Just Us 2

This is so looong >< I hope it won't bore you along the way and will make sense until the end. Also, this is the 2nd part of "Why Not Us?" :">

And I got the idea of this because of SeChan's 'Just Us 2' about going out on a vacation together. Hee hee.

There are a lot of errors ahead. Lack of proofreading because I want to have something for ya'll 🥰


Right after Baekhyun and I decided to just marry each other, we told everyone about it and they gave us their full support and felt very excited for the both of us.

It has been weeks since that day Baekhyun suggested that we should just get married and we are now planning our wedding. Everything is going smooth and our ideas for this wedding are both amazing and will be applied since we have the same ideas without telling each other. It's like we know what's running inside our head even when we're apart. Now I know I will never regret marrying my bestfriend who almost share the same braincells as me.

I really don't feel well and have been nauseous since earlier this morning.

"Love." Baekhyun entered our room and walked straight towards me. He then gave me a kiss on the side of my head. "Are you fine? You look pale."

"I just don't... Feel well a little bit. But I can handle it."

"Oh, baby. Don't overwork yourself. Get some rest." he snatched the paper I was holding before giving me a kiss on my lips. "Rest for a bit and just go back to planning when you're fine."

I chuckled at how cute he is while being caring. I've seen him caring towards me for millions of times but this time, it felt different. "I think I'm falling in love with you." I encircled my arms around his neck and pulled him with me as I laid my back on the bed, latching our lips along the way. Baekhyun made his way above me and responded to my kiss.

"I have to get used to this." he laughed a bit before pressing his lips on mine once again. I threaded my fingers on his hair but then forced myself to part from the kiss when I felt my stomach flipping upside down.

I pushed Baekhyun on the side and ran towards the bathroom and threw up on the toilet. Baekhyun followed shortly after and caressed my back as I continued throwing up.

"I think you should have a whole day of rest, baby." he suggested while I'm washing my face.

"Baek, what if... You know? What I'm thinking about."

He thought of my words for awhile before it sunk in his brain. His eyes bulged at me before a smile broke out on his face.

"No way." he said with a smile. "Let's go to the doctor, now. Right now." Baekhyun dashed out of the bathroom to grab our coats. He helped me putting mine before he happily skipped his way out of our apartment to get his car ready.

Baekhyun opened the door for me and before I could slide inside, he cupped my cheek and planted his lips on mine for a sweet kiss.

"Oooh, someone seems excited. What's up?" our neighbor, who witnessed how Baekhyun and I grew together, peeked from the fence that separates our apartment building from her house. She would always say that Baekhyun and I will most likely marry each other since she knew about our plans of looking for someone single on our friends' wedding and how hopeless we are every time. She was the happiest when we broke the news out.

"I'm super excited!" Baekhyun replied to her with his voice like a child.

"Good luck to whatever it is then." she smiles at us and waved.

We got inside the car and Baekhyun couldn't stop smiling. I don't even need to guess how excited he is, but I'm not really enthusiastic as him and I don't know why. "We're not sure, Baek. Don't expect too much."

"I just can't. I've been waiting for this moment, Y/n." he caught my face between his hands and pulled me for another kiss. "I've been imagining it with you."

I wish I didn't mentioned about it. Was all my thought as we made our way to the hospital. To have Baekhyun's baby is what I've been imagining too. It would be the cutest babies I will see. But I don't know why I don't feel excited about it. I think I'm not what I think I am.

When we got home, Baekhyun was down as I do. It turns out that I have gastric acid that's why I felt nauseous.

"It's okay, Baek. I'm sorry if I got you excited like that." I intertwined my hands on his and rubbed my thumb on his skin.

"It's fine. We still have a lot of time and besides, we're not married. I wanted us to have a baby when we've moved out of this apartment and finally married." he grinned at me and my heart can't help but melt. He's so understanding.


The most beautiful day for the both of us, came. Baekhyun is the most gorgeous groom I've ever seen and I can't believe I'm finally marrying him like what I have been picturing out in my mind. The imagines I have in my head from a long time ago is what exactly happened and it's more heart fluttering than those. The love I have for Baekhyun is bursting out. I do love him more than just a friend even when we were both dating someone back then, but that kind of love was hidden in the deepest part of my heart and it just came out now. I love Baekhyun and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

We're now at the reception. The guests are currently eating their foods while we're both roaming around to let them see us close and congratulate us personally.

"Hi, Baek! Y/n! Congratulations on your wedding." Minseok said and we both thanked him. "I only came to see You and Sehun marry your partners. I have been lost for a long time." Minseok elbowed Baekhyun and he blushed before winking at me. Minseok is one of Baekhyun's friends who left Korea to live somewhere with his wife. We haven't seen him for such long time and I'm glad he showed up today.

A little girl ran up to Minseok and hugged his legs. "Oh, you guys knew I already have a new girl in my life but you haven't met her." he picked up the little girl and kissed her cheek. "Meet Mina, my daughter." his daughter waved at us shyly and we all giggled at her cuteness.

Then the rest of Baekhyun's friends came to join us, together with their children.

"Chanyeol, tell your son to stop poking my daughter's cheeks." Jongdae said as he tried to keep his 1 year old daughter away from Chanyeol's 2 year old son, who's tyring to reach and poke the baby girl's fluffy cheek.

"Aren't their children adorable?" I whispered at Baekhyun and leaned my head on his shoulder, eyes on the happy boys busy talking about their kids in front of us.


"We should have one."

Then we looked into each other before a perverted smiled broke out on our faces. I love how are we like reading each other's mind just by looking at our eyes.

The first night of us being married bestfriends, we had the most romantic night of our lives. Not that every night together were not romantic already. But there is something that made me fall in love with Baekhyun, deeper, as he made love to me.

Months have passed, we have moved out from our shared apartment after our honeymoon and lived in a house Baekhyun bought for us both. I told him we could just buy it together but he insisted and said that it's his duty as the man of my life. I haven't seen this side of Baekhyun and I'm glad that I'm discovering new in him as days pass by. I thought I already knew my bestfriend that much but I was wrong.

Everyday is a romantic day with him and I'm not even complaining. He's now even more caring and sweet towards me. He's fulfilling the dream married life we both have. I'm so lucky to have a best friend at the same time best husband.

Now that our dream married life is currently happening and will continue until forever. The only thing left we both want to have, is a child. To be finally a family. It's like the cherry on the top that we're waiting.

"Baby! Are you done?" Baekhyun yelled as he knocked on the door. I remained my eyes on floor and silently cried, tears not obvious because of the water from the shower pouring down on me. "Whatever, love! I'm coming in!"

The door opened and Baekhyun walked in. He was grinning but when he saw me sad and was staring down at the floor quietly, his smile dropped.

"What's the matter, baby?" he peeled himself off the robe he was wearing and stepped inside the shower with me.

"But... We've been doing it for months now."

"What do you mean, babe?"

I just kept my eyes on the floor and Baekhyun's followed to where I'm staring at, he gasped a bit after seeing blood stains all over the floor.

"I thought..."

"Shhh, honey, it's okay." he quickly embraced me and kissed the top of my head as I sobbed. "We can always try, hm?"

"What if it's going to be just the two of us until we're old?"

"Is that a problem? We've been living for so many years now, just us two and yet we're still happy and contented." he kissed me sweetly on my lips and then leaned his forehead against mine. "It's fine, really. Don't pressure yourself over this."

"But I want us to have little yous around."

"We will have, just wait."

I sniffed softly before embracing Baekhyun, hiding my face on his bare chest. His hands went up to caress my hair and he planted another kiss on the crown of my head.

I tilted my head to look up to Baekhyun and he was already smiling at me lovingly. "Even after months since our marriage, I still can't believe I married you." my arms ascended to wrap themselves aroud his neck. "My bestfriend. My favorite bestfriend of all time. I love you so much, Baekhyun."

"Me too, love. Me too." then he captured my lips fully into a passionate kiss. He pressed his body into mine and I can't help but stumble backwards until my back felt the cold wall of the shower. Baekhyun's lips wandered down my neck.

"We've never done it in the shower before." I giggled before I felt his hand guiding my left thigh to wrap it around his waist.

I've said it, and I'm saying it again. I'm glad in discovering new things with Baekhyun everyday. Including making love in the shower.


Few hours after going back home from work, Baekhyun came and even excitedly dashed his way towards the kitchen where I'm trying to make a decent food for him.

"Baby." as soon as he saw me busy, he slowed down. Once he was standing behind me, he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my nape which tickled me instantly since I'm quite sensitive on that area.

"Why is my bacon excited?" I chuckled and turned around so I could greet my husband with a kiss.

"I bought us a ticket to France! Let's go travel. Just us two." Baekhyun's hand went to cup my cheek, and soon after his thumb was found caressing my skin lovingly. "Let's go travel the world. Just go on vacation, relax and chillin' you know?" his voice was soft and something like romantic? Like he's a asking me to marry him again but wanted it to be heard only by me.

I grinned at him and held his hand that was on my cheek. "That would be awesome! When is the flight?"

"Uh, tomorrow at six." he shyly replied and even scratched the back of his neck. "I know you would be mad since I didn't tell you about this and we have such short time to pack things-"

"Baek, I'm not mad. After having our dinner, let's go pack out things and get ready for tomorrow."

"I knew you'd understand me. I love you so much." he pecked my lips before he ran outside the kitchen while screaming like an excited kid. This puppy.

Like what I told him, after having our dinner we immediately left the table to race towards our shared bedroom and took our luggages out.

"No, Baek! You can't put Mongryong inside your luggage, silly!" I laughed out loud as I took Mongryong from his luggage.

"No one's going to be with him while we're away."

"Let's just have Chanyeol fetch him before we leave tomorrow."

After what felt like days of packing (thanks to Baekhyun being silly over my things.) we're finally done and ready to leave. I already filed for a leave and my boss Junmyeon, one of Baekhyun's friends, agreed and even told me I can take a leave as long as I want. He told me that, in hopes to lessen my stress so Baekhyun and I could have a baby soon. Because according to him, he's being left out by being the only man in their group who doesn't have a child yet. I love Junmyeon but sometimes I just want to knock him on the head.

The next morning, we woke up earlier than usual. Both excited for the trip, all giggly and childish while doing our morning routine.

"Thanks for sparing a little time to fetch Mongryong, Yeol."

"Anytime. But don't forget about me while you two are on your trip. Buy me souvenirs on your way."

"We will." I went towards Chanyeol and gave Mongryong a caress while he's in Chanyeol's arms. "Don't forget to take care of our little baby boy." I said, in a manner as if I was talking to a baby.

"Geez, stop talking to your dog like that. You need a real baby."

"I have a real baby." I patted Baekhyun's head and he smiled shyly before leaning down a bit so I could reach his lips and gave him a loving peck. "Baekhyun is my baby."

"Ugh, whatever. I'm going." Chanyeol rolled his eyes at us before he left with Mongryong.

We fixed ourselves for a bit before we headed out to go to the airport. The excitement never dared to die every second until we reached the airport and even after we're settled in the plane.

Baekhyun told me that he already have planned this trip days after we got married. This means, everything is ready. The hotel where we are going stay, the places we will go to, tourist spots we will see for ourselves, foods we will try and things we will buy, everything. It's like going on a honeymoon once again.

After long hours of flight, we have finally landed to our destiny. We're both tired but still excited to explore France. But since we're still a little dizzy from being up in the air for hours, we decided to take a rest since we arrive at night anyways.

Baekhyun made his way beside me and instantly snuggled with me. "I'm going to make you very happy with the help of this trip."

"Silly beagle." I pecked his lips and chuckled at his sleepy face. "I'm already happy with just you by my side."

He hummed sleepily and I heard small snores seconds after. That sound alone made me fall fast asleep as well.

Morning came, we are now energized and more hyper compared to when we were still home. While we're on our way, Baekhyun couldn't stop spoiling me with the plans he had that I have to shut him up with my own lips. I wanted to be surprised for what he's up to.

First, we had breakfast in a cozy restaurant in which we could see the perfect view of the Eiffel tower. Both of us were immersed in a romantic conversation of how beautiful our friendship and the same time relationship is. As beautiful as the Eiffel tower in front of us.

Then we headed out to stroll around the street. If we see a store we'd enter just to look for the things sold or buy some souvenirs for Baekhyun's friends. We also took photos of each other, aware or not. Now I have lots of boyfriend Baekhyun photos even when he's now my husband.

We explored half of Paris for the whole day and only stopped at another restaurant for our dinner. Now the Eiffel tower looks even more romantic, shining bright together with the city lights.

"Too bad, this day has to end." I said after colliding my glass of wine against Baekhyun's.

"Oh, but this isn't the end, baby. We still have a week. We haven't been in the Disneyland Paris, the museums and parks around. There's so much place and time."

I can't help but smile at Baekhyun's adoring eyes on me. "I love doing this with you."

"But I love you more."

I rolled my eyes at his cheesiness before we bursted into a laughter.

The whole week were spent exploring the whole Paris, France. We finally got to see the Disneyland Paris and had tons of photos of us both being childish all over the place. We also have seen or visited some buildings such as Musee de l'Orangerie, Palais Garnier, Palace of Versailles, Saint-Chapelle, Place de la Concorde and so many buildings to name. And we also got to experience the Seine Cruise and got tons of romantic moments as we look around the place.

The trip isn't just about visiting museums and building or taking pictures of ourselves. But we also tried foods that could only be found in France. Baekhyun would insist not to feed him since he said he'll lost his abs and it scares him that I will not find him attractive anymore. That's not true. He's always attractive even with those chubby cheeks when he was young and up until now. I will never find him unattractive. After million times of convincing him that I'd still love him even without his abs, teasing him with the food, and insisting to feed him, he gave up and we happily ate together.

Today, we're leaving the city of lights. I was so tired from the last activities we did before leaving our hotel that I didn't notice where I'm walking towards to. I'm just following Baekhyun from behind.

"Wait. We're not going home?" I asked Baekhyun as soon as I realized that we're not taking a flight back to Korea, but to Osaka, Japan instead.

Baekhyun turned around to face me and waited for me a bit until I reached beside him. He wrapped an arm around my waist before he kissed the side of my head. "This trip is just the tip of an ice berg. We're going to explore the world, just us two."

"Wow! I can't wait!"

We did explore Osaka. From the tourist spots such as the Universal Studios where I get to experience the Harry Potter dream I've been wanting for me to happen!

"Baekhyun, this is the best!" I screamed and jumped up to my husband to hug him. He giggled as he stumbled back a bit and hugged me back. "Thank you so much, love." I gave him small kisses on every inch of his face.

"Anything for my baby."

We tried different foods and got childish all over the place just like what happened when we were on Disneyland Paris. Baekhyun and I were dressed like students of Hogwarts and had a duel that made us look like a crazy couple waving their wands and screaming some spells. The other people around would look at us confusedly, questioning eyes were like asking what the hell are we doing? But who are they to stop us from having fun, right?

"I had so much fun today." I sighed before I let myself sink deeper in the bathtub. Soon after, my back felt Baekhyun's chest and my head on his shoulder.

"I'm glad you did." he glided the tip of his nose on the side of my head and then I felt his lips shortly after.

I shifted my head until I came to face his jaw. I pressed a kiss on his skin that made him hum in pleasure. "You shouldn't have done that. I know you're tired."

"I'm glad you know." leaning my head back on his shoulder, I closed my eyes and sighed.

"But you triggered me. Do something about it."

"I thought you know I'm tired?"

"I do... Argh!" I chuckled at him whining as he tried to make himself comfortable carefully since I'm sitting between his legs. "Why do I even love you this much that I couldn't do anything."

What? Is he starting to get tired of me? Is he slowly falling out of love from me? Wait, is he regretting that he ended up marrying me?

I kept myself quiet and stiff against his body while I tried my very best not to sniff.

And Baekhyun must've noticed it.

"Baby, did I said something?" I didn't answered and remained my eyes closed. "Oh... I didn't mean it, I'm so sorry."

"Y/n, look at me." I slowly opened my tear-filled eyes with my lips automatically pouting against my will as I shifted my head so I could have a look on Baekhyun's face. "I didn't mean it. I love you, okay? I will never regret loving you, do you understand?"


He lets out an adorable giggle before pecking my lips. "Why are you suddenly so sensitive?"

"I don't know. I must be tired."

"Let's finish showering so you could sleep now."

After the three day stay and exploring Osaka, we are now heading towards another place for another trip. Baekhyun said we still have 5 places to go before going home. He never fails to make me feel excited every time he mentions about his plans for the trip.

We came at Romblon, Philippines. Our next stop. Since this place is an island, we finally had a trip that is mostly beach-related. We swam at the beach and did some water activities such us diving with the pretty fishes and jumping in rivers.

After three days in Romblon, we made our way to Enshi, China. Where we got to experience walking on the Grand Canyon. It was fun and at the same time I felt bad for Baekhyun since he's been screaming nonstop. I had to cover his eyes so he wouldn't be scared. I know that my bestfriend trusted me that much when he agreed to my idea of covering his eyes and I will just guide him.

And so his planned trip goes on. After Enshi of China, we went to Vinh of Vietnam. Three days after exploring and experiencing something fun and new in that place, we flew to Edinburgh. The place where Sehun recomended since this is where he proposed to his wife.

During in the middle of strolling around Edinburgh Castle, I felt sick so I was forced to go back to our hotel to rest. Baekhyun went out after making sure I'm fine. He said he's going to buy medicines for me and now I'm all alone in our room.

My phone rang so I immediately went to find it in my bag despited feeling dizzy. I saw that Sehun's wife wanted to facetime me.

"Oh my gosh!" was the first thing she said after seeing me.

"What? Why are you so surprised?"

"You looked... Fat. I mean, you gained so much weight."

"Oh, probably because Baekhyun has been feeding me nonstop since our first stop to France."

"You're so lucky. Well, I have been feeding myself since Sehun doesn't have time for me."

"Don't tell me he feeds his dog more than you?"

She bursted into a fit of laughter before nodding. "I am so close to throwing Vivi away now."

"He'd be sad. Don-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence when I felt like throwing up.

"Y/n, are you okay?"

I shook my head and dropped my phone on the bed and dashed towards the bathroom to throw up. That went on for few moments.

"I just felt a little sick since this morning." I replied after going out of the bathroom, loud enough for Sehun's wife to hear. I picked my phone up and went back to the bathroom to look at myself at the mirror. "I did gained so much weight, my stomach is growing. Oh gosh! What if I'll get fat so much and Baekhyun will leave me?"

"Let me have a look at you."

I swithed the camera so she could see the body through the mirror and I heard a loud gasp after.

"What? Do I look worst?"

"I think you're not just getting fat because of all the foods."

"I'm getting fat naturally?"

"No, Y/n."

She told me what this could mean and I froze on the bed.

I called Baekhyun and asked where he is but he said he's going to take long because he's kinda lost. I took that opportunity to step out of our hotel room.


We're in Rome, the last stop for this trip. Baekhyun noticed that I'm getting sick more often so he decided to cancel the planned activities we are supposed to do. We mostly stayed inside our hotel room and I couldn't help but feel bad because Baekhyun really had planned so many things compared to the previous places we visited.

"I'm so sorry, love." I said weakly ang snuggled closer to his side. He tightened his arms around my waist and kissed my forehead.

"You already have said that for million times today. It's really fine, love. Your health is more important than those."

"But I wanted us to have some moments here in Rome. We've been staying inside the room for two days now."

Baekhyun didn't said anything and when I looked up to his face, he was thinking deeply.

"You're right. We should have some memorable moments here." he started to caress my hair that made me feel sleepy. "But first, have some sleep, baby."

Baekhyun sang me a song until I fell asleep.

"Hey, baby. Wake up."

I opened my eyes and immediately saw Baekhyun's smiling face. Holding my hand out, he pulled them to help me sit. My eyes instantly met the view outside the window, it's already dark.

"Come, let's have dinner."

"But I just woke up and I haven't washed my hair or changed into a decent clothes" I pulled his sweater that I'm currently wearing.

"It's fine, you already look perfect."

I pressed my lips together in attempt to stop myself from smiling as Baekhyun pulled me with him. We walked along the hallway and reached the elevator the he pressed the top floor button.

"We aren't eating outside?"

"No, but trust me. This is better."

He must've noticed that I'm still a little dizzy so he embraced me to keep me in place while we're waiting for the elevator to stop.

"We're here."

The doors opened and so does my mouth after seeing that we're at the rooftop! I whispered a "Wow!" and stepped outiside the elevator. The rooftop was like a park and the trail has fairylights beside it.

"Go follow the trail."

I did what Baekhyun said while he followed behind me. My mouth was in agape and my eyes kept on wondering around the romantic place and to the distant city lights below.

I came into a halt after reaching the end of the trail. "Baekhyun... This is something else."

"Surprise, baby."

He went near me and puts a hand on the small of my back and guided me to the table in front of us. Baekhyun pulled the chair for me and I gave him a kiss before sitting down. I couldn't keep my eyes still and let them wander around the place and then to the most beautiful man I've ever seen.

"Do you like it? I asked the hotel staffs to do this. I told them I'm proposing to you and they gladly helped. I'm kinda guilty because I lied to them."

"That was wicked."

We had a romantic dinner while conversing. Baekhyun also cracked some jokes that made me laugh hard and even the one who served us the food we ate. He is indeed a sunshine and my own definition of happiness.

After the dinner. He took me near the railing to watch the city below us. We were both quiet while adimiring the beauty of lights and I decided it's time to tell him.

"This is the last place of our trip, right?" I asked and glanced at Baekhyun and saw that he's already staring at me. His eyes were soft on mine with a smile etched on his face.

"Too bad, it has to end."

"Yeah." then he tilted his head to look at the breathtaking view. "Can you check the places we visited? I kinda forgot where we were on the past few weeks."

Baekhyun handed me his phone so I took it and went to the notes and listed all the places we went to.

First, we went to France, and then Osaka, Romblon, Enshi, Vinh, Edinburgh, and lastly Rome.

As I marked check on every places, I realized something. I looked up to Baekhyun with my eyes bulging and he chuckled at my reaction.

"No, you did not." I muttered.

"I just did."

The places we went to, forms a word.


I felt tears forming as I flicked my gaze from his phone and then to Baekhyun's face. Few seconds after, I cried and he laughed a bit before pulling me closer to embrace me. I don't deserve him.

"Are you happy?"

I sniffed and wiped my own tears. "Very much."

"Did all those trip made you feel happy?"

"Yes, it did."

Baekhyun parted from the hug and puts his hands on the either sides of my shoulder. "Even if we'll end up dying with only the two of us, there will be no days that we're not happy. Because we only need each other in order to achieve pure happiness. Yes, to have children is lovely, but if we can't have let's just spend the time being happy with each other. Like we used to be when we were just bestfriends." he gave me a quick kiss on my lips. "Let's be together forever."

"Together forever."

He kissed me once again before pressing his forehead against mine.

"Just us two."

A grin broke out on my face before I spoke. "Just us two? How about just four?"

Baekhyun got confused for a second. "What? Why four? Is someone tagging along our way towards forever?" we both chuckled at his joke.

"Uhm, maybe?" I grabbed his hand and placed on my belly. Baekhyun got even more confused so I started moving his hand and that made him realize what I'm trying to say.

"No way." he whispered and his eyes started to get watery. "It's not what I think it is, isn't it?"

"It is."

He didn't stopped himself from bursting out. Baekhyun withdrew his hand from me and used it to muffle his sobs. "Oh my gosh, my knees feel weak." even though it won't help, I still held both his arms to keep him standing because he really is shaking right now. "We're going to have a baby?"

"Babies." I corrected and showed him my hand forming a peace sign, indicating the number of babies we're expecting. "We're having twins."

"Oh my God." he completely kneeled down while crying. I tried to help him up but he would only shook his head. "We're really having babies?" Baekhyun looked up me.

"Yes!" I wiped his tears away and bent over to plant a kiss on his lips.

Then we heard a pop and cheers around us. The hotel staffs came into the view and clapped their hands for us. I laughed when I remember how Baekhyun lied to them so they could help set this romantic dinner for us. They congratulated us and we thanked them for their hardwork.

Once we're back at our room, we immediately cuddled up on the bed with Baekhyun wrapping himself around me protectively.

"Since when did you know you're pregnant?"

"When we were on Edinburgh. You said you were lost so I took that opportunity to go to the nearest hospital without letting you know and have myself checked up. I thought something's wrong with me but the doctor found two hearbeats after the ultrasound."

"Wow." Baekhyun's hand went to caress my tummy before kissing my forehead. "I can't believe we're really having twins."

"Me too." I shifted up a bit until I came to face Baekhyun and kissed him right on his lips.

"When they grow up a bit, let's take them on trip like what we did."

"That would be awesome."

I'm so glad that we don't have to spend our time until forever, just us 2. But us 4 instead. Me, Baekhyun, and our twins.


4 years later.

I groaned slightly as I lifted my son up and Baekhyun did the same to our daughter.

"Ready to leave?"

"Yes!" the twins said in unison, making is giggle at their cuteness. I kissed my son first and then my daughter in Baekhyun's arms, and finally, my husband.

"This is going to be the best trip ever." Baekhyun said before holding my hand and walked towards the car, with our small but happy family.

I wonder what word will form from this 9 places we will visit.


Whoooo! Hell week is starting so I wanted to drop something super long since I think I won't be back until everything in school is calming down hahaha!

You name the twins you had with Baekhyun (if you don't mind, tell me what would you name them! ><) And also you guess or decide what is that 9-letter word going to form from the places you will visit ㅋㅋㅋ

I'm sorry for making ya'll wait 🥺

I haven't thanked ya'll of the 17k and 18k reads so I'm doing it now. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I LOVE YOU! 😍

See you again! My lovely Strawberries 💕


