
This is connected to that one imagine I have here. Entitled "Sorry"


"That's so ridiculous for you to say!"

"Oh really? Coming from you who spends more time with Chen than your boyfriend!"

"How many times do I have to tell you that I am not cheating on you with Chen?! And besides, we're up to some collaboration unlike you who just wanted to spark some rumors of us breaking up because of going out with her again!"

"I wanted to spark some rumors of us breaking up? How about we break up for real?"

I was taken aback by his words.


But before I could even finish what I was trying to say, he walked out of the living room and entered our shared room. Shutting the door with so much force that I though I heard one of our framed pictures hanging on the wall fell.

I hugged myself and cried. He thinks I'm cheating on him with Chen because he saw us coming out of his room together earlier.

Chen actually needed some help for his new video for his youtube channel. He was planning to sing his side track "Portrait of You" from his first ever album and post it on his channel. The help I contributed for his video is playing the piano while Chen sings. That explains why we were both on the same room and coming out together after the recording.

Chen and I have also been planning this one collaboration for a long time. So for the past few weeks, we were spending time together. Talking about our collaboration and meeting some producers and song writers for the project. We even started practicing the song earlier. It was a smooth practice until Chanyeol told me that my boyfriend's meeting another girl as a way of saying he's jealous that I couldn't spend more time with him.

All the time, I thought Baekhyun was fine with my collaboration with Chen as his reaction when I told him about it was fine and he said that I'll have his full support. Also, because he never whined nor talk about how I spend my whole day with Chen when we get back home after our activities. But I could notice that he was distancing himself from me sometimes or he would give me a cold treatment in which I didn't seem to mind at first because I'm busy with Chen.

Maybe that's how he thinks I'm cheating.

But his way of saying he's mad at me is way too far.

He decided to go out with his ex for the past few days while I'm in some meetings with Chen. He even made it obvious he's going out with her by strolling around without wearing a mask and hat that could serve as disguise. Clearly, he wants me to see him enjoying a company while I'm not around.

I was spending time with Chen for a project and he was spending time with her to get back on me.

I curled up on the couch and continued crying. Baekhyun maybe childish, but I never wanted to lose him. I love him so much. If we're going to break up, who's gonna cuddle and massage his scalp to sleep? Who's going to take care of him when he's sick if the members aren't around for their invidual activities? I can't imagine waking up in the morning without seeing his innocent face, and sleeping to his perverted hands on my butt every night.

Partly, this was all my fault. Because after spending my whole day with Chen. I wouldn't cuddle him at night due to extreme tiredness, sometimes I could forget that he's actually laying beside me. One cuddle time with him will at least lessen his thoughts of me cheating. Why am I so dumb?

But still, he could've just told me he's mad at me and I'm going to fix everything. Instead he decided to go around and act childish.

Now I don't know what to do. Should I apologize or let him realize his mistakes and apologize to me?


It has been hours until I finally have decided. I'm going to apologize to him. Even though this fight started because of him going out to get back at me. I don't care to what I'm feeling towards it, I just wanted everything to get back to normal so I can cuddle Baekhyun right now.

I don't want this relationship to end. I don't want someone else except Baekhyun and I love him, no matter how childish is he. So I'm doing this because I don't want to break up with him and to not give a damn about what he did. Because I value our relationship more than my own ego.

I slowly opened the door of our shared room. I wasn't wearing any slippers because I don't want my step to resound. The moment I opened the door of our room, there really is a broken frame on the floor, shards are scattered everywhere. With the lights off, I really can't see the shards but I still entered the room.

Quietly walking, my eyes remained on Baekhyun's sleeping body on the bed. Suddenly I stepped on something sharp, that must be a shard. It caused me to wince and yelp in pain. I looked down and blood started to paint the floor. But the pain soon got ignored when Baekhyun flinched on the bed and a small gasp could be heard from him. He's awake.

I proceeded to walk and I slowly climbed on the side of the bed beside Baekhyun where his back faced. I laid down beside him and snaked my arms around his waist, and then I gave his nape a kiss before leaning my head on the pillow and smelled his back.

"I know you're listening." I spoke softly and rubbed the tip of my nose on his back. "I just wanted to apologize. I'm sorry if I spend my whole day with Chen and almost forgetting about you. I promise to never do it again. Please don't leave me." I started tearing up but I didn't want to wet his shirt so I sat up, dangled my legs on the edge of the bed and cried. The idea of Baekhyun leaving me is too much to handle.

"I love you so much, Baek. I don't want to lose you. I'm sorry if you felt like I was cheating on you." I sobbed harder and covered my mouth to muffle them.

Then I felt strong arms around my waist and his breath on my neck.

"Oh, baby." Baekhyun whispered through my ears before he planted a kiss on my shoulder. "I'm so sorry. Please stop crying."

I turned around and hug him as I cried on the crook of his neck. Baekhyun then pulled me closer and made me sat on his lap before rubbing his hands on my back to calm me down. It's so nice to be back in his arms after a long fight. Yes, that hours of fight feels likes years for me.

"I'm sorry for being so childish and trying to get back to you."

I cupped both of his cheek and kissed him softly on his lips. "I don't care about it now. I just don't want to lose you."

I sat on the bed with my back leaning against the headboard while Baekhyun rested his head on my chest with his arms wrapped around my waist. Finally, back to our nice late night cuddles.

"Baby, why did you apologize to the mistake I make? I mean, this fight started because of me going out with her. It was my mistake. Are you tolerating me to do such and fix it with your own?" he asked, snuggling closer as he tightened his arms around my waist.

"It's not because I am tolerating your mistakes, Baek." I threaded my  fingers on his brown, permed hair before kissing the crown of his head. "It's because I value our relationship more that my own ego." I smiled down at him as he looked up to me with teary eyes.

"I don't deserve you." he murmured. I shook my head before dipping down my head to meet his lips.

"I just don't want to lose you." I told him as soon as our lips parted. Baekhyun smiled at me before scooting closer to kiss me again. I melted on his kiss, causing my back to slide down the headboard and ending up on bed. Baekhyun hovered on me without breaking the kiss.

"What is that wet thing my feet felt?" Baekhyun look down and saw a blood. He jumped in shock and fell off the bed. Oh shoot, I forgot I wounded my foot.

"You must've been hurt by those shards. Wait here." Baekhyun stood up from the floor and ran to the bathroom to get the first aid kit.

When he came back, he turned the lights on so he could see the shards and to not step on them. He also had the first aid kit and broom. Baekhyun cleaned the broken shards before proceeding to take care of my wounded foot.

"I'm really sorry for tonight, baby. From now on, if it's my mistake. I will be the one to apologize okay?" I nodded at Baekhyun while he wraps my foot with the bandage. When he's done, he kissed my foot before standing up. "I will value our relationship more than my own ego." he said before capturing my lips once again.

"I love you so much." he whispered as he slowly made his way above me.

"I love you the most." I responded as I wrapped my arms around his shoulder and pulled him down for a kiss.
