My brows met at his question. What did he said?

My brain tried to process what he said and the moment I did, I covered my mouth using my hand and tried to stop myself from screaming, eyes widening without taking them off from Baekhyun's smiling face. Did he just asked me out on a date?! He likes me?! So the girl he meant years ago is me? My bias likes me?!

"Huh? What?" is all that I could say when I successfully held my scream enough to mutter some words. I know my brain have processed what he said but it can't seem to process some words for me to say.

"You heard me right, Y/n. I'm going to ask the girl I LIKE to date me and I just did." he made the words 'I like' so clear. "What can you say?" he has that cocky grin on his lips but his eyes tells me he's anxious, anticipating for my answer and it seems like he's expecting a rejection. Me? Rejecting Baekhyun? Hell no!

"Well, you said that I should date too since I'm not getting any younger." I avoided his gaze and looked down so he wouldn't have a glimpse on my blushing face. "I... I'd like to go on a date with you, Baekhyunie."

"Ugh! My heart!" Baekhyun dramatically said and clutched on his shirt just right in front of his chest. "Do you know how much I want to kiss you every time you call me to that?"

Then he grabbed my wrist, pulled me closer until our bodies bumped into each other. I still have a shocked expression on my face as I looked up at him and Baekhyun giggled before he gently glided his fingers on the side of my face, tucking some strands of hair behind my ear before he leaned down and pecked my lips. I can't breathe!

Baekhyun lets out a hearty laugh before he whispered, "So Cute." and then finally pressing his soft lips against mine for a sweet kiss. My hands went to his side, pulling a fistful of his shirt as he gently moved his lips on mine. My eyes fluttered close and I tiptoed to reach him more before I responded to him. I felt Baekhyun smile somewhere between the kiss before he gently tugged at my bottom lip. I gave him the entrance he wanted and so he went on.

He parted after our shortness of breath. "Damn, I've been wanting to do that every time you talk to me during our conversations at a fansign." I can't say a word becuase of too much shock so I jist giggled shyly.

Then a hand went down to intertwine itself on mine. "All of those years I waited for you, are worth it. I love you so much." his other hand went to cup my cheek as he pressed another quick kiss on my lips. "Now, where shall I take my girlfriend for our first date?"

"Hannam-dong UN Village?"

Baekhyun laughed at my answer. "And what are we going to do there?"

We stared at each other, holding back our laughs before we spoke, more like sing. "Relax and chillin' aye yeah."

Yeah, we share the same braincells.

We bursted into a fit of laughter as we started to walk out of the place, hand in each other with my head slowly leaning against Baekhyun's shoulder.

All the years the both waited for each other, are indeed worth it.
