Didn't Know

When Baekhyun told me that I should just stay home, I should've listened to him. I was sick but I still want to accompany him to this stupid music award. Even though it was obvious that they are being robbed, EXO however still performed and stayed humble.

I pretended to be a Baekhyun's make-up artist for today. In this way, I could still see him and even touch him without making the fans suspicious. Although Baekhyun has been staring at me like he means the world to me while I get his make-up re-touched, none of the fans tweeted about it.

"You look awfully sick. I told you to stay home. I don't want you to watch EXO being robbed." he whispered as I carefully wiped his sweat away at the backstage after their performance.

"This isn't worth it, you should've listened to Baekhyun." Xiumin came passing by and handed Baekhyun a water bottle so I could drink.

"It's fine. I'm fine. You're going to receive an award anyways." I smiled up to Baekhyun before giving him a kiss that Xiumin has to do his best to hide us. I really needed that kiss to feel less sick.

After EXO went on stage to receive their award, everyone was crying. Chanyeol couldn't give his speech due to crying and Baekhyun had to tell every EXO-Ls not to cry with his eyes teary. He told them that they got the award and they could go home and rest. At that moment, I was also crying at the backstage. I never wanted to see any of the boys cry because of being mistreated.

The reason why EXO are all teary is because they clearly saw how the event staffs treated their EXO-Ls. Pushing them and confiscating their very own EXO lightstick. They were treatred poorly. And from that moment, they knew EXO-Ls went through a lot and they are going against the world. EXO-Ls went through all of that because of their unconditional love to EXO.

"Stop pushing EXO-Ls!" I yelled to that one staff who keeps on pushing EXO-Ls that some of them even fainted. I even grabbed the confiscated lightsticks and returned it to them, the fans then thanked me and cried.

"You're not a staff! You are just that Baekhyun's make-up artist! Stop intervening my business." before I could return some of the lightsticks to their owners, the staff already grabbed them away from me. "You're a sasaeng aren't you? Pretending to be Baekhyun's make-up artist?" he pushed me along with the EXO-Ls.

When the staff pushed me, my stomach hit the metal barriers and then my butt landed on the floor. Suddenly, I felt really, really dizzy.

"Aaah! Blood!"

I tried to stand up but I felt really weak and my head started to spin. I heard the crowd screamed blood and so I looked around me and saw blood pooling out of my thighs. Why is there a blood? Am I that sick to bleed? Am I going to die?


I was already down on the floor when I heard a familiar scream. It's the same scream I always get to hear when I accidentally kill someone on the game PUBG. I felt my head getting lifted a bit and then I heard this familiar heartbeat I always get to hear when I cuddle with my amazing boyfriend on bed.

"Wake up! Baby, wake up! Suho hyung! Help me!"


I paced back and fourth as I waited for the doctor to come out of the emergency room. Suho hyung was with me and his eyes has been following my steps. I don't know why she has to bleed like that. I told her to stay at home because she is sick since last week.

"What if I'll lost her?" I started to panic at my own question. I searched up online about what kind of illness that involves bleeding. And what I got as an answer is that illnesses that could kill her.

"I can't afford to lose her, hyung." I started to cry and bit my shaking fingers. Suho hyung immediately came to me and hugged me to at least calm me down.

"She'll be fine, Baek. She's strong. She even went to return EXO-Ls their confiscated lightstick secretly before the awarding started. She is that strong."

If ever she has one of those illness I searched up online, and the doctor telling me she has days left. I'm going to let the world know she exists and I will make her remaining days the most memorable. I will marry her and cuddle with her and ask Kyungsoo to make her favorite food everyday.

Soon after, the boys came and just in time when the doctor went out. He told me that my girl's fine and that there is nothing to worry about. I was relieved but when he told the reason why she bled. My world stopped. Now I really need to do those I mentioned earlier. Especially marrying her.


I woke up feeling a little bit better. I looked around and saw nothing but a mere hospital room. Did he know already? And he's not yet ready that is why he is not here with me?

I really didn't know I was pregnant until I heard that one doctor said that I shouldn't be injected with anesthesia because cleary everything seems fine and there is nothing to open me up, the thing is that I was just pushed to the ground that caused my bleeding.

Bleeding. Shit I bled! Does this mean I lost our little one?

I started sobbing as I rubbed my tummy. I know I was just weeks pregnant but that means I have at least a small bump right? I can't seem to feel at least the smallest bump. I sobbed harder than before, still rubbing my tummy. This can't be. I can't lost him or her, he or she is a piece of us.

The door opened and then I saw Baekhyun entered with loads of plastic bags in his hands. The moment I saw him I cried harder and when he heard me crying he immediately dropped the bags on the floor and strode towards me.

"Oh why why why?! Baby, why are you crying?" he cupped my cheeks and his eyes got teary once again. I Sat up and hugged him really tight as if the moment I would let go of him, he'll leave me right away. I thought he left because he wasn't ready.

"Baek, I didn't know! I'm so sorry!" I cried and stained his shirt with my tears. "I lost our little one. I didn't know I was expecting! I didn't know that those sickness were symptoms that I'm having him." I clutched on his back as I cried harder.

"Baby, look at me." Baekhyun pulled himself from the hug and gently held my right wrist. "What do you mean we lost our little one? He's still here." he guided my hand all the way to my belly and made me feel the non-existent bump.

"He was just as little as a bean. What do you expect from your tummy? A big one already?" he chuckled before holding my hand, overlapping the one that is on my belly. "Were you perhaps scared that you can't feel at least the smallest bump?" I nodded as an answer to his question as he wiped my tears away and kissed my forehead.

"You aren't going to leave me, aren't you?"

"We are both not yet ready because it was unexpected. But, no. I'm not going to leave you, knowing you have the successor of my talents, skills, and good looks." Baekhyun wiggled his eyebrows at me that made me laugh a little. He never fails to cheer me up.

"Also, I have been planning this since last month but life was hectic. So I thought this might be the perfect time to do it." he lets go of my hand and it travelled all the way to back of his pants. He pulled out a small blue velvet box and opened it, a ring greeted me.

"I know this is as unexpected as the coming of our little ones. But will you spend the rest of your life with me?"

I nodded before letting my tears fall once again. "Yes, Baekhyun. I will!" I pulled him closer for a hug. Baekhyun parted from me and took the ring out of the box and slid it on my ring finger.

"Stop crying. It's bad for our baby." he said as he wiped my tears away using his thumb before he leaned in and captured my lips.

"I love you so much." he whispered after parting.

"I love you the most."
