
I have been a really popular idol in my country for years now. I got so many lovable fans and luxurious life that everyone dreams to have. I'm talented and gifted with beauty that will swoon non-fans over causing for them to like me and start listening to my music.

It was all fun. Until I started to get tired in that kind of life because I kept doing the same thing everyday.

Waking up, fixing myself for rehearsals and then performance at night. Sometimes I wake up early for pre-recording, photoshoots and such. Meeting my fans while I'm up on stage is the best feeling ever, but I don't know why I suddenly felt tired of everything about this.

Good thing the management agreed and gave me a year and half month of rest. They released a statement regarding the matter and as expected, the fans' reactions are divided. Some are wishing me for good luck and some doesn't want me to go on with this.

I decided to temporarily leave my country to rest somewhere in Korea. It was suggested by a good friend who lives there, Kim Jongin.

And instead of staying in Seoul, I chose to stay in a province. In Gyeonggi-do. Being an idol made me stay in the city and travel from one city to another every time. I didn't get to visit beautiful places such as provinces. It is the place I needed the most. It's peaceful and there are trees around which is very relaxing to the eyes. I bet there are a lot of people who doesn't know me there. A perfect escape to the celebrity life.

Hours after my flight, I was greeted by Jongin. Good thing he immediately recognized me despite my face heavily disguised so fans won't see me. He took my luggages and guided me all the way to his car.

"How are you, Nini? It's been a long time." I asked as soon as he took the driver's seat.

"I'm fine. How about you? I could see your backstage photos and you look tired."

"I wasn't fine. But now I am because of this year and a half of rest."

Jongin and I conversed all throughout the ride, catching up with those times we're apart. I really missed my bestfriend.

Few hours of driving, we came to our destination. Gyeonggi-do. I let my eyes roam around the place, trees are everywhere, a relaxing sight I've been dying to see! I sighed as I sank back to my seat and Jongin giggled before I felt the car stopped.

"We're here, love."

I stared at the 2-storey house right in front of my eyes. I was so amazed that I failed to notice Jongin going out of the car to open the door for me.

"Wait, before you enter. I have to make sure the house is perfect."

I chortled. "You don't have to do that, Nini."

"No! I want everything to be perfect for my most favorite girl in the world." he turns his back but he remembers something. "Of course my most favorite is my mom, and you're just my second favorite."

This baby bear. I laughed at him a bit before beckoning for him to go inside the house. "Just go."

"I'll be right back, love!" then he went inside.

I decided to check my things inside the compartment. I rounded the car slowly, taking in the sight of the house where I'm going to have my stay.

"Ooh, you must be the new girl Jongkai's family is talking about."

I gasped when I heard a voice from behind. Spinning around, I immediately saw a guy leaning his back against the car. He has long hair with red highlights, making him look like a bad boy. Judging from his words, he didn't know who I am. When Jongin said I'm taking a rest somewhere I won't feel that I am a celebrity, he mean it. He's the best.

"I heard Jongkai calling you 'love' you must be his girlfriend?"

I rolled my eyes at him. "No I'm not."

"Did you just rolled your eyes at me? Ha! Seems like that Kkamjong hasn't told you about me?"

"Don't call him Kkamjong! And so what if I don't know you? It's not like you're a celebrity unlike me-" I stopped when I realized that I was about to expose myself. This rest should also mean rest of my title as a celebrity so I must never acknowledge it. The boy raised his eyebrows at me, waiting for me to continue. "Unlike Mendes, Shawn! Unlike him!"

"I don't even know that prawn you said."

"It's Shawn- you know what? Nevermind!" turning to my heels, I started walking away from him.

"Oh we're not done right here, girl." he grabs my wrist, spun me around and pulled me closer that I bumped against his chest.

I was so surprised that I just stood still, widened eyes on his sparkly and calm ones.

"Hey! Get off her Byun!"

Then I felt a tug and then I'm suddenly hidden on Jongin's chest.

The Byun guy scoffed. "Shut up, Kkamjong."

"Let's get inside, Y/n." he glared at the boy as he guided me all the way inside the house with his hands on the either sides of my shoulder.

"Who is he, Nini?" I asked as soon as we reached inside. Jongin closed the door and peeked outside the window, watching the Byun guy leave.

"He's Baekhyun. I have to warn you to stay away from that bad boy. Now that you've encountered him and you kinda messed up your first meeting, he's going to mess with you until you're done with him and leave this place." Jongin took both my hands in his and looked at me with pleading eyes. "Please don't leave, Y/n. In this place, no one knows you. I just wanted you to have that kind of rest and this is the only place I know."

I squeezed his hand and smiled at him. "I'm never leaving, Nini. If I have to deal with that Bacon or what, then go."

"I'll make sure you're safe from him."


Although Jongin did everything to keep that Bacon away from me. He finds a way to mess my day by pranking me. There was once he filled my car seat with worms that I cried for hours because of it. Every time I go out to buy something, the moment I return, open the door of my house, something like a bucket of water or whatsoever would fell on me. I'd scream his name in annoyance or sometimes I call him a psycho because he is and he'd enjoy it, watching me from the balcony of his house while smirking.

And the fact that he lives right in front of the house where I'm staying didn't help. His annoying loud voice could reach my ears, everyday, that I have to stuff my ears with my earphones and listen to my own music until I, myself got tired of my own voice. Even at night he's also loud that I can't help but to stay up just to beg him to lower down his noise so I could sleep. He's the worst person I've ever encountered!

The first 3 months of my year and a half of rest was all ruined and all a bad day because of that Bacon guy. If only he's a real bacon I would've eaten him and turned him into a shit, flushed him away in the toilet so I could finally have the peace I wanted.

Today, I had the courage to prank him back. I have searched the internet and found one prank that will surely stop him from ruining this rest of mine. But first, I have to buy some materials needed.

One thing I really liked about this rest is that I don't have to wear make-up when going out and no one literally knows me. I finally got the chance to live like a normal human, talking to the people around me without having them flustered at my mere appearance right in front of them.

I decided to walk my way to the market where I'll be buying the things I needed to stop Bacon's madness. It wasn't that far from my home and since it's still early in the morning, I thought it would be nice to take a walk.

While I am peacefully walking, I could sense some eyes on me. I stopped on my tracks, observed the quiet place and then slowly tilted my head to the side to look back, only to see 2 men following behind. I let out a small gasp and continued walking on a faster pace.

They caught up with me and one of them encircled and arm around my shoulder. "Hey pretty." judging from the smell of his breath, he's drunk. Ugh! Who would be drinking early this morning?!

"G-get off me, please." I weakly grabbed the man's wrist and tried to pry it away from me.

"But we haven't started the fun yet."

Tears started to form in the edge of my eyes as I still try my best to get the man's hand off me, which was getting tighter every moment. Seconds after I felt a finger gliding against my covered thigh and I wiggled my body to at least avoid those nasty fingers.

"Hey!" I tilted my head to the side to see who yelled, and it was a very serious Bacon heading towards our direction. Feeling the hope coming in my way, I didn't stopped my tears from falling. I locked my teary eyes on Bacon's as if I'm asking for help through them.

"Get off her! Or you might want a beating?" he approaches us, spining a baseball bat in his hands. Both of the man quickly distanced themselves from me and ran away without a word.

He watched the men run until they're out the sight before his eyes found my shaking body, hands on the opposite side of my arms and tear-stained face. He looks at me with a bored expression and it seems like he doesn't have any plans to comfort me, for his job is done, to scare those perverts away.

"B-Bacon." I sobbed and tried to move my trembling feet. I was so scared since I've never been touched by people like that. Although I have been pushed by fans every time I'm out in the public, none of them did something similar to what those perverts did.

"That's Baekhyun for you." he drops the bat, walks closer to me while removing this coat and then placing it on my shoulder. "Why are you even out so early in the morning?" I didn't answered and just sobbed while my body continued shaking in fear.

Then suddenly I felt his hand travelling all the way to the back of my knees and next thing I knew is that I'm lifted up in his arms. "Let's get you home."

I awkwardly encircled my arms around his neck and go on with crying.

All the way back home, we were both quiet. Only my sobs that had softened as time pass by could be heard, Baekhyun's breathing, and... is that a heartbeat? Before I could identify who owns that audible heartbeat, Baekhyun stopped walking.

"What did you do this time, Baekhyun?" I heard Jongin's voice so I shifted my gaze to look at my bestfriend who's still in his suit. I guess he just came back from his family-related trip somewhere outside the country.

"Instead of nagging me, Kkamjong. Why don't you improve your promise to Y/n? Instead of keeping just me away from her, change it to all sorts of danger because I'm not just the problem here."

I fisted a hand on his clothes and looked at him in the eyes, as if telling him not to fight with Jongin and get me inside the house instead. For a second, his orbs softened on mine and my heart melted at the sight I saw for the first time. His gaze then left and stared ahead Jongin, glaring at him afterwards. Then he walked passed my bestfriend to go inside the house.

It has been days since the last time I stepped a foot outside. I was terrified and decided to hide inside the house ever since the incident. Jongin left the country once again so I don't have someone to talk to while Baekhyun have been quiet and never pranked me again.

There are a lot of people who've done so much good to me. But Baekhyun saving me from those perverts remained in my mind ever since it happened. I was never the type of person to think this deep about what people did to me. I don't know why every time I close my eyes, the way Baekhyun's eyes softened on mine, always flashes back and makes my heart flutter.

Today, I decided to thank him because I haven't thanked him properly after saving me.

I took a deep breath, raising my hand to knock on the door. But then I felt hesitant. I need to look good. For the last time, I fixed my hair using my left hand as I can't use the other one since it's holding what I have for Baekhyun. Feeling satisfied, I smiled to myself before knocking on the door.

"Please come in!"

My brows furrowed when I heard Baekhyun yelled. I muttered a soft "Okay." before turning the knob to open the door.

"Goodness gracious! Why are you- oh?"

I froze on my spot and so does Baekhyun on his seat. He was seated on a stool, in front of a mirror, with a scissor in his hand.

Is he trying to cut his hair?

"What are you doing here?" he asked, putting the scissor down and stood up from his seat to approach me shyly.

"I brought you something." I showed him the paperbag I was holding. "I wanted to thank you for saving me days ago. I'm sorry I haven't done it earlier than this."

"It's fine." he walked closer and I reached out the bag so he took it from me.

"And are you trying to cut your hair?" I giggled and gazed on the scissor he placed on the stool.

Baekhyun's face turned pink as he looked away. "I was waiting for a friend to do it. I thought he came but it was just you."

"I know how to do hair cut."

He widens his eye at me. "Really?" I nodded and he walks backs to the stool while I followed behind him. He took the scissor and sat on the stool.

"I've done Jongin's hair once." I took the scissor from his hand and my fingers accidentally brushed against his skin that I jolted a bit. But good thing he didn't notice.

Baekhyun faced the mirror and I stood behind him. Looking down on his hair, I just realized that the red highlights are nowhere to be found. "How would you like your hair to be cut?"

"Uh, just make it short." I nodded, positioning the scissor. Baekhyun turned around suddenly, making me jump back in surprise. "Wait! What if it turns out bad?"

"You have to trust me."

"I've been pranking you, being bad to you. What if you just want to get even?"

I rolled my eyes at him. "Just trust me." I held both sides of his shoulder and turned him around so he could face the mirror.

I started cutting his hair and he had no choice but to stay still and trust me. Few snips after, I was done cutting and ruffled his hair to remove those hair strands that were cut. I saw through the mirror that Baekhyun's enjoying my hands on his hair as his eyes were closed while sighing in content.

"There. All done."

He opens his eyes and instantly smiled at his reflection. "Wow! I look good." he turns to see the side and fixed his hair before tilting his head to look at me. "Thank you."

"Anytime." I grinned at made eye contact with him.

We remained looking at each other's eyes for moments, blinking slowly with smiles on our faces.

And that's how everything started.

Baekhyun and I are now in good terms. Although he still pranks me but unlike those past pranks he pulled on me which were so annoying that I could just kill him, his pranks are now more like... Romantic? What?

"Hey Y/n, can you please get the umbrella?" Baekhyun asked while he's getting ready to leave. He said he's taking me somewhere today.

"What? It's not even going to rain."

"Yes, but it's hot and I don't want to get burned."

I scoffed and took his umbrella anyway.

"Open it, cover me, peasant."

I gritted my teeth before lifting the umbrella and pressed the button that opens it, only to be showered with something red and soft.

Rose petals?

"What? Fluttered? I betcha have fallen in love with me." Baekhyun wiggles his eyebrows.

"Aigoo!" I closed the umbrella and used it to hit his ass and he whined in pain. "Those flowers could bloom prettier than ever and you wasted them?"

"Yo Ice Queen, relax. Do you not know romance?" he walks pass me and I just stared at him. "Cold hearted, I've been trying to be romantic here." I heard him mutter something I didn't understand as he entered the car.

"You saying something?"

"Nothing, let's just go."

So we hit the road using my car since Baekhyun's car is broken and he couldn't afford to have it fixed. All throughout the ride we were cracking some jokes to lighten the mood or we talk about ourselves and I confessed about my plan of pranking him back when he save me.

Although we are friends now, I don't want to mention that I'm a celebrity and completely forget about that fact while I'm on rest. And I don't want Baekhyun to treat me differently if he finds out that I'm an idol. He'll think he's lower than me and will be terrified of my power as to what I could do to him if he continues pranking me. I don't want him to stop. I want him to pull those romantic pranks on me, forever.

"Where are we?" I took a peek outside window and saw luxurious-looking biuldings. He said he's taking me to the city today.

"We're at UN village in Hannam-dong!"

"And what are we going to do here?"

Baekhyun parked the car before looking at me seriously. "It's a place where mostly idols, actors, and rich people live. We cannot enter the place easily since we don't live there." he unbuckles his seatbelt. "So we're sneaking in and stalk my favorite actors." then he left the car, rounded to the other side and opened the door for me.

"What?! No! You do it alone!"

"Come on, Y/n! It'll be fun!" he grabs my hand and pulled me out of the car.

"Baekhyun, this is not a good idea!" I whispered as we approach the entrance to UN village. There are guards around since the said place is residential area for celebrities and business men so not everyone has the access to the place (well unless you're celebrity who lives there or you date one or a chaebol.)

"I want to see Taeyang, okay? This is where he lives! Come on!"

We came into the entrance of UN village and luckily the guards aren't there so Baekhyun walked in and I followed behind him.

"Hey! You're not allowed here." we turned to the side when we heard a voice of a man and saw a guard approaching us.

"Oh shit." Baekhyun whispered, holding my hand and ready to run out of the place. He tilts his head everywhere trying to come up with an escape plan.

"What are you two-" the guard cut himself of as he stared into my face. "Y/n?" he whispered and his eyes sparkled.

Then it downed back to my head that I'm a celebrity. What a lucky day! I quickly put my forefinger on my lips and winked at him. "Shhh." I glanced at Baekhyun who's still busy coming up with a plan without looking at us.

The guard's eyes went down to our connected hands and it seems like he understand what's happening so he nodded and showed me his thumb. "I'm very very happy for you. Please go and enjoy a romantic day."

I thanked him and he asked for a signature so I signed a scratch paper for him before he left, skipping his way back to the outpost.

Then I pulled Baekhyun with me further inside UN village. He looks at me with confused eyes. "Wait, what happened to the guard? Where did he go? I thought we were caught?"

"You want to see Taeyang don't you?"

"Yeah, but I was joking to that part! We're not allowed here! What did you do?"

I saw some guards approaching and I hurriedly took both of Baekhyun's hand in mine. "We need to be romantic."


"Just do what I say!" I turned him around and pushed him foward before I showed my face to the approaching guards. They were surprised and stopped on their tracks. I didn't wait for their response and go on.

We started strolling around the place, hand in hand. Baekhyun has been quiet with his lips pressed against each other and his ears turning pink.

"Are you okay?"

"H-huh? Of course!"

And so the day went on.

It's like we went out for a date. Strolling around, eat, and we even played in the playground we've spotted. All the time I was trying to keep the guards away and I managed to do it without Baekhyun knowing. I had so much fun that every second is filled with laughter. UN village is ideal for idols who wants to have a date since the place is secured and not everyone has the access to the place. There are low chances for paparazzis to catch you and I'm glad I spend a date like day with Baekhyun freely without worrying of being caught.

Night came, we found a perfect place where we could sit and see every beauty that could only be seen at night. The moon and the city lights from afar.

"What a beautiful words and view, isn't it?" I muttered, staring straight ahead me. "City lights."

"City lights." Baekhyun repeated, sighing in content right after. Then he lifted his gaze up to the sky and looked at the moon. "I've always thought that the moon and the lights are beautiful together."

My eyes followed where he's looking at. "They are, Baekhyun. They're like diamond, they are so pretty when shining."

"Just like you."

I shifted my head to look at Baekhyun and he's already looking at me with those ever soft eyes. He flinched, looking away with his face turning red. "I-I mean you're pretty and that I l-like you and that every time I see you y-you're like shining bright I don-"

I cut him off with a kiss on his cheek and he stared at me in surprise. "I understand, Baek. I like you too."

"You do?"

I nodded.

He smiled at me before leaning closer while I stayed still on my place. I closed my eyes, anticipating for his mext move which was placing his palm on my cheek. Fingers below my ears except for the thumb which was caressing my skin ever so gently. I couldn't help my bit my lips because of my fluttering heart.

Then I felt it. His lips pressing against mine. I expected it but I never knew his lips are so soft.

"Do you wanna be my girlfriend?"


The first three months of my rest were all ruined, thanks to Baekhyun. But he made the rest of the days wonderful and lovely when he asked me to be his girlfriend and made me feel his sincere love.

Jongin couldn't believe it at first but he supported us. He and Baekhyun are now in good terms too and he threatened my boyfriend to beat him if ever he makes me cry. But Baekhyun never did. Not even once.

It's been a year since Baekhyun and I started dating. It's our 1st anniversary. I was so happy that we are still so in love with each other even after a year and considering how we started, as enemies, I never thought we'd be together for such a long time!

I woke up so early to make the foods that Baekhyun liked. The ones that you can only find in my country and you can't in Korea. The ones I brought him back when I caught him cutting his hair.

While doing some work in the kitchen, I heard my phone rang so I quickly ran to get it, expecting it was from Baekhyun to greet me right after waking up.

But it was my management.

"Hello, Y/n. I just want to make sure you remember that you're going back here tomorrow. You must have had a lot of fun by cutting your connections with us for a long time."

What? I'm going back tomorrow? I went to look at the calendar hung on the wall and saw a date encircled with a red marker with few words written 'I'm finally going home!'. I wrote it back when I almost want to go back home because of Baekhyun's constant pranking.

"Baekhyun." I felt air leaving my lungs at the thought of leaving Baekhyun here in this province and be back of my hectic life.

"What? What did you say? Bacon?"

"N-no, ah I mean, yes. I was cooking some bacon here."

"Oh, I see. Now we had your plane ticket ready, you're flying back here tomorrow. And then you have to meet someone because you're making your comeback few months from now."

I sighed and massaged my temples. Great, right after my rest will come to an end there's an instant schedule.

"Okay." I hang up and sat on the couch, staring up on the ceiling, with my heart breaking every second at the thought of my lovely boyfriend.

How will I tell Baekhyun about this?


This is the 1st part of a request from @Jasminelasmine ^^

I know you asked for me to write a certain part but I ended up writing where everything will start 😅

I hope ya'll will like this! Also, wait for the 2nd part 후엥~

Aaaaand!!! Finally first semester ends tomorrow! Yehet! It's break time!!

Wait for me a little bit ㅠㅠ

Feel free to ask me some questions (if you have one) I'm kinda bored I wanna interact with ya'll hee hee :>


