
Hi guys here is another chapter. 🙂🙂

Love is not a game it's a war until both hearts realized it. ❤❤❤


Flashback continuation.......

Rushi's Pov,

I am walking beside is really strange to walk beside a man like this... I turned back all are seeing me with wide i am going for a war. I smiled at them weirdly...The things next I saw made my eyes wider.

There are 6 black cars shining like night sky.... and also, bodyguards standing like statues are they humans or some poles... then a person in white suit opened door for me... but I stood there like a statue i am in awe to see the whole situation...

"Please Get in mam" with those words I became normal... i looked at him weirdly like he has two horns... then i gain my conscious and nodded my head...

Then I sat in the car... is he a CM (chief minister) or what ... who need 6 cars and this much security just for breakfast.... He may be rich but no need to come like this even my dad never came like this.... Oh, my he is rich arrogant man.... I thought in mind...

He sat next to me. Cars began to move, leaving only silence.... I was just contemplating something... then I thought... Oh my, I didn't even know his name, and if my friends find out, they'll mock me.... Oh Rushitha, how poor you are. It's fine not to marry, but at least know the name of your date.... I cleared my mind...and began to speak....

" Excuse me"

He looked at me as if I had just discovered the voice.

"Hmm ooo.... can I know your name...." 

Driver and other person who opened my door looked at me like they saw some ghost... what's with their reaction isn't it common to ask name whom we just met.

" Abhimaan Tagore." he said in a low yet demanding voice. Can't he be soft.

i just smiled a little...

Hey, I listed this name earlier, but where..... my God, I can't remember.... I sat quietly.... staring out the window. I was aware of a powerful stare fixed on me... but I disregarded it.

 At last vehicle came to a halt in front of the large restaurant Aqua...oh my gosh, it's the most expensive restaurant in Hyderabad...Is it really necessary to be here for breakfast.!!!!. it's too much.

He approached my seat, opened the door, and extended his hand. I began staring at his hand and gently moved my hand towards it, but he snatched it by force. He is an impatient rich arrogant jerk.... In my head, I cursed him...

Then some bodyguards started following us I felt uncomfortable....Then they stopped near hotel entrance....

We went inside... I noticed that the entire space was empty. Rich hotels are all like this without any guests, or he may have reserved the entire restaurant, who would do such a thing. Who would reserve the entire restaurant for a little meeting? haa tell me my mind questioned me..

I saw some workers bowing to us and a person came towards us and said he is the manager of this restaurant.... oh my god is this arrogant man that much rich .... stop rushitha ,you are going to tell no to this relationship..... whatever he is there is nothing to think. what if he says yes to the proposal. negative thoughts occupied my mind.

Then we sat near the pool area it's really nice.  a woman came to us to ask order. i am busy in checking the surroundings.

"Sir what do you want to eat......"

" Bread and omelet slice with Forte coffee..." he ordered...

"Yes sir, mam what do you want to eat..."

"Hmm ... plain dosa with orange juice..."

"Ok mam ..."

"Tell about yourself..."He talked to me... is he interviewing me or what... i think atleast we need to know about each other otherwise how can we explain to our parents.

"hmm... I am a Gynecologist in Gandhi hospital and I think you know my name ...". I answered slowly...

"Hmmm..." he nodded his head...

"Oo... ooo...." I tried to say ... but again his voice came...

"Do you want to say something???"

I opened my mouth to tell but our breakfast arrived...

I ate a piece of dosa it's really very nice I liked the food...

"Do you like it..."???

"Huh... oh yes.. it's tasty" I replied smilingly...

"You are saying something" he asked ...

Oh god how can you forget to tell no to this marriage...come on rushi you can tell him...I built my courage...

"See Mr. Tagore I...I... don't want to marry you"....I told closing my eyes....  don't want to offend him or i don't want to sound arrogant... then I heard his voice...

"Can I know the reason??"

"See I love my job and I have my ambitions so I can't marry you." i told with determination... so that he can back off from the proposal...

"Then tell that to your dad..."

"I can't ... so please don't say yes to this relationship."

"So, can you tell me the reason why I should say no to this..." i talked before he finishes his words.

"Tell that I am not your type, and I am not up to your standards, our tastes are different like that..."

He laughed lightly...although it is good, but his words made me angry......

"it may disappoint you Ms. Rushitha I already said yes to our marriage...."

"What????? How can you ???.... without meeting me ??... are you ..." I am totally shocked how can he say yes without meeting and knowing about me... what's his purpose...

"Don't raise your voice, you can full fill your goals after marriage" he said slowly...but I am really angry .. what he thinks of himself... who is he to tell me what to do and what not to do... i got annoyed by his statements.

"But I don't want to marry you..." i said with full of confidence... but i don't think it sounded like that... unknowingly my eyes started to fill with tears... i hate this thing in myself... whenever i get angry my eyes start to fill with teras which results in worse situations.

" I said yes so, our marriage is going to happen and that's final." 

He said in angry and arrogant tone I didn't like it a bit my eyes started to moist ...Tears started to flow down...

"Hey, don't cry I can't oppose this marriage" he said with some concern this time.

"Are...are you forced to marry me like my father did to me."

"No Rushitha I like you..." Did he confess to me .... but without meeting me how can he like me. how can i trust him... 

"But I don't want to marry you please say no to it..." 

"I can't rushitha..."

I am hell angry and sad now...

"Ok then I will make my father to stop this marriage Mr. Tagore"

"If you do it ... I will make your lovely orphanage into ashes...." 

"What??.. are you insane... how can you...."

"You have two options first to marry me and second turn your orphanage into ash." they are not just words i can see his devilish eyes... i am not completely scared a part of me not ready to listen his stupid words. i just want to know his reason to marry me.

"Why you want to marry me??" i have to stay focused on my words.

"I already told you."

"You can have many beautiful women than me..." looking at him i can say no one will deny his proposal.

" If I want something I will get that, so I want you now. so be a good girl and get ready for our marriage, it will be in next 15 days."

"What???  i am not an object to have. You are cruel..." if i say some bad words he may back from this marriage.

"Of course, I am... be ready to become my wife. Mrs. Rushitha Abhimaan Tagore..."

He then started eating his food like nothing happened.

Now I have no appetite. I cleared my tears and started eating my food. i am so angry and sad at his behavior... this is not a time to be sad i have to be strong.  Rushitha your plan failed. your first option was closed ...Are you going to marry this rich arrogant cruel impatient jerk... No, I will try other ways I still have 15 days.... I completed my food thinking all these things....but how he can say yes without meeting me... and who is he do take decisions for me... does he really like me or just his excuse. i don't believe a person like him will love a normal girl like me. something is fishy.

He then again said...."don't do any silly things to stop this marriage if you do ...I don't know what I will do to your loved ones. and don't think much what i said is true. no one can influence me."

Did he read my mind or it's just a coincidence.  But he is cruel monster how can he talk like this.... who the hell is he.... why dad even selected him...  Can he carry out his instructions?... he may be rich but... burning my home is it possible?? i cleared my stupid thoughts.

This day is my worst day in my whole life...why God... what sin I did .... I just stood there silently.... after that I didn't even utter a word... We both went to my home (orphanage). We entered hall... I saw Madhavi mam and others... are they waiting for us...

Satya eagerly came to me and whispered in my ears " Hey how is your first date.?? Do you like him??? What you talked??"

Madhavi mam -" hey girl stop asking questions she will answer you later..."

then mam introduced herself to that jerk... My mom asked , "so honey can I know your answer now or will you tell me later.."oh i totally forgot what should i answer should i say no but what if he did what he told. 

"Mom please..." before i finish my sentence that devil interrupted me.

" Ms. Raadhika, we accept our marriage, and it will happen at end of this month .... I will inform my parents ..."

" Oh my god........ " All gasped at a time... i am hating this. i want to slap him.

My mom kissed me, my brother congratulated me. And my crazy friends hugged me tightly.... Madhavi mam looked with concern but congratulated me.

All are taking sweets.

He came towards me and said very slowly in my ears. i startled a bit...

" Don't dare to do anything baby..., otherwise the people here will see worst in their lives... so darling be a good girl. I am going now. but my guards always have eyes on you... "

I am shocked .... i am processing what he is calling me .... is he real...oh my... he is .... then i saw him telling something to my brother.

" Ok Mr. Deshmukh I am leaving; my PA will be here to take care of arrangements and also to help you ..." he said to my brother...

My brother smiled and the person in white coat came inside .... so he is his PA... but why my brother acting so humble and polite.

He said bye to me with his arrogant smile, I just fake smiled at family is seeing me... How can I get them to mistrust me?

What if i told my dad and mom about his blackmail.  will they believe it of course they do i am their lovely daughter. i smiled at my thoughts. but something inside me has negative thoughts. But being optimistic became my biggest sin. i never thought i will be in this type of situation.


hi guys i hope all like the chapter.

Thank you.
