
This has the concept of royalty in modern times and I clearly don't have any idea about it. I just made things up and write. This is just fictional anyway so no big deal??


I grew up in a royal family. Everyone calls me princess and I never thought so much about what that title has to do with my life. But as I grow, I didn't have the chance to enjoy life like I'm a normal human being. I have rules to follow. I'm a royalty so I have to act one. I longed for freedom to do anything I want at a young age.

Everyone's eyes are on me and they also decide what my life should be. I just follow whatever decision they make, just so I couldn't be viewed as a disgrace to the family. I was fine with that setup, but when my parents arranged me to marry the son of the other royal family, that's when I thought it's crossing the line. Why can't I marry someone I really love? Every single thing in my life are in the hands of other people. Stupid rules.

I got married to the youngest son of Byun family, Prince Byun Baekhyun. He was cute but he didn't seem to like me at all. So do I towards him. We had a grand wedding and everyone understood why we couldn't kiss each other when we were pronounced as husband and wife. At least, they had the heart to understand that we were forced into this stupid marriage and never asked us to do such thing.

That Baekhyun guy was serious all throughout the ceremony. He looked so intimidating but when his eyes landed on that one woman inside the venue, his lips would stretch into a small smile. Ah, he likes someone. That explains why he would glare at me and would show that he doesn't like me for getting in his way with the woman he like. We haven't talked since the day we were introduced to each other and now I can feel that this marriage will be suffocating.

Although we were not forced to kiss during the wedding, which is super fine. But our parents locked us inside our room for the first night! I felt my blood boiling now that I have to be in the same room with this piece of meat called bacon who didn't know how to speak and hates me for getting in the way with his lover. Hello? I didn't like the idea of marrying him too!

He was sitting on the bed while I stood at the doorway, refusing to have any eye contact with him while my fingers played with each other. I've been really a talkative kind of girl and staying quiet for so long could kill me. No one knows about it because of the rules I have to follow for being a princess. My life sucks, I know.

But even though Baekhyun seems like he wants to kill me. I wanted to fix that, be friends with him and be comfortable with each other. I have been thinking of it since the wedding started. I wanted to live with someone I can talk to, at least that. It's fine with me if he brings his lover at home. I just want to have a friend. Yes, befriending someone that isn't a royalty is forbidden for me. It's one of the rules I have to follow and why I don't have friends. I found out that Baekhyun is friends with those princes from another families and his family allowed him to befriend everyone he likes to be with. Unfair.

The silence was killing me so I thought I should open my mouth to speak. "I'm... Gonna shower?" I turned to my back, ready to leave but then I felt the need to speak out what was on my mind so I faced him again. "You know what? Maybe we should fix our relationship."

Baekhyun rises a brow at me. "What do you mean?"

"Not that I want this marriage to work but I want us not to glare at each other every damn time." I shrugged. "Look, I know you like someone but I'm also forced into this marriage so I suggest you not to think of me as getting into your way with the one you like."

"YOU ARE getting into the way."

I heaved out a sigh. "I don't care if you flirt right in front of me. Baekhyun, I don't have friends because of the stupid rules that I have to follow for being a royalty." I felt tears burning my eyes as I looked away from him. "I just wanted to live with someone I can comfortably talk to if I can't have the freedom I wanted. If maybe we could be friends?"

"We will have maids around the house. You can talk to them." he starts removing his clothes before laying down on the bed and pulling the covers up. "You don't want this marriage to work but befriending me is a way to start."

I pressed my lips together before finally walking away from the bedroom, deciding to sleep on the couch for the night.


Baekhyun is rude to me so I thought of being rude to him too. I'd do everything just to annoy him. It was fun seeing him angry at me and then I'd act like I'm innocent. He couldn't scold me, not on the butler's watch. The good thing in this marriage is that Baekhyun's family is on my side, they are the ones who hired a butler to watch over me so Baekhyun couldn't do something rude.

"You are born in a wrong family." says Jeane, she's one of the maids working for Baekhyun and I and the closest to me. She's my first bestfriend ever.

"Indeed." I sighed. "I wanted to go out and have fun. I haven't tried that before."

"I know! Do you want to go with me? I know a place where you can have fun but we have to be cautious since you're coming with us."

Dramatically, I tilted my head to look at her. "What are we going to do?"

"Have you ever drank and partied?"

My eyes sparkled with excitement as I shook my head. "I haven't. But I really want to!"

Jeane's face suddenly turned sour. "I'm... Sorry! I'm being a bad influence! I shouldn't be like this! I should be the one helping you follow the royal rules."

"Please don't be like that. Take me out of here and let me experience what it's like to be a normal human." I held her hard and gave it a squeeze of assurance.

She smiled at me. "Okay, tonight. We'll be leaving! Also, the others will go with us so you will be safe."

"You guys have been doing this? Behind my back?"

Jeane chuckles, "We just thought you are the kind of princess who doesn't like that idea."

We discussed our plans for later when Baekhyun suddenly walks in from the front door. Both Jeane and I turned quiet as he walk pass the living room, eyes following his movement until he reached the stairs. Baekhyun steps a foot on the first step and turned his head to look at me. "What are you looking at?"

I rolled my eyes. "Can I not look at my husband?"

He gritted his teeth and said no words before stomping his way up. He doesn't like it when I call him my husband. That's how I annoy him most of the time.

Later that night, Jeane snuck into my room and I went out with her. Some of the house workers were waiting for us outside to leave the mansion.

They brought me to that one exclusive club and let me loose. For the first time in my life, I tried drinking and partying. I felt so free I am able to show who I really am. That I'm not a shy and reserved princess but rather a fun girl to be with. I never felt so alive in my entire life! As I slowly get drunk, I told those workers who came with me about how much I wanted to curse at my husband for being rude and for refusing to befriend me because he thought I wanted our marriage to work. I freely cursed at him, screaming how an asshole he is.

Few hours after partying and cursing at Baekhyun, we decided to go home. I was a little drunk I feel like my world is spinning! Jeane would cover my mouth using her hand just to stop me from laughing at the thought of Baekhyun. I don't even know why I'm thinking of him and then laughing.

"So you snuck out, huh?"

Those workers went out with me gasped while I continued laughing at Baekhyun who stood straight at the front door, crossing his arms while smirking at my drunk state.

"And you even drank? Let's see who gets scolded tomorrow once your parents get to know this."

"Did you know you're an asshole?"

His smirk disappeared as he blinked at me, not believing what did I just called him. The people behind me started to panic.

"You piece of meat! I'm out! Hahaha!" I walked pass him and even bumped my shoulders against him intentionally.

The next morning, I woke up with the worst headache. I only remember drinking and after that, blank. Groaning, I sat up while massaging my temples. Now I'm contemplating if I still want to drink and party like that if I were to feel this pain after all those fun.

Suddenly, the door of my room opened and Baekhyun shows up holding a tray of foods. I peeked behind him and saw those people who went out with me last night, looking at me worriedly and like I'm doomed. My gaze went back to my husband and stared at him with questioning eyes.


Baekhyun placed the foods on the nightstand and sat on my bed while smiling sweetly at me. "I just thought I should treat you well before you're doomed."

I blinked my eyes at him confusedly.

"Because your parents are coming," he paused to check the watch he's wearing. "For like 5 minutes from now after knowing that their princess drank and partied last night. She even called her husband, the prince, an asshole." he then grinned before leaving the bed.

My eyes bulged at him. I called him a what?

"Good luck." he smirks. "Oh, I didn't included those workers who went out with you last night. I told them that you went alone so don't worry about your friends losing their jobs. Worry for yourself, princess." Baekhyun walks out of the room. Right after disappearing from my sight, Jeane and the workers entered my room.

"Y/n, we should tell your parents that it was our idea." Jeane said and the rest agreed.

"No. I can't have you lose your jobs. Who's going to be my friends here?" I roamed my eyes at them and cracked an assuring smile. "I will be fine. Trust me."

I was badly scolded by my parents while Baekhyun is just watching me from behind them. All with that stupid smirk on his face.

"I just wanted to feel free at least for few hours!" I answered my mother, voice slightly rising.

"That's not what you should be doing! That's not what a princess should act!"

"Mom please! I'm a human too! So what if I'm that kind of princess who likes to have fun?"

"Stop answering me! You're grounded for a week! Everyone will have their eyes on you so don't you ever dare do such thing again."

I was panting as I watch my parents turn their backs at me and walk away. Baekhyun stayed still on his spot, he looked shocked at my outburst but when he realized that he's staring at me he quickly avoided my gaze and trailed behind my parents.

I locked myself inside my room, laying on my bed while crying. When I felt like I ran out of tears, I just stayed there, refusing to eat anything and slept until night came. After waking up from a seemingly long sleep, the first thing I did was checking my phone only to see that it was already 11 pm.

But then the door of my room opened and soon after gentle steps were heard. "Y/n, come down for dinner."

I let out a breathy laugh. "Why can't you just mind your business?" I placed my phone back on the nightstand and pulled the covers further up to my head. "You had someone you like. Why can't you just keep yourself busy with her and leave me alone?"

"I'm really... Sorry." the sound of his steps got closer and I felt my heart hammering inside my chest, thinking of words to say after hearing his apology. "I didn't know you feel so imprisoned about everything, your title the rules you need to follow. That you wanted to be free and to have fun."

I peeked at him by bringing the covers down just below my eyes. Baekhyun pressed his lips to stop the seemingly laugh that he's holding before he stretches his hand out to me. "Come down for dinner. You haven't eaten anything since this morning."

My eyes flickered to his face and then to his hand, contemplating if I should take it and then bringing my eyes up to his face to see if he's sincere with his apology. It took me a minute but I slowly brought my hand out of the covers to take Baekhyun's and let him pull me up and out of the bed.

This is the first time I noticed how beautiful his fingers are. I couldn't take my eyes off his long fingers making Baekhyun chuckle at my amused look.

"Your fingers are long and beautiful."

"I know. When I was younger my mom used to put nail polish on it because she thought they were pretty."

I looked up to his eyes and saw him staring down at me, blushing a little bit. "That was cute." I muttered and travelled my gaze down to our connected hands.

"Good old days. Everything has changed since all this royal rules has to be followed." he sighed. "I have learned to embrace them but I just realized how it feels like we're being controlled by those rules."

"I thought... I'm the only one who feels that way?"

Baekhyun bobbed his shoulders. "Maybe we should take about all of these while you eat your dinner? I bet you're starving."

We quietly went to the kitchen and I sat on a chair while Baekhyun prepares my food. He made sure not to make any sound to wake some maids so we could have the whole kitchen for ourselves. I couldn't help but admire him and his movements, his back, his hair. Oh and his fingers wrapping around the things he's holding. I can't believe I'm saying this but damn I have a gorgeous husband.

"There." he placed the last plate of food right in front of me before settling himself on the seat across mine. "Eat well."

He was right, I was starving that I couldn't talk to him and just eat while he watches me.

"So... I thought I should reconsider about something you told me."

I paused to look at him confusedly. Baekhyun chuckles before reaching his hand out to remove a grain of rice stuck on the side of my lips. "Just so you know. I felt imprisoned in this whole thing too. And maybe being each other's company will be the best option so that at least we won't feel like we're in a suffocating situation." he looks away and clears his throat. "Like what you said, you don't have friends because of the rules. We can... Be friends."

I cocked my head. "Are you saying that we can work this marriage out? Because as far as I could remember befriending you means wor-"

"We can... We're not getting out of this marriage anyway."

An awkward aura arises after he said those. I kept my eyes on him while he tried not to pry away his.

"Can you tell me how you felt when you went out drinking and partying?"

A grin broke out on my face as I leaned closer and whispered. "Do you wanna try? We can go out tomorrow night."


Baekhyun and I are a lot closer now that we secretly break the royal rules together. I didn't know it was fun while having his company and as days pass by while we're acting innocent like we didn't snuck our way out of the house the night before. I think, maybe I'm starting to like him?

I just find it amusing how he protects me while we're out there late at night. I got to hear his laugh which sounded so beautiful, it makes my heart flutter that I am the reason why he's laughing. He's not the intimidating Baekhyun that I knew now that we got to know a lot about each other while we're out there. He's totally a baby! Soft and wants attention, something I didn't expected from a handsome prince like him. I'm starting to like the idea that I'm married to him and I'm reconsidering working this marriage out.

I woke up hearing loud noises from downstairs so I thought of checking. I went out of my room and sleepily drag myself down the living room only to see Baekhyun talking with someone that I guess was his brother Baekbeom.

"Oh, Princess Y/n good morning."

I rubbed my eyes and bowed at him. "Please, you can just call me by my name." his daughter Seyul came running towards me and jumped up so I could carry her into my arms.

He chuckles. "By the way, I just went here to check on you guys and to drop my Seyul off. My wife and I will have a really busy day ahead waiting for us." Baekbeom turned to look at his younger brother. "Brother, you can bring Y/n with you."

"Bring me where?"

"Today is my daughter's family day but sadly we can't go with her because of work so I told Baekhyun maybe he could be her guardian for today. But since you're here she can have a perfect family with her at school."

"I'd be glad to her guardian for today!" I spared Baekhyun a pleading glance and he rolled his eyes before he sighed.

"Fine, we're going."


We arrived at the school, holding each of Seyul's hands. She couldn't help but be proud at her guardians, waving at her classmates and introducing us as her guardians while Baekhyun and I walked gracefully, chin up and serious like what a royalty should be, all becuase it was one of those stupid royal rules to be followed when we're out in the public.

"This sucks." I muttered under my breath making my husband giggle.

"We will have to be like this for few hours though."

We sat on the seat exclusively prepared for us. "I know and not even a minute this already sucks."

All throughout the event we were seated. I was frowning the whole time because I want to have fun with the other kids and with Seyul playing around.

"Okay! It's time for the race! Every kid should have a guardian that will bring their treats to them at the finish line!" said that one teacher. My eyes sparkled as I stood up and started removing my shoes. Finally it's my time to shine!

Baekhyun grabs my hand to stop me. "Y/n, the rules."

"Fuck the rules Baekhyun! Seyul needs to have someone who will bring her treats to her." I yanked his hand off me and ran towards where the guardians are gathering to get ready for the race.

I did the race to get my numbing butt off the chair but I didn't expected to win! Although I must admit I exerted a little effort. Everyone around us cheered and I jumped up and down like a little kid because of too much excitement while I had Seyul in my arms. Baekhyun approached us, took Seyul from me and we all celebrated like a happy family.

"Prince Baekhyun? I didn't know you could break the rules."

Baekhyun froze on his spot, it seems like he recognized the one who spoke as he turned around and was greeted by a smiling woman. "Haesoo-yah. What are you doing here?"

The Haesoo girl giggled gently, like she's the princess instead of me. "I am my baby brother's guardian for today." her eyes trailed behind Baekhyun and stopping over my shy figure. "Hi there, Princess Y/n." she then smiled sweetly.

"Hehe, hi?" my eyes flickered to her and then to Baekhyun. "I'm... We're going to the... There! We're playing with the others. Shall we Seyul?" I was about to leave when Baekhyun grabs my wrist to stop me.

The sweet smile on Haesoo's lips vanished when she saw what Baekhyun did.

"Y/n, you already broke one rule. At least not this one. Stay close to me."

Haesoo smirks secretly before nodding in agreement and turning her back to walk away. Why is she acting that way like she wanted Baekhyun to follow the rules? Is she his mom?

The way Baekhyun said those words felt like he scolded me that it spoiled my mood. I remained quiet, frowning every damn time because I felt the suffocation once again. After the event, Baekhyun went missing for few minutes. I knew he secretly went to meet Haesoo somewhere around. For the first time in my entire life, I felt jealousy, I felt heartbreak like those I've read in books and watched in movies. It sucks. It didn't feel good.

Seyul had fallen asleep while we're travelling way back home. She was seated on my lap, back against my body.

"You're so quiet. Mind telling me?"

I tilted my head to face the window and spoke nothing.


"I don't like her." I rolled my eyes even though Baekhyun couldn't see it. "I didn't like that you scolded me right after you saw her. I didn't like how she smirked at me. Ah, I forgot I'm a princess. I can order everyone to chop her head off that body. How do you even like her? She's just taller than me and gentler I'm still your wife you should only like me!" I snapped my gaze back to Baekhyun and saw him staring at me with his eyes wide.

"Eyes on the road!" I screamed and looked away, feeling my face turning red. Good thing I got away on that one.

Right after we arrived back at the mansion, I quickly climbed down the car. Since Seyul is in my arms and she's kinda heavy, I couldn't run fast to hide inside my room out of embarrassment as soon as possible.

"Y/n!" I heard Baekhyun calling me. I panicked and started running further inside house.

Good thing I saw Baekbeom waiting in the living room. When he saw me approaching, he stood up and walked towards me. I said no words as I passed his sleeping daughter to him and dashed my way up to my bedroom and immediately locking the door once I'm inside.

What the fuck did I just told Baekhyun?! Stupid mouth.

I stayed inside my room and luckily Baekhyun never thought of knocking and asking for me to come out. So I thought of the words I should tell him once I muster the courage to open the door of my room and face my husband.

I fell asleep and woke up to the sound of someone knocking on my door. Without thinking who it would be since my mind's still a little cloudy because of my sleep being interupted, I opened the door mindlessly and was greeted by Baekhyun looking slightly shock that I actually opened the door for him after embarrassing myself.

We blinked at each for few seconds before he decided to break the silence. "Have you forgot that we're sneaking out again tonight?"

"Oh?" I scratched my nape. "Is that so? Let me just change."

Being out of the mansion made me feel a little better. Baekhyun decided to take me to the carnival and never brought up the topic about what I accidentally told him back when we're in the car. We tried all the rides we can see and he even bought me foods. A girl like me having her first crush, I couldn't help but think that this is a date. All those nights that we snuck out of the house made me appreciate this prince right beside me and fall for him deeper as time goes by.

Of course, what's all of these risks we made just to get out if we don't drink? We went home a little tipsy, quietly wobbling our way in the garden maze of the mansion.

"Haesoo... Was my bestfriend. Let's say that I did like her." Baekhyun started. I nodded, showing that I'm listening. "But you know the rule that we royalties only have to date and marry a royalty. That's why I didn't have the chance to ask her out and date her."

"That's awful."

"Indeed." he chuckles. "Haesoo was rather someone who wants me to follow the rules. She's the reason why I've embraced those imprisoning rules and lived with it. That's why I never understood you when you offer me friendship, because I've never felt the fun of breaking the rules and crossing lines that were drawn just because we're royalties."

I stopped on my tracks and looked at Baekhyun. "Why are you telling me these?"

"Because... I have fallen in love with you." despite the darkness, I could see how he pressed his lips together and how his ears turned red. I don't know if it's because he's shy or because he's drunk. "I realized that it was fun being with you, sneaking out and pretend like we're not royalites. I just feel my heart flutter seeing you laugh because of too much excitement after successfully getting out of the house without being caught. What I feel for you is so much different compared to what I have for Haesoo. I was able to let her go, but when I think of you, I just wanted this marriage to work and be happy with you forever."

I didn't know what to say, my heart is racing inside me and... Is this the butterflies they said that you can feel inside your stomach? Baekhyun tried to walk closer but he tripped over the long grass that he failed to notice. "Baekhyun, you are drunk."

"But I know what I'm saying. Besides, drunk people tend to be honest if you must know." I tried helping him up but he's so heavy that I fell down, back hitting against the grass wall of the maze creating a loud sound.

"Ow, what the?"

"Who's there?!"

Baekhyun quickly covered my mouth and pushed me further against the wall as soon as flash of lights scattered all over the place. I was panicking that the watchers might catch us but when I realize the proximity of our faces, I feel myself blushing as my eyes flickered to Baekhyun's eyes observing the ground and then to his plump lips.

I totally froze when he tilted his head to lock his eyes on mine. And it seems like he also noticed how close our faces were when he blinked nonstop. "Y/n..."


When he leaned closer, I just closed my eyes and anticipated for his lips to meet mine. The moment it did, something inside my heart bloomed. It's like how a beautiful flower bloomed on spring. Ny heart jumped in happiness thinking that Baekhyun loves me too.

I thought I saw a flash of light shining against us for a second and coming back only to stay for few more seconds. But I ignored it and threw my arms around Baekhyun's neck once he started moving his lips against mine.

"Baekhyun... I love you." I whispered as soon as he parted for us to breathe. "I've fallen in love with you since we started going out of the mansion secretly."

My husband giggles before pecking my lips. "I know." he says. I squinted my eyes at him and pouted. "I love you too."

I pulled him closer and connected our lips. It went on for awhile until I felt the atmosphere rising. Was it because we're drunk or this is the heating feeling of something...

My face had completely turned red at the thought that I felt that kind of heat towards my husband. "I think we should take this somewhere more private and we're comfortable?"

Baekhyun said nothing as he sneaked a hand all the way to the back of my knees and lifted me up. He started walking towards the house, not minding the watchers spotting us by flashing their lights on us.

I guess we've been caught when I saw the maids lining up beside the door as soon as we're inside the house. Baekhyun ignored them and even kissed me right in front of them, earning several gasps from the workers.

"Your room or mine?"

"You've been in my room but I've never seen yours so... Yours I guess?"

He brought me into his room and placed me down on the bed, immediately hovering over my nervous figure. Are we really going to do it?

"I think I shouldn't do this to you. We just..."

I chortled, encircling my arms around his neck and pulling him down for a quick kiss. "Silly bacon. We're married."

"I forgot that we are. I thought I just asked you out to be my girlfriend." he dipped his head down to plant small kisses on my jaw. "Everything I do with you, feels so new. It made feel free and who I truly am. We're going to be stuck with each other until the end but I hope to feel like every time we're together, it's like when we first met. I love you so much."

Tears streamed down my face as I pulled him closer so I could kiss him. "I love you too."

Well I guess doing bad also has its advantages. And I'm glad it's Baekhyun falling in love with me.


A week passed, I could notice that the security is loosening since Baekhyun and I were caught making out in the garden maze and the maids witnessing how we decided in which room to make love. I wonder if they did it in purpose or someone ordered them not to be so tight. Baekhyun and I could sneak out easily ever since.

I was spacing out, one hand on my waist while the other holding the glass of water as I drank.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Jeane asked and that's when I was pulled out of my reverie.

"I noticed that the security isn't that tight anymore. Were you all flustered that you've seen Baekhyun and I kissing that ya'll are too awkward to be too tight to us?"

"Ah no! I believed someone reported all your nights out the mansion to your parents." Jeane was blushing a little bit. "And they saw the improvement to your marriage so they thought of reconsidering and let you and Prince Baekhyun do what you want to do. Even breaking the royal rules. That's what I heard, I don't know if it's true or not."

Suddenly, I felt a ton of weight being lifted off my shoulders. The freedom I've been longing since I was young will be all achieved, because of Baekhyun. All because we learned how to love each other while seeking for that freedom together, even if it means breaking the rules that has been followed by our ancestors and should be kept followed.

I heard the front door opening and closing few seconds after. I handed my glass of water to Jeane and dashed my way towards the lounge where I immediately saw my husband standing and looking so gorgoeus.

"There's my prince." I said while approaching Baekhyun. He smiled shyly before greeting me with a hug.

"And there's my baby." he presses his lips mine for a sweet kiss. "So I went out to have a word with our parents and guess what?"


"We now have the freedom to do anything we like. Go out and have fun like we're just normal humans. They have seen the progress in our relationship and found out that breaking the royal rules is the reason why." Baekhyun gently pinched my cheek as if I'm the cutest kid he's ever seen. "We have achieved the freedom we've been longing."

"We did." I giggled and pulled him closer for a peck. "I love you so much!"

We shared a long passionate kiss with everyone hiding and trying not to squeal.

Breaking the royal rules was the best thing that I ever did.


I watched Barbie and I don't know why this came into my mind lol 😂

Anyway!! Thank you for those who greeted me a happy birthday! I love you guys so much and you made my birthday a blast despite being stuck at home because of quarantine that I can't go out and have fun.

Stay safe, Strawberries!!! Make sure your immune system is strong and keep yourself clean and sanitized! Stay hydrated and eat healty!

Love ya'll!! 🍓❤️

Btw. There are few 🍓 that has been asking for me to write Chanyeol fics and I dunno why lol. I'm still thinking if I should consider because that means another responsibility and I don't want to make promises I can't fulfill. :<


