
I was happily watching my favorite cartoon entitled We Bare Bears while cuddling with my husband Baekhyun.

It was all peaceful until a scene came where Ice Bear was doing an exercise for pregnant women.

"You should do that." Baekhyun suddenly commented. I shook my head at his suggestion.

"No way." I replied, keeping my eyes on the TV.

"No, you should do that." he untangled himself from me, earning a whine after. "Baby, it's for... Er, Baekyeol." he rolled his eyes at our baby's name. I chose that name because I suddenly fell inlove with Chanyeol when I found out I was pregnant.

"Look at you! You seem disgusted with our baby's name." I changed the topic, hoping for him to forget about the exercise. Damn I don't want to do it.

"Oho! Don't change the topic. Stand up and we'll do the exercise together." he grabbed both of my hands and pulled me up. I groaned lazily at him.

"If you'll do the exercise, I will not show any disgusted expression for our baby's name. Forever."

My face lit up upon hearing his words. I immediately stood up excitedly. "Bring it on!"

Baekhyun rolled his eyes at my happy face before he connected the TV to youtube so he could choose an exercise for me. "Here it is. Perfect for you." he told me after finding a video of an exercise.

I started following the women in the video though it was kinda hard for me to move because of my big tummy. Baekhyun helped me and even followed with me which makes this exercising exciting.

Not until we've been doing it for an hour already.

"Up! Down! Up! Down! Up! Down!" Baekhyun instructed while I followed by squatting down and then standing up straight and so on.

"Do I really have to do this?" I whined.

"For Baekyeol!"

"Baek, it's been an hour!"

He turned the video off, causing me to sigh in relief before I tried to catch my breath. Baekhyun handed me a glass of water and then took a towel to wipe my sweats away.

"You did good."

I smiled up at him sweetly and he leaned down to kiss my lips quickly.

"So you like the name Baekyeol now?"

"I didn't say that." he replied and looked away at me.


"Maybe if you exercise some more everyday. I will like it."

"But it was tiring! I don't want to." I pouted and crossed my arms on my chest, to show him that I disagree.

"Will you do it everyday with Chanyeol?" he suggested, making me face him happily. He was frowning tho and it was cute. Every time Baekhyun's jealous, he is the cutest. "I will call him tomorrow so he could come over and be your coach instead."

"Yes, please!" I jumped up and hugged him in excitement.

"Geez. You don't love me anymore." now it's his turn to pout. "Look at you! You suddenly became excited every time I mention Chanyeol's name."

"I'm so sorry, baby. It's just that I crave for Chanyeol for an unknown reason. Baekyeol seems to like this uncle very much."

He frowned even more. Oh what a cutie!

"Don't be jealous, Baek. You're still the first place in my heart and you're the one I love." I poked his side to tickle him and he tried his best to hide his smile but he failed and ended up laughing out loud.

"Be thankful that I really love you." he pressed my nose like a button before giving me a quick kiss on my lips. "Come, let's cuddle and rest. You did a good job exercising today."

He led me all the way to our bedroom and helped me lay down on the bed before laying beside me and cuddled with me. A hand of his went to caress my tummy, earning a kick from baby Baekyeol. Both of us then giggled lovingly.

I love Baekhyun very much but I can't wait to exercise with Chanyeol tomorrow. Hehe.


This is the last imagine that has less than 1k words.

Also!! I got super happy after SM confirmed ChanHun's debut! That's why I can't help but update.

I can't wait!!


