
"Oh my gosh! You're finally awake."

I blinked at the person that was staring down at me. His eyes are teary but he was smiling. Soon after, another 7 guys surrounded me, they all had teary eyes while smiling. What is happening? What happened?

"Don't move." another guy from the 8 said as he kept my hand still on the soft material I am laying on. The other 7 nodded in agreement.

I can't feel my body, I can't move a limb. Damn, I can't even move my mouth to speak. What really happened?!

"Keep still, Y/n. We're here for you." another one spoke. He was cute and has big eyes. "We're always by your side since day one, since months ago." he continued and smiled at me sadly.

"We're just going to wait for Baekhyun." the taller guy beside the cute one, said. All of their worried expressions turned into serious and some of them had anger visible in their eyes.


"Brace yourself, Y/n. And whatever happens, we'll be right beside you." another guy said, he was as short as the cute one. He gently stroked my hair and I just blinked at him. The only thing I could do is blinking, I can't furrow my brows to react at the guy's words. What do I have to brace myself for? Is someone gonna leave me? Why does it feels like it is?

"Sleep now our fluffy pup." the first guy I saw earlier, replaced the shorter guy's hand to stroke my hair. He has a very deep voice and cute small face, his hand is also huge.

I know I just woke up from a seemingly long sleep but when the boys sang me a song, I fell asleep again due to their nice, angelic voice.


The moment I opened my eyes, I felt so much better than the last time I did. I could finally feel like I can move my limbs, my whole body to be exact.

I shifted from my bed to face the left side and my eyes immediately found a man sleeping on a long couch near the window. He wasn't with the 8 guys that I saw earlier so I guess this is the Baekhyun they are talking about.

I roamed my eyes around his body until it stopped on his adorable face. He was snoring a little bit and his mouth is slightly opened. I scrunched my face as I squealed quietly because of how cute Baekhyun is. I was so lost because of his adorableness that I didn't noticed how he stopped snoring, opened his eyes and how it immediately found mine.

"Y/n, you're awake!"

He hurried his way out of the couch he's laying on and ran towards me.

I remained silent with my eyes seemingly unremovable from his face. Baekhyun stands beside the bed and looks at me glistening orbs, looking like he's excited to tell me something. He bits his lower lip first before speaking.

"Y/n, you got into a car accident that's why you're here. Do you remember?"

I didn't understand what he was saying and kept my innocent eyes blinking at him.

"I... Called you to come and meet me at SM Entertainment because I have something to tell you, but even before you could reach the place, you got into an accident and was comatosed for 5 months and 6 days." he lets out an airy laugh and avoided my gaze. I can't help my heart but let it jump inside my chest after seeing the ends of his lips curling upward. "I really counted the days and waited for you to wake up. Finally I can tell you what was that thing I was about to tell you, months ago." his eyes went back to stare at my face, smile fading away.

"Y/n, I don't love you anymore."

I felt the edges of my lips falling downwards, my heart seems to have stopped beating.

"That day, I called to tell you that I'm calling the engagement off. I want to end things between us, clearly. That's why I really waited for you to wake up so I could tell you this."

My heart... Suddenly what seems like millions of neddles were plunged towards my heart all at once, breaking it to millions of pieces, then falling into the pits of my stomach. But no matter how painful it was, my eyes couldn't produce any tears as I stared up at my fiance. Without actually thinking, I opened my mouth to speak.

"Excuse me? Who are you?"


"Fluffy pup, are you feeling better now?"

I peeked behind the man approaching me, making sure that no one is ever following behind him or waiting outside my room by the door.

Junmyeon sat on the chair that was placed beside my bed and took my hand. "Baekhyun said you couldn't remember him? Do you know me?"

The tears that I have been holding back since last night, finally bursted out. "I only forgot him, Junmyeon."

Shock took over Junmyeon's face as he shot his body up to stand. "Y/n."

"He told me he didn't love me anymore and that he wants to call the engagement off. I didn't know what to say so I pretended to have forgotten him." I wailed and threw my arms around his waist and pulled him closer. "I don't want to lose Baekhyun!"

He was speechless, mouth hung open as he stared straight ahead of him. Few moments and everything must've been sinking in when he bent down to level his face with mine and taking it between his shaky hands.

"I-it's..." he sighs audibly. "Everything will be fine. Hm? We're going to help you. The boys and I will do our best."

I nodded my head and Junmyeon immediately sneaks a hand to the back of my head, pushed it towards his chest so I could cry on it as he embrace me. I always know I could count on Junmyeon and the rest of the boys when problems like this arises.

But this isn't just a normal fight between Baekhyun and I. I'm dealing with much worst that I might lose him if I mess everything up.

The members had been busy with their individual schedules so I was left alone at the hospital to heal. No one ever visited me. My parents and siblings are away, but they made sure I'm fine by facetiming me. None of my family members knew about Baekhyun calling the engagement off and me pretending that I have forgotten him in attempt to save our relationship.

A week passed and it's my last day in the hospital. The doctors told me I could get out tomorrow morning. I was ecstatic but somehow sad that none of the boys could manage to pay me a visit for the last week. I understand it anyway. It's just making me sad that I'm alone. If Baekhyun still loved me from this moment, he'd be here to take care of me and I'd have the best days in this facility despite my aching body, because he's what matters to me the most.

I went out of my room for a quick sun session at the rooftop garden. Just letting the morning heat warm my whole body and return after few walks around. As soon as I entered my room, I was greeted by a sight of annoyed Baekhyun standing beside my empty hospital bed, hands on his hips.

"Where have you been?"

Taking small steps further inside while my hands played with the edge of the shirt I was wearing, I spoke. "I went out to have sun session." then I acted like realization hit on me. "Wait, I shouldn't have answered you when you haven't answer me yet!"

"Answer you what?"

"Who are you?"

He paused, like his breathing stopped for a moment and the annoyed expression he had, faltered. "I'm... Baekhyun."

"Oh, okay." I tried my best to act like his answer didn't matter and made a turn to go towards the bathroom.

"Hey, is that my shirt?"

I looked down on the shirt I wore before tilting my head to meet his gaze once again. "It's yours? I found this on my things that Junmyeon guy left for me to use while I'm here." then I smiled innocently at his irritated state. "Come on! Don't be annoyed, it's just a shirt."

"Just a shirt? That's my favorite! You bo-" he pauses, then letting out a frustrated sigh. "Nevermind. Go use it. I'm going out."

Once he exits the room. My pursed lips turned upward for a smile. Even while our relationship is falling apart, the thought that he still loves this shirt I bought him for our 1st anniversary, brought a wave of hope towards my heart. Hope that I can still fix this love and change his mind.

Night came. I was sitting on my bed, back pressed against the headboard while Baekhyun was laying down on the couch.

I thought of words to say as I flickered my eyes to his figure and to my hands that were twisting knots on the shirt. "Hey, Baekhyun?"

A quiet groan was heard from him. I felt a sting in my heart but I tried to ignore it. Ever since he broke out his decision of calling the engagement off, his reason that he fell out of love seems real. His eyes never bear the look that he's in love as he stares at me. He's annoyed to see me when we're in the same place.

"Y-you said you used to love me. Doesn't that mean I loved you too?"

It took a minute before he answered. "I did loved you." he shifts his body to lay on his back, eyes on the ceiling.

"You said you're calling the engagement off. We must be in a long and happy relationship to reach that stage." the moment I tilted my head to look at him, I was met by his gaze. "What a pity. I think this is why my heart flutters everytime you're here, because I love you."

Baekhyun quickly pried his eyes away from me.

"You said that you called to tell me that you don't want to marry me anymore. I'm half glad that I got into an accident and was comatosed for 5 months. At least, our title as 'engaged' lasted longer for a bit." I giggled shyly. "Well since I don't remember anything. I'm going to prentend that you didn't said you fell out of love. If we're telling our families about calling off our engagement, it's because we realized we're not ready or something came up."

He lets out an awkward airy laugh. "Sure."

I faked a smile.


Baekhyun took me home, to the house we shared that we bought for us to live in. I figured out why he's the one who was tasked to take me home and to take care of me for a month. It's because all of the members are busy and SM intented not to give him any activities so he could look after me.

I stepped inside the house, acting confused with my eyes looking around like I've never seen this place while Baekhyun walks in with my things in his hand.

"Uh? Is this where I live?"

"It's where WE live." he drops the bag on the couch. "Feel free to familiarize around. I'll be back in a bit." he turns around and went out of the house once again.

The first room I went into was his studio where he mostly does the recording of his songs. My eyes flew to my favorite spot of the room, my chair where I sat everytime I watch him sing, it's still there. Beside it is the shelf where his solo albums are placed. I notice a new album sitting beside City Lights. He must've had a comeback while I was in coma.

With amused face, I took an album version of the new one and scanned it. Flipping through the pages and touching Baekhyun's pictures, remembering how I told him to do concepts like this one. He really did, even while he's dying to tell me that he doesn't want to marry me anymore.

Suddenly the door of the studio opened and Baekhyun walks in, hand in his chest as he exhales in relief. "I thought you flushed yourself in the toilet."

I spared him an offended stare with a small pout on my lips. "Just because you want to break up with me doesn't mean you can say something like that." I showed his new album to him. "Also, what's this?"

Baekhyun walks closer to me. "That's my second solo album." he takes the album from me and flips the pages, stopping over a picture of himself and pointed a finger on it. "You said I should try this concept so I did and everyone liked it."

When he tilts his head to look at me, the look I've been wanting to see from those pretty pair of eyes, could be seen. The same look he gave me every time he tells me how beautiful I am, how he really loves me, when he asked me to marry him. That soft, loving look. Now I know what I can do to save our relationship.

But then he quickly turns his head to the side. "SM heard you out and accepted your suggestion. I prepared for the comeback while you're in coma and released the album in your third month of being unconscious." he shuts the album close and threw it back on the shelf. Ungrateful brat! I treat his albums like they're my babies and he's gonna throw it like that?

"Why are you telling me that though?"

He rolls his eyes in annoyance and presses a finger on my forehead, then pushing it in a manner like he's scolding someone dumb. "So you could remember and have your memories back."

Before he could take back his finger. I have grabbed it and then taking it in between my teeth to bite on it, making him scream. "Don't you ever do that to me again!"

He pulls his finger and stares at me with fear, and in a blink his eyes were filled with rage. "Yah!"

I quickly ran away from him and out of the room. Since I bit him, he surely will do everything to bite me back. I hid inside the bedroom, immediately locking the door when I heard sounds of footsteps approaching then followed by fists banging against the door.

"Open up!"

Leaning back my on the wooden door, I responded. "No!"

Few minutes of him calling for me to come out, Baekhyun gave up and left. I wandered around the room, thinking if he's now more angry than ever that he'll leave the house and we're officially over. It took at least an hour before he went back to call me for dinner, easing my heart to the fact that he never left. Meaning we're still engaged.

So I thought I should let him get his revenge. I opened the door and stepped out with my forefinger popping out.

"What?" he rises a brow, eyes going down to my finger.

Pushing my bottom lip for a pout. "You can bite my finger to get even." then I held it closer to his face. He looks at me, that loving stare sparkling his eyes as if he's taken back to the first time I bit his finger and I asked him to get even by doing the same. That was 4 years ago. Ah, good old days.

"Forget it." he turns to his back and walks away.

While I'm out here acting like I've forgotten him. The thing that I can do to save our relationship is to take him back to those memorable times of relationship. In that way, he'll be reminded of how happy we were he might reconsider and continue with his original plan of marrying me.

So I did some things that may take him back to the younger years of our relationship. Everything started when he accused me for being a sasaeng who successfully sneaked inside their dressing room during their concert. But I actually lost my way to the comfort room during that time, 4 years ago. That's when I first bit his finger and he decided to call the police. His mind changed when I held out my own finger and asked him to bite me back to get even.

I never knew it would change my life.

"I never heard your songs in this album." I said, twisting his second solo album in my hands while I watch him eat.

He lifts his head from the bowl of food in front of him. "Do you want to hear?"

A grin broke out of my face as I nodded. "Yes!"

"Wait till I'm done eating. I'll set the studio up." he leaves his seat to place his dishes on the sink.

"You're singing it live for me?"

He gave me a side glance. "Only if you'll do the dishes."

"Okay! Leave! I'll do them."

Finally after a week since I got home. I had the chance to sit on my favorite chair again, while I watch Baekhyun sing with his eyes closed, feeling every beat of the music blending with his voice. My heart fluttered watching him sing his new song live for me. Only for me to hear. For a second, I forgot about our relationship falling apart and my pending persistence to save it.

After the first song, I clapped for him and cheered like the fangirl I am.

"Come here." he beckons for me to come closer. With my pounding heart inside, I left my seat to join him.

"So this one track is a collaboration." he pointed to the paper that contains the lyrics. "How about you memorize it and we can sing together next time?"

I pressed my lips together and looked up at him shyly. "Sing...? With you?"

"You sing well. You didn't kno- ah, right. I forgot you lost your memories." he scratches his nape awkwardly.

Then we were quiet. I couldn't look into his eyes so it roamed around the lyric sheet in front of us. Then something caught my eye, fingertip running over a word as I read it in silent.

"Y-you surely had your reason why you wanted to call the engagement off." I lifted my orbs from the paper to look at him. "You like someone, don't you?"

He blinks his eyes at me. At this moment, my heart is starting to break again. He just had a collaboration with this female artist who his fans mostly ship him to. It would be fine it was a separate collaboration but he really had to include the song in his 2nd solo album, which could mean that it is something special because it was with her.

"No. I told you, it's because I fell out of love."

"You won't simply "fell out of love" if you haven't found someone else." I pretended like it didn't hurt and poked his side in a teasing manner. "Come on tell me."

He sighs audibly. "I don't like someone else. I just-"

"Come on! Tell me!" now two of my fingers are poking his sides. "I'm sure you like this woman who-"

I was cut off when he crashed his lips against mine so suddenly. My eyes widened, breath knocked out of my lungs as I froze on my spot. His eyes fluttered close and started moving his lips, gently. Like how he does it everytime after telling me he loves me. That's when I realized what was happening so I encircled my arms around his neck and tiptoed to reach his lips, pressing harder before responding.

He pulled away when he had to breathe. Baekhyun avoid my gaze, head shaking from left to right in a manner that he's panicking. Without any word, he stormed out of the studio, leaving me confused.

WE WERE AWKWARD! Three days since that kiss and we never exchanged any words. He'd walk pass me quietly, we eat quietly, we'd watch TV quietly and seriously it's getting me insane! We're rather a loud couple that annoys our neighbors because of our loud voices. Forcing ourselves to stay quiet is a torture and I can't believe we could do things that tortures us.

I was bored, laying down on the couch with my back on the seat, legs dangling on the backrest, and head hanging on the edge of the seat. It feels like I'm in quarantine. Baekhyun never lets me go outside since the day  I was discharged from the hospital and I don't know why.

An idea popped in my head. I thought of sneaking out but then suddenly Baekhyun appears, coming out from the bedroom. He stares at the way I occupied the couch.

"What...?" I asked, awkwardly.

He shakes his head. "Nothing. I... I'm gonna go shower." he turns to the opposite direction and walks away.

As soon as he's out of my sight. I quickly jumped off the couch and ran towards the bedroom to get my purse and phone. Then I tiptoed my way back to the living room and towards the front door.

"Hey Y/n? Do know where- what are you doing?"

I clicked my tongue and let my hand fall from the knob. "I'm caught." I said quietly with annoyed voice before turning around and going back to the couch to sit.

When I saw Baekhyun holding back his laughter, my heart melted at the sight. And I know why. I did the same thing, 4 years ago, when he caught me attempting to sneak my way out of the dressing room after accusing me of being a sasaeng.

"I was asking what are you doing."

"I wanted to go out... Uhm. I feel so bored inside here."

"I didn't stopped you though. You can go, but make sure to return before lunch." he turns around and started walking back to the bathroom, finally letting out those giggles he's been holding.

"Uhm, Baekhyun?"

He stops and tilts his head to give me a sideward glance.

"Until when are you free to look after me?"

"SM gave me a month and until another EXO member is free to take turns. Why?"

I shook my head. "Nothing." then pursing my lips. "If... That time comes. Does that mean we're officially over?"

Baekhyun looks away. "I guess so?"


Can't I do something so save our relationship? My plan of reminding him of how fun our love is, isn't working. I guess he really did fell out of love.


I was panting, my heart is panicking inside as I watch Baekhyun going down the stairs while I trailed behind him.

Two months before I got into an accident, we were distant from each other. I wasn't allowed to go back in Korea because of the pandemic so I was stuck in my country for a month. Flying back after the lockdown, Baekhyun was already on tour and rarely calls me because of busy schedules and tiredness after the concert.

Baekhyun is someone who needed love and attention and I'm fully aware of that fact. Two months without affection must've been the reason why he felt like he fell out of love when all he needed is just me, my time, love, cuddles, everything.

"Are you going to be fine here alone?" he asks as he opened the front door. I thought he's going to look after me until another member is free to take turns, but he's really leaving today when the others are still busy with their individual schedules.

I heaved out a sigh and smiled, a fake one. "Of course."

He glances at me for the last time. "Okay." then he steps out of the house. Okay, that's it? We're over.

Once the door closed. I remained staring at it for few moments, breathing quickly, before I broke down into a loud cry. A hand came up to clutch on the fabric that was above my chest, slowly bending my knees down until I'm crouching on the ground.

"Baekhyungie!" I wailed in a childlike manner. "I... I don't want to lose you! Baekhyungie!"

"I tried to do everything to save this relationship! I even acted like I've forgotten you but no I didn't! Everything we've been through are still engraved in my mind, in my heart! Every second of them! I wanted to take you back to where we started to at least make you think about your decision!" I continued bawling out, even though I know Baekhyun had left and he's not listening. "I'm so sorry if I was the worst fiancee ever! I know all you needed was just me but I never made any effort to make you feel like I'm with you while we're apart! Baekhyungie! Please don't leave me I love you!" using the back of my hand, I wiped it across my face to remove the tears streaming down continually.

"Put this ring into my finger and tell me you still wanted to marry me!" I pulled the engagement ring out of my pocket and threw it towards the door. "Baekhyun!" a loud cry of his prolonged name echoed all over the place.

All of a sudden, the door opened harshly. The light entering blinded me for seconds but after adjusting, the first thing I saw is Baekhyun standing at the doorway.

"You thought I'm leaving today, aren't you?"

I cried even louder and settled my butt on the floor like a child throwing a fit. Baekhyun shakes his head slightly before giggling and then walking up to me with his eyes glistening in tears. He bent down and inserted his hands on the either sides of my armpit and pulled me up to my feet. I immediately wrapped my arms around his waist. I'm not going to let go of him even if he gets annoyed or angry because I was faking my amnesia all the time.

"I was just going to my vocal lessons, silly." he leans his chin on the crown of my head and his palms started running up and down on my back.

"That is not what I want to talk about." I sniffed and pouted against his chest. Baekhyun pulls away from the hug and took my face in between his palms. "I was lying to you all the time. You should be mad at me."

He chuckles. "That's not what really matters to me right now. At least I didn't have to go through my plan of smacking you on the head with a wooden chair just so you could remember me and continue with the plans we made for our life." he glides his finger tips on the side of my head, making me close my eyes and lean on his touch. "Let's get married, hm?"

Tears descended to my cheeks once again. I couldn't breathe properly due to crying so much and too much happiness at the same time. I nodded happily before pulling my fiance for another tight hug.

"Love, thank goodness you're fine." he whispers. I sobbed against the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent that I love so much. "Let's just bury this part of our story and let time pass until it's forgotten, shall we?"

Well, I guess my plan of acting like I've forgotten him, worked.


"Seriously, jagi?" Baekhyun mutters, dragging himself towards the practice room while I'm hugging his left leg. There were lots of staffs and other artists that could see us but we didn't mind them.

"I'm serious, Baek. When I said I'll give you all of my time and attention. I mean it." I peeled myself off his leg to stand. "What if you feel like you're falling out of love again?"

"Y/n, I told you we're forgetting that it happened, right?" no repsond, I looked down on my feet. "Come here." he spreads his arms and I took steps foward and let him pull me into a hug.

"Let's go tell the others now."

We went inside the practice room. As soon as the members saw walking in, they paused everything they are currently doing.

"What are you doing here?" Kyungsoo asked Baekhyun. Sounding bitter that he's in the same place as him.

They were mad at him after deciding to call the engagement off without any second thoughts. Ever since, they never talk to him. I can't imagine Baekhyun going through his angry members for last 5 months while I'm unconscious.

"Uh..." he spared me glance, as if he's aking for help.

I took few steps until he's hidden behind me. "Guys, it's okay now. We've talked and decided that..." I reached for Baekhyun's hand behind to hold it tight. "We're getting married."

The gloomy atmosphere coming from the boys, altered into something warm as their eyes widened and smiles slowly crept on their lips.


I nodded at Junmyeon and showed my hand that has the engagement ring on the fourth finger.

"Yes! Wedding of the year coming soon!" Jongdae yelled, running around in cirlces with his arms spread.

Lay took my hand and pulled me to dance with him, spinning me around while the rest of the boys did some random dance around us and screaming nonsense words. Well except for Chanyeol who's walking up to my fiance.

"Ah!" I gasped as soon as I saw Baekhyun kneeling down after Chanyeol swung his long leg to kick the back of his knees. "What was that for?!"

"Don't you ever do that to Y/n again." he says, face serious. But then he grinned widely before holding out his hand to Baekhyun and help him stand. "Anyway, we're friends again. Just don't do the same thing." he gave him a side hug before joining the rest in random dacing.

"Wedding of the year happening!"


I shook my head. Even after years of being friends with them, I still can't believe I'll be spending the rest of my life with Baekhyun and automatically with them, who made me feel like I'm also a member of the group.

Wait, did the boys knew that I've never forgotten them?


I have 2 endings for this one.

1. This ending.

2. Baekhyun finding out that Y/n was lying by accidentally hearing the conversation she had with Suho. He was mad and something like that and will sure make the story long.

But I chose this ending to make this short 😩 and somehow adorable (when Baek said he'd smack you with a chair. Yeah that was adorable.)

If you can't understand this one-shot. Me too 😂


