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        Life is a ride we don't even know where we will be in the next sec .. don't close your emotions feel everything in your life ... every moment will be a memory. But to say this will be filmy dialog and I know how difficult to face the situations but at least we can motivate ourselves.


Rushi's Pov,

          It's been a month since our marriage happened.... but still I am not allowed to go out... I didn't even see his face after that incident .... he calls me regularly but I didn't even talk for 5 min... I am feeling so bored..... even though all are here I feel lonely I feel like I didn't belong to this place at all when I am with all of them, I will forget everything, but when I am in my room it is lonely when I was in the orphanage, I never felt like this...

       In my childhood, I slept with my mom, and in clg days with my roommate, when I am doing the job, I will come home tiredly and sleep fast, so I never felt lonely, but here I am feeling helpless. It's like a prison... of course in my place also mom never allowed me to go out with friends, but she never stopped me to do my things, weakly once I go with my friends to eat some outside food. It's really good to go out with friends and if my father or brother comes, they will take me out for shopping...  so I never felt like a prisoner my mom gave me a normal peaceful life like other girls had... I never lack anything. I just hope I can go back to my previous life and be a good doctor and live a quiet life. Anyhow I am here in this position what's there to think... when my wish can't be fulfilled?

Previous incidents**************

          After a week when he went to Australia, I came to know that it was Siya's birthday....... on that day they all went shopping, but I just sat in my room balcony.... all told me to ask him..... I also called him.... but he refused.... he even scolded Karan for supporting me. I am going out with family only na then why he has to oppose it? Why does he want to control my everything??

         I don't like him, when I talk with Satya and Srav they always tell me about the hospital, madhavi mam, and work. how they enjoyed outside, I just hope one day I will have a normal life... there is luxury in this life but no happiness... my in-laws are nice I want to be with them, they always care about me, I cook for them, and help them, but.... still, it's not life, I want to be doctor, treat patients,  I have to be individual in life, but here I am not doing any work, leave about work at least not allowed to go out... I hate it. I don't even know what I am hating.

Before siya's birthday...I called that devil...


 He: hello. how are you..??

"Hmm fine.."I... I..... "

He: do you want something....???"

Hmm... oh... adi...."

He: are you thinking about Siya's birthday.....

I am shocked, how he knows about my thoughts...

"Hmm .. Y... yes...."

He: don't think much I already Said to Amelia, she will bring a gift for Siya, you can give it to her...

    Is there anything I can talk about....   he is such an egoist... can't he ask my opinion at least for once.... jerk...

" Ok. " I told that and cut the call...

All are making different plans for her birthday... I got amused by their thoughts.

Maya: hey how about we wake her by the lion's roar in the morning...

Maya is crazy...  always thinking... how to prank...

Arun: don't do silly things, Maya.

Maya: oh common bro...

Snehith: how about arranging spicy cake...

Is he even for real who will arrange spicy cake on Btd? I thought in mind.

Prithvi: No sneh bro what if she put the cake on our faces, we have to suffer.

Rahul: Hmmm how about we arrange a boyfriend for her?

Karan: Don't even think of it do you know how many boys' hearts she broke at graduation???

Both Karan and Siya completed graduation from the same college but in different groups...

I: you people are crazy don't spoil her birthday... let's make it perfect...

Saanvi: oh rushi you are boring if king is there na he will give an excellent idea...

I: oh really... I never thought he is into these things...

I am really surprised that rude arrogant jerk gives ideas to such things.

Pruthvi: oh rushi last time King arranged a skeleton in her room. you have to see her reaction.... oh my god...we all laughed for a week... Do you know how she shouted... the whole mansion blasted? All people ran towards her room.

" Ok ok, I understand, you all want to prank her right."

Snehith: Yes rushi do you have any idea??

" How about to drenching her in color water."

Rahul: We did it in her childhood, but we can do it again.

Maya: Ok then guys we are going to arrange many colors to drench her.

Next day

Siya wore a nice dress... but I hope she won't get angry...

We all greeted her; she took blessings from elders.... she is looking at us with suspicious eyes...

I think she is already expecting a prank on her... But all are behaving normally and no one did anything silly... she may think all gave her a break this time ..... but in the evening .... all are sitting in the garden....  she is eating ice cream happily.... we all moved some distance from her... she didn't even notice..... then Maya and Karan slowly brought two buckets of blue and yellow color water..... suddenly poured on her..... she is shocked.... her ice cream color changed, her dress is drenched, hair is in a different color.... she turned her face towards Karan and maya..... she throws the ice cream and starts to chase them.... we all laughed...

Siya: you both monkeys donkeys... I thought you are not going to prank me but you spoiled my dress, stop I won't leave you both... you aliens,  I will kill you today...

All are laughing at her...  I am so happy... slowly it became night.....

Amelia also came .... with a bouquet and gifts.......

That jerk selected a car for Siya.... who wants a car there are already so many cars. Amelia gave a key box wrapped with gift paper... I handed them to Siya...

" Sorry siya I can't get you anything."

" It's ok rushi, I know your position."

All gave different gifts..... she is happy... After the cake cutting..... we all ate dinner,

Amelia came to me; all are seeing us.

" Mam sir told me to give you these things."

I took the small bag from her and opened it.... it has bank account details on my name..... and also changed documents, that devil now totally erased my identity as a Desai I am Tagore by law.... account has 10 lacks, oh my god I never even imagined,  did he want to show off ???  I am very angry... what he is thinking of himself devil, the monster..... I cursed him in my mind....  tears formed in my eyes...

Granny came and took the papers from me....  she smiled and patted my shoulder.

Granny: Rushi but don't think negatively..... everything is for good...

I just positively nodded my head.

Amelia: And mam I am very thankful to you for talking with sir on that day.... sir became calm after talking with you.

I didn't understand at first..... then Siya told me...

Siya: rushi, when we went out na that day night you cut the call!!

I remember he warned me not to go out anymore... that devil.

Amelia: Mam that day sir was hell angry we don't know what to do??  so I thought you can calm him, sir is very soft towards you. On your marriage registration, I saw you both .. you both are looking so much in I asked Siya, to make you talk with sir.... and you know what !! it worked perfectly.

I don't know what to say..... I kept my mouth shut.

Amelia: Mam now onwards you are our savior from sir.  When sir is angry he will fire employees like some waste papers.

Siya held Amelia's hand I don't know what Amelia talking about he only used firing employees to warn me not for real. I thought in mind.

Amelia: hmm... when workers do wrong not every time.

she smiled telling me. I just smiled at her. Everyone is enjoying but I am in my thoughts... I suddenly looked at Amelia...

She is looking at arun jiju, and Arun Jiju also looking at her, I think it's their moment...

I patted Arun...he suddenly jerked...

" Guys I think someone can't even take their eyes" All looked confused..... amelia turned her head.

" So Ms. Amelia do you like that mr.... who is looking at you...". I asked her in mischievous tone...

" Mam... mam.... i... don't know what you are talking about..."

" I think no need of calling me mam, you can call me Rushitha or Rushi...."

"But.... mam...."  I cut her words by saying...

"I told na call me rushitha....." I said with a high tone but no order in that.. just I got irritated with the same words.... sir will scold us, etc..etc...

" Ok rushitha."

" Hmmm so tell me, do you....."

" Rushitha.... oh ... I.. hmm..."

"Huh..... so can I take it as yes....."

"No... I mean... yes... "  she is blushing so much her cheeks became red...

Snehith: Rushi what are you talking about...

"Neeku kotta vadina rabotundi."

Siya: what????

"Oh, I mean ...."  I looked at Arun he is so surprised at Amelia's words..... I can see happiness in his eyes.....

I got an idea in my mind...

"I will tell you later guys"

"Arun jiju can you drop Amelia at her home it looks so dark out...."

" Oh no...  no... it's ok I can... go...."

Siya: no Amelia it's already so late you can't go alone.... and also don't worry my brother won't scare you...

Siya looked at me and gave a smile to me... I think she also got a hint of what I am talking about.

Amelia: oh  ... hmmm ok...

Arun Jiju stood immediately and started to go out.... amelia followed him like a lost puppy...

Siya and I laughed loudly.... all seeing us with amusement..... now I think all got what I am talking about before...

We all went to our rooms..... I again found the room empty, then Amelia's words came to mind...... I sat in balcony .....

Did he like me ???? If he like me why he would marry me forcefully, why he will force me that day, or am I his plaything just like he calls me a doll...I don't know when I slept with all these thoughts in my mind.....

In the morning during breakfast, I saw arun juju looking happy.....

"So jiju.... how was yesterday night's journey????"  These days I also became naughty... in my college days I always teased my friends. But not more.

" Rushitha...."  he is smiling ...blushing ......

Maya: oh god bro you are blushing ...tell Na did you kiss her.

Karan: Oh tell me Arun bro... did you propose to her.... or you kept silent.

Arun: please stop teasing me.... i.... i... proposed to her.... and oh she said.... yes...

Siya: Oh god brother you proposed to her .... she said yes..  oh tell me from when onwards you have feelings for her. 

"Huh.. yes bro tell us. .."   All asked at a time...

Arun: huh... it's been 3 months..... but we both never told our feelings each other...

Sneh: Oh god three months but how I didn't know about it !!!!! 

Saanvi: Because you only know joking.. not about love...   

Pruthvi: oh bro.. please continue I want to listen to your story....leave these monkeys.

Arun: one day I went to King's office to know about investors..... there I saw her.... at first I think it was just attraction but soon I want to know about her, see her..... so I realized it was love.... but I don't want to show that.... yesterday she told me the same..... and yesterday... I understand that she also likes me so..hmm. I proposed to her there itself... thank you rushi...

" It's ok Jiju I am happy for you...  "

"Arun did you plan any date...." Maya asked

We all looked at Arun.... we saw him blushing hard.... oh god he is so shy...

Arun: yes I asked her yesterday...

Rahul: Oh my god Arun you became a lover boy.

Siya: Hey please stop teasing my bro

" Oooooooo.... "all gasped at a time

We all are laughing I am so happy...


I hope all will like the chapter...

Thank you. ❤❤

bye bye 👋
