
Hi amigos..... i hope all are doing fine.


Rushi's pov,

i went to our room...... i saw him sitting on bed peacefully with his elbow on head board.....his lips are still having a smirk..... i really got angry on him... did he wants me to go out of room or he is playing with me.....

I: you are a cheater??

he looked at me..... in confusing way.... but i felt it annoying.

he: why is it doll??

I: you want me to go to other room right and you don't want to reduce their work.... you are really cruel.....

He: doll.... so you are going to other room.... ok then.

what a arrogant egoistic person... can't he do what i want.... always showing off...... i am totally in bad mood today.....

i went near to my clothes and packed some in a small bag while slowly cursing him for being such a jerk.... he is continuously looking at me.... but no response came.... i am totally pissed off..... i will never ask him anything..... i will tell papa about him.... he can do something.... i took my bag and went near the door.....but when i tried to open the door.... it is locked..... what the hell is this.... i looked at his side angrily.... but he is sitting silently like ntg happened.... what a jerk he is.....

I: why you did this??

he: what i did doll??

I: don't the door....

I said angrily.

He: I already told you. i never lost to anyone.

I: ok then.... you are accepting the challenge right then let me go....

He: doll you can't go from this room with out my permission .... if you accept it i will reduce their work.... and you have to promise me not to ignore me ...

what the heck he is thinking.... don't i have freedom with whom to talk and to ignore.... why he always control me ... i don't like it..... i am on peak of my out burst..... but when i lifted my eyes he is too near.... i got surprised to see him this near... i unknowingly took a step back.... but i think that's wrong decision i hit my back with door..... what a timing.... oh god why you always put me in these situations.... my mind is running thorough so many thoughts....... i don't even know why i am nervous.... before a sec i am very daring ... but now being shy and helpless infront of him.... his eyes are looking into me like microscopes.... but they are curious to know my answer i think so.... but what he expecting me to answer..... i am just looking at him like i got paralyses..

he put one of his hand on my right side..... he leaned over my left ear...... i felt his hot breath.... i hold my dress tightly...... i don't know what i am feeling .... but it is not that much uncomfortable. I turned my face to right side. I can see his strong arm... My body became stiff like an iron rod.

He: tell me doll... are you going out of this room.....

He asked like....... i ... i ...i don't know what got into me.... my thoughts ,my mind stopped working. i nodded horizontally..... he smirked at me...

he: good girl.....

he left me there and took my bag from my hand..... i then realised what happen .... how can he effect me so much.... no rushi... did i just accepted not to go.... but why..... no no it is not my mistake.... he..he.... but wait what he did.... no it is completely his mistake...... but what about my gang....

I: hmm.... oh..... i......

He: i already told na doll.... i will make their work normal. now let's go down. arun marriage is in a week .... don't you want to know .... what are the events planned?

my mood got up ...... i smiled at him... and nodded my head....

we both got down.... i saw all elders.... sitting in living room.....

Samyuktha's pov,

After discussing about pooja vikram bhai called us to living room.... all family members are already present except addie and king.... after 5 min I saw alana coming down ...although I am angry on addie I am his mother.... I can't see my son like that....

I: alana where is addie???
Alana: hmm... mom he said he has lot of work he will come late.

I smiled at her ...

Vikram: ok guys.... you already know in a week we will get new daughter-in-law.... so...everything is prepared....I just want to discuss if anything is balance.

Aravind: vikram don't stress yourself.... I already told my PA to handle everything carefully and everything is fine.

Vikram: I know bhai....

Lakshmi: look there is our king and rushi...

We all looked at them who are coming down from steps..... they are made for each other. I just hope no evil eyes fall on them....the ruthlessness in king and the saving nature in rushi.... I really understand what the meaning of opposite attracts....but the thing bothers me now is all my children looking tense..... I don't know whether something happen or not.... but today rushi is smiling like she got her candy.... she is too simple.... naive. her eyes holds so many emotions...but I never want tears in them..... king always happy when she is near.... even though he didn't express his eyes tells his feelings.... i think she has to be angry right but why she is smiling??

After they got down.... rushi smiled at everyone..... all looked tense till a sec before but seeing her smile everyone is relaxed.... even I feel relaxed when I see her after my work.... Aravind also told me once....

I think her anger decreased..... I am really tensed when she reacted like that .... but it seems everything is fine....

Vikram: rushi how are you feeling??

Rushi: I am fine uncle....

Everyone discussing and laughing..... I just miss addie I think I should forgive him.... these days he behaved normally with everyone.... I think I should help him to behave well with alana... he is so good.... he will listen to us not like king.... today I will talk to him.....

I turned my eyes from discussion to king.... he is checking his phone calmly and smiling.... but what caught my eyes is rushi's hand in his.... she is trying to release it...but he hold it is his..... he never change na... so his smile is not in mobile it is her.... she stopped struggling....after a min.....I sighed and again merged in discussion....

Then rose got some snacks..... we all took them......

Suddenly I heard king voice.....


I looked at rushi.... she is holding small ice-cream cup.....everyone is looking at them.....

Rushi: why....

she asked slowly.... i also didn't understand why he said so...

King: you just recover from fever. so you are not eating it....

he snatched the cup from her.....oh my son is too caring..... i am smiling in my mind.

She looked sad....

Rushi: pls only one .... I won't eat more... pls...pls....pls...

She is looking like a kid. .pleading continuously...I smiled at her innocence... I don't think king will agree ....even the thought didn't cross my mind.....

King: ok... only one and you will take medicine...

She put a sad face but nodded her head.... he gave her ice-cream cup..... I am totally in shock....
What did this girl even do to my son.... he can't even see a sad look on her face..... I am really tensed.... his love is too much... she may think it is normal... but to behave like this and that to king.... it is not normal.... I don't know where this love of his will take them to.... but my only wish is to see them happy.....for that only we did all this.....

Unknown pov,

Man: sir this information is bad..

Mr. Agarwal: what is it ... Rowan..

Man: sir our informer got caught.... he got shot ... but not killed...

Mr.Agarwal: what the hell.... send some one to kill him.

Man: sir he is under tight security....

Mr. Agarwal: why the heck... that king didn't killed him....

Man: sir no internal details available....

Mr.Agarwal: send PRANAY to deal with it...

Rowan: sir you mean your son....sir can he... I mean... can he handle king.... you know right.... king is too cruel....

Mr.Agarwal: only pranay can handle this... just inform him.

Rowan: ok sir....

Mr.Agarwal: I will never let anyone to take what's mine again.

Samyuktha's pov,

All had their dinner ... today is really nice.... everyone was in good mood and specially king.... he is smiling a lot these days.... I am sitting in living room and waiting for my addie. ... I still remember when addie came along with my daughter Nitya.... he was badly wounded and a small kid... he looked so cute .......he didn't even let me to touch him.... he is not social I don't want to remember those bad memories..... they still haunt me.... I still remember how my life changed if not aravind I am afraid I can't get out of my depression.... Suddenly I heard alana voice .....

Alana: mom why are you still awake???

I: hmm... just normal...
Alana: mom I know you are waiting for aiden.....
I smiled at her.... how my arrogant sons got such a beautiful and innocent wife's. sometimes I really feel jealous.

Alana: mom I will serve him.... you are looking tired...pls take rest...

I: it's ok Alana I just want to talk with addie...

Alana: really mom... you are going to talk with aiden....
She is looking so happy.... I still don't understand.... addie treated her so badly but how can she love him... love is really blind....
I: alana I still can't understand why you love addie...

She looked shock.... but she is blushing.... oh god....

Alana: mom...

I: oh ok ok... I won't ask....

I heard car sound....

I:alana you go .... tell him to meet me at dining table....

she nodded and went near the door......

i took steps towards dining table...... but something came to mind..... so i stopped there i thought to take a look at them..... so i stand behind the stairs....i think i really became kid today.... but it is for my children only so it not bad to do like these things....

addie entered looking tired .... i felt so sad seeing him like that.... but i think he is not in proper condition ..... did he drink...!! i think he is ok.... he is walking properly....

Addie: is everyone sleeping.....

She nodded her head....she took his coat which is hanging on his shoulder..... but i am really surprised for his next move.....

he hold her waist tightly and pulled her towards him... i think she will be in shock..... oh god he kissed her...what a hungry bird my son is.... can't he wait till they go to their room....... i am really embarrassed to see this as a mother... i shouldn't watch these things..... i put my palm on my mouth and smiled. I am so happy to see this.

she is tying to free her self but my son is not in mood.... i think..... i turned back not to see anymore..... i should go to dining table..... i slowly took my footsteps slowly not to disturb those love birds.....

after 30 min addie came in his nightdress along with alana.....

I: did you eat...?? i asked him calmly.....he didn't answered.....

i understood.....

I: alana serve him......

she nodded and served the food..... he silently took a bite ......and placed the spoon back....

I: what happened...??

Addie: mom it is awkward... can you come to the point....

i know he is impatient.... i just smiled at his behaviour....

I: addie.... you did wrong on that time.... and i hope you will be good... i never opposed your decisions.... but that day seeing alana i can't hold back and also your dad.... if you think we are wrong.... you can tell me.... but i can't stay anymore away from my son....

Addie: mom ..... are you.... ... i mean..... you really .... not angry with me.....

I: i am angry but i can't be like that anymore.... addie.... you are my son.... i never treated you and king differently.... you are my children .... i know i made you sad.... by not talking with you.... but you know how much sad i was.... you know na.... i love you so much.... you are my kid.... i never want to separate you from me.... i love you addie.... more than anything..... i just want you to be good with her.... i just want my son to be happy....i am sorry addie for making you sad....

his eyes are teary.... ofcourse mine also.... only i know how much difficult not to talk with your son..... seeing in pain also... it is really a big punishment for me also....

i got up and hugged him...

Addie: mom i am sorry i won't behave like that anymore.... i am really sorry.....

i kissed my son forehead... and feed him with my hands..... he is really cute when he cries.... alana also crying she excused her self from us..... i saw aravind coming towards us....

aravind: oh so you both finally make up.....

addie: dad.....

i smiled at him.....

aravind: so can i know why mrs.aravind want to make up with his son... if you are comfortable....

what a drama king my husband....

I: hmmm..... it is secret......

addie: mom .... pls i also want to know..... i didn't thought you will forgive me easily....

I: you think i am heartless person.... i told in a complaining way....

my both monkeys laughed at me.....

addie& aravind: no.... just asking....

I: oh ok... then...i will tell you..... one day rushi is crying so much..... i tried to comfort her.... she then told she is missing her mom and her place.... she cried a lot on that day..... addie came to my mind.... he stayed away from home and i can understand his pain.... and also alana.... not doing any mistake she want forgiveness from her father...... not only parents.. but children also suffering a lot... i don't want my children to be in this position ... to miss me and to wait for my forgiveness... they are my children... i want to support them.... so i want to makeup with my little monster... so i did.....

Aravind clapped ..... addie smiled..... i want this smile on his lips every time i see him....

Addie: mom thank you.... you are the best....

I: don't flatter me.... i laughed whole heartedly.....

we all went to our rooms..... i am really feeling light.... my total burden is released today..... i slept peacefully after a long time.... in my husband hands.....


after a week.......

Samyuktha's pov,

after that night talking with addie everyone felt happy..... everything is going well and addie is also so happy.... everyone is mixed with each other well.... even rushi is talking with addie.... ofcourse it is difficult for her..... a person who shot other infront of her..... with work and arun marriage arrangements... i got myself busy.... and also my husband inviting guests and other things..... but these days only bothering thing is king.... his love is growing too much ...... i won't say to stop but his protectiveness, care, everything towards rushi is too much..... he is completely covering his true self infront of her.... if it goes on i am afraid how things will go.....

but these days are very happy for me.... i am enjoying every moment with my family.....

and today is my arun's haldi function .... actually we planned two ways of marriage..... we are Hindus so Hindu wedding and amelia is christian so church marriage ..... so tomorrow is our way of wedding and after two days church marriage.....


Hi guys i hope all are doing well and happy......

next chapter will be more beautiful ........

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